Isiklikud sissetulekud (Personal Income) +0.3% vs +0.3% konsensus
Isiklikud kulutused (Personal Spending) +0.1% vs +0.2% consensus
Erilisi üllatusi siin vallas ei tulnud ning turg kipub veidi positiivse poole pealt alustama. Eilsed RIMMi(+20%) head tulemused ja prognoos jätkuvalt tugeva tellijate arvu kasvu osas on andmas jõudu tehnoloogia sektorile. RIMMist on paar graafikut ja Oliveri kommentaar eilse börsipäeva all.
Ülespoole avanevad:
RIMM +19% (reports AugQ, beats by $0.03, sub adds above consensus; Deutsche upgrade; firms raising price targets), KOSP +16.2% (negative MRK news seen as positive for KOSP), ACOR +20% (Piper upgrade, raises tgt to $14), CREL +16% (reports AugQ, JP Morgan upgrade), SMOD +13.8% (reports AugQ), NIHD +5.3% (extends supply agreement with Motorola), NURO +3.2% (profiled in BWeek Inside Wall St section), PALM +3.1% (in sympathy with RIMM), RACK +2.5% (positive TWP comments), DIVX +2.3% (extends yesterday’s 8% move), ACN +2% (reports AugQ; upgrades from Credit Suisse and Needham), STTS +1.8%, MX +1.8% (Credit Suisse upgrade), MRVL +1.7%, HPQ +1.3% (to acquire VoodooPC, extends tender offer for MERQ), RMBS +1%… Under $3: MRVC +5.7% (Needham initiates with $5 tgt).
Allapoole avanevad:
DDSS -25% (FDA says co needs to address some issues before tramadol can be approved), HMX -19% (reports AugQ, misses by $0.13), PRST -16.5% (guides lower), COCO -12.7% (reports JunQ), SMHG -12% (prices offering at $12.50), ESIO -6.7% (reports AugQ), KYPH -6.5% (Morgan Stanley downgrade), TIBX -6% (reports AugQ; Citigroup downgrade), SGMO -4.8% (extends yesterday’s late slide), SWFT -4.7% (guides lower), CRM -3.7% (FBR downgrade), DBRN -2.7% (profit taking after 7% move yesterday), BOBJ -2.6%, KFT -1.8% (Morgan Stanley downgrade), PD -1.8% (Bear Stearns downgrade)… Under $3: CORT -57% (depression drug fails trial).
Toshiba teatas reedel, et ta tagastab 830 000 Sony akut, mis olid mõeldud Toshiba laptop-idele. Tagastatud Sony akude arv ulatub koos selle teatega ülemaailmselt kokku 7 miljonini ning on andnud ettevõttele äärmiselt ebasoovitava maine.
Nigeeria on omapoolset nafta pakkumist 1. oktoobrist 5% võrra vähendamas. Seni pole teised OPECi riigid omapoolset seisukohta võtnud.
Ja kuna on olnud soovi, siis ka Rev Sharki turuarvamus:
Keep the Emotions in Check
By Rev Shark Contributor
9/29/2006 9:17 AM EDT
Click here for more stories by Rev Shark
"The torment of precautions often exceeds the dangers to be avoided. It is sometimes better to abandon one's self to destiny." -- Napoleon Bonaparte
The mental and financial cost of precaution can seem awfully high when you don't need it. When things are going well and you don't embrace the tape even as those around you plunge in with abandon, you can feel like a kid left standing on the sidelines while everyone else has a good time. There is a very strong temptation to take the same approach that Napoleon did: Dump the caution, embrace the action and let the chips fall where they may. At least we won't have to deal with this torment of being left out of the fun
But success in the market is a little different than conquering Europe. The stock market has a much more cyclical nature than does warfare or other endeavors. The one great certainty of the market is that it will fluctuate over time and if you want to lose money you simply have to ignore that fact.
The pressure to abandon yourself to the fate of a market that never stops going up is growing greater day by day. The irony is that when you reach the point where the pressure feels the greatest, those around you are the most positive and you can barely stand the frustration of not having more long-side exposure, it is most likely the time you need to exercise the most caution. That doesn't mean being negative. It simply means being extra careful not to be sucked into the emotional brew that is swirling around you.
This morning we have a very unusual confluence of events: It is the end of the third quarter (a good one for many) and there will be pressure to finish on a positive note; the DJIA is flirting with all-time highs but has yet to completely conquer that hurdle; we have the Wall Street Journal with a front page article about cautious "professional investors" who are feeling stressed; and we have financial pundits like Cramer heralding the rally.
It is almost a perfect storm of positive events and feelings and you have to be awfully stubborn to resist it. However, this is precisely the time you need to exercise the most control over your emotions. This is when you need to stay cool, calm and objective as you contemplate the action and plan your moves. Don't allow yourself to be caught up in feelings that are running hot. Stick to your trading discipline and don't worry too much about what others think and do.
The odd thing about the market is that feelings are almost always the most intense at exactly the wrong time. When we have already had a big move and we start hearing that it has to continue from here, you better maintain a little skepticism even if we continue to embrace the current trend.
I've been too cautious too early but when I step back and evaluate the reasons for that I feel like I've done the right thing and simply adhered to my discipline. When I don't find charts and longs I like, I don't force buys -- that is exactly the case right now although the indices are thumbing their nose at me.
It seems almost too easy and convenient that the last day of the quarter and a new high in the DJIA could mark a turning point in the market that many are anxiously anticipating. There are a lot of folks looking for just that, which means that it could be a contrary indicator or end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I don't know which way it is going to play out and we don't want to expend too much time worrying about it. Let's simply focus on things that are unfolding in front of us and act accordingly. Stay cool and calm and keep your emotions in check and you will conquer far more than those who let their frustrations drive them to abandon themselves to fate.
We have a positive start to day once again. Economic data is roughly in line, oil is trading down as OPEC says it has no plans for a meeting and overseas markets are higher.
Keep the Emotions in Check
By Rev Shark Contributor
9/29/2006 9:17 AM EDT
Click here for more stories by Rev Shark
"The torment of precautions often exceeds the dangers to be avoided. It is sometimes better to abandon one's self to destiny." -- Napoleon Bonaparte
The mental and financial cost of precaution can seem awfully high when you don't need it. When things are going well and you don't embrace the tape even as those around you plunge in with abandon, you can feel like a kid left standing on the sidelines while everyone else has a good time. There is a very strong temptation to take the same approach that Napoleon did: Dump the caution, embrace the action and let the chips fall where they may. At least we won't have to deal with this torment of being left out of the fun
But success in the market is a little different than conquering Europe. The stock market has a much more cyclical nature than does warfare or other endeavors. The one great certainty of the market is that it will fluctuate over time and if you want to lose money you simply have to ignore that fact.
The pressure to abandon yourself to the fate of a market that never stops going up is growing greater day by day. The irony is that when you reach the point where the pressure feels the greatest, those around you are the most positive and you can barely stand the frustration of not having more long-side exposure, it is most likely the time you need to exercise the most caution. That doesn't mean being negative. It simply means being extra careful not to be sucked into the emotional brew that is swirling around you.
This morning we have a very unusual confluence of events: It is the end of the third quarter (a good one for many) and there will be pressure to finish on a positive note; the DJIA is flirting with all-time highs but has yet to completely conquer that hurdle; we have the Wall Street Journal with a front page article about cautious "professional investors" who are feeling stressed; and we have financial pundits like Cramer heralding the rally.
It is almost a perfect storm of positive events and feelings and you have to be awfully stubborn to resist it. However, this is precisely the time you need to exercise the most control over your emotions. This is when you need to stay cool, calm and objective as you contemplate the action and plan your moves. Don't allow yourself to be caught up in feelings that are running hot. Stick to your trading discipline and don't worry too much about what others think and do.
The odd thing about the market is that feelings are almost always the most intense at exactly the wrong time. When we have already had a big move and we start hearing that it has to continue from here, you better maintain a little skepticism even if we continue to embrace the current trend.
I've been too cautious too early but when I step back and evaluate the reasons for that I feel like I've done the right thing and simply adhered to my discipline. When I don't find charts and longs I like, I don't force buys -- that is exactly the case right now although the indices are thumbing their nose at me.
It seems almost too easy and convenient that the last day of the quarter and a new high in the DJIA could mark a turning point in the market that many are anxiously anticipating. There are a lot of folks looking for just that, which means that it could be a contrary indicator or end up being a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I don't know which way it is going to play out and we don't want to expend too much time worrying about it. Let's simply focus on things that are unfolding in front of us and act accordingly. Stay cool and calm and keep your emotions in check and you will conquer far more than those who let their frustrations drive them to abandon themselves to fate.
We have a positive start to day once again. Economic data is roughly in line, oil is trading down as OPEC says it has no plans for a meeting and overseas markets are higher.