Helsingi Börsil on huvipakkuvatest tulemustest täna enne börsipäeva laekunud PKC Group(PKC1V)aruanne. See on ettevõtte, milles üle 10% osalust omab Harju Elekter, kes teenis 2003. aastal mainitud aktsiate 3 kordse hinnatõusu tagajärjel 137,9 miljonit EEK finantstulusid ehk tervelt 78,6% oma puhaskasumist.
PKC Group aktsia on 2004. aasta algusest tõusnud veel 25,9%, ettevõte tulemused näitavad taas ilusaid kasvunumbreid ja aktsia on Helsingis avanemas 1,8% plussis tasemel 27.70 EUR.
The PKC Group's net sales in the January-March period increased by 16.5% on the previous year to EUR 42.1 million (36.1 million in Jan-Mar 2003). Operating profit was EUR 4.7 million (3.9 million) and profit before taxes was EUR 4.8 million (3.5 million). Earnings per share were EUR 0.55 (0.39).
Nokia on eile Helsingi Börsilt tagasi ostnud veel 4,5 miljonit oma aktsiat keskmise hinnaga 12.583 EUR kogusummas 56,62 miljonit EUR, so. ca 1,02% eilsest käibest. Aktsia on Helsingis avanemas 0,86% plussis tasemel 12.81 EUR.
Daimler-Chrysler (DCX) on täna Frankfurdis koguni üle 8% tõusus peale spekulatsioone, et ettevõte võib müüa oma 37% osaluse Mitsubishis - niivõrd suure ettevõtte kohta võimas liikumine.
Stockholmis algab kauplemine kell 10.30, kuid Frankfurdis Ericsson +1,52%.
Eilse järelturu keskseks sündmuseks oli Microsofti (MSFT) tõus tugevate tulemuste najal, hetkel eelturul aktsia 5,90% plussis. Ettevõte EPS tuli $0.34, mis on $0.05 oodatust parem, ka järgneva kvartali prognoosi kergitati.
Amazon (AMZN) tulemusedületasid samuti konsensuse ootusi, kuid 7% ralli järel EBay eelmise õhtu tulemuste najal rohkemaks jõudu ei jätkunud ja aktsia vajus hoopis miinusesse, hetkel -2,90%.
"Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you're in control, they're in control."
-- Tom Landry
Will Microsoft (MSFT:Nasdaq) provide the leadership to break the Nasdaq out of the downtrend it has been in since mid-January? There is little question it was a stellar quarter for the 800-pound gorilla, which has been a laggard for years. So the question now is whether Microsoft can once again take a leadership position and help this market regain momentum.
The good news from Microsoft comes on top of one of the best days for the indices this year. The point move was big, volume heavy and breadth broad. The interest rate worries that have been dogging the market for days were suddenly forgotten and the solid earnings reports that were being ignored became the focus of attention.
The key for the bulls now is to show their mettle and follow through with another positive day. They have the wind at their backs with the good news flow and it is extremely important that they produce a positive day. An intraday reversal today would bode very poorly for the prospects of this market.
I was certainly surprised by the fury of the rally yesterday. I'm sure I'm not the only one in that position, which likely led to the move being accelerated by a short squeeze and underinvested bulls rushing to put cash to work.
One of the most significant aspects of the move yesterday was that it was concentrated in big-cap names. The smaller-caps did not exhibit the same sort of vigor. This may simply be an indication that the market is rotating into new names, or it may signal some weakness in the foundation of yesterday's rally. We will have further evidence today.
It's an important day for the markets, with all of the pieces in place for a continuation of yesterday's move. The bulls can't squander that advantage. If they can turn the focus of this market back to economic growth rather than interest rates, it should provide us with some upside action in the weeks ahead.
We have a strong open on tap. Overseas markets are acting well, the dollar is mixed, gold up and oil down. All eyes are on Microsoft today to prove its leadership.
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