Lisaks vägevatele tulemustele Apple (AAPL) poolt ja turu üleüldisele positiivsusele toon välja majadeehitajate esimese kvartali kommentaarid, kus muuhulgas jäetakse andmata 2007. aasta prognoosid. Kuna olukord kinnisvaraturul on prognoosimatu ja ilmselt prognoose ei täideta, siis lihtsam on prognoosimisest loobuda.
Ryland Group (RYL) As a result of the uncertainty of current market conditions, the Company does not expect to achieve prior earnings guidance and is not able to provide new guidance at this time. The Company is maintaining focus on its liquidity and balance sheet while optimizing its earnings performance.
Pulte Homes (PHM)..Due to the lack of earnings visibility, difficult market conditions that exist today and uncertainty regarding possible land-related charges going forward, we are not in a position at this time to provide guidance for the remainder of 2007."
UBS downgrades Ericsson (ERIC 39.97) to Neutral from Buy
CIBC initiates Xinhua Finance Media (XFML 10.40) with an Outperform and a $14 tgt saying the China ad market is growing 20% annually. They say XFML is one of two U.S.-listed China media companies poised to benefit from accelerating spending ahead of the '08 Olympics
Goldman upgraded Corning (GLW 24.98) to Buy from Neutral
BB&T downgrades Northwest Pipe (NWPX 37.35) to Hold from Buy, following Q107 EPS that exceeded firm and consensus estimates and based on directional guidance from the co that suggests gross margin, especially over the next two quarters will be weaker than anticipated in the Water Transmission segment
Oppenheimer upgrades Skyworks Solutions (SWKS 6.16) to Buy from Neutral and sets an $8 tgt, following an in-line Q107 as they believe the valuation argument for shares has improved based on good EPS leverage for the June quarter
Credit Suisse notes APPL delivered strong 2Q07 results as better than expected sales of Macs and a favorable component pricing environment combined to deliver upside to both consensus rev and EPS ests. Rev of $5.26 bln was ahead of the Street's $5.17 bln while EPS of $0.87 exceeded consensus of $0.64. Firm says the highlight of the quarter was AAPL's gross margin, which increased to 35.1% from 31.2% in the DecQ driven by a favorable component pricing environment, particularly in NAND flash and memory. Firm is actually reducing their rev ests for FY07 and FY08 to sync with AAPL's accounting treatment of iPhone and Apple TV sales, which will be recognized on a subscription basis over a 2 year life. However, they are increasing their earnings ests for FY07 to $3.56 from $3.21 and FY08 to $4.30 from $3.84 to incorporate improved business mix... Prudential notes AAPL reported a strong MarQ, with EPS of $0.87 and rev of $5.29 bln. The earnings upside was primarily driven by significantly higher than expected gross margin, attributed to a highly favorable component cost environment. Firm says AAPL's JunQ guidance of $0.66 EPS appears conservative. We believe that Apple will continue to benefit from a favorable component cost environment and are forecasting $0.77 EPS for JunQ on gross margin of 33.2%. Firm expects Mac strength, higher gross margin, and new products ramps to continue to drive earnings upside for AAPL over the next several quarters.
Eelturul kaupleb Six Flags (SIX) tunduvalt kõrgematel tasemetel. Põhjuseks järgmine uudis, mis annab lootust, et esimene kvartal tuleb päris tugev ning lisab usku juhtkonna osas.
NEW YORK, April 26 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- In connection with a presentation today to prospective lenders under its new credit facility, Six Flags, Inc. (NYSE: SIX - News) gave a preview of its first quarter 2007 revenues.
The Company announced first quarter revenues increased approximately 19% compared to the 2006 quarter. Attendance increased 6% compared to the 2006 quarter despite a 10% reduction in the number park operating days. Total revenue per capita increased approximately 12% in the 2007 quarter. First quarter results historically represent approximately 5% or less of the Company's full year attendance.
The Company plans to expand on first quarter results on May 9, 2007, and will discuss year-to-date performance in a mid-quarter call at the end of June 2007.
Gapping up on strong earnings/guidance: ALGN +20.7%, OI +17.4%, FFIV +16.5%, NTRI +15.0% (also target raised to $96 at Citi), WEN +11.8%, SWKS +9.6%, MCRL +8.6% (also upgraded to Outperform at JMP), AAPL +7.9% (also downgraded to Hold at Citi on valuation), VDSI +7.6%, MTH +7.5%, AGIX +7.4%, F +7.4%, BLL +6.5%, PMCS +6.4%, CEPH +5.6%, PMTI +5.0%, XLNX +5.0%... M&A: CVNS +24.3% (to be acquired by Computer Sciences for $34/share), CSTL +11.8% (to be acquired by Captaris for $3.95/share)... Other news: CBRX +39.7% (reports preliminary findings from data analysis of Phase III study of Prochieve 8% to prevent preterm birth), LJPC +6.3% (receives Riquent composition of matter patents in Europe and China), ZVUE +5.9% (announces that its site has been named by In-Stat as the 15th most popular user-generated content Web site in the world), APPB +1.7% (announces that strategic process has yielded several non-binding, preliminary proposals to acquire the co). Gapping Down
Gapping down on weak earnings/guidance: SMMX -20.2% (also downgraded to Neutral at Nollenberger), ISLN -18.3%, AFFX -11.0%, CCMP -9.3%, LSI -7.6%, ARBA -7.4%, VAR -6.4%, LYO -5.9%, SKX -5.6%, SLW -3.9%, ALV -3.8%, LGBT -3.6%, LVLT -3.6%, HLIT -3.5%, ERIC -3.2%... Other news: TIBX -4.5% (downgraded to Sell at Goldman).
Don't Be Blinded by Others' Gains By Rev Shark Contributor 4/26/2007 8:07 AM EDT Click here for more stories by Rev Shark
"The market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent."
-- John Maynard Keynes
Despite what you might read in the paper or see on television, big positive days in the market like yesterday don't result in universal joy. In fact, they often cause far more angst than jubiliation because a large number of investors have not totally embraced the bullish view and therefore did not participate to the degree they could have. Even among those who were totally and completely bullish, the chances of underperforming were quite high if they didn't happen to hold the right selection of stocks.
When the bulls are giving each other high-fives and talking about a 'new era' in the market, it can cause intense unhappiness among those investors who focus more on the profits they missed out on rather than those they made. That anxiety about being left behind while others enjoy the party is what can keep a market stronger for longer than seems rational. Market players hate being left out and that means they are usually readly, willing and able to chase a market even after it has made a huge move.
I used economist, John Maynard Keynes' famous quotation above because at this point in the market, it is particularly important to not try to be overly logical about why the market can't continue its ascent. It is all about emotions right now.
You might have the most compelling argument in the world for why this market should go lower but we are not dealing with logic at this point. Investors see those around them making money by being long so they are going to join in regardless of what the sober and boring market pundits might say.
The problem, of course, is that this type of move increases the danger of a sharp reversal. As the level of profits pile up, the danger of a sudden rush for the exits increases at the first sign of weakness. The whole reason people play the momentum game is because they are convinced they will be able to get out of the market before everyone else and hang on to their gains.
We have a postive open on the way following a strong report from Apple. Asian stocks gained mostly on strength in commodities and oil and Europe caught the bullish enthusiasm as well. Oil and gold are trading down.
AAPL käitub väga kehvalt nende tulemuste peale. Bear Stearns tõstis AAPL hinnasihi $143 peale, samas Citigroup viitab valuatsioonile ning soovitab aktsiat hoida!
ärevad ajad on kesklinnas ei saanud õieti koju, tuli ring peale teha
Kosmose juures tee kinni, seal tänav põles sõitsin ca. 11 ajal Sakala tänavalt Pärnu mnt-le, nägin pealt kuidas noored vene kulid aknaid lõhkusid ja poode rüüstasid liikusin autoga läbi rahvamassi vabaduseväljaku poole, nägin üht tagurpidi keeratud Volvot Politseid mitte kuskil, kutid tegid mis tahtsid ja seda kestis mõnda aega
ja kodus uudistes: Küüt: "me oleme täna kõigeks valmis" Piht: "kõik on kontrolli all" SITTAGI OLI !!!
nüüd siis kell 23:30 on käivitatud OP "VÕRK" ja lisajõud on kohale toodud
LHV-l ka Pärnu mnt-l kliendikontor. Kogu sealne kant pidi aga olema kuni teise korruseni segi pekstud. Kurb kuivõrd kergesti inimesed provokatsioonidele alluvad. Enamus laamendavatest noortest on seal väljas lihtsalt lõbu pärast, andmata aru, millega tegelikult tegeletakse. Ise mõtlen õudusega ka sellele kuivõrd palju võib olla hetkel Eesti teedel kokku lugemata laipu, sest vähemalt juttude järgi käib täiesti arulage kihutamine. Loodetavasti ei ole homsetest lehtedest selle kohta midagi lugeda kuigi hing aimab halba.
siinkohal kutsun kõiki lugema Charles MacKay raamatut Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds Lühidalt räägib raamat läbi mitmete näidete sellest, miks muidu intelligentsed inimesed massidesse kogunedes idiootidena käituma hakkavad (üksinda keegi ju aknaid linna täna lõhkuma ei läheks; samamoodi ei ostaks ilma väga mõjuva põhjuseta terve mõistusega inimene PE suhtega 40 ühtegi aktsiat, aga kui kõik ostavad, siis ainuüksi tänu sellele ostavad seda kallist aktsiat väga paljud inimesed, kes seda muidu ei oleks teinud( boom)...)