Kaks nädalat tulemustehooaja alguseni. Siiani on 621 firmat teatanud, et kasumid jäävad ootustele alla. Seda on 40% rohkem kui eelmiase aasta samal ajal. Tehnoloogia selles osas loomulikult esirinnas. Tundub, et kõigile on selgeks saamas, et Q3 ei paku midagi head ning pilgud on suunatud Q4 suunas. Oodatakse, et firmad on aasta viimase kvartali suhtes optimistlikumad. Loodetavasti nii ka läheb.
Mõned graafikut (briefing.com):
LHV Turukomitee, nädal 39 (PDF).
- Merrill Lynch on väljas ettevaatliku arvamusega Cisco (CSCO) suhtes. Kvartaliprognooside täitmine võib olla raskendatud. Mitte just eriline üllatus, kui vaadata, mida on rääkinud EMS firmad aga siiski..
- First Albany on väljas negatiivse calliga biotechi suunas. Edasine tõus raskendatud. Paljud head uudised hinnas sees. Jim tõi päevapiltide all 24. sept välja BBH nõrkuse.
Saab näha, kuidas turg selle maha raputab. Või siis ei raputagi.
Dow futuurid on 27 punkti miinuses, Nasdaqi futuurid 3 punkti miinuses, seega oodata kergelt negatiivset algust. Suurimaks probleemiks hetkel nafta hind, mis on lähenemas 50 dollari tasemele.
Microsoft (MSFT) teatas, et on valmis turule tooma Windowsi vähendatud versiooni nagu on nõudnud Euroopa Liidu kohus. Märtsis määrati firmale 497 miljoni euro suurune trahv ning kohustuse avada teistele tootjatele osa oma tarkvara lähtekoodist.
Vodafone (VOD) teatas, et vähendab oma plaanitud kapitalikulutusi aastani 2008. kuni kahe miljardi dollari võrra. Aktsiaomanikele lubati aga suuremat tootlust.
Prudential on muutumas üha karusemaks kommunikatsioonivarustuse tootjate suhtes, sektori reiting püsib siiski veel neutraalsel tasemel.
Cody Willard:
My best wishes go out to those afflicted yet again during this horrid hurricane season in Florida. Rev Shark is without power today, so I'm stepping in again.
After a month-and-a-half rally that quietly took stocks far off their lows, things took an ugly turn south again last week. The big battle now in this market is between the great shrinking market multiple, and the question of whether earnings projections are anywhere close to reality.
This battle started shaping up in mid-summer, after so many stocks had pulled back 50% to 75% from their euphoric highs hit earlier in the year. Estimates have obviously come down in a lot of areas, especially among semiconductor companies, but many stocks, even after the Street's revisions of projections, are quite cheap. That doesn't mean the stocks will rebound any time soon, and it doesn't mean that stocks will rebound at all; if those revised projections have to be ratcheted down again, stocks are likely headed lower still.
The pullback last week, which the lower futures this morning indicate will continue today, isn't necessarily a bearish thing. The bulls need the market to consolidate and catch its breath. The bulls need some worry to build their wall to climb, and less complacency. We're getting that now.
Horrible newsflow today has the futures lower, and the markets overseas were down pretty much across the board. The Iraq situation is looking increasingly daunting. Oil is trying to touch that $50 level again. Several smaller companies have lowered guidance. But Wal-Mart says business is pretty good though
Gary B. Smith:
Long and proud!
NSTK +45% (obtains rights of drug that tells the body it's full - NY Times), VSEC +35% (gets Navy shipbuilding contract), EGHT +14% (consumer offerings now available on Amazon), IMOS +5.2% (Thomas Weisel upgrade), TTN +5.6% (gets Navy shipbuilding contract), VISG +4.9% (started with a Buy at UBS; tgt $8), RDWR +3.7% (raises guidance), COGT +3.5% (momentum from IPO debut Friday), WAG +2.6% (reports AugQ).... Air Cargo stocks continue momentum: ATAH +3%, WLDA +2.7%, AIRT +2.1%.... Under $3: CDSS +7% (releases NetOFF 7.6).
Gapping Down
TOM -21% (receives federal grand jury subpoena; Pru downgrade), AVCI -17% (slashes Q3 rev outlook below consensus; down in sympathy: SONS -4% (also Smith Barney downrgade), CORV -3.8%, JDSU -2.7%), CALM -10% (earnings report), ZILG -8% (lowers Q3 and Q4 rev guidance), CX -7.3% (buys 18.8% of UK's RMC), ULBI -21% (guides lower), GMAI -5.1% (faces a sticky stamps mkt and accounting questions - Barron's), ESST -4% (lowers guidance), MCHP -3% (Morgan Stanley downgrade), RHAT -2.5% (SUNW targeting RHAT for business -- Barron's), FNM -1.9% (stock could drop more - Barron's; Also, Morgan Stanley downgrade)..... Under $3: ITIGE -30% (sells controlling stake to a Softbank unit, expects to restate 2001-2003).
Samas Postimees kirjutab täna: Euroopa Liidu ametnikud leidsid Eestis ebaseduslikku liha (rate.ee?)
ÄP: Maailma vanima elukutse esindajad kogunevad Oslosse konverentsile
PM: Prostituudid kogunevad Oslosse konverentsile
Morgan Stanley iganädalane globaalne makroanalüüs on saadaval siin - http://www.morganstanley.com/GEFdata/digests/latest-digest.html . Kuigi kohati liiga veniv, enamasti huvitav ja globaalse makro suhtes hariv lugemine.