Selle aasta madalaima NYSE käibe juures (2,97 miljardit aktsiat) jäi liikumine USA turgudel suhteliselt tagasihoidlikuks, kui S&P 500 ja Dow Jones seilasid kerge miinusega külgsuunas ja Nasdaq kosus päeva lõpuks 0,2%. Langus toorainetesektoris ning mõned pettumustvalmistavad kvartalitulemused on tinginud kerge müügimeeleolu täna hommikul ka Aasias: Nikkei -1,08%, Shanghai Composite -0,92%, Hang Seng -1,09%.
Makrokalendrit vaadates jääb fookus tänagi USA peale, kus kell 16.00 oodatakse S&P/Case-Shilleri veebruarikuu majade hinnaindeksit ja kell 17.00 aprilli tarbijausalduse näitu ja Richmond Fedi küsitlust.
USA indeksite futuurid liiguvad hetkel -0,1% punases ja pärast pikemat nädalavahetust avanevas Euroopas tõotab päev futuuride järgi samuti kerge miinusega alata.
Michelin raporteeris neljapäeval pärast turgu konsensusest tublisti parema esimese kvartali müügitulu numbri, mis kasvas aastataguse perioodiga võrreldes 28% 5 miljardi euroni tänu nii müügimahtude kui hinna tõusule. Ettevõtte suhteliselt väike varude kasv (arenevatel turgudel on need eriti madalad), võimalik prognooside tõstmine pärast poolaasta tulemusi ning suhteliselt hea immuunsus Jaapani negatiivse mõju ning toorainete kallinemise suhtes annavad paljudele analüüsimajadele põhjuse jääda Michelini väljavaadete suhtes väga positiivsele arvamusele. Morgan Stanley säilitab 74 eurose hinnasihi ja OW reitingu, Citi säilitab osta soovituse ning tõstab sihi 72 eurolt 82 eurole, Deutsche Bank kergitab oma sihi 85 eurolt 90 euro peale.
Morgan Stanley: We reiterate our conviction OW on Michelin (and recommend exposure to our preferred tyre play
Pirelli ahead of its 1Q on May 4) following a 6% beat on 1Q sales and very confident commentary from management on pricing power that should provide strong support to the stock, in our view. 1Q revenue was up 28% on strong volume (+16.5%) and pricing (+7.7%). During the conference call, management reiterated current FY guidance for higher operating income YoY but expressed upwards pressure on the 6.5% volume growth estimate (MSe +7.5%) which could be raised at 1H results (July 29). In spite of a higher raw material headwind expected, management is confidently targeting an 100% recovery of the burden via particularly strong pricing power.
Kokkuvõtlik valuatsioonitabel Deutschelt

Michelini viimase nelja aasta graafik
Morgan Stanley: We reiterate our conviction OW on Michelin (and recommend exposure to our preferred tyre play
Pirelli ahead of its 1Q on May 4) following a 6% beat on 1Q sales and very confident commentary from management on pricing power that should provide strong support to the stock, in our view. 1Q revenue was up 28% on strong volume (+16.5%) and pricing (+7.7%). During the conference call, management reiterated current FY guidance for higher operating income YoY but expressed upwards pressure on the 6.5% volume growth estimate (MSe +7.5%) which could be raised at 1H results (July 29). In spite of a higher raw material headwind expected, management is confidently targeting an 100% recovery of the burden via particularly strong pricing power.
Kokkuvõtlik valuatsioonitabel Deutschelt

Michelini viimase nelja aasta graafik

Täna toimub Hispaania 3- ja 6-kuuliste ning USA 2-aastaste võlakirjade oksjon.
USA dollar jälle surve all: AUDUSD +0,15% (1,0735); EURUSD +0,17% (1,4604); GBPUSD +0,16% (1,6520); NZDUSD +0,37% (0,8021); USDCAD -0,23% (0,9520); USDCHF -0,45% (0,8768 - uus kõikide aegade põhi); USDJPY -0,24% (81,63).
USA ja Euroopa majanduste taastumist mulli lõhkemisest ja hiljutisest finantskriisist iseloomustab jobless recovery, kus majanduskasvu taustal hakkab tööturg alles pika viitajaga taastuma. Sellel korral iseloomustab kasvutsükli saabumist ka creditless recovery, kus pankade laenumahtude suurenemine võtab kaua aega:
Industry-wide bank loans have historically grown at 1.5-2.0X the rate of real GDP growth, but positive GDP growth this cycle has not yet translated into loan growth as this cycle differs from prior in that the regulators decided to leave “bad loans” on banks balance sheets. This marks a significant difference to the bank crisis in the late 1980s and early 1990s where run off portfolios were largely held by government backed entities. For our average bank under coverage, run-off loans account for 12% of total loans and 20% of these loans rolls-off every year. Hence, the average bank needs to grow the core loan book 2.7% a year just to keep total loans flat
Antud graafikult on hästi näha, kuidas USA pankade laenumahud jätkuvalt vähenevad:

Allikas: Goldman Sachs
Industry-wide bank loans have historically grown at 1.5-2.0X the rate of real GDP growth, but positive GDP growth this cycle has not yet translated into loan growth as this cycle differs from prior in that the regulators decided to leave “bad loans” on banks balance sheets. This marks a significant difference to the bank crisis in the late 1980s and early 1990s where run off portfolios were largely held by government backed entities. For our average bank under coverage, run-off loans account for 12% of total loans and 20% of these loans rolls-off every year. Hence, the average bank needs to grow the core loan book 2.7% a year just to keep total loans flat
Antud graafikult on hästi näha, kuidas USA pankade laenumahud jätkuvalt vähenevad:

Allikas: Goldman Sachs
Kas mäletate veel, mis trükimasin on? Arvutite pealetungiga on see alles paarkümmend aastat tagasi kontorites asendamatu abilisena kasutusel olev masin unustuse hõlma vajunud ning tänasest Business Insiderist võib lugeda, et Indias suleti viimane tehas maailmas, mis trükimasinaid veel tootis.
Godrej & Boyce tootis trükimasinaid veel 2009. aastani, aga nüüd firmal vaid 500 masinat järgi ja need lähevad müüki 12 000 ruupia eest ning tehas ise mugandatakse ümber külmikute tootmiseks.
The typewriter era is officially over.
Godrej & Boyce tootis trükimasinaid veel 2009. aastani, aga nüüd firmal vaid 500 masinat järgi ja need lähevad müüki 12 000 ruupia eest ning tehas ise mugandatakse ümber külmikute tootmiseks.
The typewriter era is officially over.
Bloomberg kirjutab, et Kreeka 2010. aasta eelarve puudujääk oli ühe protsendipunkti võrra suurem, võrreldes Kreeka valitsuse enda hinnanguga, mis järgnes Euroopa statistikaameti ülevaatusele. 2010. aasta puudujääk oli 10,5% SKTst, langedes 15,4% pealt 2009. aastal. Käesoleval aastal on Kreeka valitsusel plaanis vähendada puudujääk 7,4% peale.
Täna avaldati eurotsooni riikide keskmine võla ja SKT suhe, mis tõusis 2010. aastal rekordilise 85,1% peale (2009. aastal oli vastav suhe 79,3%). Kreeka juhib võla osas: 142,8% SKTst -- kõrgeim tase euro 12-aastase ajaloo vältel. Samas suurima kasvuga oli Iirimaa, mille võlg laienes 30,6 protsendipunkti võrra 96,2% peale SKTst.
Nüüd, mil kvartalitulemuste teatamine on täies hoos, oleks hea üle vaadata, millised aktsiad on hedge-fondide ja analüütikute lemmikud. Business Insider on ära toonud 12 ettevõtet, millede aktsiad kuuluvad fondide ja analüütikute soosingusse. Nimekirja domineerivad peamiselt suured tehnoloogiafirmad nagu Google, Microsoft, Cisco ning lemmikuteks on ka pangaaktsiad nagu Bank of America ja Citi. Nimekirja tervikuna näeb siit.
Lisaks Risto numbritele Carmen Reinharti ja Kenneth Rogoffi poolt koostatud väga pikaajalise graafiku, mis näitab maailma keskmise avaliku sektori võla, riikide pankrotistumise või võla restruktureerimise ja inflatsiooni suhet.

Allikas: From Financial Crash to Debt Crisis
Graafikult on näha, et ajaloo põhjal on praegune avaliku sektori võlakoormus piisav võlakriisi tekitamiseks. Eks seda oleme juba mõnda aega ka Euroopas näinud, kuid siiani on probleemides eurotsooni ääreala riigid suutnud võla restruktureerimist vältida.

Allikas: From Financial Crash to Debt Crisis
Graafikult on näha, et ajaloo põhjal on praegune avaliku sektori võlakoormus piisav võlakriisi tekitamiseks. Eks seda oleme juba mõnda aega ka Euroopas näinud, kuid siiani on probleemides eurotsooni ääreala riigid suutnud võla restruktureerimist vältida.
Hispaania tänane võlakirja oksjon oli suhteliselt edukas, kuigi võla eest makstav hind tõusis: 3-kuuliste võlakirjade puhul 1,371% vs 0,899% märtsi oksjonil ja 6-kuuliste võlakirjade puhul 1,867% vs 1,361% märtsis. Kokku müüdi võlakirjasid 1,97 miljardi euro eest ja nõudluse ning pakkumise suhe oli vastavalt 4,4 ja 7,1.
Nelli tõi eilses börsipäevas esile Netflixi (NFLX) tulemused. Tulemused olid küll konsensuse ootusest paremad, kuid mitte nii suurepärased, et NFLXi aktsia oleks suutnud järelturul tõusu jätkata. Tänasel eelturul on NFLX tulemuste peale 5% allapoole tulnud.
Üks ettevõte, mida seoses NFLXi tulemustega võib radaril hoida on Youku (YOKU), mis saab kasu Hiinas kiiresti kasvavast online filmide vaatamisest. Youku aktsia on olnud viimastel kuudel korralik rakett ja aktsia eest tuleb välja käia juba 60x oodatavat selle aasta tulu (hetkel tegutseb ettevõte veel kahjumis). Eelturul on YOKU 2% plusspoolel.
YOKU aktsia hind pärast IPOt:

Üks ettevõte, mida seoses NFLXi tulemustega võib radaril hoida on Youku (YOKU), mis saab kasu Hiinas kiiresti kasvavast online filmide vaatamisest. Youku aktsia on olnud viimastel kuudel korralik rakett ja aktsia eest tuleb välja käia juba 60x oodatavat selle aasta tulu (hetkel tegutseb ettevõte veel kahjumis). Eelturul on YOKU 2% plusspoolel.
YOKU aktsia hind pärast IPOt:

Medifast (MED) initiated with Buy at Capstone, target $31
Canaccord G on kinnitamas Buy ja targetit $34
Võib korraliku liikumise teha.
Canaccord G on kinnitamas Buy ja targetit $34
Võib korraliku liikumise teha.
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: UCTT +11.4%, HXL +8%, UBS +7.2%, ITW +6.6%, HSTM +6.2% (ticking higher), MSPD +5.7% (also upgraded to Buy at Needham), VECO +5%, CMI +4.4%, F +4.2%, ACI +3.5%, KND +3.2%, UA +2.8%, DAL +2.2%, LO +2.2%, MMM +1%.
M&A news: MSO +6.1% (ticking higher on continued M&A speculation following story that was published yesterday intraday).
Select financial related names showing strength boosted by UBS earnings results: CS +3.4%, DB +1.3%, IRE +1.5%.
A few European drug names are trading higher: NVS +1.1%, AZN 1.0%
Other news: USAT +18.3% (the co and Verizon Wireless announced collaboration), PCYC +7.6% (achieves $7 million development milestone for HDAC Inhibitor, PCI-24781 / S 78454 with Servier), LXRX +7.1% (attributed to analyst initiation), REDF +6.6% ( Introduces Group Deals Service in 40 Indian Cities), CLMS +4.3% (will replace Catalyst Health Solutions in the S&P SmallCap 600 index), AKS +2.3% (S.A.C. Capital discloses 5.3% stake in 13G filing), GM +1.5% (trading higher with F), BTI +0.6% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney).
Analyst comments: OXY +1.8% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank), MDRX +0.9% (initiated with an Outperform at Oppenheimer).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: UCTT +11.4%, HXL +8%, UBS +7.2%, ITW +6.6%, HSTM +6.2% (ticking higher), MSPD +5.7% (also upgraded to Buy at Needham), VECO +5%, CMI +4.4%, F +4.2%, ACI +3.5%, KND +3.2%, UA +2.8%, DAL +2.2%, LO +2.2%, MMM +1%.
M&A news: MSO +6.1% (ticking higher on continued M&A speculation following story that was published yesterday intraday).
Select financial related names showing strength boosted by UBS earnings results: CS +3.4%, DB +1.3%, IRE +1.5%.
A few European drug names are trading higher: NVS +1.1%, AZN 1.0%
Other news: USAT +18.3% (the co and Verizon Wireless announced collaboration), PCYC +7.6% (achieves $7 million development milestone for HDAC Inhibitor, PCI-24781 / S 78454 with Servier), LXRX +7.1% (attributed to analyst initiation), REDF +6.6% ( Introduces Group Deals Service in 40 Indian Cities), CLMS +4.3% (will replace Catalyst Health Solutions in the S&P SmallCap 600 index), AKS +2.3% (S.A.C. Capital discloses 5.3% stake in 13G filing), GM +1.5% (trading higher with F), BTI +0.6% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney).
Analyst comments: OXY +1.8% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Deutsche Bank), MDRX +0.9% (initiated with an Outperform at Oppenheimer).
PiperJaffray on täna väljas positiivse reitingumuutusega Johnson Controls (JCI) kohta.
PiperJaffray tõstab JCI reitingu Hoia pealt Osta peale koos $ 47 hinnasihiga.
We are upgrading JCI to Overweight as we believe the recent under-performance of the stock presents an attractive entry point with each of JCI's non-Japanese businesses showing strong momentum. Over the next 3 years, we believe that JCI is positioned to deliver 20%+ EPS growth owing to improving fundamentals in the Building Efficiency segment, rapid capacity expansion in Power Solutions, and margin improvement in Automotive Experience. Looking near-term, uncertainties surrounding Japan appear to be reflected in estimates and valuation
Analüütikute arvates pakub praegune hinnatase investoritele soodsat ostukohta, kuna kõik Jaapaniga mitte seotud segmendid näitavad häid tulemusi. Järgneva kolme aasta jooksul on JCI analüütikute arvates võimeline kasumit kasvatama enam kui 20%. Analüütikud usuvad, et Jaapaniga seotud ebakindlus on juba aktsiahinda sisse arvestatud.
Building Efficiency & Power Solutions hold promising, multi-year growth potential. Building Efficiency backlog increased 18% y/y to $5 billion and management noted strong order activity in emerging markets and double digit order activity in North America. Within Power Solutions, 3x battery capacity expansion in China remains on schedule and JCI announced AGM/start-stop capacity plans for North America. Collectively, we believe these 2 segments will generate sustained low double digit growth over the next 3 years.
Analüütikud toovad eraldi välja kaks ärisegmenti: Building Efficiency ja Power Solutions, milledele on suurt nõudlust märgata just arenevatelt turgudelt ning need segmendid on järgnevatel aastatel analüütikute arvates ka peamised kasvumootorid.
JCI suhtes on täna positiivne ka Kaufman, mis kinnitab oma Osta soovitust ja tõstab hinnasihi $ 42 pealt $ 50 peale . Analüütikud toovad välja kaks peamist põhjust hinnasihi tõstmiseks:
Esiteks teatas JCI rekordkvartalist, mis ületas konsensuse ootusi ning Jaapani mõju on ainult ajutine ning pikemas perspektiivis olulist tähtust ei oma.
* Record Quarter, Surpasses Consensus Estimates
* Japan Impacts Near Term Profitability, No Long Term Impact
JCI call iseensest pole tugev, aga täna võivad Ford (F)-i tugevad tulemused toetavaks faktoriks olla. Kahtlemata on oluline ka turu meeleolu ning tähelepanu võiks ka pöörata asjaolule, et F-i tugevus ei pruugi kaua kesta, kuna Jaapani sündmused leidsid aset kvartali lõpus ning seetõttu mõjutab rohkem käesolevat kvartalit.
PiperJaffray tõstab JCI reitingu Hoia pealt Osta peale koos $ 47 hinnasihiga.
We are upgrading JCI to Overweight as we believe the recent under-performance of the stock presents an attractive entry point with each of JCI's non-Japanese businesses showing strong momentum. Over the next 3 years, we believe that JCI is positioned to deliver 20%+ EPS growth owing to improving fundamentals in the Building Efficiency segment, rapid capacity expansion in Power Solutions, and margin improvement in Automotive Experience. Looking near-term, uncertainties surrounding Japan appear to be reflected in estimates and valuation
Analüütikute arvates pakub praegune hinnatase investoritele soodsat ostukohta, kuna kõik Jaapaniga mitte seotud segmendid näitavad häid tulemusi. Järgneva kolme aasta jooksul on JCI analüütikute arvates võimeline kasumit kasvatama enam kui 20%. Analüütikud usuvad, et Jaapaniga seotud ebakindlus on juba aktsiahinda sisse arvestatud.
Building Efficiency & Power Solutions hold promising, multi-year growth potential. Building Efficiency backlog increased 18% y/y to $5 billion and management noted strong order activity in emerging markets and double digit order activity in North America. Within Power Solutions, 3x battery capacity expansion in China remains on schedule and JCI announced AGM/start-stop capacity plans for North America. Collectively, we believe these 2 segments will generate sustained low double digit growth over the next 3 years.
Analüütikud toovad eraldi välja kaks ärisegmenti: Building Efficiency ja Power Solutions, milledele on suurt nõudlust märgata just arenevatelt turgudelt ning need segmendid on järgnevatel aastatel analüütikute arvates ka peamised kasvumootorid.
JCI suhtes on täna positiivne ka Kaufman, mis kinnitab oma Osta soovitust ja tõstab hinnasihi $ 42 pealt $ 50 peale . Analüütikud toovad välja kaks peamist põhjust hinnasihi tõstmiseks:
Esiteks teatas JCI rekordkvartalist, mis ületas konsensuse ootusi ning Jaapani mõju on ainult ajutine ning pikemas perspektiivis olulist tähtust ei oma.
* Record Quarter, Surpasses Consensus Estimates
* Japan Impacts Near Term Profitability, No Long Term Impact
JCI call iseensest pole tugev, aga täna võivad Ford (F)-i tugevad tulemused toetavaks faktoriks olla. Kahtlemata on oluline ka turu meeleolu ning tähelepanu võiks ka pöörata asjaolule, et F-i tugevus ei pruugi kaua kesta, kuna Jaapani sündmused leidsid aset kvartali lõpus ning seetõttu mõjutab rohkem käesolevat kvartalit.

UPS konverentsikõnelt: Says global economy has softened a little the past few months but remains positive on 2011 which is why it raised 2011 guidance
S&P Case Shiller 20-city Index -3.3% vs -3.2% consensus
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: WIBC -15.2%, LXK -12.2%, ELX -8.2%, AFOP -7.2%, RCII -5.3%, TLAB -5.6%, NFLX -5% (also upgraded to Hold at Maxim Group), ESRX -3.4%, HMA -3.3%, MAS -2.8% (light volume), KO -1.8%.
M&A news: LWSN -7.6% (enters into definitive agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Golden Gate Capital and Infor for $11.25 per share in cash).
Select metals/mining stocks pulling back: AG -3.0%, SLW -1.5%, SVM -1.5%, HL -1.5%, CDE -1.2%.
Other news: ETFC -3.3% (announced secondary offering of 27.5 mln shares of common stock by an affiliate of Citadel), AINV -1.8% (intends to privately offer $200 mln in aggregate principal amount of senior unsecured convertible notes due 2017), SXCI -1.5% and MHS -1.4% (trading lower with ESRX), PEP -0.9% (ticking lower in sympathy with KO), ORCL -0.6% (Oracle President Safra Catz to assume role as co's Chief Financial Officer).
Analyst comments: MGM -2.5% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), BEXP -1.1% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Stifel Nicolaus).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: WIBC -15.2%, LXK -12.2%, ELX -8.2%, AFOP -7.2%, RCII -5.3%, TLAB -5.6%, NFLX -5% (also upgraded to Hold at Maxim Group), ESRX -3.4%, HMA -3.3%, MAS -2.8% (light volume), KO -1.8%.
M&A news: LWSN -7.6% (enters into definitive agreement to be acquired by an affiliate of Golden Gate Capital and Infor for $11.25 per share in cash).
Select metals/mining stocks pulling back: AG -3.0%, SLW -1.5%, SVM -1.5%, HL -1.5%, CDE -1.2%.
Other news: ETFC -3.3% (announced secondary offering of 27.5 mln shares of common stock by an affiliate of Citadel), AINV -1.8% (intends to privately offer $200 mln in aggregate principal amount of senior unsecured convertible notes due 2017), SXCI -1.5% and MHS -1.4% (trading lower with ESRX), PEP -0.9% (ticking lower in sympathy with KO), ORCL -0.6% (Oracle President Safra Catz to assume role as co's Chief Financial Officer).
Analyst comments: MGM -2.5% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), BEXP -1.1% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Stifel Nicolaus).
Looking at the Small Picture
By Rev Shark Contributor
4/26/2011 8:54 AM EDT
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
--Ferris Bueller
One of the easiest market traps to fall into is to be so focused on the big picture that you lose track of the small opportunities that arise each and every day. Market commentators and pundits are always talking about big events and how the market is going to react to them, but they seldom talk about the abundance of small money-making opportunities that emerge every day, regardless of what the headlines have to say.
While it can be very important to formulate some sort of thesis about market direction so that you can develop an overall strategy, it can also handicap you to be so focused on the big picture that you miss the many small opportunities flitter across your screen each day. Quite often, you are better off forgetting the big picture and just looking at the minor action right in front of you.
We are at a juncture where the action is extremely slow as we await the Federal Open Market Committee's very important interest rate decision and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's press conference Wednesday. Volume on Monday was at the lowest level in years and the indices traded in mixed fashion. While earnings news can still move stocks like Netflix (NFLX) , Ford (F) and 3M (MMM) , the market is basically on hold until the Fed news tomorrow afternoon.
It's very easy to contemplate how inflation, the end of quantitative easing and all the other macro concerns are going to play out over time. But if you really want to make some money right now, you're better off looking at the individual stocks that are active. There will be opportunities every day, and the big picture isn't going to impact them at all in the near term.
This morning, I see stocks like USA Technologies (USAT) , (REDF) and AGCO (AGCO) attracting early attention. Those, along with the various earnings plays, are going to be the main focus of traders who aren't going to worry much about the big picture.
My point is simple: Rather than spend way too much time contemplating how the market is going to develop over time, it pays to slow down sometimes and just enjoy the many little opportunities that arise every day and have nothing to do with the big picture. The macro concerns will always matter in the long run, but we don't have to worry about them all the time.
We have a positive start to the day as earnings reports were mostly solid and the dollar weakened slightly once again. The market is likely to meander as we await the FOMC decision and Bernanke's comments Wednesday afternoon.
At the time of publication, Rev Shark was long USAT, but positions can change at any time.
By Rev Shark Contributor
4/26/2011 8:54 AM EDT
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
--Ferris Bueller
One of the easiest market traps to fall into is to be so focused on the big picture that you lose track of the small opportunities that arise each and every day. Market commentators and pundits are always talking about big events and how the market is going to react to them, but they seldom talk about the abundance of small money-making opportunities that emerge every day, regardless of what the headlines have to say.
While it can be very important to formulate some sort of thesis about market direction so that you can develop an overall strategy, it can also handicap you to be so focused on the big picture that you miss the many small opportunities flitter across your screen each day. Quite often, you are better off forgetting the big picture and just looking at the minor action right in front of you.
We are at a juncture where the action is extremely slow as we await the Federal Open Market Committee's very important interest rate decision and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's press conference Wednesday. Volume on Monday was at the lowest level in years and the indices traded in mixed fashion. While earnings news can still move stocks like Netflix (NFLX) , Ford (F) and 3M (MMM) , the market is basically on hold until the Fed news tomorrow afternoon.
It's very easy to contemplate how inflation, the end of quantitative easing and all the other macro concerns are going to play out over time. But if you really want to make some money right now, you're better off looking at the individual stocks that are active. There will be opportunities every day, and the big picture isn't going to impact them at all in the near term.
This morning, I see stocks like USA Technologies (USAT) , (REDF) and AGCO (AGCO) attracting early attention. Those, along with the various earnings plays, are going to be the main focus of traders who aren't going to worry much about the big picture.
My point is simple: Rather than spend way too much time contemplating how the market is going to develop over time, it pays to slow down sometimes and just enjoy the many little opportunities that arise every day and have nothing to do with the big picture. The macro concerns will always matter in the long run, but we don't have to worry about them all the time.
We have a positive start to the day as earnings reports were mostly solid and the dollar weakened slightly once again. The market is likely to meander as we await the FOMC decision and Bernanke's comments Wednesday afternoon.
At the time of publication, Rev Shark was long USAT, but positions can change at any time.
April Consumer Confidence 65.4 vs 64.4 consensus; Prior 63.8