Börsipäev 22. mai

Aasia turud olid täna väga sügavas languses ja jõudsid 7-nädala põhjani.

Nikkei 15857.87 -297.58 -1.8%.
Hang Seng 15805.52 -507.84 -3.1%.

Nafta ja metallihindade langus sütitas langused ka PetroChina’s ja BHP Billitonis, mis tegid ka eelmine nädal languse läbi. Aasia turgude tänane langus on jätkuks viimase kahe aasta ühe nädalasele kõige suuremale langusele.

Paanikat oli täheldada täna juba India börsil, mis eelmise nädala jooksul kaotas väärtusest niigi juba 11%. Languse üheks suurimaks põhjuseks loetakse USA jätkuvaid intressi tõstmisi ja majanduslikku olukorda, mis mõjuvad pärssivalt USA tarbijate nõudlusele ning teevad muret Aasia eksportööridele. Indeks tegi läbi 10%-lise kukkumise ehk kaotas ligi 1100 punkti oma väärtusest, mille peale vastavalt börsireglementidele oli Mumbai Börs sunnitud tegema kauplemises tunni ajalise pausi. Rahandusminister P. Chidambaram ja turu regulaator M. Damodaram esinesid väidetega, et langusele pole laiapõhjalist põhjust anda ja et likviidsuskriisi pole näha. Sedalaadi tugevad väited mõjusid turule positiivselt ja pärast pausi toimus taastumine. Kauplemise taasalustamisel võeti langetud 1100st punktist tagasi 600 loetud minutitega. Kokkuvõttes lõpetati päev 4.2% madalamal.

Kommentaarid ehitussektori kohta:

Bank of America kinnitas täna taas, et ehitajate sektorisse(homebuilders) tuleks suhtuda jätkuvalt ettevaatlikult. BofA alandas hinnasihte kogu sektoris keskmiselt 20% võrra, samuti vähendas oodatavat kasumit, kuna leiab, et kasv võrreldes eelmise aastaga on 5%, võrreldes eelmise aasta 8%-ga. Kõrged ehituse materjali hinnad ja madalamad majade müügi hinnad avaldavad negatiivset mõju ettevõtete kasumlikkusele. Firma rõhutas samuti, et praegustest tasemetest oluliselt nõrgemad majade hinnad võivad põhjustada majade ehitajate sektori ettevõtete kauplemist ka allpool raamatupidamisväärtust.
NVR to $500 from $650, TOL to $24 from $27, MTH to $48 from $49, CHCI to $7 from $10 and HOV to $33 from $40.

Valero Energy aktsiast huvitujatele:

Juhtkond teatas, et laupäeval New Orleansi lähedal rafineerimistehases aset leidnud plahvatuse asjaolusid uuritakse. Usutakse, et tehas, mille rafineerimisvõimsus on 250,000 barrelit, saab jätkata bensiini tootmist ilma eriliste kõrvalmõjudeta. Suuri kahjustusi tootmises ei nähta.

Mind Open, and Hand on Your Wallet

By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
5/22/2006 8:39 AM EDT

"The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it."

-- Terry Pratchett

After the ugly action over the past eight trading days, emotions are keyed up, fear is building and opinions are strong. In many cases, market participants are simply trying to protect capital and are not even thinking about future market possibilities. There are the bearish-inclined who are now even more convinced that this is just the start of something much worse; there are the nervous folks who suffered some substantial loses and are going to stay away until they are convinced it is safe again; and then there are those who are sure this is just a healthy shakeout that will squeeze out excess and set us on the path to new highs.

Who is right? Is this market on the fast track to the downside or is this just healthy blood letting and a popping of the commodity bubble that will ultimately be positive? I have no idea, nor do I feel any great anxiety about forming a market thesis. We certainly can find highly intelligent and logical arguments for just about any market scenario. The bears are sounding particularly insightful at the moment. However, we really don't need to buy into a market scenario at this point: the market is telling us loud and clear that we should be very cautious.

After last week there is no question that the uptrend have been busted, sentiment has turned sour and that the bulls have much work to do if they are going to get back on track. Our job is to respect the action that is front of us and make sure we protect our capital. There is no need to buy into the fear, worry and dire forecasts. In fact, we probably should be even less inclined to embrace long-term negative scenarios - these are probably more intense than usual right now.

Make sure you defer to the poor price action and play solid defense, but also keep your mind and options open. This severe meltdown and the pervasive weakness in commodities and emerging markets are going to cause a shakeup that leads to some substantial changes in market character. If we want flourish, our primary job is to stay open minded and identify the new themes that will eventually emerge from this poor action.

Be cautious but make sure you stay open-minded to the possibility of new opportunities. It is very easy to become overly dogmatic about the state of the market when it plunges. We should certainly avoid the temptation to become serial bottom callers but we also need to be aware of the possibilities that may arise because of this marked change in market character.

Commodities and oil stocks continued their poor action overnight and the overseas markets were down sharply across the board. In India, stocks are down 20% in three days and the Mumbai Exchange halted trading after a 10% decline. In Shanghai the market closed after hitting declining the maximum pullback of 4%. There is obviously some panic in emerging markets and that is spilling over across the board. Although it is never easy to deal with a soft open, it probably is better for longer-term market health than a bounce and failure to start the week.

We have our work cut out for us.

AMD lõpetab seal kus paar päeva tagasi oldi ?

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