Mõned teemad tänaseks päevaks:
- Yukose (YUKOY) aktsiad kauplevad Venemaal 20% madalamal, kuna firma juht ning riigi rikkaim mees Mihhail Khodorkovsky on vahi alla võetud seoses süüdistustega alates pettustega erastamises ning lõpetades maksudest kõrvalehoidmisega. Khodorkovsky, kelle varasid hinnatakse suurusjärgus +10 miljardit dollarit on Venemaal tuntud Vladimir V. Putini vastaseid erakondi finantseeriva isikuna. Tundub, et praegune President püüab oma konkurentidele näidata "kus kapp seisab."
- Merrill Lynch tõstab täna hommikul Microni (MU) reitingu Osta peale varasema Neutraalse pealt. Põhjuseks võimalik hinnatõus DRAM-i turul. Analüütikud toovad välja ka selle, et konkurent Infineon (IFX) on turust rohkem tõusnud aga Micron (MU) on samal ajal turule oluliselt alla jäänud. Merrill kinnitab oma Müü reitingut IFX jaoks.
- Veel tõstab Merrill Lynch Agere Systemsi (AGR.A) reitingut Osta peale varasema Neutraalse pealt. Pisikese wireless play tulemused peaksid paranema ning võrreldes konkurentidega kaupleb firma 40% allpool konkurentide valuatsiooni. Hinnasihiks $4.25.
- Legendaarne investeerimisajakiri on teinud intervjuu veelgi legendaarsema investori Warren Buffettiga. Buffetti sõnul ei näe ta aktsiaturul midagi, mis oleks atraktiivsem valitsuse võlakirjadest või kõrge tootlusega võlakirjadest. Siiski Hr. Buffetti arvates: "Drugs are a better business in the aggregate than technology," due to higher returns on capital and greater product longevity, owing to patent protection." Lisaks sellele meeldib talle Wal-Mart (WMT), mis laieneb agressiivselt ja autokindlustuse müüjad nagu PGR ja MCY mis konkureerivad tema enda GEICO-ga.
- Veel mainitakse Barronsis positiivse külje pealt selliseid firmasid nagu JOUT, MOBI ning SGC.
- Tundub, et Adobe Systems (ADBE) tõstab oma 2004. aasta prognoose.
- Wachovia langetab võrguseadmete tootja Extreme Networksi (EXTR) reitingu Underperform peale varasema Market Perform pealt. Kuuldavasti pidi see firma oma Q3 kasuminumbrite täitmiseks töötajad septembris üheks nädalaks palgata puhkusele lubama. EXTR kaupleb 75x järgmise aasta kasumit aktsia kohta.
- Gary B. Smith
- RevShark:
Despite generally good reports, earnings season delivered some adversity for the bulls. Expectations were high and the market had made a substantial move, which when combined with some old-fashioned seasonality created an ideal environment for a sharp pullback. The mediocre earnings report from Microsoft (MSFT:Nasdaq) was an excellent catalyst to trigger some selling.
We pulled back hard and, interestingly, the Nasdaq filled the Oct. 3 gap on the chart almost perfectly before bouncing very sharply and closing at the highs on Friday. The big question now is whether the correction is over and whether we can expect clear sailing into the end of the year. Has profit-taking run its course? Are the buyers going to be anxious to position themselves for the strongest season of the year?
A big merger in the banking sector and two big mergers in the health insurance sector are helping the tone of the early action. Goldman is saying nice things about eBay (EBAY:Nasdaq) and there are a number of other upgrades and positive comments from analysts. Overseas markets are broadly higher. The dollar is trading up and bonds are trading down.
There is quite a bit of economic news on the schedule this week, the most important of which is the FOMC interest rate decision on Tuesday at 2:15 p.m. EST. We have quite a few earnings reports still to come as well. There are news catalysts that can reignite this market quickly.
We have a Monday morning gap up once again and the difficulties of last week are at least momentarily forgotten. Does this market do what it has done so many times during this six-month-long rally and move in a straight line back to new highs, or will we see more profit-taking and consolidation?
Technicians typically do not look for the market to reverse and go straight back up after a pullback like we had last week. V-shaped bounces are deemed to be the exception not the norm. The more logical course of events is some sort of battle between the bulls and bears before one side exerts itself and starts to dominate. This market has confounded technicians quite a bit in recent months with its lack of basing and consolidation action. We have a bunch of V-shaped bounces on the charts. Will it happen again?
The dip buyers and underinvested bulls seem to be the main reason for the persistent inclination to go straight back up after a dip. Too many folks have missed this rally or underperformed. When the market does pull back, even slightly, they tell themselves, "I'm not going to make that mistake again," and they aggressively buy as soon as the market starts to bounce.
A lot of folks have been looking for October weakness to set us up for a strong finish to the end of the year. It certainly seems too simple and easy to occur but that doesn't mean we won't see a pretty good try. Even if you are a contrarian, you can't be too quick to anticipate the failure of an end-of-the-year run. Frankly, I don't think the indices have seen their highs for the year yet. There are too many folks with buying power who want to chase this market higher.
So a gap up and lots of Monday morning optimism after a strong Friday bounce off of key technical support. Does it last or do we roll over again? I'm not betting against the bulls. We may pull back but watch for the dip buyers to be ready to throw cash at weakness.
Futuurid: Naz 0.35% SP 0.33%