Börsipäev 23. august

Balti põhinimekirjas tehti esmaspäeval 5019 tehingut ning käive oli 2,188 miljonit eurot, millest Tallinna börsi käive moodustas 1,342 miljonit eurot ning Vilniuse börsi käive 840 tuhat eurot. Tehinguid tehti vastavalt 3403 ning 1550.

Enimkaubeldud aktsiad olid:

Suurimad tõusjad ja langejad olid:

Ignitis grupė IGN1L II kvartali vahearuanne

Sel nädalal:
24.08 INDEXO IDX1R II kvartali vahearuanne
25.08 Grigeo GRG1L II kvartali vahearuanne
25.08 Klaipėdos nafta KNF1L II kvartali vahearuanne

Karud jätkasid eile oma vastulöögi andmist USA aktsiaturul, kui madal käive ja nädala lõpus esineva FEDi presidendi Jerome Powelli kõne ootus viis S&P 500 indeksi 2,1% allapoole, märkides nõrgimat päeva alates 16. juunil saavutatud madalpunktist. Nadaq 100 indeks nõrgenes 2,7%, mis oli samuti suurim langus alates juunist. Euroopas sulgus Stoxx 600 ligi protsendi võrra miinuses.

Aasia aktsiaturud kauplesid öösel valdavalt punases: Nikkei langes 1,2%, Hang Seng tuli 1,1% allapoole, Shanghai Composite kaotas väärtusest 0,1%, Kospi 1,0% ja S&P/ASX200 1,2%. Brenti toornafta kallines 0,4% 96,8 dollarile, Bitcoin langes 0,8% 20 964 dollarile ja Ethereum tuli 0,6% allapoole 1569 dollarile. Unts kulda maksis 1735,3 dollarit (–0,1%).

Tänase päeva keskmes on Euroopas ja Ühendriikides erasektori augustikuu aktiivsusindeksid.

10.15 Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI (august)
10.30 Saksamaa töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI (august)
11.00 Euroala töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektorit PMI (august)
11.30 Suurbritannia töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI (august)
16.45 USA töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI (august)
17.00 USA Richmond FEDi töötleva tööstuse aktiivsus (august)
17.00 USA uute majade müük (juuli)
17.00 Euroala tarbijate kindlustunne (august)
Prantsusmaa erasektori aktiivsus langes 18 kuu madalaimale tasemele

French S&P Global Manufacturing PMI Aug P: 49.0 (est 49.0; prev 49.5)
- French S&P Global Services PMI Aug P: 51.0 (est 53.0; prev 53.2)
- French S&P Global Composite PMI Aug P: 49.8 (est 51.0; prev 51.7)

S&P Global: “August flash PMI data for France suggest the economy has now entered into contraction for the first time in a yearand-a-half as a sharp manufacturing downturn more than offset only a marginal increase in service sector activity. High inflation and a waning post-COVID boost to demand has led businesses and consumers to cut back on discretionary spending, causing demand for services to fall for the first time since March 2021. This was accompanied by another steep decline in manufacturing order books as businesses in both sectors commented on weakening underlying demand conditions and growing client hesitancy. "
Saksamaa erasektori aktiivsus langes 26 kuu madalaimale tasemele

German S&P Global/BME Manufacturing PMI Aug P: 49.8 (est 48.0; prev 49.3)
- German S&P Global Services PMI Aug P: 48.2 (est 49.0; prev 49.7)
- German S&P Global Composite PMI Aug P: 47.6 (est 47.3; prev 48.1)

“The PMI data paint a bleak picture of the German economy midway through the third quarter, showing a deepening decline in private sector business activity. Continued weakness in manufacturing is being compounded by a slowdown in the service sector, with surveyed businesses reporting a growing strain on demand from high inflation and increased interest rates.
“The slowdown in the economy is increasingly taking a toll on firms’ hiring activity, with employment growth easing to its weakest for almost a year-and-a-half in August. A first fall in backlogs of work for more than two years points to capacity pressures across Germany’s private sector economy starting to ease and represents a downside risk to job creation going forward."
Euroala erasektori aktiivsus saavutas augustis 18 kuu madalaima taseme

Eurozone S&P Global Manufacturing PMI Aug P: 49.7 (est 49.0; prev 49.8)
- Eurozone S&P Global Services PMI Aug P: 50.2 (est 50.5; prev 51.2)
- Eurozone S&P Global Composite PMI Aug P: 49.2 (est 49.9; prev 49.9)

“The latest PMI data for the eurozone point to an economy in contraction during the third quarter of the year. Cost of living pressures mean that the recovery in the service sector following the lifting of pandemic restrictions has ebbed away, while manufacturing remained mired in contraction in August, seeing another record accumulation of stocks of finished goods as firms were unable to shift products in a falling demand environment. This glut of inventories suggests little prospect of an improvement in manufacturing production any time soon."
Veel üks legend lahkunud: Hedge-fund pioneer Julian Robertson Jr. has died at 90