Häid jätkuvaid pühi!
Täna on USA akstiaturud avatud tavapärase ajagraafiku alusel ehk avanevad 16.30 ja sulguvad 23.00 meie aja järgi.
Euroopa turud on täna suletud ja Venemaa aktsiaturg avatud.
USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad kerges plussis.
Käibed on pühade perioodile iseloomulikult madalad ja sisuliselt ainsana hoiab turul elevust HLF, sest väidetavalt on lühikese positsiooni aktsias avanud ka Whitney Tilson.
Whitney Tilson Discloses Short Position in Herbalife Ltd.
SINA-s on elevust samuti, aga kas see on poogen või mitte, krt sellest aru saab.
Tilson sinna HLF-i short teesi küll mingit lisakaalu ei anna, kaasasõitja lihtsalt.
Tilson sinna HLF-i short teesi küll mingit lisakaalu ei anna, kaasasõitja lihtsalt.
Makrost raporteeritakse täna:
16.00 Case-Shilleri majade hinnaindeks
17.00 Richmond Fedi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus.
16.00 Case-Shilleri majade hinnaindeks
17.00 Richmond Fedi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus.
Gapping up:
A few Brazil related names trading modestly higher on light volume: GOL +5.1%, CIG +4.7%, CZZ +4.7%, VIV +2.5%, SID +2.4%, CPL +2%, OIBR +1.8%, PBR +1.6%, BRFS +1.5%, VALE +1.4%, ITUB +1.1%, RIO +0.8%
Other news: FB +1% (still checking, WSJ report indicates Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google will compete for hardware and software services in 2013 and Gigaom.com Article discusses Instagram lawsuit), RIMM +0.9% (modestly rebounding following last week's drop on earnings/guidance), AIG +0.6% and BAC +0.4% (modestly higher, not seeing anything specific), NFLX +0.2% (ticking higher, temporary outage restored, Netflix has blamed Amazon for its outage on Christmas Eve, according to reports).
Analyst comments: AEGR +0.2% (tgt to $30 from $25 at Leerink Swann)
A few Brazil related names trading modestly higher on light volume: GOL +5.1%, CIG +4.7%, CZZ +4.7%, VIV +2.5%, SID +2.4%, CPL +2%, OIBR +1.8%, PBR +1.6%, BRFS +1.5%, VALE +1.4%, ITUB +1.1%, RIO +0.8%
Other news: FB +1% (still checking, WSJ report indicates Apple, Amazon, Facebook, and Google will compete for hardware and software services in 2013 and Gigaom.com Article discusses Instagram lawsuit), RIMM +0.9% (modestly rebounding following last week's drop on earnings/guidance), AIG +0.6% and BAC +0.4% (modestly higher, not seeing anything specific), NFLX +0.2% (ticking higher, temporary outage restored, Netflix has blamed Amazon for its outage on Christmas Eve, according to reports).
Analyst comments: AEGR +0.2% (tgt to $30 from $25 at Leerink Swann)
Gapping down (light volume premarket, few names trading lower)
General news: HLF -2.5% (continued speculation in the name; ValueWalk report discusses Whitney Tilson short position and WSJ report discusses strategic advisor/Bill Ackman battle), NLY -2.3% (trading ex dividend), NOW -2.1% (today is Lock-Up Expiration), SINA -1% (China Daily reporting that the co has dismissed speculation related to Alibaba stake in Weibo), TEVA -0.7% (still checking).
General news: HLF -2.5% (continued speculation in the name; ValueWalk report discusses Whitney Tilson short position and WSJ report discusses strategic advisor/Bill Ackman battle), NLY -2.3% (trading ex dividend), NOW -2.1% (today is Lock-Up Expiration), SINA -1% (China Daily reporting that the co has dismissed speculation related to Alibaba stake in Weibo), TEVA -0.7% (still checking).
Eelturul tiksub madalamale ka Sina.com (SINA), sest ettevõte on tagasi lükanud spekulatsioonid võimalusest, et Alibaba.com on SINA Weibos endale osalust soetamas.
SINA kaupleb ligi 3% miinuspoolel.
Sina dismisses rumors of Alibaba purchase
SINA kaupleb ligi 3% miinuspoolel.
Sina dismisses rumors of Alibaba purchase
Nike'l täna 2-1 split, sestap on aktsia kauplemas ka poole madalamal tasemel võrreldes 24.dets sulgumisega
Holiday Hangover
By James "Rev Shark" DePorre
Dec 26, 2012 | 8:21 AM
During the holidays, indulge in laziness. Spend time with your loved ones and let your heart dance. --Simran Khurana
Good morning, I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. We'll have time to ease back into the market as nothing much is happening. There are slight gains in the early going as President Obama returns to Washington to deal with the fiscal cliff. Market players still have not given up hope that a deal will be done soon and that is keeping a bid under the market.
Overall, there is nothing very remarkable about the market. It pulled back from recent highs after the House failed to pass Plan B, but the market is well off the November lows and still above the 50-day simple moving average of the S&P 500. In other words, it is in a trading range and, with the very thin holiday trading environment, likely to drift around as we wait for news out of Washington.
There are only two themes of interest and neither is easy to trade. The most obvious is the positioning for a fiscal-cliff deal. The bulls have been anticipating something for a while and were burned last week when Speaker Boehner couldn't deliver. There is still optimism that a deal will be reached, but the longer it is delayed the more nervous the market becomes. I believe there is enough hope about a deal that it will hold us up and give us a bullish bias.
The other theme is tax planning. We always have selling of losing positions at the end of the year to offset capital gains, but this year we also have pressure to take profits because of the great likelihood of increased tax rates in 2013. We still don't know what those rates may be, but there is little question that the investor class is seen as a source of funds by the Obama administration.
Other than those two themes, there is very little going on. As I mentioned Monday, I'm very disappointed in the level of holiday trading. We aren't seeing the pockets of speculative interest that usually create interesting trading in small stocks. I'll be watching again today to see if something develops, but there doesn't seem to be any real push among traders to actively pursue things. That is probably due in part to the fiscal-cliff overhang, but a big part of it is a lack of involvement in the market.
My approach is to stay lightly invested and to be opportunistic. I'm concerned about being caught with too much cash when a fiscal-cliff deal is made, but I simply can't find many places to put money to work. The very slow trading has produced few setups and when I do have one that works, my inclination is to take profits when I have them and keep stops very tight.
Keep a very open mind and see what develops, but the focus seems to be on enjoying the holidays and not doing much as far as the market is concerned.
By James "Rev Shark" DePorre
Dec 26, 2012 | 8:21 AM
During the holidays, indulge in laziness. Spend time with your loved ones and let your heart dance. --Simran Khurana
Good morning, I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. We'll have time to ease back into the market as nothing much is happening. There are slight gains in the early going as President Obama returns to Washington to deal with the fiscal cliff. Market players still have not given up hope that a deal will be done soon and that is keeping a bid under the market.
Overall, there is nothing very remarkable about the market. It pulled back from recent highs after the House failed to pass Plan B, but the market is well off the November lows and still above the 50-day simple moving average of the S&P 500. In other words, it is in a trading range and, with the very thin holiday trading environment, likely to drift around as we wait for news out of Washington.
There are only two themes of interest and neither is easy to trade. The most obvious is the positioning for a fiscal-cliff deal. The bulls have been anticipating something for a while and were burned last week when Speaker Boehner couldn't deliver. There is still optimism that a deal will be reached, but the longer it is delayed the more nervous the market becomes. I believe there is enough hope about a deal that it will hold us up and give us a bullish bias.
The other theme is tax planning. We always have selling of losing positions at the end of the year to offset capital gains, but this year we also have pressure to take profits because of the great likelihood of increased tax rates in 2013. We still don't know what those rates may be, but there is little question that the investor class is seen as a source of funds by the Obama administration.
Other than those two themes, there is very little going on. As I mentioned Monday, I'm very disappointed in the level of holiday trading. We aren't seeing the pockets of speculative interest that usually create interesting trading in small stocks. I'll be watching again today to see if something develops, but there doesn't seem to be any real push among traders to actively pursue things. That is probably due in part to the fiscal-cliff overhang, but a big part of it is a lack of involvement in the market.
My approach is to stay lightly invested and to be opportunistic. I'm concerned about being caught with too much cash when a fiscal-cliff deal is made, but I simply can't find many places to put money to work. The very slow trading has produced few setups and when I do have one that works, my inclination is to take profits when I have them and keep stops very tight.
Keep a very open mind and see what develops, but the focus seems to be on enjoying the holidays and not doing much as far as the market is concerned.
October Case-Shiller 20-city Home Price Index +4.3% YoY vs. +3.9% Briefing.com Consensus; prior +3.0%
US Richmond Fed Manufacturing Index (Dec) fell to 5 vs 8 expected and 9 prior.
Jaemüüjad on täna peksa saamas, kuna eelnevalt liikusid kommentaarid nõrgast pühademüügist. Lulu pidas seni hästi vastu, kuniks läks ringlema info, et ka viimane on korraliku allahindlusega kaupa müümas
LULU (negative) 85 of LULU's approximately 200 SKUs suddenly on sale for up to 50%+ off:
LULU lehelt on seda näha
LULU (negative) 85 of LULU's approximately 200 SKUs suddenly on sale for up to 50%+ off:
LULU lehelt on seda näha
SINA-s on elevust samuti, aga kas see on poogen või mitte, krt sellest aru saab.
Tilson sinna HLF-i short teesi küll mingit lisakaalu ei anna, kaasasõitja lihtsalt.
Keegi märkis just twitteris:
$HLF only up 7 since Tilson mentioned he was short.