Kuigi üks aktiivseimaid puhkuste nädalaid on Wall Streetil jätkumas, on täna tulemas mõned olulised makrouudiseid. Kell 15.30 avalikustatakse juulikuu kestvuskaupade tellimuste muutus, millelt oodatakse juuniga võrreldes annualiseeritult 3.2%list kasvu (suur kasv tuleneb $3 miljardilise ‘raha romu eest’ programmi tõttu juulis ja augustis) ning ilma transpordivahenditeta 1.0%list kasvu. Võrreldes aastataguse perioodiga on kestvuskaupade tellimused langenud ca 25%. Uute eluasemete juulikuu annualiseeritud müügitempo avaldatakse kell 17.00 ning sealt oodatakse võrreldes juuniga näidu paranemist 384 000 pealt 390 000 peale. Ning nagu kolmapäevale ikka kohane, avaldatakse kell 17.30 nafta varude raport, mis möödunud nädalal üllatas turuosalisi väga suure varude vähenemisega.
Eelmisel nädalal avaldatud USA energiavarude raport peegeldas olukorda, kus maagaasi varud on enne talvist kütteperioodi kasvanud nii suureks, et kardetakse juba mahutamisvõimaluste pärast. Kuna maagaas on tänavu odavnenud 48% ja toornafta seevastu kallinenud 67%, on nendevaheline hinnasuhe kasvanud rekordiliselt kõrgeks. Ajalugu näitab, et selline hinnavahe lõpuks kaob, kuid raskem on juba öelda, millal võiks see aset leida.
Päris huvitav intervjuu Kieneriga, kelle fond oli möödunud aastal maailma edetabelis 10. kohal. Aasta lõpuks ootab ta nafta hinda vahemikus $65 kuni $100 ning näeb nafta hinna tõusmist uutele tippudele üle $140 aastal 2011-2012. Usub, et nafta pakkumine kuivab väga kiiresti kokku. Toormaterjalidest huvitatutele soovitan kindlasti seda kuulata.
Ma olen nüüd meelevaldselt painutanud aega ja ruumi ning tõmmanud S&P500, Nasdaq ja Dow Jones30 indeksitele peale ühe joone.
Küsimus laiale ringile - nüüd, kus me suundume aktsiaturgude jaoks ajalooliselt kõige nõrgemasse kuusse - septembrisse -, siis kas need jooned võivad saada turu edasisele tõusule takistuseks...?
Saksamaa ärikliimat peegeldav IFO indeks lõi 89 punktilist ootust, tõustes augustis 90.5-le, mis on kõrgeim tase alates eelmise aasta septembrist. Miinuses alanud päev Euroopas on pööratud viiendaks järjestikuliseks tõusupäevaks.
graafikutelt on ilusti näha ka näiteks gap'i tätimise võimalus. Ehk SP 1190~1200, Nasdaq 2200, Dow 10800.
Kuidas sa nii kindlas kõneviisis saad tõusupäevast rääkida? Päev alles noor veel?
selgeltnägemisvõimed mul tõepoolest puuduvad ning liiga enesekindlalt sai tänane päeva tolle hetke meeleoludes roheliseks ristitud.
July Durable Goods ex-trans +0.8% vs +0.9% consensus, June +2.5%.
Veel üks graafik S&P ajaloolistest taastumistest, mis näitab kiirele kukkumisele järgnenud võimast tõusu:
Terve pressiteade on siin. Lähemal uurimisel selgub, et väga suure hüppe taga on tegelikult eelkõige volatiilsed nondefence aircraft and parts tellimused.
headline uudised on saatanast
USA turud alustavad päeva ca 0.2%lises miinuses ning ise ootan täna müügihuvi intensiivistumist, eriti kui kell 17.00 avalikustatavad uute eluasemete annualiseeritud juulikuu müüginumbrid väga suurt positiivset üllatust ei paku.
Euroopa turud:
Saksamaa DAX -0.65%
Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -0.30%
Inglismaa FTSE 100 -0.51%
Hispaania IBEX 35 -0.70%
Rootsi OMX 30 -0.90%
Venemaa MICEX -1.60%
Poola WIG -2.05%
Aasia turud:
Jaapani Nikkei 225 +1.36%
Hong Kongi Hang Seng -0.19%
Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +1.77%
Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +2.53%
Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq +1.23%
Tai Set 50 +0.24%
India Sensex 30 +0.52%
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
8/26/2009 8:47 AM EDT
A preoccupation with the future not only prevents us from seeing the present as it is but often prompts us to rearrange the past.
-- Eric Hoffer
One of the great temptations in investing is to make the Big Call. We all want to correctly predict the exact point that the market is at a major turning point. That not only allows us to profit greatly if we act on our prediction, but it is quite satisfying to see our insight and logic proved correct.
The problem with Big Calls is that there are too many of them, and the vast majority end up being wrong. The incorrect calls are quickly dismissed and forgotten, and the few correct ones are celebrated as something unusual and insightful rather than just the inevitability of eventually being correct if you make enough predictions.
Big Calls that are accompanied by well-reasoned thinking do serve a valuable purpose, as they help us to be mentally prepared as conditions change. The problem for investors is that timing the market is very imperfect science. The market is an unreasonable beast and it simply doesn't care about our logical arguments. You can have all the fundamental arguments in the world on your side, but the market is ruled by emotions more than anything.
Major predictions from respected sources should be carefully considered, but they should not be acted upon blindly. They are simply something to add to our personal view of the market.
The most important thing an investor can do is to simply consider the action that is in front of us in the most objective way possible. That is an extremely difficult task, as most of us have a pre-existing bias that colors our thinking. This market in particular has legions of bears and underinvested bulls who are rooting for a pullback. They are very likely to be quick to see the many negatives that exist, and there is no shortage of them. However, the bears have been seeing and talking about the negatives for months, and they have not mattered. At some point they will, and we should understand and appreciate them when they do become an issue.
Pay attention to the Big Calls, but also keep in mind that precise timing is a matter of luck. The folks who were celebrating the most for calling the crash in 1987 never again repeated that success, although they tried many times.
The important thing about major predictions is the logic behind them, and we need to keep that firmly in mind as we navigate the market. Above all else, we also must make sure we respect the price action in front of us.
The price action the last couple of days has been a bit slower, and I'm seeing good technical reasons to look for the market to take a rest. Whether we end up with a major turning point is something we can only embrace as it develops.
We have a slightly negative open on the way. The news flow is slow and trading is quite thin.
Ülespoole avanevad:
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: KIRK +11.7%, WSM +10.5%, IRF +8.6%, MYGN +8.2% (also upgraded to Buy from Hold at Canaccord), BCSI +6.6%, DLTR +5.1%... Select financial related names trading higher: FNM +7.0%, FRE +5.8%, HIG +4.6%, AZ +4.3%, RBS +3.8%, ING +3.5%, AZ +3.0%, AIB +2.7%... Select solar names showing strength: ASTI +7.2% (announced the successful internal qualification of a packaging solution for its flexible monolithically integrated CIGS modules), LDK +6.0% (announces it has entered into agreement with Yancheng City of Jiangsu Province for the development of PV power projects), CSIQ +3.5% (obtained development rights for a 500 MW project in China), YGE +2.3%, SOL +2.3%, JASO +1.9%, TSL +1.6%, STP +1.3%... Select Indian related stocks ticking higher: SLT +4.2%, INFY +2.9%, SAY +1.8%, TTM +1.4%... Other news: VG +47.2% (plans mobile app; no comment on stock move - Barron's Blog), ALU +14.3% (China Telecom selects Alcatel-Lucent for IP backbone contract - DJ; also upgraded to Buy at Natixis), HGSI +11.7% (continued strength following this week's takeover chatter; also Thomas Weisel raises Benlysta Expectations; raises tgt to $31 from $18), PPHM +11.4% (discusses $763K grant for research expanding University of Texas Southwestern's studies of anti-phosphatidylserine; co says studies complement its ongoing research), RZ +8.4% (says electric Hummer H3E by Raser drives over 50 miles on batteries in test drive), DYAX +7.2% (announces successful advancement into Phase 1 clinical trials of two candidates identified using phage display technology), AVII +7.2% (light volume, announces that the results of its Phase 1 clinical trial assessing the "proof of concept" and safety of AVI-4658), DDSS +6.8% (response for novel trazodone formulation accepted by FDA as complete - Designated as Class 2 resubmission), CRME +6.1% (light volume; announces tender offer to purchase up to $27.5 mln of its common shares), CERS +5.9% (still checking), ISTA +2.9% (announces positive preliminary Phase 3 Clinical results to support sNDA filing for once-daily Xibrom), NOK +2.6% (Nokia bets on Linux in iPhone battle, according to sources - Reuters.com), DEO +2.4% (still checking), CSTR +1.4% (Paramount Home Entertainment and Redbox Announce Trial License Program), BJ +1.0% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney)... Analyst comments: GMR +3.5% (upgraded to Outperform at FBR Capital), LVS +1.0% (tgt increased at BMO Capital Mkts on higher Asian valuations).
Allapoole avanevad:
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: ISLE -11.6%, HAIN -7.8%... Select European financials showing weakness: CS -1.8%, HBC -1.3%, ABB -1.0%... Select metals/mining names trading lower: RTP -2.8%, HMY -1.0%, GOLD -1.0%, MT -1.0%... Other news: ITWO -6.0% (still checking), TC -5.4% (announces C$217 million bought deal financing), BPI -2.6% (announces it has filed a registration statement on Form S-1 with the SEC for a proposed public offering of up to 11,000,000 shares of its common stock), REP -2.1% (Repsol says Cnooc had never shown interest in buying YPF stake - DJ)... Analyst comments: AMWD -9.0% (downgraded to Underperform at Baird), AMED -3.2% (downgraded to Neutral at UBS), CB -1.3% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Sandler O'Neill).