Kuigi FOMC eilse sõnumi kohaselt lõppeb QE2 juunis plaanipäraselt, lubas keskpank hoida intressimäärasid nulli lähedal veel mõnda aega ning investorid on seda võtmas rohelise tulena riskantsemate varade kokkuostmisel. Russell 2000 indeks tegi eile uue rekordi, ületades 2007. aastast pärineva tipu. Nasdaq jõudis kõrgeimale tasemele alates 2000. aasta detsembrist ning S&P500 on tagasi 2008. aasta suve punktitasemel – kaks korda kõrgemal võrreldes 2009. aasta märtsi põhjadega. Üks suurimaid kaotajaid eilse ja tänase sessiooni jooksul on olnud dollar, mis odavnes eile euro suhtes -1,1% ja on täna lisanud sinna otsa veel -0,35%, kui vahetuskurss liigub juba tasemel $1,4840. See on aga tinginud jätkuva kaitse otsimise väärismetallidest. Kullauntsi eest ollakse nõus maksma juba 1530 dollarit ning hõbeda liikumist kajastav ETF hüppas eile päeva teises pooles 6,8%, saavutades kõrgeima käibe fondi ajaloos (155 mln aktsiat).
Tänase päeva oodatuimaks sündmuseks on USA esimese kvartali SKT näitaja raporteerimine (kell 15.30), mille osas on analüüsimajad viimasel ajal oma ootusi madalamale toonud ning ettevaatlikumaid kommentaare jagas eilsel pressikonverentsil ka Bernanke. Konsensus prognoosib SKT kolme kuu annualiseeritud muutuseks 1,7%. Lisaks avalikustatakse möödunud nädala töötuabiraha taotluste suurusjärk. Siin ootab konsensus langust 403K pealt 390K peale, kestvate taotluste numbriks prognoositakse 3690K vs 3695K eelneval nädalal. Kell 17.00 raporteeritakse märtsikuus pooleliolnud kinnisvaratehingute arv. Euroopas võiks tähelepanu pälvida Saksamaa märtsi ja aprilli tööturustatistika (kell 10.55).
Euroopa indeksite futuurid liiguvad hetkel 0,4-0,8% plusspoolel, USA futuurid aga 0,1-0,2% rohelises.
Ka David Rosenberg on vaikselt väsinud suurema kukkumise ennustamisest ning ootab nüüd aktsiaturgude ralli jätkumist. Mõnda paneb see kindlasti muretsema, kui permakarud ka poolt vahetavad
All that said, we had a breakout to new highs yesterday and this time, the volume rose on the major exchanges, not to mention rising above the 50 DMA on the Nasdaq, which is a clear sign that the big boys are putting money to work. This market continues to impressively climb a wall of worry. Market internals are too strong to ignore right now – the NYSE advancers beat decliners by a 3 to 1 ratio yesterday; the Dow transports soared 1.9%; and the small caps beat their major benchmarks. My overall macro concerns have not gone away, but these market facts on the ground are tough to ignore
All that said, we had a breakout to new highs yesterday and this time, the volume rose on the major exchanges, not to mention rising above the 50 DMA on the Nasdaq, which is a clear sign that the big boys are putting money to work. This market continues to impressively climb a wall of worry. Market internals are too strong to ignore right now – the NYSE advancers beat decliners by a 3 to 1 ratio yesterday; the Dow transports soared 1.9%; and the small caps beat their major benchmarks. My overall macro concerns have not gone away, but these market facts on the ground are tough to ignore
Saksamaal vähenes töötute hulk aprillis 37 000 inimese võrra ja töötusmäär jäi püsima 7,1% peale, kuigi oodati langust 7,0% peale.
Economist on võtnud vaevaks harida veidi kulla teemal ning reastanud riigid keskpanga varasalves leiduva väärismetalli per capita näitaja põhjal. Kui esikoha suhtes ei tohiks küsimusi tekkida, siis huvitaval kombel platseerub teisele kohale Liibanon. Economist põhjendab:
Its reserves were purchased when the country was the Middle East’s financial centre in the 1960s and 1970s and safeguarded through the civil war years by legal restrictions and by central-bank governor Edmond Naim, who according to legend slept in the bank to protect the hoard
Its reserves were purchased when the country was the Middle East’s financial centre in the 1960s and 1970s and safeguarded through the civil war years by legal restrictions and by central-bank governor Edmond Naim, who according to legend slept in the bank to protect the hoard

Shanghai B aktsiate indeks langes täna viiendat päeva, jõudes viie kuu madalaimale tasemele:

Põhjuseks spekulatsioonid, mille kohaselt võib Hiina kehtestada aktsiatega kauplemisest saadavale tulule maksu.

Põhjuseks spekulatsioonid, mille kohaselt võib Hiina kehtestada aktsiatega kauplemisest saadavale tulule maksu.
The Shanghai SE B Share Index, comprising 53 companies whose shares are traded in U.S. dollars, slumped 2.8 percent to 294.82 at the 3 p.m. local-time close, capping a five-day, 10 percent plunge that included a 5.3 percent retreat yesterday. The close was the lowest since Nov. 23. The index of Shenzhen B shares that are denominated in Hong Kong dollars declined 3.6 percent to 784.9 today.
The stocks tumbled yesterday on “rumors” the government would impose a capital gains levy on the foreign-currency denominated stock under a trial program, according to the Shanghai Securities News, which is affiliated to the official Xinhua News Agency. Speculation that the government would allow greater strengthening of the currency also dragged down equities, according to the China Business News.
USA eilne energivarude raport näitas, et riigi toornaftavarud kasvasid eelneval nädalal 6,2 miljoni barreli võrra (analüütikud ootasid kasvu 1,7 mln), mis on suurim määr alates mullu juulist. Nagu allolevalt jooniselt on näha, kasvas sellega erinevus ajaloolise keskmisega veelgi.

Samal ajal aga on mootorkütuse varud jätkamas kiiret langust, mis osaliselt põhjendab ka viimase aja kõrgeid kütusehindasid. Kuna nõudlus veel väga tugevatel jalgadel ei seisa, siis väidetavalt on languse taga olnud voolukatkestused Texases, häirides tööd kolmes tehases päevase rafineerimisevõimega kokku 800 000 barrelit.

Samal ajal aga on mootorkütuse varud jätkamas kiiret langust, mis osaliselt põhjendab ka viimase aja kõrgeid kütusehindasid. Kuna nõudlus veel väga tugevatel jalgadel ei seisa, siis väidetavalt on languse taga olnud voolukatkestused Texases, häirides tööd kolmes tehases päevase rafineerimisevõimega kokku 800 000 barrelit.

LM Ericsson (ERIC) upgraded to Buy from Sell at Deutsche Bank
Kas on veel jõudu?
Kas on veel jõudu?
Q1 GDP- advanced +1.8% vs +1.7% Briefing.com consensus; Q4 +3.1%
Q1 GDP Deflator +1.9% vs +2.4% Briefing.com consensus; Q4 +0.4%
Initial Claims 429K vs 390K Briefing.com consensus, prior revised to 404K from 403K
Continuing Claims falls to 3.641 mln from 3.709 mln
Q1 GDP Deflator +1.9% vs +2.4% Briefing.com consensus; Q4 +0.4%
Initial Claims 429K vs 390K Briefing.com consensus, prior revised to 404K from 403K
Continuing Claims falls to 3.641 mln from 3.709 mln
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: INSP +18.5%, (also names William Ruckelshaus President and Chief Executive Officer), NTRI +13.4%, TWI +12.3%, NEWP +8.8%, FTNT +6.6%, AET +6.3%, MEA +6.2%, DB +4.8%, CTXS +4.1%, REV +4% (light volume), MX +3.9%, PHM +3.4%, ALL +3.3%, NSC +3.1%, (also upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Sterne Agee), S +2.9%, EQIX +2.5%, OTEX +2.1%, ISSI +1.8% (light volume), XLNX +1.6%, LSI +1.6%, STD +1.6%, SFLY +0.8%, RDS.A +0.8%, TLCR +0.6%.
M&A news: VTAL +31.2% (Vital Images to be acquired for $18.75 per share in cash by Toshiba Medical Systems), LOOP +26% (Loopnet to be acquired by CoStar (CSGP) for $16.50 in cash and 0.03702 shares of CoStar Group common stock), CEG +8.6% (Exelon and Constellation Energy confirm definitive agreement to combine the two companies in a stock-for-stock transaction), BJ +2.0% (Reports out indicate that Apollo may be interested in the company).
Other news: RPC +45.2% (announces results for U.S. clinical trial of Onko-Sure for colorectal cancer), LFT +7.2% (rebounding, increases its previously-announced share repurchase program by US$50 million, to a total of up to US$100 million), MIPS +1.7% (modestly rebounding), BWLD +1.6% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney).
Analyst comments: ABB +2.1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank, upgraded at Credit Suisse), ABX +0.9% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Stifel Nicolaus).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: INSP +18.5%, (also names William Ruckelshaus President and Chief Executive Officer), NTRI +13.4%, TWI +12.3%, NEWP +8.8%, FTNT +6.6%, AET +6.3%, MEA +6.2%, DB +4.8%, CTXS +4.1%, REV +4% (light volume), MX +3.9%, PHM +3.4%, ALL +3.3%, NSC +3.1%, (also upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Sterne Agee), S +2.9%, EQIX +2.5%, OTEX +2.1%, ISSI +1.8% (light volume), XLNX +1.6%, LSI +1.6%, STD +1.6%, SFLY +0.8%, RDS.A +0.8%, TLCR +0.6%.
M&A news: VTAL +31.2% (Vital Images to be acquired for $18.75 per share in cash by Toshiba Medical Systems), LOOP +26% (Loopnet to be acquired by CoStar (CSGP) for $16.50 in cash and 0.03702 shares of CoStar Group common stock), CEG +8.6% (Exelon and Constellation Energy confirm definitive agreement to combine the two companies in a stock-for-stock transaction), BJ +2.0% (Reports out indicate that Apollo may be interested in the company).
Other news: RPC +45.2% (announces results for U.S. clinical trial of Onko-Sure for colorectal cancer), LFT +7.2% (rebounding, increases its previously-announced share repurchase program by US$50 million, to a total of up to US$100 million), MIPS +1.7% (modestly rebounding), BWLD +1.6% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney).
Analyst comments: ABB +2.1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank, upgraded at Credit Suisse), ABX +0.9% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Stifel Nicolaus).
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: ESLR -26.4%, (also downgraded to Sell at Wunderlich), AKAM -12.5%, SATC -8.5%, TER -7.8% (also downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray), URBN -7.4% (ticking lower, downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at William Blair), ITMN -7.2%, SAP -7%, FLEX -6.8%, IMAX -6.8%, SOL -6.7%, MLNX -6.5%, TQNT -6.5%, SOL -5.6%, EK -5.4%, SKX -5.2%, OMX -5%, CRIS -4.4%, NVLS -4.3%, OTEX -4.2%, MGIC -4.2%, ITRI -4% (ticking lower, also downgraded at Wunderlich), ACLS -3.6%, MORN -3.4%, IDCC -3.1%, AZN -2.9%, CAM -2.8%, LIZ -2.6%, UL -2.4%, SBUX -2.1%, TYC -1.9%, SHPGY -1.7%.
Other news: BCON -6.4% (files for $100 mln mixed securities shelf offering), GENE -5.7% (modesty pulling back), TCLP -3.2% (TC Pipelines announces the commencement of an offering of 6.3 mln common units in an underwritten public offering), LLNW -2.9% (ticking lower with AKAM).
Analyst comments: BK -1.3% (weakness attributed to tier 1 firm downgrade), COP -1% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: ESLR -26.4%, (also downgraded to Sell at Wunderlich), AKAM -12.5%, SATC -8.5%, TER -7.8% (also downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray), URBN -7.4% (ticking lower, downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at William Blair), ITMN -7.2%, SAP -7%, FLEX -6.8%, IMAX -6.8%, SOL -6.7%, MLNX -6.5%, TQNT -6.5%, SOL -5.6%, EK -5.4%, SKX -5.2%, OMX -5%, CRIS -4.4%, NVLS -4.3%, OTEX -4.2%, MGIC -4.2%, ITRI -4% (ticking lower, also downgraded at Wunderlich), ACLS -3.6%, MORN -3.4%, IDCC -3.1%, AZN -2.9%, CAM -2.8%, LIZ -2.6%, UL -2.4%, SBUX -2.1%, TYC -1.9%, SHPGY -1.7%.
Other news: BCON -6.4% (files for $100 mln mixed securities shelf offering), GENE -5.7% (modesty pulling back), TCLP -3.2% (TC Pipelines announces the commencement of an offering of 6.3 mln common units in an underwritten public offering), LLNW -2.9% (ticking lower with AKAM).
Analyst comments: BK -1.3% (weakness attributed to tier 1 firm downgrade), COP -1% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank).
It Doesn't Pay to Fight the Fed
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
4/28/2011 8:47 AM EDT
Stocks are super-attractive when the Fed is loosening and interest rates are falling. In sum: Don't fight the Fed.
-- Martin Zweig, Winning on Wall Street (1986)
The single best piece of trading advice anyone could have given you since the bottom in March 2009 is "don't fight the Fed." It may be trite and simplistic but it has been extremely effective for a very long time now.
Ben Bernanke has stated often that the goal of the Fed has been to keep interest rates low and create a flood of cheap money. That money will bolster the stock market and, hopefully, increase confidence and lead to greater growth for the overall economy.
It is basically a variation of Ronald Reagan's "trickle down" economics and many would argue that it has been ineffectual. Unemployment remains stubbornly high, housing is still a mess, economic growth is slow and there are signs of inflation, especially in food and energy prices.
However, Ben Bernanke's program has helped to inflate the market with great success. Regardless of what you might think about the Fed's approach, you can't deny is that it has helped to push stocks upward in dramatic fashion. The market has gone up in a straight line for over two years and there are no signs yet that we are topping out.
At some point, this will come to an end. If inflationary pressures pick up, the Fed will have little choice but to reverse its accommodative action and let stocks deal with the repercussions of decreased liquidity and higher interest rates. Many bears were thinking that the time for this was now, as the Fed has made it quite clear that it plans to end QE2 in June and has no plans for QE3.
You have to wonder how much longer the market is going to have a friendly Fed driving it, but the answer yesterday was long enough to keep the bulls comfortable. The Fed will continue to keep interest rates low and to be supportive of the market as long as possible. It assures us that inflation is a distant problem we need not concern ourselves about and that the weakness in the dollar is apparently an illusion since we have a "strong dollar policy."
There is no shortage of critics of the Fed and its policies and at some point the pessimists are likely to be correct. But for now, it doesn't pay to fight the Fed.
We are seeing mild action this morning after some mixed earnings news overnight. Overseas markets are mixed and some economic data are coming up to serve as a catalyst. The market is a bit technically extended and could use a rest, but once again, this straight up action has created a large supply of underlying dip-buyers to provide support. The bulls are in control, and we are seeing runaway action once again. Be very careful about trying to anticipate a top.
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
4/28/2011 8:47 AM EDT
Stocks are super-attractive when the Fed is loosening and interest rates are falling. In sum: Don't fight the Fed.
-- Martin Zweig, Winning on Wall Street (1986)
The single best piece of trading advice anyone could have given you since the bottom in March 2009 is "don't fight the Fed." It may be trite and simplistic but it has been extremely effective for a very long time now.
Ben Bernanke has stated often that the goal of the Fed has been to keep interest rates low and create a flood of cheap money. That money will bolster the stock market and, hopefully, increase confidence and lead to greater growth for the overall economy.
It is basically a variation of Ronald Reagan's "trickle down" economics and many would argue that it has been ineffectual. Unemployment remains stubbornly high, housing is still a mess, economic growth is slow and there are signs of inflation, especially in food and energy prices.
However, Ben Bernanke's program has helped to inflate the market with great success. Regardless of what you might think about the Fed's approach, you can't deny is that it has helped to push stocks upward in dramatic fashion. The market has gone up in a straight line for over two years and there are no signs yet that we are topping out.
At some point, this will come to an end. If inflationary pressures pick up, the Fed will have little choice but to reverse its accommodative action and let stocks deal with the repercussions of decreased liquidity and higher interest rates. Many bears were thinking that the time for this was now, as the Fed has made it quite clear that it plans to end QE2 in June and has no plans for QE3.
You have to wonder how much longer the market is going to have a friendly Fed driving it, but the answer yesterday was long enough to keep the bulls comfortable. The Fed will continue to keep interest rates low and to be supportive of the market as long as possible. It assures us that inflation is a distant problem we need not concern ourselves about and that the weakness in the dollar is apparently an illusion since we have a "strong dollar policy."
There is no shortage of critics of the Fed and its policies and at some point the pessimists are likely to be correct. But for now, it doesn't pay to fight the Fed.
We are seeing mild action this morning after some mixed earnings news overnight. Overseas markets are mixed and some economic data are coming up to serve as a catalyst. The market is a bit technically extended and could use a rest, but once again, this straight up action has created a large supply of underlying dip-buyers to provide support. The bulls are in control, and we are seeing runaway action once again. Be very careful about trying to anticipate a top.
Kunagine LHV Pro investeerimisidee Vital Images (VTAL) ostetakse Toshiba Medical Systemsi poolt, $18.75 aktsia eest.
Vital Images to be acquired for $18.75 per share in cash by Toshiba Medical Systems
Vital Images to be acquired for $18.75 per share in cash by Toshiba Medical Systems
Credit Suisse on täna väljas positiivse reitingumuutusega Hess (HES) kohta.
Credit Suisse tõstab HES reitingu Hoia pealt Osta peale, hinnasihi $ 105 pealt $ 115 peale ning ühtlasi lisab aktsia oma Focus List nimekirja.
Following yesterday’s announcement of a major oil discovery in Ghana, we see HES stock has having rare exploration potential relative to other integrated energy companies. While shares were up almost 3% yesterday, we think the total value of the Ghana Block could be $23/share (unrisked), leaving significant upside. We think the company has promising exploration prospects in Australia and Indonesia which could continue derisking significant resources.
Analüütikud on muutunud HES suhtes positiivsemaks tänud eilsele uudisele, mis teatas et Ghanas on avastatud suur naftaleiukoht ning analüütikud usuvad, et HES aktsia jaoks tähendab see ca $ 23 aktsia kohta, mis jätab aktsiale veel piisavalt tõusuruumi. Lisaks sellele on firmal veel head väljavaated Austraalias ja Indoneesias.
Eilse uudise positiivne mõju võib Credit Suisse upgrade abil täna jätkuda. Eile aktsia juba tõusis 3%, mis teeb tänase play natuke keerulisemaks, aga samas usun, et analüütikute märkus Ghana leiukoha väärtuse kohta ei jää turuosalistel märkamata.
Aktsia kaupleb hetkel eelturul $ 84,20 kandis, 1,76% plusspoolel.
Credit Suisse tõstab HES reitingu Hoia pealt Osta peale, hinnasihi $ 105 pealt $ 115 peale ning ühtlasi lisab aktsia oma Focus List nimekirja.
Following yesterday’s announcement of a major oil discovery in Ghana, we see HES stock has having rare exploration potential relative to other integrated energy companies. While shares were up almost 3% yesterday, we think the total value of the Ghana Block could be $23/share (unrisked), leaving significant upside. We think the company has promising exploration prospects in Australia and Indonesia which could continue derisking significant resources.
Analüütikud on muutunud HES suhtes positiivsemaks tänud eilsele uudisele, mis teatas et Ghanas on avastatud suur naftaleiukoht ning analüütikud usuvad, et HES aktsia jaoks tähendab see ca $ 23 aktsia kohta, mis jätab aktsiale veel piisavalt tõusuruumi. Lisaks sellele on firmal veel head väljavaated Austraalias ja Indoneesias.
Eilse uudise positiivne mõju võib Credit Suisse upgrade abil täna jätkuda. Eile aktsia juba tõusis 3%, mis teeb tänase play natuke keerulisemaks, aga samas usun, et analüütikute märkus Ghana leiukoha väärtuse kohta ei jää turuosalistel märkamata.
Aktsia kaupleb hetkel eelturul $ 84,20 kandis, 1,76% plusspoolel.

March Pending Home Sales +5.1% vs +1.7% Briefing.com consensus
The Fed purchased $6.68 bln of 2015/2016 maturities through Permanent Open Market Operations as dealers looked to put back $21.11 bln
HES oli täna tõeliselt keeruline. Aktsia avanes $ 84,04 pealt ning müüdi ka kohe peale avanemist alla $ 83,20 kanti. Sealt aktsia küll taastus ja jäi mõneks ajaks tiirutama ümber $ 83,70 ning siis koos turu toetusega sai lõpuks jalad alla ning tegi korraliku hüppe ülespoole. Aktsia kaupleb hetkel $ 84,55 kandis, 2,15 % plusspoolel.

$29 bln 7-yr Note Auction Results: 2.712%; Bid/Cover 2.63x (Prior 2.79x, 10-auction avg 2.89x); Indirect Bidders 38.7% (Prior 49.4%, 10-auction avg 50.8%)
Äsja lõppes USA ravimiagentuuri FDA nõuandjate paneeli hääletus selle üle, kas nad soovitavad FDA-l Vertexi (VRTX) C-hepatiidi ravimile telaprevirile heakskiit anda või mitte. Hääled olid 18:0 approvali kasuks. Eile oli samasugune paneel Mercki (MRK) hep C ravimi bocepreviri üle, ka see sai soovituse häältega 18:0. Kui Mercki-sugust giganti ühe ravimi paneel eriti ei liiguta ning aktsiaga kauplemine polnud ka paneeli ajaks peatatud, siis VRTX on teistsugune juhtum. Täna ei toimunud terve päeva kauplemist, ning kuna paneel ei ole päris läbi veel, ei hakka ka ilmselt toimuma. Kui, siis võib-olla järelturul.
Kaht ravimit kõrvuti võrreldes on Vertexi telapreviril eelis ses mõttes, et ta on veidi efektiivsem. Samas on telapreviri safety profiil, teine asi mida FDA efficacy kõrval vaatab kui ravimile heakskiidu annab, veidi viletsam kui bocepreviril. Nimelt võib võimaliku kõrvalnähuna tekkida lööve - ei tundu küll suur asi, arvestades et jutt on ikkagi Hep C-st, haigusest mis tapab maksa ja viib inimesed hauda - aga FDA on väiksemategi safety issue-dega ravimitele heakskiidu andmata jätnud.
Siiski on üsna tõenäoline, et mõlemad ravimid saavad 23. mail (see on lõplik tähtaeg, arvestades uute ravimi avalduste (PDUFA) menetlemise standardit) või ka varem FDA heakskiidu. Ilmselt mõlemad ühekorraga, sest FDA ei taha ühele firmale anda seda konkurentsieelist, et ta saaks reklaamis kuulutada, et sai esimesena heakskiidu. Pakuksin bocepreviri heakskiidu tõenäosuseks 90% ja telapreviril 80%. Tegelikult olen isegi optimistlikum.
Hep C turg on ainuüksi USAs miljarditega mõõdetav, seega peaks FDA approval andma mõlemale firma aktsiale kena tõuke. Rohkem muidugi Vertexile. Trading halt oli täna $55,54 pealt, pakun et homme läheb paneeli järgses eufoorias v-o isegi 60-neni ja kui approval käes, pole ka 70 võimatu.
Disclaimer 1: ei oma kumbagi, aga võin homme VRTXit osta, oleneb situatsioonist
Disclaimer 2: ei soovita midagi osta ega müüa ega omada ning pesen oma käed puhtaks kogu vastutusest kui keegi selle jutu peale midagi ostab või müüb
Disclaimer 3: uuritagu ise asja. Parim paik alustamiseks on vast The Streeti biotehhianalüütiku Adam Feuersteini live blogid mõlemast paneelist. Need leiab siit
Kaht ravimit kõrvuti võrreldes on Vertexi telapreviril eelis ses mõttes, et ta on veidi efektiivsem. Samas on telapreviri safety profiil, teine asi mida FDA efficacy kõrval vaatab kui ravimile heakskiidu annab, veidi viletsam kui bocepreviril. Nimelt võib võimaliku kõrvalnähuna tekkida lööve - ei tundu küll suur asi, arvestades et jutt on ikkagi Hep C-st, haigusest mis tapab maksa ja viib inimesed hauda - aga FDA on väiksemategi safety issue-dega ravimitele heakskiidu andmata jätnud.
Siiski on üsna tõenäoline, et mõlemad ravimid saavad 23. mail (see on lõplik tähtaeg, arvestades uute ravimi avalduste (PDUFA) menetlemise standardit) või ka varem FDA heakskiidu. Ilmselt mõlemad ühekorraga, sest FDA ei taha ühele firmale anda seda konkurentsieelist, et ta saaks reklaamis kuulutada, et sai esimesena heakskiidu. Pakuksin bocepreviri heakskiidu tõenäosuseks 90% ja telapreviril 80%. Tegelikult olen isegi optimistlikum.
Hep C turg on ainuüksi USAs miljarditega mõõdetav, seega peaks FDA approval andma mõlemale firma aktsiale kena tõuke. Rohkem muidugi Vertexile. Trading halt oli täna $55,54 pealt, pakun et homme läheb paneeli järgses eufoorias v-o isegi 60-neni ja kui approval käes, pole ka 70 võimatu.
Disclaimer 1: ei oma kumbagi, aga võin homme VRTXit osta, oleneb situatsioonist
Disclaimer 2: ei soovita midagi osta ega müüa ega omada ning pesen oma käed puhtaks kogu vastutusest kui keegi selle jutu peale midagi ostab või müüb
Disclaimer 3: uuritagu ise asja. Parim paik alustamiseks on vast The Streeti biotehhianalüütiku Adam Feuersteini live blogid mõlemast paneelist. Need leiab siit
Huvitav idee - FDA nimetas vähemalt Mercki puhul eile seda game-changer'ks haiguste ravimisel.
RIMM Guides lower end of prior forecast, cites smartphone sales
Ja jamad jätkuvad
Ja jamad jätkuvad