Mõni minut tagasi kommenteerisime eile avaldatud James River Coal Company ja Pirate Capitali vahelist kokkulepet LHV Pro all.
Bofa tõstis 2006. fiskaalaasta oodatavat kasumit Toll Brothers’i(TOL) jaoks varasema $4.20 pealt $4.38 peale. Turu üldine ootus on $4.40. Samas, 2007. aasta kasumit oodatakse kõigest $2.25 ajal, mil turg ootab keskmiselt $3.06. Selline oluliselt madalam kasumiootus on põhjustatud Bofa arvamusest, et ettevõtte tegutsemistingimused pole põhja välja veel jõudnud. Toll Brothersi tegevdirektor Bob Toll ütles, et ei näe põhja ennustavaid märke ühelgi turul veel.
Ülespoole avanevad:
ISSX +6.4% (to be acquired by IBM), DTC +12% (to merge fine paper unit with WY), YMI +10.4% (cancer trial to continue), OLAB +6.4% (extends recent momentum), CBST +7.3% (positive TWP comments), NVAX +4.9% (Director bought 58K shares), RMBS +4.4% (court stays Hynix trial against Rambus), DRL +4% (names Citigroup exec as new CEO), ENTG +3.3% (Matrix upgrade), DEPO +3.3% (co and KG prepare to launch Glumetza), DYN +3.3% (Cramer bullish on Mad Money), SUNW +2.8% (positive WSJ article), MEDI +2.8% (extends recent momentum), PEIX +2.3%, F +2.2% (co interested in joining Renault-Nissan alliance if talks with GM falter – WSJ), MT +2.1% (co says it’s confident in Arcelor Brasil ruling - Reuters), MDT +1.7% (reports Q1, guides for FY and FY08), ANDE +1.5% (prices offering)… Under $3: GTW +20% (receives bid for its retail operations), CTIC +20% (positive cancer drug study), NMSS +6.8% (chairman insider buy).
Allapoole avanevad:
Gapping down on disappointing earnings/guidance: APSG -14% (also downgrades from CE Unterberg and Miller Johnson), KTCC -13%, BGP -8.8%, PSS -8.5%, BRLC -4.8%, AMWD -3.3%, TECD -2.7%, BHP -1.4%… Other News: THRX -5.3% (phase 3 data), DBRN -5.6% (Merriman downgrade), ILMN -3.6% (Leernik downgrade), CUK -2.1%, TP -2% (sale of logisitics unit imminent - FT), CCL -1.3%, XMSR -1.3% (profit taking after 20% move yesterday).
19:24 Twelve passengers arrested from U.S. plane turned back to Amsterdam, according to ANP news agency - Reuters
Täpsemalt tegu siis küll USA lennukompaniiga, kuid lennu sihtmärgiks India.