Pärast eelmise nädala võimsat tõusu ei olnud esmaspäevane kergelt negatiivne sentiment imekspandav, kuid aktsiaturgude indeksid suutsid nii Euroopas kui ka Ühendriikides müügisurvele hästi vastu panna, mis näitab pinna all ostjate püsivat kindlustunnet. S&P 500 lõpetas sessiooni -0,1% kaotusega, Stoxx 600 sulgus -0,4% madalamal.
Energiasektor oli eile üks suuremaid võitjaid tänu toornafta hinna põrkele päeva põhjast 40,4 dollarilt 42 dollari lähedale. Saudi Araabia valitsus teatas, et naftaturu stabiliseerumiseks tehakse koostööd nii OPECiga kui ka riikide väljaspool gruppi, mis enne 4. detsembrit toimuvat OPECi kohtumist toitis tootmismahtude kärpimise spekulatsiooni. Paljud jäävad aga skeptiliseks, kuna seda on varemgi öeldud, kuid tingimusel et riigid väljaspool OPECit nende plaaniga liituvad. Iraani naftaminister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh ei usu, et osa OPECi liikmetest turu stabiliseerimist väga tugevalt toetab ning seetõttu ei kavatseta tema hinnangul 4. detsembril midagi teha.
Eilsed majandusuudised globaalse pildi osas väga selget sõnumit ei andnud. Ühest küljest kerkis eurotsooni töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori aktiivsusindeks 0,5 punkti 54,4 punktile, mis märgib uut tsükli tippu ning viitab võimalusele, et eurotsooni SKP kasv võib neljandas kvartalis kiireneda 0,3% pealt 0,4-0,5%ni, mis pole tõenäoliselt siiski piisav, et Euroopa Keskpanga nõukogu liikmed saaksid kergemalt hingata ja lõpetada disinflatisooni pärast muretsemine.
Ühendriikides seevastu kukkus Markiti koostatud töötleva tööstuse PMI novembris 1,5 punkti 52,6 punkti peale, saavutades madalaima taseme 2013.a juunist. Kerge pettumuse valmistas ka oktoobrikuu olemasolevate majade müük, mis alanes eelmise kuu baasil -3,4% annualiseeritult 5,36 miljonile (prognoositi 5,4 miljonit).
Föderaalreservi esimees Janet Yellen vastas tarbijate nimel avalikus kirjas pöördunud poliitaktivist Ralph Naderile, et mõistab madalatest intressimääradest tekkivad frustratsiooni säästjate silmis, kuid rahapoliitika peab tema sõnul toetama majandusaktiivsust ning kiirustamine intressimäära tõstmisega võib selle ohtu seada. Sestap usutakse Föderaalreservis, et normaliseerimise protsess saab olema järkjärguline.
Tänase börsipäeva jooksul laekuvad Saksamaa ettevõtete kindlustunde indeksid, mis peaksid konsensuse arvates näitama väga marginaalset muutust. Ühendriikides täpsustatakse värskemate andmete põhjal kolmanda kvartali SKP muutust ning selguvad tarbijate novembri kindlustunde indeks ja Richmond FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus.
09.00 Saksamaa kolmanda kvartali detailid
09.00 Soome töötuse määr (oktoober)
09.45 Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse kindlustunde indeks (november)
11.00 Saksamaa ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks (november)
15.30 USA kolmanda kvartali revideeritud SKP
16.00 USA S&P/Case-Shilleri majade hinnaindeks (september)
17.00 USA tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (november)
17.00 USA Richmond FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (november)
Saksamaa kolmanda kvartali SKP headline muutus jäi samaks võrreldes esialgse hinnanguga. Teise kvartaliga võrreldes kiirenes eratarbimine arvatust rohkem ja ka valitsuse kulutused olid üllatavalt suured. Ekspordi kasv oli seevastu aeglaseim alates 2012.a

PMI indeksi järgi on Jaapani töötleva tööstuse aktiivsuse kasv jätkumas, jõudes novembris kõrgeima tasemeni 2014.a märtsist. Eksporditellimuste kasv kiirenes ning oktoobriga võrreldes oli ka uute töötajate palkamine aktiivsem, mis räägib soodsama majandusväljavaate kasuks ning toetab Jaapani keskpanga teesi.

Pariis on tundmas terrori mõju tarbijate käitumisele. Via Bloomberg:
Passenger bookings for flights arriving in Paris during the Christmas period are down 13 percent on last year after the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks, with visits from the U.S, Spain, Japan and Germany worst affected, according to a study based on figures from 200,000 travel agencies.
While a 25 percent jump in cancellations the week after the tragedy has now eased, new bookings remain “dramatically below” last year’s level, travel-data specialist ForwardKeys said, citing reservation numbers through Nov. 20.
“The booking situation for arrivals during the Christmas holidays has become worrisome,” ForwardKeys Chief Executive Officer Olivier Jaeger said in an interview, citing figures for arrivals in the Dec. 25 to Dec. 31 period. “Paris will rebound.
The question is, when will that start?”
Passenger bookings for flights arriving in Paris during the Christmas period are down 13 percent on last year after the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks, with visits from the U.S, Spain, Japan and Germany worst affected, according to a study based on figures from 200,000 travel agencies.
While a 25 percent jump in cancellations the week after the tragedy has now eased, new bookings remain “dramatically below” last year’s level, travel-data specialist ForwardKeys said, citing reservation numbers through Nov. 20.
“The booking situation for arrivals during the Christmas holidays has become worrisome,” ForwardKeys Chief Executive Officer Olivier Jaeger said in an interview, citing figures for arrivals in the Dec. 25 to Dec. 31 period. “Paris will rebound.
The question is, when will that start?”
S&P 500 indeksit on sel aastal positiivsena hoidnud neli aktsiat. FANG on akronüüm järgmistest nimedest: Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google.

Allikas: Visual Capitalist

Allikas: Visual Capitalist
Arenevate turgude jahtumise ja Volkswageni skandaali taustal on Saksamaa ettevõtete kindlustunne arvatust paremini vastu pidamas. Jooksva hinnangu indeks kerkis novembris 112,7 punktilt 113,4 punktile (oodati 112,4) ning järgmise kuue kuu väljavaade paranes 103,9 punktilt 104,7 punktile (oodati 104,0).

Hispaania valitsuse eelarve kumulatiivne puudujääk ulatus oktoobri seisuga 23,39 miljjardi euroni, kahanedes mullu sama ajaga võrreldes 23%. Hispaania valitsus tahab tuleval aastal vähendada eelarve puudujääki SKPst 2,8%ni, kuid Euroopa Komisjoni arvates ollakse majanduskasvu suhtes liialt optimistlikud ning realistlikumaks võiks pidada 3,5% SKPst.

USA kolmanda kvartali SKP kvartaalne annualiseeritud muutus korrigeeriti ootuspäraselt 1,5% pealt 2,1% peale, isiklik tarbimine oli seejuures arvatust veidi pehmem (3,0% vs 3,2%).

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: BZUN +7.3%, AMWD +6%, TEDU +5.1%, CPRT +4.9%, ADI +4.3%, DY +4.1%, PANW +2.6%, DSW +1.8%, BURL +1.8%, SWKS +1.6%, CBRL +1.2%, ENTA +1%, HRL +0.7%, CPB +0.6%
M&A news: BDBD +8.6% (Pinnacle Foods (PF) to acquire Boulder Brands for $11/share; Pinnacle expects accretion to EPS beginning in 2016)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: HMY +9.1%, AUY +5.1%, SBGL +4.9%, GDX +1.8%, GG +1.8%, GOLD +1.4%, NEM +1.4%, FCX +0.5%, MT +0.5%
Other news: AEZS +29.7% (Low-float micro-cap biotech stock seeing continued momentum this morning), NVGN +22.3% (engages Novotech as the CRO to conduct its Phase 1 clinical study for Cantrixil, which will commence in 2016), AJRD +13.2% (awarded a contract by NASA to restart production of the RS-25 engine for the Space Launch System), SUNE +7.7% (planning to sell $350 mln worth of solar power capacity in India, according to Reuters), LPL +6.5% (still checking), IMI +4.6% (announced that its Collaborative Development Program agreement with Micron Technology (MU) will conclude on April 1 ), SYN +3.5% (receives a patent from the USPTO that covers a range of compound, including the active agent of SYN-010, used to treat irritable bowel syndrome with constipation), VRX +2.8% (Ackman's Pershing Square discloses increased 9.9% stake in amended 13D filing), TEX +1.8% (still checking), TERP +1.6% (SunEdison amends Margin Loan and Letter Agreement, reducing and waiving for a specified time period the market value trigger price of the Class A common stock of TerraForm Power), NVEE +1.5% (announces 5 contracts since August totaling ~$2 mln in fees), XRX +1.4% (Carl Icahn disclosed 7.13% active stake in 13D, intends to have discussions with management relating to improving operational performance and pursuing strategic alternatives)
Analyst comments: AVP +7% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup), SCHN +4% (upgraded to Equal-Weight from Underweight at Morgan Stanley), NMBL +3.4% (upgraded to Neutral at DA Davidson ), QCOM +0.5% (added to US 1 List at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: DAKT -13.7%, CERE -11%, CHS -9.7%, BRCD -6.9%, SIG -6.1%, TIF -3.6%, YY -3.4%, DLTR -2.9%, TOUR -2.6%,, DANG -1.9%, POST -1.5%, SFL -1.3%
M&A news: MSCC -2% (enters into a definitive agreement to acquire PMC-Sierra (PMCS) for $9.22 in cash and 0.0771 shares of MSCC stock), PMCS -1.5%
Select travel related names showing weakness after geo-political events over Syria : IHG -2.1%, CCL -2.1%, RCL -2.1%, PCLN -1.9%, DAL -1.7%
Other news: UNXL -33.2% (commences a public offering of units, each unit consisting of one share of common stock and a warrant to purchase one share of common stock), XBIT -32.1% (provides update on Phase III oncology study in Europe; datarevealed a fewer number of per protocol patients available for primary endpoint evaluation), NBG -18% (cont weakness), ASTI -14.6% (reaches an agreement with its existing senior secured note holder, to restructure its outstanding senior secured convertible notes), KBIO -12.5% (cont volatility), AKS -4.3% (in symp with peer X), MBT -4.2% (slight pull back following last weeks gains), YNDX -2.9% (may be related to geo-political events surrounding Russia), SJM -2.2% (announces a ~3.86 mln share secondary offering on behalf of selling shareholder Blue Holdings), QTS -1.3% (announced a 2 mln share public offering of common shares by a selling stockholder affiliated with General Atlantic LLC)
Analyst comments: BLOX -9.5% (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Deutsche Bank ), X -3.8% (target lowered to $3 from $7 at BofA/Merrill), GME -2.2% (downgraded to Perform from Outperform at Oppenheimer; downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill), HTS -0.8% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Nomura)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: BZUN +7.3%, AMWD +6%, TEDU +5.1%, CPRT +4.9%, ADI +4.3%, DY +4.1%, PANW +2.6%, DSW +1.8%, BURL +1.8%, SWKS +1.6%, CBRL +1.2%, ENTA +1%, HRL +0.7%, CPB +0.6%
M&A news: BDBD +8.6% (Pinnacle Foods (PF) to acquire Boulder Brands for $11/share; Pinnacle expects accretion to EPS beginning in 2016)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: HMY +9.1%, AUY +5.1%, SBGL +4.9%, GDX +1.8%, GG +1.8%, GOLD +1.4%, NEM +1.4%, FCX +0.5%, MT +0.5%
Other news: AEZS +29.7% (Low-float micro-cap biotech stock seeing continued momentum this morning), NVGN +22.3% (engages Novotech as the CRO to conduct its Phase 1 clinical study for Cantrixil, which will commence in 2016), AJRD +13.2% (awarded a contract by NASA to restart production of the RS-25 engine for the Space Launch System), SUNE +7.7% (planning to sell $350 mln worth of solar power capacity in India, according to Reuters), LPL +6.5% (still checking), IMI +4.6% (announced that its Collaborative Development Program agreement with Micron Technology (MU) will conclude on April 1 ), SYN +3.5% (receives a patent from the USPTO that covers a range of compound, including the active agent of SYN-010, used to treat irritable bowel syndrome with constipation), VRX +2.8% (Ackman's Pershing Square discloses increased 9.9% stake in amended 13D filing), TEX +1.8% (still checking), TERP +1.6% (SunEdison amends Margin Loan and Letter Agreement, reducing and waiving for a specified time period the market value trigger price of the Class A common stock of TerraForm Power), NVEE +1.5% (announces 5 contracts since August totaling ~$2 mln in fees), XRX +1.4% (Carl Icahn disclosed 7.13% active stake in 13D, intends to have discussions with management relating to improving operational performance and pursuing strategic alternatives)
Analyst comments: AVP +7% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup), SCHN +4% (upgraded to Equal-Weight from Underweight at Morgan Stanley), NMBL +3.4% (upgraded to Neutral at DA Davidson ), QCOM +0.5% (added to US 1 List at BofA/Merrill)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: DAKT -13.7%, CERE -11%, CHS -9.7%, BRCD -6.9%, SIG -6.1%, TIF -3.6%, YY -3.4%, DLTR -2.9%, TOUR -2.6%,, DANG -1.9%, POST -1.5%, SFL -1.3%
M&A news: MSCC -2% (enters into a definitive agreement to acquire PMC-Sierra (PMCS) for $9.22 in cash and 0.0771 shares of MSCC stock), PMCS -1.5%
Select travel related names showing weakness after geo-political events over Syria : IHG -2.1%, CCL -2.1%, RCL -2.1%, PCLN -1.9%, DAL -1.7%
Other news: UNXL -33.2% (commences a public offering of units, each unit consisting of one share of common stock and a warrant to purchase one share of common stock), XBIT -32.1% (provides update on Phase III oncology study in Europe; datarevealed a fewer number of per protocol patients available for primary endpoint evaluation), NBG -18% (cont weakness), ASTI -14.6% (reaches an agreement with its existing senior secured note holder, to restructure its outstanding senior secured convertible notes), KBIO -12.5% (cont volatility), AKS -4.3% (in symp with peer X), MBT -4.2% (slight pull back following last weeks gains), YNDX -2.9% (may be related to geo-political events surrounding Russia), SJM -2.2% (announces a ~3.86 mln share secondary offering on behalf of selling shareholder Blue Holdings), QTS -1.3% (announced a 2 mln share public offering of common shares by a selling stockholder affiliated with General Atlantic LLC)
Analyst comments: BLOX -9.5% (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Deutsche Bank ), X -3.8% (target lowered to $3 from $7 at BofA/Merrill), GME -2.2% (downgraded to Perform from Outperform at Oppenheimer; downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill), HTS -0.8% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Nomura)
USA 20 suurema linna majade keskmine hind kerkis septembris 5,5%, märkides kiirenemist augusti 5,1% pealt ning ületades ka analüütikute 5,15% ootust.