Börsipäev 24. juuli

Daimler AG (DAI) avalikustas täna oma majandustulemused. Teise kvartali kasumilanguseks registreeriti 25%. Kasuminumbri vähenemise peasüüdlaseks peaks pidama süüdistusi, mis on suunatud luksusautosid tootva ettevõtte Chrysler üksuse pihta. Puhaskasum langes 1.395 miljardi euroni ehk 1.40 eurot aktsia kohta. Möödunud aastaga võrreldes on EPS vähenenud 0.455 eurot.

Ja reageering tulemustele graafiku peal ka siia juurde:

Hommikul teatas Credit Suisse kasumi kukkumisest 62% ja panga puhaskasum oli SFr 1.2 mld. Tulemus oli oodatust siiski parem. Investeerimispankadest on teises kvartalis kasumist teatanud Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase & Co ja Morgan Stanley. Citigroupi kahjum oli $2.5 mld dollarit.

Eile pärast turu sulgemist tulid tulemused Baidul.com'ilt (BIDU). Numbrid olid analüütikute poolt oodatuist paremad ning aktsia üle 10% plussis. Väike kommentaar Morgan Stanley poolt:

What we liked: 1) Paying customers accelerated 12% QoQ (vs. +4% in 1Q08) to 181,000, with their average spending up 22% QoQ. 2) Operating margin rebounded 9 ppts QoQ to a second historical high, thanks to lower marketing costs (~20% of sales, down 4 ppts QoQ) and Japanese venture costs (-2% QoQ).

What concerned us: 1) Baidu guided for a slower 3Q sales growth (+82-88% YoY, vs +100% YoY in 2Q), due to the changes during the Olympics (factory shutdown + traffic control + more customers watching games). 2) Hurt by softening export, RMB appreciation, and credit tightening, ~20-25% of the SMEs in Guangdong and Zhejiang, which host over half of Chinese SMEs, were loss-making in 1H08 (Provincial Statistics Bureau).

Ja et pildimaterjali foorumites liialt väheks ei jääks, panin siia ka ühe pildi MSi erinevatest võimalikest nägemustest BIDU pikaajalise potentsiaali osas.

Palun, keegi võiks mind chatist korraks välja visata.

MEMC Electronic Materials (WFR) tegeleb polürani tootmisega, mida kasutavad päikesepaneelide valmistajad toorainena. Eile teatas ettevõtte oma Q2 tulemused ning kuigi antud sektori aktsiad on viimasel ajal niigi langenud, karistati järelturul WFRi aktsiat ligi 25%-lise juukselõikusega.

Reports Q2 (Jun) earnings of $0.92 per share, $0.08 worse than the First Call consensus of $1.00; revenues rose 6.0% year/year to $531.4 mln vs the $557.9 mln consensus. Co issues in-line guidance for Q3, sees Q3 revs of $560-620 mln vs. $616.34 mln consensus. Co issues mixed guidance for FY08, sees EPS of $4.00-4.30 vs. $4.30 consensus; sees FY08 revs of $2.250-2.350 bln vs. $2.36 bln consensus... Co also announces the Board authorizes $500 mln increase in share repurchase program

Täna on Citigroup aktsiat kaitsmas, tõstes reitingu Osta peale ning lisades WFRi oma Top Picks Live nimekirja. Sealjuures on huvitav asjaolu, et teisipäeval langetas Citi WFR’i prognoose ja hinnasihti, sest kardeti, et ettevõtte Q2 tulemused jäävad analüütikute konsensusele alla. Seega väga ettenägelik tegutsemine Citi analüütiku poolt, mis lisab kindlasti ka tänasele kommentaarile kaalu. Samuti on JP Morgan täna tõstmas WFRi reitingu Overweight tasemele, märkides soodsat valuatsiooni.

Usun, et aktsia võib täna teha märkimisväärse põrke. Eelturul kaubeldakse hetkel $43.2 tasemel ehk ligi 20% madalamal eilsest sulgumishinnast. Kopeerin ka ühe lõigu Citi tänasest analüüsist:

While we have resisted an upgrade for several Qs, feeling that estimates were too far in front of the possible issues around the ramp, we think this time is finally a unique combination of what appears to be capitulation among investors combined with real reason to believe this guidance will end up being very conservative. Thus, we are upgrading from Hold (2H) to Buy (1H) and adding to Citi’s Top Picks Live (TPL).

Notable Calls arvab samuti, et WFR on täna põrkemäng.

Väga hea, NC ka WFRi kohta hetk hiljem:

I suspect the stock will trade just below the $50 level today. There is some offered in pre mkt - I suggest you take it for a bounce

Long AMZN @ $75. Liiga nõrk reaktsioon nende tulemuste kohta, raske on midagi negatiivset leida.
Sold AMZN @ $76.25.
Initial Claims 406K vs 380K consensus, prior revised to 372K from 366K.

Jätkuvad töötu abiraha nõuded küll tulid oodatust väiksemad ja olid ka eelmisest nädalast madalamad, kuid esmaste number taas üle 400 tuhande on investoritele muret tekitamas.
Level 3 Communication LVLT võiks pakkuda suuri päevasiseseid liikumisi, peale oodatust väiksema kahjumi raporteerimist.

Eelturul +15.17% $4.10 tasemel, käive 2 miljonit.

Täna avaldas tulemused põllumajandusettevõte Bunge (BG), mis lõi analüütikute ootusi nii tulude kui ka kasumi osas ning ühtlasi tõstis terve aasta prognoose. Võrreldes eelmise aastaga näidati meeletut kasvu kõigis segmentides, kõige enam tõusid tulud väetiste (+454%) ja põllumajandussaaduste (+329%) segmendis.

2008. aasta ootusi tõsteti tervelt $2.25 võrra aktsia kohta ning uue prognoosi kohaselt oodatakse EPSi $11.60-11.90 (eelmine ($9.35-9.65). Praegu kaupleb aktsia 3.4% plussis, kuid arvatavasti suudetakse päeva jooksul käia kõrgemal ja seda hoolimata juhtkonna sõnadest, et kõrgete hindade tõttu võib nõudlus osade põllumajandussaaduste järgi lähitulevikus väheneda.

Will Reversals in Oil and Banks Kill the Rally?
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
7/24/2008 8:06 AM EDT

The most important quality in a leader is that of being acknowledged as such.
-- Andre Maurois

The bounce in financials and the free fall of energy are the two dominant themes in this market right now. The moves in those two sectors have been big and quick and have helped deliver a solid bounce for the broad market over the past week.

This combination of lower oil and relief in banks and brokers is really the ideal combination to support the market. In addition, the market seems to be forgiving weak earnings reports from the likes of Apple (AAPL) , American Express (AXP) and Texas Instruments (TXN) and has managed to rally despite them.

That is where we stand now, but traders are now starting to wonder if maybe financials are due for some sort of pullback and energy due for a relief bounce. That doesn't seem to be an outrageous expectation, and we need to consider whether the market can continue to bounce higher should those themes start to reverse.

The key will not only be the degree of reversals, if any, in energy and banks, but whether the market can shift its focus elsewhere. As I discussed yesterday morning, we really need some additional leadership if the market is going to work higher from here. The good news is that technology stocks are showing a little more life now. Apple managed to bounce back from a dip on its earnings report, and reports from Baidu (BIDU) , Amazon (AMZN) and Qualcomm (QCOM) are receiving a positive reaction this morning.

If technology stocks like IBM (IBM) and QCOM don't take a leadership role, then we need oil to keep falling and/or banks to keep bouncing. That might happen, but the nature of further upside will become suspect if we don't get a broader array of stocks with positive action.

One puzzling aspect is the relative outperformance of small-caps. The IWM -- the small-cap index -- actually managed a technical "follow-through" day and moved back over its 50-day simple moving average. None of the other major indices have managed that and I'm wondering how that divergence might correct. If the big-caps play catch-up with the small-caps, that will be extremely favorable, but it seems illogical that small-caps should be leading as we are wrestling with inflation and slowing economic growth.

At this point, the bulls have the advantage as long as the twin themes of lower oil and better banks prevail. However, that won't last long unless the upside strength broadens out.

We have a mixed start setting up, with strength in technology offsetting weakness elsewhere.
Ülespoole avanevad:

In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: QCOM +19.9% (Nokia and Qualcomm enter into a new agreement; added to Top Picks Live List at Citigroup), BIDU +12.9%, GR +12.2%, SCSS +10.8%, NCC +10.4%, LSI +10.2%, SANM +9.5% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Cowen), RSH +9.1%, MLNX +9.1%, BG +8.5%, AMZN +8.1%, GSIC +8.0%, LVLT +7.6%, VAR +7.0%, ICO +6.2%, TRA +5.8%, OXY +5.8%, CRUS +5.6%, IRBT +5.4%, CS +5.2%, FCL +4.6%, VDSI +4.5%, FSTR +4.4%, NTRI +4.3%, DOX +4.2%, POT +4.1%, NTGR +3.8%, TMO +3.8% (light volume), TEX +3.8%, AFOP +3.4%, STMP +3.4%, DGII +3.2%, BMY +3.2%, TQNT +3.1%, CELG +2.9%, SY +2.9%, CTXS +2.7%, AEIS +2.5% (light volume), RHI +2.5% (light volume), CSH +2.5%, LUV +2.4%, MMM +2.4%, ARBA +2.3%, MCK +2.2%, PCZ +1.7%, SYT +1.6%, TNH +1.4%... M&A news: VITL +24.5% (to be acquired by GE at $74.50/share)... Select agriculture stocks showing strength following POT and BG results: IPI +5.5%, AGU +4.3%, CF +3.9%, MOS +2.7%... Other news: FRE +6.5% and FNM +5.7% (continued strength after lawmakers reached a deal on a housing bill that, among other things, will allow for financial aid to FNM and FRE), NWS +3.5% (still checking), WB +2.5% (CEO bought 1 mln shares at $15.32-17.02 on 7/22), NOK +1.1% (Nokia and Qualcomm enter into a new agreement)... Analyst comments: APD +2.4% (upgraded to Overweight at JPMorgan), C +1.3% (upgraded to Equal Weight at Morgan Stanley), MEOH +1.0% (upgraded to Buy at UBS).

Allapoole avanevad:

In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CDNS -29.4%, SWIR -21.6% (also downgraded to Underperform at Jefferies and downgraded to Sector Perform at RBC), CPTS -19.7%, GDI -19.3% (also downgraded to Hold from Buy at BB&T and downgraded to Underperform at Baird), WFR -18.2%, NVEC -18.1%, WIRE -18.0%, CGX -15.7%, DSL -15.4%, CMG -14.7% (also downgraded to Hold at Jefferies and downgraded to Neutral at JPMorgan), OMTR -14.2% (also downgraded to Neutral at Broadpoint Capital), MKSI -12.4%, SKX -12.3%, TASR -11.4%, DAI -10.8%, ZBRA -10.4%, LH -9.6%, TER -9.4%, F -8.5%, ALL -7.2%, RYL -6.6%, FFIV -5.5%, AFL -3.7%, FNF -3.0% (light volume), AEM -3.0%, NE -2.4%, EQIX -1.3%... Other news: BPFH -7.1% (prices offering of 16.0 mln common shares at $6.00/share), LCC -5.9% (Moody's downgrades ratings of US Airways -- corporate family to Caa1; Outlook Negative), STLD -3.5% (files for an 18.33 mln share common stock offering by selling shareholders), VOD -3.3% (still checking)... Analyst comments: AUXL -5.0% (downgraded to Hold at Citigroup), HCBK -2.3% (downgraded to Hold at Stifel Nicolaus), LYG -1.3% (downgraded to Hold at Citigroup), MCD -1.1% (downgraded to Hold at Deutsche Bank), T -1.0% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at J.P Morgan).
BG +7%, rohkem ei julgeks täna loota.

Euroopa ja Aasia põhiindeksid:

Saksamaa DAX -0.56%

Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -0.24%

Inglismaa FTSE 100 -0.38%

Hispaania IBEX 35 -1.10%

Venemaa MICEX -1.61%

Poola WIG -0.12%

Aasia turud:

Jaapani Nikkei 225 +2.18%

Hong Kongi Hang Seng -0.20%

Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +2.56%

Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +2.44%

Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq +1.94%

Tai Set 50 -0.53%

India Sensex -1.11%

Ja olemasolevate majade juunikuise müügi kohta siis ka numbreid:

4.86 mln vs oodatud 4.94 miljonit. Eelmine kuu oli 4.99 mln.
WFR hüppas avanedes $47 peale, kuid nüüd on järjest madalamale laskumas. Oleks tugevamat põrget oodanud... mis hetkel on ebatõenäoline.

Lisan ka WFR tänase graafiku LHV Traderi vahendusel:

June Existing Home Sales 4.86 mln vs 4.94 mln consensus, down 2.6% m/m