Kolmapäev kulges USA aktsiaturgudel enamuse ajast ilma kindla suunata, kuid viimastel tundidel liikusid indeksid kõrgemale ning S&P 500 sulgus 0,2% plussis. Tugevust näitas eelkõige tehnoloogiasektor. Euroopas lõpetas Stoxx Europe 600 indeks 0,4% teisipäevasest sulgumistasemest madalamal.
Turuosaliste tähelepanu all oli energeetikasektor, kui eile teatati USA möödunud nädala naftavarud, mis tõusid 5 miljoni barreli võrra, mida oli pea kaks korda rohkem kui analüütikud ootasid. Kokku tõusid varud 533 miljoni barrelini, mis on kõrgeim tase alates 1982. aastast. USA naftapumpajad suurendasid tootmist viiendat nädalat järjest jõudes 9,13 mln barrelini päevas, märkides viimase aasta kõrgeimat taset. Kuigi nafta hind reageeris varude raportile alguses langusega, viies musta kulla hinna ligi 2% miinusesse, sulguti päeva lõpuks 0,5% madalamal ehk $48,05/barrel peal.
Eile avaldatud USA olemasolevate majade müük valmistas pettumuse. Peasüüdlaseks peetakse vähest pakkumiste arvu, mis on tõstnud hindasid ja seega vähendanud taskukohasust potentsiaalsete ostjate jaoks. Praeguse müügitempo juures on müümata majade varu 3,8 kuud.
Täna on oodata UK veebruari jaemüügi numbreid ning USA uute majade müüki. Lisaks astub kõnega üles USA keskpanga juht Janet Yellen.
11:30 UK jaemüük (veebruar)
14:30 USA töötu abiraha taotlejate arv
14:45 Janet Yelleni kõne
16:00 USA uute majade müük (veebruar)
16:45 Euroopa Keskpanga liikme Sabine Lautenschlägeri kõne
18:30 FOMC liikme Neel Kashkari kõne
Suurbritannia jaemüük kasvas veebruaris võrreldes aastatagusega 3,7%, lüües analüütikute 2,6%-list kasvuootust. Hinnad (kaasa arvatud kütus, mis tõusis yoy +18,7%) tõusid aastaga 2,8%, mis on kiireim kasv alates 2012. aasta märtsist. Internetipoodide müük kasvas ligi 21% ning moodustas 15% kogu jaemüügist.

Credit Suisse on avaldanud analüüsi, kus uuritakse võimalikke põhjuseid väheneva ettevõtete arvu taga USA börsidel, samal ajal kui teistes arenenud riikides on noteeritud ettevõtete arv kasvanud. Alates 1996. aastast on USA börsiettevõtete arv kahanenud ligikaudu 50% ja ulatub hetkel ca 3700 ettevõtteni. Ühelt poolt on seda mõjutanud langenud IPOde arv. Perioodil 1976-2000 tehti aastas keskmiselt IPOsid 282, pärast seda aga 114. Teisalt aga viiakse ettevõtteid börsilt ära läbi M&A tehingute. Mõlema kasuks räägib muutunud regulatsioon, kus ühelt poolt on karmimad nõuded muutnud börsile tuleku ettevõtete jaoks kulukamaks, kuid leebemad konkurentsireeglid soodustanud ülevõtmisi. Oma osa nähakse ka riskikapitali fondide suuremal haardel, mistõttu ei pea ettevõtted raha kaasamiseks pöörduma börsile.

USA esmaste töötu abiraha taotlejate arv oodatust kõrgem:
Initial Claims 258K vs 239K Briefing.com consensus; Prior revised to 243K from 241K
Initial Claims 258K vs 239K Briefing.com consensus; Prior revised to 243K from 241K
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
TAT +9.6%, CGIX +8.6%, CMC +8.3%, PVH +7.3%, FIVE +6.7%, MLHR +5.6% APOP +4.4%, PIRS +2%, CUR +1.9%, CEO +1.4%, NEOT +1.4%
M&A news:
ZNH +1.1% (issues statement, says it requested the halt pending the release of an announcement in relation to the possible major strategic cooperation which is the inside information of the Company)
Other news:
HTGM +56.5% (obtains CE marking in the European Union for its HTG EdgeSeq ALKPlus Assay EU)
DRWI +29.3% (announced the selection of the Harmony Enhanced MC backhaul solution by Corridor Communication )
SSH +20.6% (highlights 'progress in successfully executing its Aquadex growth strategy')
BEBE +7.5% ( says exploring strategic alternatives)
DHT +6% (acquires 11 VLCCs from BW Group for $538 mln; will issue $256 million of DHT capital stock)
INSY +5.8% (DEA has issued an interim final rule that would result in Syndros being placed in Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act; anticipates finalizing the labeling and subsequent launch of Syndros in the second half of 2017)
EGLT +5.6% (announces the issuance of new U.S. and international patents for its proprietary Guardian Technology)
PRKR +4.8% ( seeing continued strength in afterhours - confirms will report financial results on Thursday, March 30, 2017 with call at 4:30 p.m. Eastern time)
PENN +4.4% (will replace Cynosure in the S&P SmallCap 600)
LJPC +1.9% (prices an underwritten public offering of approx 3.7 mln shares of common stock at $33.50/share for gross proceeds of $125 mln)
CPB +1% (announces $1.5 bln share repurchase program)
Analyst comments:
FEYE +8.4% (upgraded to Buy from Sell at Goldman)
SVU +6.9% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
RACE +2.3% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup)
CHK +2% (initiated with Buy at Stifel )
KR +1.7% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
BABA +0.9% (initiated with Overweight ratings at Pacific Crest)
JD +0.9% (initiated with Overweight ratings at Pacific Crest)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
CHL -2.7%, ACN -2.6%, KDMN -2.4%, CAG -1.9%, ASND -1.5%, BGNE -0.6%, EHIC -0.5%
Other news:
TNDM -22.6% (prices offering of 18 mln shares at $1.25/share)
HTBX -20.4% (prices underwritten public offering of 5 mln shares of its common stock at $0.80/share)
QUIK -12.2% (prices 10 mln common stock offering at $1.50/share)
OEC -8.3% (announces that Kinove Luxembourg Holdings and certain other sellers intend to offer an aggregate of 5 mln common shares in an underwritten public offering)
RARE -6.9% (announces topline data from the Phase 2 study of UX007 in glucose transporter type-1 deficiency syndrome patients with seizures; study did not meet the primary endpoint)
VNCE -5.3% (following late move higher)
BLCM -4.3% (commences an underwritten public offering of 5,000,000 shares of its common stock)
SHLD -3.9% (continued weakness)
CHMI -3.8% (commences 4.5 mln common stock offering)
ENPH -3.2% (files for approx 12 mln share common stock offering by selling shareholder)
MMSI -3% (prices offering of 4.5 mln shares of common stock at $28.25 per share)
KEYS -1.6% (offering of 11,428,571 common shares at $35.00 per share)
MYL -0.9% ( indicated lower in after hours on EpiPen recall news)
Analyst comments:
WLL -1.7% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at UBS)
GPOR -1.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
DG -1.2% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse)
NSC -1.1% (downgraded to Underperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
MO -1.1% (downgraded to Underperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
PEGI -1% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Macquarie)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
TAT +9.6%, CGIX +8.6%, CMC +8.3%, PVH +7.3%, FIVE +6.7%, MLHR +5.6% APOP +4.4%, PIRS +2%, CUR +1.9%, CEO +1.4%, NEOT +1.4%
M&A news:
ZNH +1.1% (issues statement, says it requested the halt pending the release of an announcement in relation to the possible major strategic cooperation which is the inside information of the Company)
Other news:
HTGM +56.5% (obtains CE marking in the European Union for its HTG EdgeSeq ALKPlus Assay EU)
DRWI +29.3% (announced the selection of the Harmony Enhanced MC backhaul solution by Corridor Communication )
SSH +20.6% (highlights 'progress in successfully executing its Aquadex growth strategy')
BEBE +7.5% ( says exploring strategic alternatives)
DHT +6% (acquires 11 VLCCs from BW Group for $538 mln; will issue $256 million of DHT capital stock)
INSY +5.8% (DEA has issued an interim final rule that would result in Syndros being placed in Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act; anticipates finalizing the labeling and subsequent launch of Syndros in the second half of 2017)
EGLT +5.6% (announces the issuance of new U.S. and international patents for its proprietary Guardian Technology)
PRKR +4.8% ( seeing continued strength in afterhours - confirms will report financial results on Thursday, March 30, 2017 with call at 4:30 p.m. Eastern time)
PENN +4.4% (will replace Cynosure in the S&P SmallCap 600)
LJPC +1.9% (prices an underwritten public offering of approx 3.7 mln shares of common stock at $33.50/share for gross proceeds of $125 mln)
CPB +1% (announces $1.5 bln share repurchase program)
Analyst comments:
FEYE +8.4% (upgraded to Buy from Sell at Goldman)
SVU +6.9% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
RACE +2.3% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup)
CHK +2% (initiated with Buy at Stifel )
KR +1.7% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
BABA +0.9% (initiated with Overweight ratings at Pacific Crest)
JD +0.9% (initiated with Overweight ratings at Pacific Crest)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
CHL -2.7%, ACN -2.6%, KDMN -2.4%, CAG -1.9%, ASND -1.5%, BGNE -0.6%, EHIC -0.5%
Other news:
TNDM -22.6% (prices offering of 18 mln shares at $1.25/share)
HTBX -20.4% (prices underwritten public offering of 5 mln shares of its common stock at $0.80/share)
QUIK -12.2% (prices 10 mln common stock offering at $1.50/share)
OEC -8.3% (announces that Kinove Luxembourg Holdings and certain other sellers intend to offer an aggregate of 5 mln common shares in an underwritten public offering)
RARE -6.9% (announces topline data from the Phase 2 study of UX007 in glucose transporter type-1 deficiency syndrome patients with seizures; study did not meet the primary endpoint)
VNCE -5.3% (following late move higher)
BLCM -4.3% (commences an underwritten public offering of 5,000,000 shares of its common stock)
SHLD -3.9% (continued weakness)
CHMI -3.8% (commences 4.5 mln common stock offering)
ENPH -3.2% (files for approx 12 mln share common stock offering by selling shareholder)
MMSI -3% (prices offering of 4.5 mln shares of common stock at $28.25 per share)
KEYS -1.6% (offering of 11,428,571 common shares at $35.00 per share)
MYL -0.9% ( indicated lower in after hours on EpiPen recall news)
Analyst comments:
WLL -1.7% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at UBS)
GPOR -1.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
DG -1.2% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse)
NSC -1.1% (downgraded to Underperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
MO -1.1% (downgraded to Underperform at RBC Capital Mkts)
PEGI -1% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Macquarie)
USA uute majade müük veebruaris ületas ootusi:
February New Home Sales 592K vs 560K Briefing.com consensus; prior revised to 558K from 555K
February New Home Sales 592K vs 560K Briefing.com consensus; prior revised to 558K from 555K