Ühendriikide aktsiaturud avanesid pikema nädalavahetuse järel kõrgemal ning tuttavaks muutunud stsenaariumi järgi jätkati uute rekordite vallutamist, mis tähendas S&P 500 indeksi jaoks sulgumist 2365,4 punktil (+0,6%).
Päev kujunes võidukaks ka Euroopa aktsiaturgudel, kus Stoxx 600 sulgus 0,6%ga 14 kuu kõrgeimal tasemel. Suurima ülespoole liikumise sooritasid ams AG +6.6%, Rubis +4.6%, Essentra +4.1%, Capita +3.9%, Kerry Group +3.9%. Suurimat miinust näitasid John Wood Group -7.9%, HSBC Holdings -6.5%, Mediclinic International -6.0%, Banco BPM -3.1%, Azimut Holding -3.1%.
Kuigi küsitlused ei pruugi alati ühtida tegeliku konjunktuuriga, viitasid vähemalt eurotsooni veebruarikuu esialgsed PMI numbrid tugevale esimese kvartali majanduskasvule. Kogu erasektori aktiivsust kajastav indeks kerkis 1,6 punkti 56,0 punktile, saavutades kõrgeima taseme ligi kuue aasta jooksul ning muutes analüütikuid lähikvartalite kasvu osas optimistlikumaks. JPMorgan leiab, et varasemalt prognoositud 2,0% asemel võib eurotsooni majandus kasvada esimeses kvartalis annualiseeritult 2,25% ning teises kvartalis 2,0% (varem oodati 1,5%).
Hiinas jätkus jaanuaris kinnisvarahindade kasvu aeglustumine peamiselt suurlinnade arvelt, kus valitsuse erinevad meetmed tõid uute majade keskmise hinna aastase kasvutempo detsembrikuu 25,0% pealt 22,7%le. Teise järgu linnades aeglustus kasv 14,4% pealt 14,0%le, kolmanda järgu linnades aga jätkus hinnatõusu kiirenemine (5,56% vs 5,16% detsembris).
Tänase börsipäeva keskmes saavad olema Saksamaa ettevõtete kindlustunde indeksid ning USA jaanuarikuu olemasolevate majade müük. Õhtul avaldatakse FOMC veebruari istungi protokoll, kus jälgitakse eelkõige diskussiooni inflatsiooni teemal ning otsitakse vihjeid intressimäära tõstmise võimalikkuse kohta märtsi istungil.
11.00 Saksamaa ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks (veebruar)
11.30 Suurbritannia neljanda kvartali revideeritud SKP
12.00 Eurotsooni inflatsioon (jaanuari lõplik)
14.00 USA hüpoteeklaenude taotlused (17. veebruar)
15.30 Kanada jaemüük (detsember)
17.00 USA olemasolevate majade müük (jaanuar)
21.00 USA FOMC veebruari istungi protokoll
Eurotsooni jaanuarikuu alusinflatsiooni esialgne näit leidis kinnitust 0,9% peal

Saksamaa ettevõtete ärikliimaindeks näitab, et poliitilistest riskidest hoolimata on riigi majanduskasv uue aasta alguses hoogunstunud. Jooksva olukorra hinnangu indeks kerkis veebruaris 116,9 punktilt 118,4 punktile, mis märgib seitsme aasta tippu (oodati 116,6), järgmise kuu ootuste indeks paranes 103,2 punktilt 104,0 punktile (oodati 103,0).

German growth to pick up in first quarter: Bundesbank
German real estate market overheated, says central bank
German real estate market overheated, says central bank
BofAML täheldab oma äriklientide baasil, et aktsiate tagasiostud aeglustuvad, mis võib olla tingitud kõrgetest valuatsioonidest
* Buybacks by corporate clients slowed to a six-week low, and year-to-date are tracking the lowest of any comparable period since 2013
* Buybacks on a trailing 12-month basis have been slowing since early 2016
* “Corporates may be pulling back on buybacks given elevated market valuations and a near-record-low proportion of investors wanting companies to return excess cash to shareholders, based on the latest Global Fund Manager Survey”: BofAML
* Buybacks by corporate clients slowed to a six-week low, and year-to-date are tracking the lowest of any comparable period since 2013
* Buybacks on a trailing 12-month basis have been slowing since early 2016
* “Corporates may be pulling back on buybacks given elevated market valuations and a near-record-low proportion of investors wanting companies to return excess cash to shareholders, based on the latest Global Fund Manager Survey”: BofAML
Kellele pakub huvi, siis Credit Suisse'i värskest aastaraamatust leiab erinevate riikide ja varaklasside pikaajaliste arengute kohta palju põnevat lugemist
Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2017
Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2017
* Columbia Property (CXP) raised to neutral at Goldman
* DCP Midstream (DCP) raised to buy at UBS, PT $45
* Parker-Hannifin (PH) raised to overweight at JPMorgan, PT $173
* VF Corp (VFC) raised to equal-weight at Morgan Stanley, PT$50
* Wal-Mart (WMT) raised to buy at BofAML, PT $88
* AngloGold Ashanti (AU) cut to sell at Citi
* Canadian Solar (CSIQ) cut to neutral at JPMorgan, PT $16
* Ecolab (ECL) cut to neutral at Longbow
* First Solar (FSLR) cut to underperform at Credit Suisse, PT$29
* Global Eagle (ENT) cut to neutral at Citi
* Harman (HAR) cut to market perform at Raymond James
* Momenta (MNTA) cut to market perform at Leerink
* Travelport Worldwide (TVPT) cut to market perform at William Blair
* TripAdvisor (TRIP) cut to underperform at Cowen
* Trivago (TRVG) cut to market perform at Cowen
* UPS (UPS) cut to neutral at BofAML
* Yamana Gold (AUY) cut to underperform at BofAML
* Aramark (ARMK) rated new buy at Deutsche Bank, PT $42
* Cavium (CAVM) rated new buy at MKM, PT $77
* Cintas (CTAS) rated new hold at Deutsche Bank, PT $120
* Cirrus Logic (CRUS) rated new buy at MKM, PT $65
* CoreCivic (CXW) rated new buy at Deutsche Bank, PT $38
* Dover (DOV) rated new market perform at BMO, PT $82
* Endo (ENDP) rated new hold at Canaccord, PT $14
* First Quantum Minerals (FM CN) rated new buy at DeutscheBank, PT C$20
* Geo Group (GEO) rated new hold at Deutsche Bank, PT $47
* Glaukos (GKOS) rated new outperform at BMO, PT $54
* Goldman Sachs (GS) rated new neutral at Compass Point, PT$250
* Iron Mountain (IRM) rated new hold at Deutsche Bank, PT $39
* Jagged Peak Energy (JAG) rated new buy at Citi, PT $19
* Juno (JUNO) rated new outperform at Wells Fargo
* Kite Pharma (KITE) rated new market perform at Wells Fargo
* Mallinckrodt (MNK) rated new buy at Canaccord, PT $91
* Pacira (PCRX) rated new buy at Canaccord, PT $55
* Perrigo (PRGO) rated new buy at Canaccord, PT $100
* REV Group (REVG) rated new buy at Jefferies, PT $35
* RPC (RES) rated new neutral at Susquehanna, PT $23
* Columbia Property (CXP) raised to neutral at Goldman
* DCP Midstream (DCP) raised to buy at UBS, PT $45
* Parker-Hannifin (PH) raised to overweight at JPMorgan, PT $173
* VF Corp (VFC) raised to equal-weight at Morgan Stanley, PT$50
* Wal-Mart (WMT) raised to buy at BofAML, PT $88
* AngloGold Ashanti (AU) cut to sell at Citi
* Canadian Solar (CSIQ) cut to neutral at JPMorgan, PT $16
* Ecolab (ECL) cut to neutral at Longbow
* First Solar (FSLR) cut to underperform at Credit Suisse, PT$29
* Global Eagle (ENT) cut to neutral at Citi
* Harman (HAR) cut to market perform at Raymond James
* Momenta (MNTA) cut to market perform at Leerink
* Travelport Worldwide (TVPT) cut to market perform at William Blair
* TripAdvisor (TRIP) cut to underperform at Cowen
* Trivago (TRVG) cut to market perform at Cowen
* UPS (UPS) cut to neutral at BofAML
* Yamana Gold (AUY) cut to underperform at BofAML
* Aramark (ARMK) rated new buy at Deutsche Bank, PT $42
* Cavium (CAVM) rated new buy at MKM, PT $77
* Cintas (CTAS) rated new hold at Deutsche Bank, PT $120
* Cirrus Logic (CRUS) rated new buy at MKM, PT $65
* CoreCivic (CXW) rated new buy at Deutsche Bank, PT $38
* Dover (DOV) rated new market perform at BMO, PT $82
* Endo (ENDP) rated new hold at Canaccord, PT $14
* First Quantum Minerals (FM CN) rated new buy at DeutscheBank, PT C$20
* Geo Group (GEO) rated new hold at Deutsche Bank, PT $47
* Glaukos (GKOS) rated new outperform at BMO, PT $54
* Goldman Sachs (GS) rated new neutral at Compass Point, PT$250
* Iron Mountain (IRM) rated new hold at Deutsche Bank, PT $39
* Jagged Peak Energy (JAG) rated new buy at Citi, PT $19
* Juno (JUNO) rated new outperform at Wells Fargo
* Kite Pharma (KITE) rated new market perform at Wells Fargo
* Mallinckrodt (MNK) rated new buy at Canaccord, PT $91
* Pacira (PCRX) rated new buy at Canaccord, PT $55
* Perrigo (PRGO) rated new buy at Canaccord, PT $100
* REV Group (REVG) rated new buy at Jefferies, PT $35
* RPC (RES) rated new neutral at Susquehanna, PT $23
USA olemasolevate majade müük oodatust parem
US Existing Home Sales Change Jan: 5.69M (est 5.55M; rev prev 5.51M)
- % (MoM) Jan: 3.3% (est 1.1%; rev prev -1.6%)
US Existing Home Sales Change Jan: 5.69M (est 5.55M; rev prev 5.51M)
- % (MoM) Jan: 3.3% (est 1.1%; rev prev -1.6%)
"Fairly soon" öeldi ka mullu novembris vahetult enne intressimäära tõstmist detsembris, ainult selle erinevusega et toona jagas seda arvamust "many" asemel "most".
Many Fed voters saw only a modest risk of significant inflation
Many participants thought a rate increase might be appropriate 'fairly soon'
Voters judged Fed would have 'ample time' to respond if inflation emerged
Generally agreed on need to begin discussions on balance sheet reinvestment
Several officials saw downside economic risks associated with possible appreciation of dollar
Officials saw increasing upside risks to economy
Voters agreed that even with uncertainty over govt policies, near-term risks roughly balanced
Many Fed voters saw only a modest risk of significant inflation
Many participants thought a rate increase might be appropriate 'fairly soon'
Voters judged Fed would have 'ample time' to respond if inflation emerged
Generally agreed on need to begin discussions on balance sheet reinvestment
Several officials saw downside economic risks associated with possible appreciation of dollar
Officials saw increasing upside risks to economy
Voters agreed that even with uncertainty over govt policies, near-term risks roughly balanced