USA aja järgi öösel teatasid Biogen Idec (BIIB) and Elan (ELN), et FDA will pikendab 90 päeva võrra nende sclerosis multiplex ravimi TYSABRI turule tagamise lubamiseks vajaliku ülevaatamise perioodi.
Elan aktsia Londonis ca -8%
Biogen kaupleb Saksamaal olematu käibe juures ca -2% allpool eilsest USA turu sulgemishinda
Mida soovitad treideritel teha? :)
Don't Get Pulled Into Bull/Bear Debate
By Rev Shark Contributor
3/22/2006 9:12 AM EST
"Every man must patiently bide his time. He must wait -- not in listless idleness but in constant, steady, cheerful endeavors, always willing and fulfilling and accomplishing his task, that when the occasion comes he may be equal to the occasion."
-- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The market is never easy but it has been particularly tricky in recent weeks. The action has been marked by quick swings, choppy trading and no clear leadership while the DIA and S&P 500 flirt with multiyear highs and the Nasdaq 100 can't get back over its 50-day simple moving average. The bulls and bears have been battling back and forth with each side claiming that sentiment is so extreme in the opposite direction that it supports their position.
To make things even more difficult the only clarity form the Fed is that we better not count on them to move to the sidelines soon. This morning, Microsoft added to the difficulties by announcing a delay in its new operating system and the latest II survey shows that the number of bulls jumped quite sharply.
Our inclination is to try to sort through all these conflicting bits and pieces of news and form an opinion about the market that we can act on. After all if we are market speculators shouldn't we always have some bias or opinion about how things will unfold and be looking for a way to profit?
Not necessarily. Quite often the best course of action is to simply be patient and watch how things develop. Not only is it a good idea not to have a strong market view at certain times but we should actively cultivate that mindset when we have a market as mixed as this one.
Personally I have an inclination to be bullish. I believe that we will finally see technology stocks gain relative strength and lead the market at some point but I don't know when and it is against my investing religion to be overly anticipatory. What that means is that I cheerfully wait, watch for clues and look for other ways to generate profits in the short term. I don't make big bets and I keep my time frame very short.
It's particularly important at a time like this to stay reactive and not allow yourself to be drawn into the big macro-market arguments. After the ugly intraday reversal yesterday and the poor news from Microsoft there are the usually bearish suspects willing, and even anxious, to declare that the end is here and that we will pay a price for not heading their warnings. On the other hand the bulls who fail to acknowledge the damage that reversals like yesterday's do will be over anxious to look for the damage to be repaired and another fast move back to highs.
What you need to know about this market right now is the we are stuck in a trading range with little clarity. Neither bulls nor bears have been able to gain an advantage. It is not the time to make big market bets. It is time to stay patient, trade in a very short term time frame if that appeals to you and wait for the right investing occasion to arise.
We have a slightly soft open this morning due to Microsoft but the downside pressure is limited. There is some collateral damage in the technology sector but then there are stocks like Apple (AAPL:Nasdaq) that may actually benefit a bit. Overseas markets were mixed to lower and oil is stuck around $62 in front of inventory data.
At the time of publication, De Porre had no positions in stocks mentioned, although holdings can change at any time
Miks peaks 300 000 inimesega saareriigi majandus huvi pakkuma, sest paljud suured liikumised saavad alguse väga väikestest sündmustest.
Islandi kroon langenud 18 kuu madalseisu. Lisaks löögi alla muud arenevate turgude valuutad, selle kohta siis Financial Times artikkel.
Danske Bank analüüs kätte pole sattunud, veidi lähemalt siin.