Juba mõnda aega tiksunud lugejad võib taas nulli keerata, sest S&P 500 indeks langes eile esimest korda alates oktoobrist ühe päevaga rohkem kui 1%. Täpsemalt lõpetas indeks 1,2% miinuses. Sellega lõppes pikim periood alates 1995. aastast, mil indeksi väärtus polnud päevaga langenud 1% või rohkem. Langust vedasid finantssektori ettevõtted, millede aktsiad kukkusid 2,9%. Samas olid sektori aktsiad alates USA presidendivalimistest tõusnud 22%. Pangandussektor tõmbas endaga kaasa ka paljud teised, kuid närvilisuse kasvust lõikasid kasu kommunaalettevõtete aktsiad, mis tervikuna kerkisid 1,4%.
Laiapõhjaline langus leidis aset ka Euroopas, kui Stoxx Europe 600 kõik 19 alamsektorit lõpetasid päeva madalamal. Indeks langes 0,5%, olles päeva jooksul kaubelnud 0,4% plussis. Täna on USA langusest eeskuju võtnud ka Aasia aktsiaturud, kus Jaapani Nikkei loovutas 2,1% oma väärtusest. Samas teatati täna, et Jaapani eksport näitas veebruaris viimase kahe aasta kiireimat kasvu, tõustes aastatagusega võrreldes 11,3%.
Makrouudiste rõhk langeb täna peamiselt USAle, kus tulevad avaldamisele veebruari olemasolevate majade müük ning naftavarud.
16:00 USA olemasolevate majade müük (veebruar)
16:30 USA naftavarud
Päev varem vaadatakse seda ka.
API data show U.S. crude supplies up 4.5 million barrels: sources
API data show U.S. crude supplies up 4.5 million barrels: sources
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
DLTH +19.4%, WGO +6.7%, VKTX +5.6%, FDX +2.8%, SLW +2.8%, HQY +2.7%, AYA +1.6%, MDP +1.1%, PBR +0.9%
Select metals/mining names showing strength:
X +1.3%, AG +1.2%, AKS +1.1%, SBGL +0.8%, HMY +0.8%, ABX +0.7%, CLF +0.6%, AU +0.5%, RIO +0.5%
Other news:
UNXL +23.7% (enters into a long-term agreement w/ a 'major U.S.-based PC maker' to supply XTouch touch screen sensors on a multiple year basis)
IDXG +12.2% (continued strength after closing near highs)
MBRX +12.1% (granted orphan designation by the FDA for liposomal annamycin for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia)
BEBE +8.7% (modestly rebounding)
ACHN +4.4% (announces that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued the first U.S. Patent to Achillion resulting from its complement factor D research program), CMCM +2.2% (continued strength)
OPK +1.4% (confirms orphan drug designation from the FDA for oligonucleotide-based AntagoNAT for the treatment of Dravet Syndrome)
SNAP +1.1% (initiated with a Buy at Drexel Hamilton; $30 tgt)
VRX +0.7% (closed its previously announced refinancing transactions; extends maturities of term loan debt to 2022 and provides increased operational flexibility)
SHPG +0.7% (granted Fast Track designation for recombinant ADAMTS13)
Analyst comments:
URBN +1.5% (upgraded to Overweight from Sector Weight at KeyBanc Capital Mkts)
SNAP +1.2% (initiated with a Buy at Drexel Hamilton)
BBVA +1% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays)
LC +0.8% (upgraded to Neutral from Underperform at Wedbush)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
COE -10.7%, IMMY -7.9%, NKE -5.5%, PERY -3.2%, QIWI -0.9%, SCS -0.6%
Select financial related names showing weakness:
ING -4.7% (media outlets run headlines tied to last week's annual report in which the company revealed that 'ING Bank is the subject of criminal investigations by Dutch authorities regarding various requirements related to the on-boarding of clients, money laundering and corrupt practices')
LYG -1.7%, BCS -1.5%, RBS -1.5%, PUK -1.4%, CS -1.1%, BAC -0.9%, HSBC -0.7%, JPM -0.7%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness:
SDRL -2.9%, RIG -1.3%, MRO -1.3%, APC -1.2%, STO -1.2%, CHK -0.7%, .
Other news:
SHLD -17.6% (discloses in 10-K that its operating results indicate substantial doubt exists related to the Company's ability to continue as a going concern)
IMMY -7.9% (entered into agreements with two accredited investors for a registered direct placement of 1,312,000 shares of common stock at a price of $2.40 per share), RGNX -6.1% (prices offering of 3.7 mln shares of common stock at $20.50 per share)
ADAP -4% (Adaptimmune Therapeutics to offer and sell ADSs in underwritten public offering)
DEA -2.4% (prices 4.3 mln common stock offering, all offered in connection with the forward sales agreements, at $19.00/share)
WLL -1.9% (Moody's upgrades Whiting's CFR to B2, Positive Outlook)
CALA -0.5% (offering of 6,830,000 shares of its common stock priced at $10.25/share)
Analyst comments:
FTR -7.6% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman)
AAL -1.9% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley)
TDG -1.9% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Cowen)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
DLTH +19.4%, WGO +6.7%, VKTX +5.6%, FDX +2.8%, SLW +2.8%, HQY +2.7%, AYA +1.6%, MDP +1.1%, PBR +0.9%
Select metals/mining names showing strength:
X +1.3%, AG +1.2%, AKS +1.1%, SBGL +0.8%, HMY +0.8%, ABX +0.7%, CLF +0.6%, AU +0.5%, RIO +0.5%
Other news:
UNXL +23.7% (enters into a long-term agreement w/ a 'major U.S.-based PC maker' to supply XTouch touch screen sensors on a multiple year basis)
IDXG +12.2% (continued strength after closing near highs)
MBRX +12.1% (granted orphan designation by the FDA for liposomal annamycin for the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia)
BEBE +8.7% (modestly rebounding)
ACHN +4.4% (announces that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued the first U.S. Patent to Achillion resulting from its complement factor D research program), CMCM +2.2% (continued strength)
OPK +1.4% (confirms orphan drug designation from the FDA for oligonucleotide-based AntagoNAT for the treatment of Dravet Syndrome)
SNAP +1.1% (initiated with a Buy at Drexel Hamilton; $30 tgt)
VRX +0.7% (closed its previously announced refinancing transactions; extends maturities of term loan debt to 2022 and provides increased operational flexibility)
SHPG +0.7% (granted Fast Track designation for recombinant ADAMTS13)
Analyst comments:
URBN +1.5% (upgraded to Overweight from Sector Weight at KeyBanc Capital Mkts)
SNAP +1.2% (initiated with a Buy at Drexel Hamilton)
BBVA +1% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Barclays)
LC +0.8% (upgraded to Neutral from Underperform at Wedbush)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
COE -10.7%, IMMY -7.9%, NKE -5.5%, PERY -3.2%, QIWI -0.9%, SCS -0.6%
Select financial related names showing weakness:
ING -4.7% (media outlets run headlines tied to last week's annual report in which the company revealed that 'ING Bank is the subject of criminal investigations by Dutch authorities regarding various requirements related to the on-boarding of clients, money laundering and corrupt practices')
LYG -1.7%, BCS -1.5%, RBS -1.5%, PUK -1.4%, CS -1.1%, BAC -0.9%, HSBC -0.7%, JPM -0.7%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness:
SDRL -2.9%, RIG -1.3%, MRO -1.3%, APC -1.2%, STO -1.2%, CHK -0.7%, .
Other news:
SHLD -17.6% (discloses in 10-K that its operating results indicate substantial doubt exists related to the Company's ability to continue as a going concern)
IMMY -7.9% (entered into agreements with two accredited investors for a registered direct placement of 1,312,000 shares of common stock at a price of $2.40 per share), RGNX -6.1% (prices offering of 3.7 mln shares of common stock at $20.50 per share)
ADAP -4% (Adaptimmune Therapeutics to offer and sell ADSs in underwritten public offering)
DEA -2.4% (prices 4.3 mln common stock offering, all offered in connection with the forward sales agreements, at $19.00/share)
WLL -1.9% (Moody's upgrades Whiting's CFR to B2, Positive Outlook)
CALA -0.5% (offering of 6,830,000 shares of its common stock priced at $10.25/share)
Analyst comments:
FTR -7.6% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman)
AAL -1.9% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley)
TDG -1.9% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at Cowen)
USA olemasolevate majade müük oli veebruaris annualiseeritult 5,48 miljonit vs analüütikute oodatud 5,54 miljonit. Tegu on 5,4% kõrgema näitajaga kui aasta tagasi. Mediaanhind oli $228 400 ehk +7,7% yoy. Tegu oli 60-nda järjestikuse kuuga, mil hinnad tõusid.

EIA andmetel suurenesid USA toornafta varud möödunud nädalal 5 miljoni barreli võrra, olles kokku 533,1 miljonit barrelit.
• Crude oil inventories had a build of +5.0 mln barrels (consensus called for a build of +2.801 mln barrels).
• Gasoline inventories had a draw of -2.8 mln barrels (consensus called for a draw of -2.008 mln barrels).
• Distillate inventories had a draw of -1.9 mln barrels.
• Crude oil inventories had a build of +5.0 mln barrels (consensus called for a build of +2.801 mln barrels).
• Gasoline inventories had a draw of -2.8 mln barrels (consensus called for a draw of -2.008 mln barrels).
• Distillate inventories had a draw of -1.9 mln barrels.