Peamist kõneainet tekitas läinud nädalal Föderaalreservi aprilli istungi protokolli avaldamine, mis sundis turuosalisi korrigeerima intressimäära ootusi järgmiseks istungiks kõrgemale. Kuigi esmane reaktsioon viis S&P 500 indeksi protsendi jagu miinusesse, siis juba rohkem kui nädala jagu on kehtinud muster, kus languspäevale kipub järgnema tugevam ralli ja nõnda kosus S&P 500 reedel 0,6%, sulgudes nädala lõikes 0,3% plussis. Euroopas pani Stoxx 600 nädalale punkti 1,0% tõusuga.
Aasias on aktsiaturud alustanud uut nädalat valdavalt plusspoolel, va Jaapanis, kus Nikkei kauples -0,6% kaotusega. Jaapani töötleva tööstuse PMI viitas mais aktiivsuse languse süvenemisele, kukkudes 0,6 punkti 47,6 punktile, mis märkis madalaimat taset alates 2012.a detsembrist. Ühest küljest on töötleva tööstuse tellimusi mõjutamas nõrk välisnõudlus, teisalt seab tootmispiiranguid maavärinate tagajärgede likvideerimine.
Jeen jätkas dollari suhtes tugevnemist 0,3% võrra 109,8 jeenile pärast nädalavahetusel toimunud G7 rahandusministrite kohtumist, mille raames kinnitas USA rahandusminister Jacob Lew varasemat seisukohta, et jeeni 9% kallinemine tänavu pole piisavalt volatiilne liikumine, et õigustada riigipoolset sekkumist valuutaturule.
Erasektori aktiivsusindeksid jäävad täna esiplaanile ka Euroopas ja Ühendriikides, millele lisaks võivad tähelepanu pälvida ka kahe FOMC liikme esinemised. Nädalavahetusel tõdes Boston FEDi president Eric Rosengren (FOMC hääletav liige), et majandusnäitajate latt on intressimäära tõstmiseks seatud suhteliselt madalale. Intressimäära kergitamine juunis või järgnevatel istungitel peaks olema õige samm ka San Francisco FEDi presidendi John Williamsi arvates (pole tänavu FOMC hääletav liige), kes lisas pühapäeval esinedes, et sügisel toimuvad USA presidendivalimised rahapoliitilisi otsuseid ei mõjuta.
10.00 Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI (mai)
10.30 Saksamaa töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI (mai)
11.00 Eurotsooni töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI (mai)
13.15 FEDi Bullard esineb kõnega
15.00 FEDi Williams esineb kõnega
16.00 Venemaa töötuse määr ja jaemüük (aprill)
16.45 USA Markiti töötleva tööstuse PMI (mai)
17.00 Eurotsooni tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (mai)
Raha väljavool Euroopa aktsiafondidest jätkus 15. nädalat järjest, kuid väiksemas mahus
*European equities see $1.1b of outflows in week to May 18, the 15th consecutive weekly outflow, but also the smallest in 6 weeks, BofAML strategists write in note, citing EPFR Global data.
* Global equities see $5.8b of equity outflows, marking a 6th straight week of redemptions
* Defensive sector rotation into utilities, REITs and out of technology
* U.S. equities see $4.9b outflows, 5 of the past 6 weeks have seen redemptions
* Japan equities see $0.6b inflows, largest in 10 weeks, 2nd consecutive week of inflows
* EM equities see small $1.6b outflows, 3rd straight week
* Precious metals funds see $1.8b inflows, largest in 11 weeks with inflows for 18 of past 19 weeks
* Global bond funds see $2.8b inflows, inflows for 11 of past 12 weeks
* IG bond funds see $1.5b inflows, 11th straight week of inflows
* HY bond funds see $0.1b outflows, 3rd week of outflows
Täna langetab väljavaadet Euroopa aktsiatele Deutsche, kelle arvates pole Stoxx 600 indeksil vaatamata EKP QE-le sel aastal enam tõusuruumi jäänud
*European equities see $1.1b of outflows in week to May 18, the 15th consecutive weekly outflow, but also the smallest in 6 weeks, BofAML strategists write in note, citing EPFR Global data.
* Global equities see $5.8b of equity outflows, marking a 6th straight week of redemptions
* Defensive sector rotation into utilities, REITs and out of technology
* U.S. equities see $4.9b outflows, 5 of the past 6 weeks have seen redemptions
* Japan equities see $0.6b inflows, largest in 10 weeks, 2nd consecutive week of inflows
* EM equities see small $1.6b outflows, 3rd straight week
* Precious metals funds see $1.8b inflows, largest in 11 weeks with inflows for 18 of past 19 weeks
* Global bond funds see $2.8b inflows, inflows for 11 of past 12 weeks
* IG bond funds see $1.5b inflows, 11th straight week of inflows
* HY bond funds see $0.1b outflows, 3rd week of outflows
Täna langetab väljavaadet Euroopa aktsiatele Deutsche, kelle arvates pole Stoxx 600 indeksil vaatamata EKP QE-le sel aastal enam tõusuruumi jäänud

Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse aktiivus paranes mais 0,3 punkti 48,3 punktile, mis oli oodaust vähem (49,0), kuid tugevam taastumine leidis aset teenindussektoris (+1,2 punkti 51,8 punktile vs oodatud 50,6), tänu millele kerkis kogu erasektori aktiivsus 0,9 punkti 51,1 punktile (seitsme kuu parim tase) ning ületades sellega konsensuse 50,4 prognoosi.

Saksamaa töötleva tööstuse PMI kerkis mais 0,6 punkti 52,4 punktile (oodati 52,0) ning teenindussektori oma 0,7 punkti 55,2 punktile (oodati 54,6), tänu millele paranes kogu erasektori aktiivsus 1,1 punkti 54,7 punktile (oodati 53,9), märkides kõrgeimat taset viimase viie kuu jooksul. Mõnevõrra ettevaatlikumaks võiks headline numbrite tõlgendamisel muuta seik, et nii töötlevas tööstuses kui ka teenindussektoris uute tellimuste pealevool aeglustus.
Markit: Although output rose at a sharper rate, some firms struggled to secure new business wins amid an
increasingly challenging demand environment. Latest data showed the rate of growth in new work falling to a ten-month low, although the latest expansion was still stronger than the long-run average for this series.
Markit: Although output rose at a sharper rate, some firms struggled to secure new business wins amid an
increasingly challenging demand environment. Latest data showed the rate of growth in new work falling to a ten-month low, although the latest expansion was still stronger than the long-run average for this series.

Tulles korraks tagasi Deutsche tänase Stoxx 600 downgrade'i juurde, siis peamiseks põhjuseks on Euroopa ettevõtete aktsiakasumite langus ning liiga suured makro- ja rahapoliitilised riskid
* Deutsche Bank equity strategists including Sebastian Raedler reduce end-2016 Stoxx 600 target to 325 from 380, ~4% below current levels, and introduce end-2017 target of 345, according to note.
* See 2016 EPS decline of 2%, down from previous projection of 4.5% growth
* Latest FOMC minutes signal increasing risks of re-entering “doom loop” from more hawkish Fed to a stronger dollar, lower oil prices, higher HY credit spreads and lower equity markets
* Overall: combination of weak global growth, Fed risk, likely fade in China’s growth rebound, fragile U.S. high-yield credit market “significantly undermines” upside case for European equities from current levels
* Remains overweight pharma: defensive dollar play
* Overweight real estate: benefits if bond yields decline due to increased macro stress
* Underweight mining, energy, industrials
* Cautious on banks: attractively valued but remain vulnerable to risk of higher credit spreads, lower bond yields
* Deutsche Bank equity strategists including Sebastian Raedler reduce end-2016 Stoxx 600 target to 325 from 380, ~4% below current levels, and introduce end-2017 target of 345, according to note.
* See 2016 EPS decline of 2%, down from previous projection of 4.5% growth
* Latest FOMC minutes signal increasing risks of re-entering “doom loop” from more hawkish Fed to a stronger dollar, lower oil prices, higher HY credit spreads and lower equity markets
* Overall: combination of weak global growth, Fed risk, likely fade in China’s growth rebound, fragile U.S. high-yield credit market “significantly undermines” upside case for European equities from current levels
* Remains overweight pharma: defensive dollar play
* Overweight real estate: benefits if bond yields decline due to increased macro stress
* Underweight mining, energy, industrials
* Cautious on banks: attractively valued but remain vulnerable to risk of higher credit spreads, lower bond yields
Ehkki Saksamaa ja Prantsusmaa PMId olid oodatust paremad, valmistas kogu eurotsooni aktiivsus pettumuse, mille põhjal võiks eeldada, et perifeerias on maikuu näitajad osutunud pehmemaks. Eurotsooni töötleva tööstuse PMI langes 0,2 punkti 51,5 punktile vs oodatud 51,9 ja teenindussektori PMI püsis 53,1 punktil vs oodatud 53,2. Kogu erasektori aktiivsus näitas seega aprilliga võrreldes marginaalset muutust, viidates tagasihoidliku majanduskasvu jätkumisele.
Markit: “The forward-looking indicators also suggest that growth is more likely to weaken further than accelerate. Inflows of new work showed the smallest rise for nearly a year-and-a-half, while optimism about the business outlook in the service sector sank to its lowest since July 2015"
Markit: “The forward-looking indicators also suggest that growth is more likely to weaken further than accelerate. Inflows of new work showed the smallest rise for nearly a year-and-a-half, while optimism about the business outlook in the service sector sank to its lowest since July 2015"

Kui võrrelda eurotsooni SKPd erasektori PMIga, siis esimese kvartali QoQ 0,5% kasv osutus üllatavalt kõrgeks. Siin aga arvatakse, et ajutist tuge pakkus soe talv, mis soodustas ehitustegevust. Praegune PMI tase peaks viitama SKP 0,3% QoQ kasvule.

Euroopa Keskpanga bilansi maht on nüüdseks jõudnud tagasi üle 3 triljoni euro, alusinflatsiooni kiirenemist tuleb aga veel oodata

Stoxx 600 indeksisse kuuluvatest firmadest on 245 oma tulemused avaldanud, näidates keskmiselt -10% aktsiakasumi langust võrreldes mullu sama ajaga (-4,6% ilma energiata).
245 companies in the STOXX 600 have reported earnings to date for Q1 2016. Of these, 54% reported results exceeding analyst estimates. In a typical quarter 48% beat analyst EPS estimates.
291 companies in the STOXX 600 have reported revenue to date for Q1 2016. Of these, 39% reported revenue above analyst estimates. In a typical quarter 55% beat analyst revenue estimates.
245 companies in the STOXX 600 have reported earnings to date for Q1 2016. Of these, 54% reported results exceeding analyst estimates. In a typical quarter 48% beat analyst EPS estimates.
291 companies in the STOXX 600 have reported revenue to date for Q1 2016. Of these, 39% reported revenue above analyst estimates. In a typical quarter 55% beat analyst revenue estimates.

Ehkki S&P 500 kaupleb oma ajaloolise tipu lähedal, ei ole rekordit suudetud 253 päeva järjest ületada, mis pole heaks märgiks
Clock Ticks on Bull Market With No New High for Stocks in a Year
On Monday, the S&P 500 will extend its streak without a record to 253 trading days, matching the drought that lasted through February 1995. Only two other long-term rallies went without new highs for longer -- 272 days through 1984 and 361 days through 1961. Bull markets end when a benchmark index falls 20 percent from a record.
More often than not, such dry spells are ominous for equities. Among the 13 instances since 1946 that began with stocks going as long as they have now without posting new highs, 10 ended in bear markets.
Clock Ticks on Bull Market With No New High for Stocks in a Year
On Monday, the S&P 500 will extend its streak without a record to 253 trading days, matching the drought that lasted through February 1995. Only two other long-term rallies went without new highs for longer -- 272 days through 1984 and 361 days through 1961. Bull markets end when a benchmark index falls 20 percent from a record.
More often than not, such dry spells are ominous for equities. Among the 13 instances since 1946 that began with stocks going as long as they have now without posting new highs, 10 ended in bear markets.
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SOL +9.8%, BZUN +4.7%, RYAAY +1.9%
M&A news: XNPT +57.7% (to be acquired by Arbor Pharma for $7.03/share), REXI +47.8% (to be acquired by C-III Capital Partners for $9.78/share), NSPH +26.7% (Luminex increases purchase offer to acquire Nanosphere to $1.70/share from $1.35/share), ACTS +21.7% (receives prelim non-binding going private proposal from its former CEO to purchase Co for $2.00 per ADS), AIXG +14.1% (receives takeover offer from Fujian Grand Chip valued at EUR670 mln), MON +9.2% (Bayer (BAYRY) proposes to acquire Monsanto for $122 per share in cash), ONCS +4.8% (agrees to sell to a single healthcare dedicated institutional fund ~5.5 mln common shares at a price of $1.815/share), TLRD +4.2% (George Zimmer might be involved in purchasing back Men's Warehouse, according to NY Post)
Other news: RLYP +4.9% (reports new positive analyses of studies with Veltassa), VSLR +4.4% (closes tax equity investment fund with a new investor, with an aggregate funding commitment of $75 mln), NVS +2.3% (given strong Class I recommendation for Entresto in both US and EU heart failure guidelines), SGYP +1.5% (presents additional Phase 3 plecanatide data), GPRO +1.1% (still checking), BA +0.9% (order for one hundred 737 MAX 200's with VietJet Aviation, valued at ~$11.3 bln), MYL +0.7% (announces the U.S. launch of Doxycycline Hyclate Delayed-Release Tablets)
Analyst comments: OLED +4.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman), SQ +3.3% (upgraded to Buy from Outperform at Credit Agricole), SPLS +2.7% (upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill), ATI +2% (upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill), P +1.9% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at B. Riley & Co), AA +1.4% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill), RDUS +1.2% (initiated with a Buy at H.C. Wainwright; tgt $55)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: KLXI -0.7%
M&A news: AEG -4.1% (sells the remaining stake of UK Annuity Portfolio to Legal & General)
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: VALE -3.3%, AG -3.1%, HMY -1.8%, MT -1.6%, GG -1.6%, ABX -1.1%, GOLD -0.8%, SLV -0.6%, BBL -0.5%, RIO -0.5%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: PBR -3.1%, RDS.A -1.5%, RIG -1.4%, BP -1%
Other news: SDRL -3.4% (receives termination notice from Statoil (STO) related to the contract for the West Hercules), FCX -1.6% (Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas files to withdraw IPO), CHK -1.1% (shareholders vote to increase authorized common stock of the Company from 1,000,000,000 shares to 1,500,000,000 shares), TEVA -1.1% (still checking)
Analyst comments: JNPR -1.5% (resumed/downgraded to Market Perform at William Blair)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SOL +9.8%, BZUN +4.7%, RYAAY +1.9%
M&A news: XNPT +57.7% (to be acquired by Arbor Pharma for $7.03/share), REXI +47.8% (to be acquired by C-III Capital Partners for $9.78/share), NSPH +26.7% (Luminex increases purchase offer to acquire Nanosphere to $1.70/share from $1.35/share), ACTS +21.7% (receives prelim non-binding going private proposal from its former CEO to purchase Co for $2.00 per ADS), AIXG +14.1% (receives takeover offer from Fujian Grand Chip valued at EUR670 mln), MON +9.2% (Bayer (BAYRY) proposes to acquire Monsanto for $122 per share in cash), ONCS +4.8% (agrees to sell to a single healthcare dedicated institutional fund ~5.5 mln common shares at a price of $1.815/share), TLRD +4.2% (George Zimmer might be involved in purchasing back Men's Warehouse, according to NY Post)
Other news: RLYP +4.9% (reports new positive analyses of studies with Veltassa), VSLR +4.4% (closes tax equity investment fund with a new investor, with an aggregate funding commitment of $75 mln), NVS +2.3% (given strong Class I recommendation for Entresto in both US and EU heart failure guidelines), SGYP +1.5% (presents additional Phase 3 plecanatide data), GPRO +1.1% (still checking), BA +0.9% (order for one hundred 737 MAX 200's with VietJet Aviation, valued at ~$11.3 bln), MYL +0.7% (announces the U.S. launch of Doxycycline Hyclate Delayed-Release Tablets)
Analyst comments: OLED +4.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman), SQ +3.3% (upgraded to Buy from Outperform at Credit Agricole), SPLS +2.7% (upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill), ATI +2% (upgraded to Buy at BofA/Merrill), P +1.9% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at B. Riley & Co), AA +1.4% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill), RDUS +1.2% (initiated with a Buy at H.C. Wainwright; tgt $55)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: KLXI -0.7%
M&A news: AEG -4.1% (sells the remaining stake of UK Annuity Portfolio to Legal & General)
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: VALE -3.3%, AG -3.1%, HMY -1.8%, MT -1.6%, GG -1.6%, ABX -1.1%, GOLD -0.8%, SLV -0.6%, BBL -0.5%, RIO -0.5%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: PBR -3.1%, RDS.A -1.5%, RIG -1.4%, BP -1%
Other news: SDRL -3.4% (receives termination notice from Statoil (STO) related to the contract for the West Hercules), FCX -1.6% (Freeport-McMoRan Oil & Gas files to withdraw IPO), CHK -1.1% (shareholders vote to increase authorized common stock of the Company from 1,000,000,000 shares to 1,500,000,000 shares), TEVA -1.1% (still checking)
Analyst comments: JNPR -1.5% (resumed/downgraded to Market Perform at William Blair)
Ka USA puhul viitab Markiti küsitlus töötleva töösuse aktiivsuse aeglustumisele