Börsipäev 22. mai

Lisakapitali kaasamine senistelt investoritelt on finantssektoris jätkumas. UBS müüb kuni 7 aktsiat neile, kel 20 aktsiat ette näidata eilse sulgumishinnaga võrreldes ca 30%lise diskontoga, et oma hapnevat bilansilehte ilusamaks muuta. Põhimõtteliselt oleks diskonto lisanduvatel aktsiatel võinud ka suurem olla, kuna heaks oli kiidetud varasemalt ka kuni 60%line allahindlus lisanduvatele aktsiatele. Seega ka olulist reaktsiooni selle sündmuse peale ei ole.

Samas, tänane lisanduv kapital on siis summas ca $15.6 miljardit, aasta alguses saadi niigi juurde $13 miljardit, mis teeb kokku ca $28.6 miljardit. Subprime’iga on seni kahjusid kantud $38 miljardi eest. Seega võimalik, et kui peaks mahakirjutamisi veel ette tulema, peab ettevõte veel ühe kapitali kaasamise ette võtma.

Vahepeal sai siin foorumis arutatud selle üle, et kas päikeseenergia sektorite ettevõtete marginaalid võivad sattuda lähiajal löögi alla või mitte. Täna on sama teema üles võtnud Wall Street Journal ning Briefing teinud sellest kokkuvõtte:

WSJ reports ethanol stocks, once Wall Street's green giants, have been squashed into wasabi paste. That could be a cautionary tale for today's alternative-energy darling, solar. Oil's march to $133 a barrel has been a boon to green-energy stocks -- solar, in particular. Ethanol stocks have rallied a bit, but they're still far from their heyday of 2006 and remain mostly scorned by investors. The similarities between the two industries might scare solar bulls... Solar's pricing power has held steady, but could be at risk next year, given the vast and growing number of people making solar panels... Of course, there are plenty of reasons why the lights won't go out on solar the way they've gone out on ethanol. Both industries depend heavily on government subsidies. But solar seems less likely to fall out of public favor than corn ethanol, which has contributed to soaring food costs. Solar is cleaner and getting cheaper. Corn ethanol will likely never be economically or environmentally viable without govt handouts. Still, solar stocks are speculative and volatile. While the industry's prospects look far brighter than ethanol's, that doesn't mean they can defy gravity. (Stocks mentioned: TSL, LDK, SOLF, PEIX, STP)

Joel ... ymeramees postitas sama Briefingu uudise juba SOLAR teemasse :)
: ) Seda parem. Teemafoorumite kõrval väärib aga ka päevafoorumites kajastamist.
Initial Claims 365K vs 373K consensus, prior revised to 374K from 371K

tööturg ei indikeeri endiselt tõsist majanduslanguse ohtu

USA turud on päeva alustamas eilsete sulgumishindade juurest.

Saksamaa DAX -0.35%

Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -0.48%

Inglismaa FTSE 100 -0.17%

Hispaania IBEX -1.05%

Venemaa MICEX -1.61%

Poola WIG N/A (börs suletud)

Aasia turud:

Jaapani Nikkei 225 +0.37%

Hong Kongi Hang Seng -1.64%

Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) -1.65%

Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) -1.43%

Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq +0.26%

Tai Set -1.40%

India Sensex -1.95%

Market Switches Gears
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
5/22/2008 8:36 AM EDT

We are not retreating -- we are advancing in another direction.
-- Douglas MacArthur

While the "worst is over" rally off the March lows went higher than many thought it would, a confluence of events finally turned the tide back down. High oil prices finally started to matter after being ignored for years; inflation suddenly became worrisome, although it has been out there for some time; and concerns over the sputtering economy returned despite hope that we have priced in the worst and we will go straight up from here. But the biggest negative lately has been the complacency of many market participants who were anxious to put all our economic troubles and woes behind us.

The conditions for a reversal have existed for a while, but it took a catalyst in the form of a huge move in crude oil and some inflationary concerns in the minutes of the last Fed meeting. The big question now is where we go from here. Is this just a minor correction within a new bull market, or is it the end of a bear-market bounce?

Two days of significant weakness and a breach of the uptrend line that started with the March low have most technicians now taking a bearish stance. While we have sold off hard enough over the last two days to set up some sort of oversold bounce, the action was severe enough to justify a bearish stance. The key here will be whether the dip-buyers who couldn't get in when we went straight up last week are inclined to jump in on this weakness. Quite often the idea of buying weakness doesn't seem quite as appealing when we actually suffer the sort of meltdown we saw yesterday.

What we have to do now is be defensive and watch the character of the action. Are market players doing some bargain-hunting, or do they continue to chase the energy sectors and the small group of names that have had strong momentum all year? We need to watch technology stocks very closely to see if they can find their footing, as they were the most recent group to show some hope that the market was ready for a sustained advance.

If you don't already have a high level of cash, now is the time to consider cutting your lagging positions. It is possible that the selling of the last two days may be reversed and quickly forgotten, but it was bad enough to suggest that a change in character is occurring. Even if that is the case, we aren't going to go straight down, and that will give you an opportunity to do some repositioning in order to protect capital.

Oil continues its ascent this morning, and that is obviously causing some real anxiety for a change. If that relents, we will likely get a relief bounce, but we can't simply ignore the technical damage that has been done.
Ülespoole avanevad:

In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: STP +6.7%, NDSN +9.7%, FLO +6.0%, PLCE +4.9%, SMTC +4.4%, BONT +4.0%, PERY +3.3% and SAFM +1.2% (light volume)... Select metals/mining stocks showing strength: RTP +5.2%, BHP +4.8%, AAUK +4.1%, HMY +2.5%, LMC +2.2%... Select airlines modestly rebounding after yesterday's decline: LUV +4.6%, UAUA +4.2%, AMR +3.7%, CAL +1.5%... A handful of small cap oil & gas names are ticking higher in pre-mkt in a continuation of recent momentum: CRED +9.1%, PDO +8.8%, LEI +7.8%, FPP +6.9%... Other news: BTRX +20.5% (announces agreement with Procter & Gamble), CPN +10.9% (Harbinger Capital Partners recommends Calpine review NRG Energy's proposed merger of equals), TASR +5.7% (receives 'significant' follow-on order from Australia), EAC +5.7% (to explore strategic alternatives), VOD +4.2% (still checking), ESE +2.0% (announces contract award at PTI; annual revenue expected to be approx $10-$15 mln), EPAX +1.9% (acquires BookRags for $18 mln; expected to be accretive in the first twelve months following the acquisition), WYE +1.6% (Wyeth and Progenics announce preliminary clinical trial results for Relistor oral and intravenous formulations), ENS +1.4% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney; also prices a 3.4 mln share common stock offering at $29/share), FLIR +1.1% (receives $358.4 mln IDIQ contract modification from the U.S. Army)... Analyst upgrades: SPLS +2.9% (initiated with Buy at Citigroup), LVLT +2.9% (upgraded to Market Perform at Wachovia), LACO +2.4% (initiated with Buy at Morgan Joseph), PNRA +2.3% (initiated with Buy at Jefferies), ANR +1.9% (upgraded to Buy at Merrill), ROST +1.7% (upgraded to Buy at Piper).

Allapoole avanevad:

In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: BCSI -26.6%, WSTL -17.2%, DKS -14.3%, CEDU -10.7%, NTAP -10.2%, BRS -8.1%, JTX -7.7% (also reports prepared 3.45 mln tax returns in 2008, a decline of 5.3% compared to the prior year), SMRT -6.7% (light volume), NTES -6.2%, GME -5.6%, CHINA -5.4% (also downgraded to Neutral at Piper), PDCO -4.0% (light volume), PETM -2.8%, SNPS -2.3%, CTRN -1.2%... M&A news: BCE -14.1% (buyout blocked in Canada court - WSJ)... Other news: NRF -4.2% (announces private offering of up to $75 mln exchangeable senior notes due 2013), TBSI -2.6% (prices a 3.4 mln share common stock offering at $51/share), HUGH -2.5% (prices a 2.23 mln share common stock offering at $50/share), RAD -2.2% (announces proposed offering of convertible notes)... Analyst downgrades: SOLF -5.2% (downgraded to Sell at tier 1 firm), AKAM -5.0% (downgraded to Sell at tier 1 firm), AATI -3.2% (downgraded to Buy from Strong Buy at Needham), MER -2.5% (downgraded to Sell at Ladenburg Thalmann), LEH -2.3% (downgraded to Sell at Ladenburg Thalmann), ASH -2.3% (downgraded to Neutral at from Positive Susquehanna), KFY -2.3% (downgraded to Sell at Merrill), AA -2.3% (downgraded to Neutral at Merrill), GS -1.8% (downgraded to Sell at Ladenburg Thalmann).
Henno, kas Sa oled USA majanduse ja börside suhtes optimist? Vähemalt kommentaarid viitavad sellele. Isiklikult olen veendunud, et USA aktsiaindeksitel on käesoleval aastal suurem langus alles tulemas.
Mis nüüd tänasesse börsipäeva puutub, siis nafta protsendi jagu miinuses ning see toetab aktsiaturgu. Must kuld on 5 päevaga üle 10% tõusnud ning seetõttu viimastel päevadel kauplejatel silmi mujale kui QM sümbolit jälgima õieti ei mahugi...

Eilses börsipäevas sai vaieldud MXC üle ning et kas 4-kordse tootmismahu kordistamise järel on aktsia 10-kordne lend õigustatud. Turg lahendab sedapuhku meie vaidluse kiiresti - aktsia on täna -26% ning energiasektor tervikuna teist päeva järjest löögi all.

US Senate passes Iraq funding bill by vote of 70-26
Pimco's Bill Gross avaldab CNBC-s arvamust aprillikuu intressimäära kohta.

Gross says that he thinks inflation is really about 1% higher than the actual inflation rate reported, which would mean bonds prices would be adjusted downward about 5%, and yields higher, and stocks about 10% lower. Gross says some adjustments need to be made mentally, since the BLS has used the same calculation for years... says you should be looking to invest in Brazil, Russia, China and India, and investing in its currencies would be a good bet.
Tahaks SINO't osta, aga ei saa. Ei ole justkui kaubeldavate väärtpaberite hulgas. Miks? Eile Nasdaqil noteeritud ja kauplemine käib.
Sandrah, uued noteeringud tuleb maakleritel käsitsi kaubeldavate väärtpaberite hulka lisada ning kõiki ilma kliendi soovita niisama lisama ei hakata. Aga soov avaldatud, seega homme siis peaks SINO ka kaubeldavate väärtpaberite hulgas juba olema.