Ühendriikide aktsiaturud kaotasid eile katalüsaatorid silmist, sest kuigi ettevõtetele on kolmanda kvartali aktsiakasumi ootuste ületamine üsna lihtsaks muudetud, siis väljavaate osas jäädakse loodetust konservatiivsemaks, nagu näitasid eile Caterpillar, Under Armour, Whirlpool, 3M ning Waters. S&P 500 tuli teisipäeval 0,4% allapoole ning kuigi Euroopas alustas Stoxx 600 plusspoolel, siis sessioon päädis -0,4% langusega.
Sarnaselt erasektori aktiivsusindeksitele näitas ka Saksamaa ettevõtete kindlustunde indeksi edasine paranemine, et Suurbritannia referendumi negatiivne mõju on osutunud lühiajaliseks ning riigi majandus liigub neljandas kvartalis edasi kiirema hooga. Ettevõtete jooksvat majanduslikku hinnangut peegeldav indeks kerkis oktoobris kõrgeimale tasemele alates 2014.a aprillist ning järgmise kuue kuu ettevaatav indeks hüppas samuti arvatust enam (104,5 punktilt 106,1 punktile vs oodatud 104,5), mis tõstis mõlemast komponendist koosneva ärikliima indeksi 2,5 aasta tippu.
USA tarbijate kindlustunde indeks alanes oktoobris 103,5 punkti pealt 98,6 punktile (oodati 101,5), olles eelneva nelja kuuga liikunud jõuliselt ülespoole kriisijärgsesse tippu. See toob indeksi lähemale tarbijate kindlustunde indeksile, mida koostab Michigani ülikool ning mis alanes oktoobri alguses 13 kuu madalaimale tasemele, olles peamiselt tingitud presidendivalimistega seotud ebakindlusest just madalama sissetulekuga tarbijate seas.
Eile avaldatud kindlustunde indeksis hindasid tarbijad pehmemaks nii tööturu tingimusi (nende osakaal, kes hindas töökohtasid piisavaks, alanes 27,6% pealt 24,3%) ning samuti muututi ka suuremate ostuplaanide osas konservatiivemaks: maja soetamist plaanivate inimeste osakaal alanes 5,9% pealt 5,1%le, mis jääb viimaste aastate madalpunkti lähedale ning suurema seadme ostu planeerivate osakaal langes 51,9% pealt 46,3%le, mis on viimase viie aasta üks madalaimaid tasemeid. Seevastu autot kavatses osta 12,6% vs 12,5% septembris, püsides jätkuvalt kõrgel tasemel.
Tänase börsipäeva keskmes on Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa tarbijate kindlustunde indeksid ning Ühendriikides septembrikuu uute majade müük ja teenindussektori oktoobri aktiivsusindeks.
09.00 Saksamaa tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (november)
09.45 Prantsusmaa tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (oktoober)
11.00 Itaalia jaemüük (august)
16.45 USA Markiti teenindussektori PMI (oktoober)
17.00 USA uute majade müük (september)
17.30 USA toornafta varude raport (21. oktoober)
Ajalooliselt jääb Saksamaa tarbijate kindlustunde indeks jätkuvalt kõrgele tasemele, kuid vastupidiselt muule soft datale, on tarbijate kindlustunde indeks teist kuud alanemas 0,3 punkti võrra 9,7 punktile vs oodatud 10,0 punkti.

Prantsusmaa tarbijate kindlustunde indeks kerkis ootuspäraselt ühe punkti võrra 98 punktile

Pärast seda, kui 34% S&P 500 ettevõtetest on oma tulemused avaldanud, jääb kvartali müügitulu kasv 2,3% juurde ja kasumi puhul näidatakse 1,9% paranemist.

Kellel huvi, siis kaks nädalat tagasi ilmus DB ajakirja värske number, mis seekord kajastab USA infrakulutuste kõrval veel järgnevaid teemasid:
06 ECB responsible for lack of reform
08 Equities and bonds—or bonds and equities
10 Taxing companies—US and them
12 Data and diversity—strength in numbers
14 Listening to derivatives—turn down the vol
16 China at the movies—stars in their eyes
44 Book review—Game Change
45 Conference spy—commodities
46 Infographic—infrastructure spending and growth
06 ECB responsible for lack of reform
08 Equities and bonds—or bonds and equities
10 Taxing companies—US and them
12 Data and diversity—strength in numbers
14 Listening to derivatives—turn down the vol
16 China at the movies—stars in their eyes
44 Book review—Game Change
45 Conference spy—commodities
46 Infographic—infrastructure spending and growth
Itaalia jaemüügi langus jätkus augustis teist kuud järjest, kui juuli baasil alanes müük -0,1% (prog +0,4%) ning mullusega võrreldes -0,2% (prog +0,5%).

Mahtude poolest pole jaemüük kriisi põhjast endiselt kuigi palju paranenud

Mahtude poolest pole jaemüük kriisi põhjast endiselt kuigi palju paranenud

Coca-Cola prelim Q3 $0.49 vs $0.48 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $10.63 bln vs $10.52 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; Reaffirms forecast
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
SCKT +24.6%, LOGI +13%, UIS +8.4%, VRTX +7.9%, (also, Vertex Pharma initiates two Phase 2 studies to evaluate the next-generation correctors VX-440 and VX-152 in triple combination regimens with tezacaftorand ivacaftor in people with cystic fibrosis), GRMN +7.1%, AKAM +6.7%, PNRA +5.5%, IRBT +4.9%,
JNPR +4.6%, NCR +3.5%, MRCY +3.1%, RRC +3.1%, OC +3%, BSX +2.5%, NOC +2.5%, CB +2.4%, NAP +2.1%, KO +1.8%, LEA +1.7%,
ESRX +1.6%, (also Express Scripts in 10-Q discloses recent receipt of civil investigative demand from the United States Attorney's Office & subpoena duces tecum from the DOJ and United States Attorney's Office)
BIIB +1.6%, MDR +1.5%, VNTV +1.4%, WM +1.4%, EXAS +1.3%, SAN +1.3%, EXC +1.3%, AOS +1.2%, BA +1.1%, CMCSA +0.7%, DGI +0.6%, CG +0.6%
M&A news: TWTR +3.1% (M&A blog Betaville discusses vague rumors that Disney (DIS) could again be looking at the company)
Other news:
OGXI +27% (announces positive survival results from the final analysis of the Phase 2 Borealis-2 trial)
LGCY +20.6% (executes a second lien term loan credit agreement with GSO Capital Partners LP to provide loans in an aggregate amount up to $300 million; adds additional director )
APRI +10.2% (announces that Greece has granted its commercialization partner, Recordati, market approval for Vitaros for erectile dysfunction)
FNBC +9.2% (First NBC Bank releases statement in response to 'unfounded assertions' and confirms it remains profitable)
DXPE +3.8% (downsizes and prices primary public offering of 2.16 mln shares of common stock at $19.70 per share)
CIEN +2.6% (JNPR sympathy)
DB +1.7% (report that DB is considering alternatives to bonus payment plans)
ARIA +1.5% (publication of preclinical data on brigatinib for the treatment of patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase positive metastatic non-small cell lung cancer)
QGEN +1.2% (shareholders approve proposal to return approx. $250 mln in cash to shareholders through a synthetic share repurchase plan that combines a direct capital repayment with a reverse stock split)
CWEI +1% (following 25%+ move higher on Tuesday)
Analyst comments:
NSM +1.8% (initiated with a Buy at Nomura)
PHG +1.1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at HSBC)
DEO +1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at HSBC)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
FUEL -30.8%, (also names new CFO), NUVA -12.4%, EW -11.6%, WFT -10.7%, P -8.9%
COLL -8.4%, (sees Q3 revs of $400k vs $2.20 mln two analyst estimate; sees cash and cash equivalents of approximately $90.9 mln as of September 30; commences common stock offering), SIX -7.3%, LUV -6.7%, CHRW -6.5%, GLAD -4.8%, (to sell shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering;)
RCKY -4.3%, ABAX -4%, CMG -3.9%, (also also approved the investment of up to an additional $100 million, exclusive of commissions, to repurchase shares of our common stock), USNA -3.9%, ( also approved a two-for-one stock split of the Company's common shares), CAB -3.4%, HT -3.2%, EBSB -3%
AAPL -2.8%, ALLY -2.8%, FCBC -2.7%, BLDP -2.3%, COF -1.9%, SLAB -1.7%, IR -1%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: SDRL -1.8%, MRO -1.3%, RDS.A -1.1%, CHK -1%, RIG -0.9%, BP -0.9%, .
Other news:
BLPH -18.9% (files for $24 mln mixed securities shelf offering)
RTTR -18.5% (prices 2,127,660 shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $2.35)
TNXP -16.1% (intends to offer shares of its common stock and warrants to purchase common stock in an underwritten public offering pursuant to a shelf registration statement on Form S-3 previously filed )
DPLO -6.5% (promotes Paul Urick to President effective November 1st)
DPLO -6.5% (CFO Sean Whelan to step down, Paul Urick has been promoted to Diplomat's president)
BLDP -2.3% (closes joint venture deal for local production of fuel cell stacks in China; expected to generate $170 mln minimum revenue over 5-years)
ADC -2.2% (commences underwritten public offering of 1,650,000 shares of its common stock)
RRR -2.2% (files for offering of 37.51 mln shares on behalf of selling shareholders)
ERIC -1.6% (appoints Borje Ekholm as President and CEO, effective Jan 16)
Analyst comments:
LOW -1.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan)
GM -1.2% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
SCKT +24.6%, LOGI +13%, UIS +8.4%, VRTX +7.9%, (also, Vertex Pharma initiates two Phase 2 studies to evaluate the next-generation correctors VX-440 and VX-152 in triple combination regimens with tezacaftorand ivacaftor in people with cystic fibrosis), GRMN +7.1%, AKAM +6.7%, PNRA +5.5%, IRBT +4.9%,
JNPR +4.6%, NCR +3.5%, MRCY +3.1%, RRC +3.1%, OC +3%, BSX +2.5%, NOC +2.5%, CB +2.4%, NAP +2.1%, KO +1.8%, LEA +1.7%,
ESRX +1.6%, (also Express Scripts in 10-Q discloses recent receipt of civil investigative demand from the United States Attorney's Office & subpoena duces tecum from the DOJ and United States Attorney's Office)
BIIB +1.6%, MDR +1.5%, VNTV +1.4%, WM +1.4%, EXAS +1.3%, SAN +1.3%, EXC +1.3%, AOS +1.2%, BA +1.1%, CMCSA +0.7%, DGI +0.6%, CG +0.6%
M&A news: TWTR +3.1% (M&A blog Betaville discusses vague rumors that Disney (DIS) could again be looking at the company)
Other news:
OGXI +27% (announces positive survival results from the final analysis of the Phase 2 Borealis-2 trial)
LGCY +20.6% (executes a second lien term loan credit agreement with GSO Capital Partners LP to provide loans in an aggregate amount up to $300 million; adds additional director )
APRI +10.2% (announces that Greece has granted its commercialization partner, Recordati, market approval for Vitaros for erectile dysfunction)
FNBC +9.2% (First NBC Bank releases statement in response to 'unfounded assertions' and confirms it remains profitable)
DXPE +3.8% (downsizes and prices primary public offering of 2.16 mln shares of common stock at $19.70 per share)
CIEN +2.6% (JNPR sympathy)
DB +1.7% (report that DB is considering alternatives to bonus payment plans)
ARIA +1.5% (publication of preclinical data on brigatinib for the treatment of patients with anaplastic lymphoma kinase positive metastatic non-small cell lung cancer)
QGEN +1.2% (shareholders approve proposal to return approx. $250 mln in cash to shareholders through a synthetic share repurchase plan that combines a direct capital repayment with a reverse stock split)
CWEI +1% (following 25%+ move higher on Tuesday)
Analyst comments:
NSM +1.8% (initiated with a Buy at Nomura)
PHG +1.1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at HSBC)
DEO +1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at HSBC)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
FUEL -30.8%, (also names new CFO), NUVA -12.4%, EW -11.6%, WFT -10.7%, P -8.9%
COLL -8.4%, (sees Q3 revs of $400k vs $2.20 mln two analyst estimate; sees cash and cash equivalents of approximately $90.9 mln as of September 30; commences common stock offering), SIX -7.3%, LUV -6.7%, CHRW -6.5%, GLAD -4.8%, (to sell shares of its common stock in an underwritten public offering;)
RCKY -4.3%, ABAX -4%, CMG -3.9%, (also also approved the investment of up to an additional $100 million, exclusive of commissions, to repurchase shares of our common stock), USNA -3.9%, ( also approved a two-for-one stock split of the Company's common shares), CAB -3.4%, HT -3.2%, EBSB -3%
AAPL -2.8%, ALLY -2.8%, FCBC -2.7%, BLDP -2.3%, COF -1.9%, SLAB -1.7%, IR -1%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: SDRL -1.8%, MRO -1.3%, RDS.A -1.1%, CHK -1%, RIG -0.9%, BP -0.9%, .
Other news:
BLPH -18.9% (files for $24 mln mixed securities shelf offering)
RTTR -18.5% (prices 2,127,660 shares of its common stock at a price to the public of $2.35)
TNXP -16.1% (intends to offer shares of its common stock and warrants to purchase common stock in an underwritten public offering pursuant to a shelf registration statement on Form S-3 previously filed )
DPLO -6.5% (promotes Paul Urick to President effective November 1st)
DPLO -6.5% (CFO Sean Whelan to step down, Paul Urick has been promoted to Diplomat's president)
BLDP -2.3% (closes joint venture deal for local production of fuel cell stacks in China; expected to generate $170 mln minimum revenue over 5-years)
ADC -2.2% (commences underwritten public offering of 1,650,000 shares of its common stock)
RRR -2.2% (files for offering of 37.51 mln shares on behalf of selling shareholders)
ERIC -1.6% (appoints Borje Ekholm as President and CEO, effective Jan 16)
Analyst comments:
LOW -1.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at JP Morgan)
GM -1.2% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill)