Börsipäev 26. mai

Kuna Ühendriikides, Suurbritannias, Saksamaal ja mitmel pool mujal olid turud pühade tõttu suletud, kannatas likviidsus börsidel, mis oli avatud (Prantsusmaa CAC40 indeksi käive moodustas kõigest 20% eelmise nädala keskmisest). Liikumised Euroopas olid sellest hoolimata võrdlemisi negatiivsed, kui Itaalia ja Hispaania aktsiaindeksid kukkusid mõlemad ligikaudu kahe protsendi jagu. Stoxx 600 indeks lõpetas -0,3% kaotusega.

Negatiivsema sentimendi taga olid Hispaania kohalikud ja regionaalsed valimised, kus peaministri Mariano Rajoy partei võitis küll kokku kõige rohkem hääli ning jääb riigis suurimaks poliitiliseks jõuks opositsioonis olevate sotsialistide ees, kuid uustulnukad Podemos ja Ciudadanos on tänu korruptsiooni- ja kasinusmeetmete vastastele kampaaniatele osutumas tugevat konkurentsi ning lõhkumas Hispaania kaheparteisüsteemi. Kuna sügisel toimuvad üldvalimised, kardetakse, et poliitilise maastiku killustatus võib raskendada stabiilse ja tugeva valitsuse moodustamist.

Oma mõju oli sentimendile ka Kreekal, kelle maksejõulisuse küsitavus toodi nädalavahetusel uuesti päevakorda. Lisaks võttis riigi rahandusminister Yanis Varoufakis kreeditoride suunal veidi teravamalt sõna, öeldes et riigilt nõutakse liiga kõrget eelarve ülejääki (intresse arvestamata) ning hindas absurdseks väidet, et valitsus pole finantsseisu tugevdamisel näinud piisavalt vaeva. Kreeka börs lõpetas päeva suuremate langejate seas (-3,1%).

Iisraelis esinenud FEDi asepresident Stanley Fischer nentis, et eksitav on asetada Ühendriikides intressimäära esimesele tõstmisele nõnda palju tähtsust nagu teevad seda praegu turud, kuna normaalsete tasemeteni jõudmine võtab mitu aastat aega. Kuigi turud ootavad tema sõnul tõstmist septembris, sõltub keskpanga tegevuskava ikkagi puhtalt jooksvast majandusolukorrast. Kui majandus kasvab arvatust aeglasemalt, eelistatakse jääda ootele ning kui aktiivsus on prognoositust tempokam, kergitatakse ka intressimäära varem.

Tänane majandusuudiste valik ühtegi olulist pealkirja Euroopast ei too küll aga saab kalender olema suhteliselt mahukas Ühendriikides, kus selguvad aprillikuu kestvuskaupade tellimused, teenindussektori aktiivsusindeks, aprilli uute majade müük, tarbijate kindlustunde indeks ning mitmed regionaalsed töötleva tööstuse aktiivsust kajastavad küsitlused.

15.30 USA kestvuskaupade tellimused (aprill)
16.00 USA S&P/Case-Shilleri majade hinnaindeks (märts)
16.45 USA Markiti koostatud teenindussektori PMI (mai)
17.00 USA uute majade müük (aprill)
17.00 USA tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (mai)
17.00 USA Richmond FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (mai)
17.30 USA Dallas FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (mai)

Ryanair on tänu sõbralikumale klinediteenindusele ning täiendavatele lisateenustele võitnud kliente juurde ning raporteeris ootuspärase 2015.a kasumi, mille prognoosi eelnevalt viis korda tõsteti. Kokku veeti eelmisel majandusaastal 90,6 miljoni inimest (+11%) istmekohtade täituvusega 88% (aasta varem 83%), mida loodetakse tänavu kasvatada 100 miljonini.

Ryanair FY rev. EU5.65b, est. EU5.66b.
Ryanair FY net EU867m, est. EU864m.
Ryanair sees FY16 profit EU940m to EU970m, est. EU933m
FY yield guidance down 2%
1H yield guidance remains cautious at ‘broadly flat’
May see fare/yield weakness especially during 2H
Sees ‘irrational pricing response from competitors’
Sees FY16 peak load factor up 2pp to 90%
Forward bookings 4% ahead y/y

“We’ve rolled out a lot of initiatives that the customers have clearly liked,” Chief Financial Officer Neil Sorahan said in an interview. Allocated seating, an extra carry-on luggage and more business-friendly schedules all helped drive passengers numbers, he said.

The airline said it has sought to lock in lower fuel prices following the plunge in crude and is now 36 percent hedged as far ahead as fiscal 2017 at an average price of $69 a barrel. It is 90 percent hedged at $92 a barrel for the current financial year.
Dollari tugevus on pärast püha jätkumas, kui euro vastu kaubeldakse 0,8% kõrgemal ning jeeni suhtes on murtud kõrgemale ca poole aasta koridorist

USA kestvuskaupade tellimused on pärast veebruari langust arvatust hoogsamalt taastunud, mis võiks tuua kaasa kõrgemaid SKP ootusi

US Cap Goods Orders Nondef Ex-Air (MoM) Apr: 1.00% (est 0.30%; prev revised to 1.50% from -0.5%)
US Cap Goods Shipments Nondef Ex-Air (MoM) 0.80% (est 0.20% ; prev revised to 1.00% from -0,4%)
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
RYAAY +4.3%, AZO +1.3%, SKYS +0.4%

M&A news: GKNT +118.6% (to be acquired by Hot Topic for $17.50 per share), LPSN +11.4% (Nice Systems (NICE) takeover speculation), TWC +7.5% (Time Warner Cable confirms it has signed a deal to be acquired by Charter Comm (CHTR) for $195.71/share), CHTR +3.7% (Time Warner Cable confirms it has signed a deal to be acquired by Charter Comm (CHTR) for $195.71/share), EMC +0.9% (to acquire Virtustream, for $1.2 bln in cash)

Other news: IPCI +21% (confirms FDA grants fast track designation for Intellipharmaceutics Rexista Oxycodone XR Incorporating PODRAS Technology), PBMD +10.2% (was up 8%, now lower after releasing press release that is essentially the same press release that was released on 5/19), AEZS +9.3% (announces receipt of advice from the EMA, for the study design of its Phase 3 Study of Macrilen), CERU +9.2% (confirms it has been granted orphan drug designation for CRLX101 for the treatment of ovarian cancer by the FDA), MDR +9.2% (positive Barron's mention/Saudi Aramco contract), CVC +6.1% (following CHTR/TWC deal), ISR +6% (cont volatility), FXCM +4.9% (news Friday afternoon that U.S. & U.K subsidiaries agreed to assume the vast majority of margin forex accounts of CitiFX Pro from Citibank N.A), FOLD +4.9% (confirms that the EMA CHMP has granted Accelerated Assessment for the co's Migalastat HCl monotherapy for Fabry patients), ONTY +3.3% (cont strength), AEGR +3.1% (announces it has achieved the primary endpoint in its Phase III Study of Lomitapide, to treat Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia), PBY +1.8% (Glenhill Advisors discloses 7.0% active stake in 13D filing; to engage in dialogue with co), FEYE +1.6% (favorable commentary on Friday's Mad Money), BLDP +1.4% (receives order for breakthrough technology solutions project with Nisshinbo), JASO +1% (JA Solar and Essel Infraprojects sign MOU to establish a solar cell and module manufacturing facility with 500MW production capacity)

Analyst comments: CTRP +4.3% (target raised to $122 from $80 at Summit Research), BPMC +3.5% (initiated with an Outperform at Cowen), PRTY +1.9% (initiated with a Overweight at Morgan Stanley, initiated with a Overweight at JP Morgan, among others), MRVL +1.9% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), LB +1.9% (added to Conviction Buy List at Goldman), BLUE +1.5% (target raised to $213 from $186 at Piper Jaffray), BSM +1.2% (initiated with an Overweight at Barclays), CEO +1.1% (upgraded to Neutral from Underweight at JP Morgan), PANW +1% (target raised to $175 at RBC Capital Mkts), EVA +0.9% (initiated with a Buy at Goldman, among others)

Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
CYRN -7.9%, MOBI -6.1%, TTM -4.8%, TOUR -3.6%, WUBA -2.7%, MAGS -0.6%, PLAY -0.4%

Select EU financial related names showing weakness: SAN -2.8%, DB -2%, NBG -1.5%, CS -1.5%, BCS -1.3%

Select metals/mining stocks trading lower with underlying commodity down ~1%: GFI -4.6%, HMY -4.5%, AU -3%, HL -2.2%, GOLD -2.1%, SLV -2%, GG -1.8%, AEM -1.8%, GDX -1.8%, KGC -1.7%, EGO -1.4%, SLW -1.4%, AG -1.1%

Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness with underlying commodity down ~1%: SDRL -3.2%, PBR -2.7%, RIG -2%, RDS.A -1.7%, STO -1.7%, TOT -1.4%

Other news: IMRS -17.7% (IMRIS and two subsidiaries confirm filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection), ACI -9.4% (receives continued listing standard notice from NYSE; taking steps to regain compliance with minimum share price standard), INO -3.7% (files for $250 mln mixed securities shelf offering), POZN -3.1% (confirms that on May 21, 2015, The Coalition for Affordable Drugs VII LLC filed a Petition for Inter Partes Review of POZEN Inc.'s U.S. Patent No. 6,926,907), SHAK -2.7% (modest pullback following strong gains last week), PBR -2.7% (still checking), AZN -1.7% (confirmed the termination of its co-development and commercialisation agreement with Amgen (AMGN) for brodalumab), AMGN -1.1% (commenced termination of its participation in the co-development and commercialization of brodalumab with AstraZeneca (AZN))

Analyst comments: ANR -5.2% (initiated with a Underperform at Credit Suisse), FSLR -3.8% (downgraded to Underperform from Sector Perform at RBC Capital Mkts), NBR -2% (downgraded to Underperform from Outperform at Credit Agricole), HW -1.3% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Wedbush), DE -0.7% (downgrade to Neutral at Robert W. Baird ), HBAN -0.7% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Macquarie)

USA majade hinnaindeksi kasv püsis märtsis tabiilsena 5% peal, mis oli oodatust parem

March Case-Shiller 20-city Index +5.0% vs +4.6% Briefing.com consensus

USA teenindussektori aktiivsus alanes mais üsna ootuspäraselt

Markit US Services PMI May P: 56.4 (est 56.5; prev 57.4)
Markit US Composite PMI May P: 56.1 (prev 57)
USA uute majade müük taastus pärast märtsi langust oodatust veidi jõulisemalt. Ka ülejäänud makro on aitamas hoida dollarit tugevana (EUR/USD -0,7% @ 1,090)

US New Home Sales (MoM) (APR): 6.8% actual vs 5.0% estimate, prior revised up to -10.0% from -11,4%.
US Consumer Confidence (MAY): 95.4 actual vs 95.0 estimate, 95.2 prior.
US Richmond Fed Manufact. Index May: 1 (est 0; prev -3)
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
TIF +6.4%, EHIC +5.1%, TIVO +4.1%, NMBL +2%, MOV +1.7%, DSW +0.9%

M&A news: HRL +4.9% (to acquire prepared meats provider Applegate, for $775 mln; with expected EPS accretion of $0.07-0.08/share in 2016), TIVO +4.7% (acquired Cubiware, a provider of cost-effective software solutions for emerging market Pay-TV operators; co also reported earnings), NOK +1.5% (has acquired Eden Rock Communications, a provider of Self Organizing Network solutions)

Other news: EOX +76% (co elected not to proceed with public offering of common stock; reiterates previously announced 2015 guidance for CapEx of $65 mln), XBIT +18.2% (announced it has successfully isolated and cloned an anti-Ebola product candidate using its True Human antibody discovery platform), RSYS +18.1% (announced follow-on order of ~$11 mln for MediaEngine product from a large Asian carrier), NSPH +11.3% (Perella Weinberg Partners Capital Management disclosed 9.3% passive stake in 13G filing; SWK Holdings Corporation disclosed 6.4% passive stake in 13G filing), RTRX +11.1% (agrees to sell priority review voucher to Sanofi (SNY)), OXGN +10.9% (announced issuance of a U.S. patent for OXi4503 in acute myeloid leukemia), CBLI +10.8% (attributed to positive story ahead of the co's entolimod presentation on 5/30 at ASCO Conference), GALE +7% (announces two abstract publications at the ASCO 2015 Annual Meeting), JMEI +5.2% (to host a conference call at 08:30 AM ET today to discuss changes in import tariffs on cross border beauty product sales), NBG +4% (cont volatility surrounding Greece default), ALU +3.4% (in sympathy with NOK), HA +3.3% (to replace OZRK in the S&P SmallCap 600), PLUG +3.1% (announces a master sales agreement with a large footwear manufacturer in North America), FXCM +2.5% (cont strength), ZSPH +2.3% (submitted an NDA to the U.S. FDA for ZS-9, to treat Hyperkalemia), YELP +1.2% (Eminence Capital discloses 5.1% passive stake in 13G filing), ABBV +0.9% (discloses entry into an accelerated share repurchase agreement with Morgan Stanley to repurchase $5 bln of common stock)

Analyst comments: OPXA +31.6% (initiated with a Buy at Maxim Group; tgt $5), FTR +5.7% (upgraded to Overweight from Underweight at Morgan Stanley), FRO +3.2% (upgraded to Equal-Weight from Underweight at Morgan Stanley), HDP +1.9% (initiated with an Outperform at Oppenheimer ), RAD +1.9% (initiated with a Buy at Mizuho), CX +1.5% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Longbow), MPC +1.3% (upgraded to Outperform from Perform at Oppenheimer), ULTA +1% (initiated with a Buy at Buckingham Research), DFT +0.9% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Macquarie)

Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance
: KORS -9.7%, WDAY -8.6%, CHS -6.1%, VNET -4.9%, FWM -4.5%, IG -2.8%, MY -1.1%

Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: HMY -2.7%, AU -2.3%, DRD -1.7%, IAG -1%

Other news: COT -3.4% (announced a bought-deal offering to underwriters led by CIBC and Barclays, of 14.1 mln common shares at $9.25/share, for proceeds of ~$130.4 mln), VPCO -3.3% (received deficiency letter from Nasdaq), KATE -2.2% (in sympathy with KORS), PLAY -2.1% (announced a secondary offering of 8.5 mln shares of common stock, by selling stockholders), FEYE -1.8% (announced a $600 million convertible notes offering)

Analyst comments: CHKP -2.1% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), COH -1.6% (initiated with an Underweight at BB&T Capital Mkts)

Turnaround plaani ajaks tõmmatakse loor üles

Kanada keskpank jättis intressimäära ootuspäraselt samaks