Eile nägime korralikku languspäeva (seda just viimaste kuude kontekstis), kuigi selleski olid omad nüansid, mis peaksid muutma ettevaatlikuks järelduste tegemisel tipu saavutamisest mõneks ajaks. Esiteks ei toonud negatiivsem sentiment kaasa erilist käibe kasvu, kui NYSE-l kaubeldud aktsiate maht kasvas kolmapäeva 3,5 miljardilt aktsialt 3,7 miljardile aktsiale ja teiseks on turul õnnestunud tänavu korduvalt lohku tõmmata neid, kes on liiga kiiresti karuseks muutunud ja miski ei välista, et seda tehakse veel.
Mis siis eilset pessimismi külvasid. Esiteks viitas HSBC igakuine töötleva tööstuse küsitlus, et märtsis on Hiina majanduse jahtumine jätkunud. Erilist reaktsiooni selle peale Aasia turud ei näidanud, kuna investorid panevad suuremat rõhku ametlikule statistikale, mis avaldatakse järgmise nädala lõpus. Teiseks loodetakse endiselt keskpanga kiirele tegutsemisele, kui olukord peaks majanduses halvenema.
Pöördelisem hetk koitis kui avalikustati eurotsooni töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI näitajad, mis vastupidiselt tagasihoidlikule paranemise ootusele näitasid aga märkimisväärset halvenemist ning seda eriti just tuumikriikides Saksamaal ja Prantsusmaal. Sellele lisaks jäi nõrgemaks ka muu Euroopa makro…jaanuari tööstustellimused ja Suurbritannia veebruari jaemüük + jaanuari näitaja tugev allapoole korrigeerimine. Peale selle tegi paljusid närviliseks Hispaania laenukulude tõus, kui 10a võlakirja tulusus kerkis uuesti üle 5,5%.Stoxx 600 kaotas päeva lõpuks -1,2%, S&P 500 viibis vahepeal küll -1% jagu punases, kuid suutis sessiooni lõpuks osa kaotusest elimineerida sulgudes -0,7% madalamal.
Hispaania 10a võlakirja yield
Kui makro on maailma erinevates nurkades viimasel ajal prognoosidele alla jäänud, siis üks valdkond, kus siiani jätkub väga positiivne trend, on USA tööjõuturg. Möödunud nädala töötuabiraha taotluste arv jätkas kahanemist 4a uutele põhjadele 348K juurde. Ühe põhjusena on aga osad hakanud välja tooma ebatavaliselt mahedat talve, kui David Rosenbergi sõnul olid jaanuar ja veebruar kõige soojemad kuud viimase 65 aasta jooksul, mis on hooajaliselt liigutanud töökohtade loomist kevadkuudelt varasemaks ja ähvardades sellega kujundada järgnevaid kuid jälle nõrgemaks.
Vaadates tänast makrokalendrit, siis ainukesed märgilise tähendusega sündmused võiksid olla Prantsusmaa INSEE märtsi ärisentimendi küsitlus kell 9.45, Itaalia jaemüük kell 11.00 ja USA uute majade müük kell 16.00.
Jaapanist on viimasel ajal majandustulemuste võltsimise kohta rohkem lugeda olnud. Tasulises WSJ-s täna väike uudisnupp, kuidas ametnikud on võtnud vahele ühe klientidele valet infot edastanud pensionifondi haldaja AIJ Investment Advisorsi.
A person familiar with the matter earlier said AIJ told regulators that it believes about 90% of the roughly ¥200 billion in pension funds that it managed is gone.
Pension funds that had entrusted some of their cash to AIJ have said the money manager was reporting high and stable performance on its investments, even when markets were weak.
A person familiar with the matter earlier said AIJ told regulators that it believes about 90% of the roughly ¥200 billion in pension funds that it managed is gone.
Pension funds that had entrusted some of their cash to AIJ have said the money manager was reporting high and stable performance on its investments, even when markets were weak.
Prantsusmaa ärisentiment märtsis oodatust natuke parem (96 punkti vs oodatud 93 punkti), mis näib futuure veidi lohutavat. Lisaks ringlevad jutud, et Hiina keskpank on valmis lähiajal pankade kohustuslikku reservimäära langetama.

Päev Euroopa turgudel on alanud positiivsel toonil ning ka EUR on dollari suhtes taastunud nagu poleks eilsest makrost kuulnudki (eurotsooni töötleva tööstuse märtsi PMI oli viimati umbes samas suurusjärgus detsembris, kuid toona EUR/USD 1,28...1,29 dollarit). USA futuurid kauplevad 0,2-0,5% kõrgemal peegeldades suuremat huvi jälle riskivarade suhtes, mis soosib ka eurot. Samas aga on Hispaania 10a yield kõrgemale rühkimas.

Itaalia jaanuari jaemüük -0,8% YoY vs oodatud -3,4% (detsembris -3,7%)

Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: KBH -15.5%, LAYN -14.0%, SCS -3.6%, MU -3.6%, WTSLA -2.9%.
Select Housing stocks trading lower in sympathy to KBH earnings: BZH -3.4%, TOL -2.6%, LEN -2.5%
Select stocks trading lower following offerings: OVRL -12.2% (announces proposed public offering of Common Stock), PLUG -8.5% (offer shares of common stock in an underwritten public offering), KORS -1.4% (priced a secondary offering of 25 mln shares by selling shareholders at a price of $47.00/share).
Other news: GEL -4.4% (Genesis Energy, L.P. announces public offering of 5 mln common units), ORN -2.9% (provides op update, sees additional margin pressure).
Analyst comments: GOLD -4.5% (downgraded to Neutral at Citi), ZNGA -1.9% (initiated with Underperform at Needham & reports that CEO plans to sell 15% stake or 16.5 mln shares).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: KBH -15.5%, LAYN -14.0%, SCS -3.6%, MU -3.6%, WTSLA -2.9%.
Select Housing stocks trading lower in sympathy to KBH earnings: BZH -3.4%, TOL -2.6%, LEN -2.5%
Select stocks trading lower following offerings: OVRL -12.2% (announces proposed public offering of Common Stock), PLUG -8.5% (offer shares of common stock in an underwritten public offering), KORS -1.4% (priced a secondary offering of 25 mln shares by selling shareholders at a price of $47.00/share).
Other news: GEL -4.4% (Genesis Energy, L.P. announces public offering of 5 mln common units), ORN -2.9% (provides op update, sees additional margin pressure).
Analyst comments: GOLD -4.5% (downgraded to Neutral at Citi), ZNGA -1.9% (initiated with Underperform at Needham & reports that CEO plans to sell 15% stake or 16.5 mln shares).
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: CPWM +4.9%, ACN +1.8%, SLW +1%, (light volume).
Other news: NCIT +12.7% (awarded U.S. Air Force Design Engineering and Support Program contract), CVO +5.6% (prices $225 mln in aggegate of 11 1/2% Senior Notes due 2017 and 7% Senior Exchangeable Notes due 2017) ECYT +3.9% (receives USAN approval for nonproprietary names of novel endocyte drug candidates), TXT +2.2% (co's unit signed 2 agreements to jointly develop aviation in China), LGF +2.1% (trading higher following Hunger Games release last night and this weekend -- stock fell 7% yesterday after gaining 19% in the three days prior), STO +1.3% (Reuters reports Statoil ASA Alaska oil find may have an extra 350 mln barrels)
Analyst comments: DRRX +14.1% (light volume on sub-$1 stock; initiated with Buy at Think Equity), GLUU +9% (positive analyst initiation cited), MWW +3.4% (upraded to Outperform at Robert Baird) AAWW +2.8% (target raised to $61 at FBR Capital), MOS +2.2% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: CPWM +4.9%, ACN +1.8%, SLW +1%, (light volume).
Other news: NCIT +12.7% (awarded U.S. Air Force Design Engineering and Support Program contract), CVO +5.6% (prices $225 mln in aggegate of 11 1/2% Senior Notes due 2017 and 7% Senior Exchangeable Notes due 2017) ECYT +3.9% (receives USAN approval for nonproprietary names of novel endocyte drug candidates), TXT +2.2% (co's unit signed 2 agreements to jointly develop aviation in China), LGF +2.1% (trading higher following Hunger Games release last night and this weekend -- stock fell 7% yesterday after gaining 19% in the three days prior), STO +1.3% (Reuters reports Statoil ASA Alaska oil find may have an extra 350 mln barrels)
Analyst comments: DRRX +14.1% (light volume on sub-$1 stock; initiated with Buy at Think Equity), GLUU +9% (positive analyst initiation cited), MWW +3.4% (upraded to Outperform at Robert Baird) AAWW +2.8% (target raised to $61 at FBR Capital), MOS +2.2% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan)
kinnisvarastatistika see nädal valmistanud pettumuse
February New Home Sales 313K vs 323K Briefing.com consensus; Prior revised to 318K from 321K

February New Home Sales 313K vs 323K Briefing.com consensus; Prior revised to 318K from 321K

Kinnisvarasektori aktsiaid on täna veel rusumas KB Homes tulemused, mis lisaks allajäämisele peegeldasid ettevaatavalt ka -8%list uute tellimuste aastast langust vs oodatud 20-30% kasvu. Võib olla erand aga kindlasti tasuks radaril hoida, kuna divergents konsensusega ikka suhteliselt suur
Reports Q1 (Feb) loss of $0.59 per share, $0.36 worse than the Capital IQ Consensus Estimate of ($0.23); revenues rose 29.3% year/year to $254.6 mln vs the $338.61 mln consensus
Mgmt: "Reflecting the improving trends in the economy, including recent job growth and higher consumer confidence, we are seeing signs that the overall housing market is stabilizing and beginning to recover. The pace of the recovery is uneven, however, with certain local markets showing greater strength and more normalized activity than other areas where a rebound will take longer to manifest. We expect that the housing market in general will gradually strengthen as the economy continues to advance. While we are encouraged by the recent positive economic and housing market trends, our operational and financial results for the first quarter were mixed. We ended the quarter with a higher backlog compared to a year ago, although our orders moderated."
Reports Q1 (Feb) loss of $0.59 per share, $0.36 worse than the Capital IQ Consensus Estimate of ($0.23); revenues rose 29.3% year/year to $254.6 mln vs the $338.61 mln consensus
Mgmt: "Reflecting the improving trends in the economy, including recent job growth and higher consumer confidence, we are seeing signs that the overall housing market is stabilizing and beginning to recover. The pace of the recovery is uneven, however, with certain local markets showing greater strength and more normalized activity than other areas where a rebound will take longer to manifest. We expect that the housing market in general will gradually strengthen as the economy continues to advance. While we are encouraged by the recent positive economic and housing market trends, our operational and financial results for the first quarter were mixed. We ended the quarter with a higher backlog compared to a year ago, although our orders moderated."
WTI spike's ligi 2 dollarit 108 dorralile selle Reutersi artikli peale
RIMM vastu turgu liikumas, hetkel +1,5% @ 13,96 USD, kuna käivad kuuljutud võimalikust uuest tootest