Börsipäev 27. aprill

Euroopa aktsiaturud täna üsna järsus languses ning langust vedavakd sektoriks on suured elektrija energiasektori aktsiad. CO2 kvootide hinnad on kukkunud viimastel päevadel kolmandiku võrra ning nafta hinnalangus tekitab samuti survet elektri hinnale. Fortumi (FUM1V) aktsia täna pea 5% miinuses.

Prantsusmaa turgu tõmbab miinusesse Alcateli aktsia, firma esimese kvartali kasum langes 16,1 protsenti ning aktsia on üle 5% miinuses.

Surve all on ka viimastel päevadel ülikiiret tõusu näidanud toorainete turud, üheks languse põhjuseks on toodud Hiina Keskpanga otsust tõsta intressimäär 5,85 protsendile.

Enne turgu tulemused ExxonMobil (XOM), Phelps Dodge (PD), Raytheon (RTN). S&P, Nasdaq futuurid miinuses, oodata ka USA turgude avanemist suhtkoht madalalt.
Täna Bernanke ettekanne USA senati ees. Mis kell see võiks olla? Võimalik turu suuna mõjutaja.
Beige Book 2:00 p.m
Hm, see beige book oli minuteada ikka juba eile väljas.
Hmm, näe kopeerisin vale rea kalendrist :)

April 27
Testimony - Chairman Ben S. Bernanke
The Economic Outlook
Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress
10:00 a.m.

Is China Chill the Turning Point?

By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
4/27/2006 8:57 AM EDT

"In China, we don't consider someone truly beautiful until we have known them for a long time, and we know what's underneath the skin."

-- Ziyi Zhang

The question so many are struggling with right now is figuring out what's under the skin of this market. Is it high energy and commodity prices and continued interest rate pressures? Or is the steady strength in the economy offsetting these worries? For months now we have had a contingent of folks who are absolutely, positively convinced that the market is running on fumes and going to wake up one morning and find out that all those negatives it has been ignoring now matter. It hasn't happened yet and the pain in trying to time such an event has been widespread.

This morning the big news is that China is raising interest rates. The market reaction is negative but it would seem that it would have some positive aspects for the market. Energy and raw material demand in China has been one of the key drivers behind the strength in commodities. If China is raising rates and trying to slow growth, then we may seem some tempering in those pressures. That would also tend to be anti-inflationary and may push the FOMC to be a little less hawkish.

Fed head Ben Bernanke is testifying before Congress this morning and is likely to talk a little bit about this issue. I doubt he will provide us with any great clarity about whether we have one, two or more rate hikes to come but you can be sure his words will be careful parsed by those seeking clues. Even vague hints of hawkishness or lack thereof have the capacity to move the market.

It is particularly ironic that CNBC is declaring today "commodity day." How is that for a contrary indicator on the day that China attempts to slow demand and Exxon Mobil misses earnings estimates by 11 cents? It is particular entertaining how the media are likely to be focusing on the huge earnings out of XOM while the market will be selling the stock because of its "poor" report. If you believe in contrary indicators, they are falling in place today as far as oil and commodities.

Briefingust jäi silma selline uskumatu uudis, mille järgi võib iga ameerika maksumaksja saada 100 dollarit bensiinihinna kompensatsiooni:

Senators to push for $100 gas rebate checks- CNN.com

CNN.com is reporting every American taxpayer would get a $100 rebate check to offset the pain of higher pump prices for gasoline, under an amendment Senate Republicans hope to bring to a vote Thursday.
Lugesin ka just CNN uudist. Ei usu et selline asi labi laheb. See rohkem republikaanide kampaania populaarsuse v6itmiseks.
Maksan ka siin korralikult makse, ega ei usu eriti kyll, et nad mulle $100 bensuraha hakkavad andma..
U.S. stocks traded higher Thursday after Ben Bernanke raised the prospect of a pause in the Federal Reserve's cycle of interest-rate increases, although he made it clear a pause would not necessarily mean the central bank was finished raising rates.

Ehk nii ja naa, aga pigem positiivne. Turgude avanemise miinus on tänu uudisele siis tagasi tehtud.
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