Snaige preparing for newly designed models. According to BBN, the Lithuanian fridge maker is investing LTL 20m to start manufacturing fridges of a new design. When production of new fridges gets in full swing, old models will be gradually phased out. Mindaugas Sestokas, CEO of Snaige, said the company starts mass production of six new designs of Snaige fridges next spring, and new models are likely to appear on the market in mid-2007.
Klaipedos Nafta 2007 outlook. Klaipedos Nafta released Jan-Nov transportation volume numbers, which the market pretty much knew already. However, what the market did not know was the outlook for 2007. The company forecast for 2007 sales were at LTL 75.9m, and the estimated Pre-tax profit was LTL 8.8m, corresponding to a PTP margin of 10.5%.
Kaubamaja to open a Selver in Tartu. The real estate subsidiary of Tallinna Kaubamaja has signed a lease agreement with a real estate developer Rending OÜ for operating a hypermarket in Raadimõisa shopping center in Tartu, which will be opened in November 2008. The total sales area of the new Selver is 5100 sq m, while the average sales space for the last 10 Selver supermarkets opened has been around 1500 sq m. Currently, Selver supermarket chain consists of 21 supermarkets with total sales area of 39000 sq m.
Sanitas posted a loss in November. The November sales increased 158% y-o-y to LTL 16,657m (previously reported) and the net loss amounted to LTL 9.93m. November result was negatively influenced by the scandal over faulty medicine Corhydron produced by Jelfa. In the first 11 months of the year, total sales increased 139% y-o-y to LTL 134.9m, and the net loss totalled LTL 7.759m. For the full year, the company expects a loss of LTL 9m.
Eesti Ehitus gets an order. The Estonian construction company Eesti Ehitus concluded an agreement to perform construction works of the new head office of Estonian Railways in Tallinn. It will be a 7-storey office building and it is scheduled to be completed in 2008. The total cost of the construction is EEK 179m (EUR 11.4m) excluding VAT.
Third largest jackpot in Olympic's history. Yesterday, a man in his thirties won EEK 1.6m (EUR 100k) from Olympic Casino's slot machine. This was the third largest jackpot won in Olympic's history.
Walgreens teatas täna USA bõrsi avanemise eel tulemusi - EPS oli 0.43/share ( 0.41 asemel ), kena tõus aasta taguse 0.34/share võrreldes, läbimüük tõusis kvartalis 16.7%. Kauem kui aasta töötanud apteekides tõusis läbimüük 9.7% ja juurde tuli 119 uut apteeki.
Ilus kvartal, aga kuna Walgreens on viimasel ajal tõusnud ja retail sektorid üles vedanud siis erilist tõusu sellest ei pruugi tulla.
WAG on pidevalt üllatanud ning selle peale kenasti tõusnud. Tänased ilusad tulemused olid suhteliselt oodatud, kuid mõnevõrra võib see WMT riski vähendada (pikas perspektiivis jäädakse siiski ilmselt karuseks).
Eile tulid peale turgu tulemustega Micron (MU) ja RIMM. Mõlemad kauplevad hetkel plusspoolel ning kui MU osas usun jätkuvassetõusu, siis RIMMilt oodati palju ning usun, et siit võime leida veel nõrkust (eriti kui ei suudeta $140 taset hoida).
Bear Stearns upgrades Research in Motion (RIMM 133.70) to Outperform from Peer Perform
ThinkEquity raises their RIMM tgt to $165 from $115 following Q3 earnings, as they believe the strength in the hardware makes it difficult to appreciate the value of RIMM's N.O.C. which will serve as the delivery vehicle for RIMM's next-generation services reaching far beyond e-mail
Citi@RIMM: ➤ RIMM reported results that beat consensus revs nicely but edged above theEPS target. Similarly, the forward EPS guidance suggests little upwardmovement in consensus numbers.➤ We expect that revenue mix, higher obsolescence expenses, and marketingspend will prevent much margin leverage in the next couple quarters.➤ While mgmt argued that Pearl cannibalization was minimal outside of theirexisting pro-sumer product portfolio, the results reported suggested that it wasmore extensive.➤ Overall shipments came in at 1.8 million which exceeded our forecast by 100K.They acknowledged that 200K of that total came from normal channel build forthe Pearl. This was a bit lower than what we would have anticipated.➤ We are increasing our EPS estimates slightly for FY08 but maintain our pricetarget of $104 and 3H rating on the stock.
J.P Morgan downgrades Qualcomm (QCOM 38.54) to Underweight from Neutral...
J.P Morgan initiates Quality Systems (QSII 35.96) with an Overweight
First Albany upgrades Micron Technology (MU 13.49) to Buy
CIBC downgrades Wynn Resorts (WYNN 81.82) to Sector Underperformer from Sector Perform given increasing competition in Macau in 2007 and the shares' recent run up
CIBC downgrades Ameristar (ASCA 30.94), MGM Mirage (57.54), and Station Casinos (STN 81.68) to Sector Performer from Outperformer based on valuation, firm recommends investors continue to own the casino operators heading into 2007 based on their view that while many stocks are fully valued, drivers of the present valuation could persist into 1H07
First Albany initiates Progenics Pharmaceuticals (PGNX 26.07) with a Buy and $33 tgt.
Cantor Fitzgerald initiates Metalbolix (MBLX 17.26) with a Buy and $26 tgt saying they expect large-scale commercial manufacture and sales of PHA Natural Plastics - the only fully biodegradable plastic - to begin in 2008, with the completion of its commercial-scale, 50,000 ton per year manufacturing plant
Kõigile tehnilise voodoo tegijatele pakub arvatavasti järgnev tabel huvi, kus võrreldes eelmise nädalaga on üle erinevate liikuvate keskmiste kauplevate aktsiate protsent märgatavalt vähenenud. Lisaks on mitmed suured indeksid tehniliset tähtsates punktides - kui vaadata liikuvaid keskmiseid.
Market Update Asian trading closed in the green with Hang Seng +0.51%, Nikkei +0.34%, Sensex +0.65%, Taiwan +0.41% and Shanghai +0.03%.
Allergan (AGN) said the Food and Drug Administration has issued an approvable letter for Combigan, a treatment to reduce elevated intraocular pressure. The company said the FDA has suggested an additional confirmatory study to address certain questions posed, and that Allergan has already commenced a clinical study that addresses the questions.
Ford Motor's (F) new chief executive Alan Mulally's agenda calls for the motor company to plow through "gut-wrenching" change to achieve profitability by 2009
Google (GOOG) added privacy settings to its Blogger service, giving users the option of restricting readership to a predetermined audience
Lockheed Martin (LMT) said it has agreed to acquire Fairfax, Va.-based Management Systems Designers Inc. MSD is an information technology provider for government life science, national security, and other civil agency missions.
Micron Technology (MU) said reported first-quarter profit of $192 million, or 25 cents a share, up from $63 million, or 9 cents a share, in last year's same period. For the three month period ended Nov. 30, sales rose to $1.58 billion from $1.36 billion.
Novellus Systems (NVLS) said Sass Somekh will retire as president, and transition to a part-time role, effective Jan. 29. Somekh will continue to work for the foreseeable future as chairman of the Novellus Technical Advisory Board, and serve as advisor to the chief executive.
Former Pfizer (PFE) Chief Executive Hank McKinnell will receive $198 million in total compensation after his departure in February
Qualcomm (QCOM) said it now expects first-fiscal-quarter earnings per share, excluding items, of 41 cents to 42 cents, compared with its prior outlook of 42 cents to 44 cents. The company added that it now expects quarterly revenue to be at the high end of its prior view of $1.98 billion to $2.08 billion.
Red Hat (RHT) said reported third quarter net income of $15.5 million, or 7 cents a share, down from net income of $24.5 million, or 12 cents a share. Sales rose 45% to $105.8 million, the company said.
Research in Motion (RIMM) reported third-quarter profit of $176 million, or 93 cents per share, compared with last year's $120.2 million or 63 cents per share. Excluding regular stock-option expense of $3.6 million, preliminary adjusted net income was $179.6 million, or 95 per share diluted.
Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA) and its partners agreed to hand over control of the Sakhalin oil-and-natural-gas project to Russia's state-controlled Gazprom for $7.45 billion.
Toyota (TM) is poised to topple General Motors (GM) as the world's biggest auto maker as early as next year, saying it plans to produce 9.42 million vehicles in 2007.
US Airways (LCC) denounced a restructuring plan proposed by Delta earlier this week to fend off an $8.38 billion hostile bid.
Shark toob täna välja, et kuigi on reaalne võimalus veel üheks aastalõpu põrkeks, on Nasdaq juba pea kuu aega samal tasemel kaubelnud, ohustades nüüdseks juba oma 50-päeva libisevat keskmist.
Slowing but Not Falling Apart
By Rev Shark Contributor 12/22/2006 8:56 AM EST Click here for more stories by Rev Shark
Have yourself a merry little Christmas, Let your heart be light From now on, our troubles will be out of sight ... Through the years We all will be together, If the Fates allow Hang a shining star upon the highest bough. And have yourself a merry little Christmas now
-- "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas"
The last trading day before the Christmas holiday usually finds market players in a positive mood but a bit distracted and not inclined to make big moves. It can be a good day for some "dislocations," to borrow a term, that give us some trading opportunities, but it is going to be choppy and random.
Although folks aren't inclined to be too negative with the holidays beckoning, the mood has turned a bit sour in recent days. Economic data such as the Philly Fed and the revised GDP were a bit troublesome and caused some pressure yesterday, but the Nasdaq has been flat for over a month now.
The bulls have not had the same drive and optimism that kept this market going straight up for several months, and the Nasdaq is in danger of trading below its 50-day simple moving average for the first time since this rally began back in August.
Although it does look like we are losing some momentum the chances of at least a temporary bounce are quite high. The holiday spirit can't be denied, and the dip-buyers have yet to experience any notable failure. To expect the market to completely fall apart in a straight line at this juncture would be unrealistic. There are still enough positives to enable us to bounce back from bouts of selling.
I do think we will have some more downside in the near future, primarily as a result of the high level of complacency. The bulls are too sanguine about what the future holds, and the market beast will be inclined to dish out a scare just to keep them humble.
Economic data are out and are a tad softer than expected. Durable goods excluding transportation fell 1.9% vs. an increase of 1%, and that will give some weight to the argument that the economy is slowing faster than anticipated. However, the core deflator indicated little inflationary pressure, and that is a positive.
25. detsember Esimene jõulupüha - Euroopa ja USA väärtpaberibörsid suletud 26. detsember Teine jõulupüha - Kauplemist ei toimu Euroopa börsidel, USA turud avatud
RIMM +5.2% (reports NovQ, guides FebQ revs above consensus; also Bear Stearns upgrade and multiple target increases), SCLN +73% (positive clinical data on Zadaxin, co also adopts shareholder shareholders rights plan), PNCL +63% (amends partner agreement with Northwest, PNCL will receive an unsecured claim of $377.5 mln in Northwest's bankruptcy proceedings and PNCL will remain partner through at least 2017), DEPO +12% (receives $10 mln payment from Esprit Pharma), JSDA +13% (Cramer bullish on Mad Money, says could be next HANS), RHT +13% (reports strong NovQ; also Citigroup upgrade), RECN +8% (reports NovQ), LFC +5.3% (to announce range for listing on Shanghai market), LNG +6.1% (energy unit plans IPO), MU +5.3% (reports NovQ, also First Albany upgrade), ARNA +4.8% (AG Edwards upgrade), RVBD +4.7% (Cramer bullish on Mad money), SHFL +4% (reports OctQ), WAG +1.6% (reports NovQ), AAPL +1% (WSJ Heard on the Street profiles Apple).
Allapoole avanevad:
MAMA -9.4% (profit taking after 250% move the past 2 weeks), NRPH -5% (Shire Plc says FDA wants more data on its new hyperactivity treatment which co is developing with NRPH), ADTN -4.8% (guides lower, Merrill downgrades to Sell, Morgan Joseph downgrade), VNDA -4.3% (negative article saying insiders cash out), ESCL -3.8% (profit taking after recent big move), SIGA -2.6% (extends yesterday's 22% sell-off), ATVI -2.1% (Cramer says he'd be a seller), NUAN -2% (Cramer negative), QCOM -2.1% (JP Morgan downgrade), MIVA -1.7% (profit taking after big move late yesterday), WTSLA -1.6% (prices offering), GMKT -1.3% (Cramer negative).
BofA arvamus USA kruiisisektorile. Üldjoontes ollakse sarnaselt Citigroupiga positiivsed, kuid tegelikult varjutab sektorit jätkuvalt kõrged naftahinnad ja tarbija küsitav jõukus teenuse tarbimiseks.
BofA says the takeaway for CCL is that what has been weak does not appear to be getting incrementally worse, and there is visibility into a better 2H07. Overall, firm says CCL's 4Q06 results beat street ests and firm's. They continue to like both CCL and RCL in 2007 and would certainly buy on weakness. 2007 guidance supports their monthly agent survey and overall industry thesis. Firm notes CCL is forecasting FY07 EPS of 2.90-3.10, flattish yields in 1H07, and 1-2% yield growth for the full year, all basically in line with their previous forecasts and street consensus. This also jibes with their monthly agent survey, which suggests weakness in the Caribbean persists but expectations for Wave Season are strong. Changes to 07 ests include more modest yield growth in 2Q, offset somewhat by higher yields in 2H07. Firm forecasts Y07 rev of $13 bln.
Red Herring avaldab oma mõtteid etanooli teemadel. Praegused naftahinnad ja soojad ilmad ei ole etanooli toetanud, kuid on põhjuseid, mis pikema perioodi jooksul võivad etanooli aktsiatele positiivselt mõjuda:
Red Herring reports a lifting of fog allowed oil shipments to return to normal Thursday, restoring inventories of crude oil and -- along with mild weather forecasts -- sinking oil prices. Ethanol stocks were down Thursday as a result. In more bad news, China on Wednesday halted the expansion of its ethanol industry, blaming it for soaring grain prices, according to Xinhua, which added the price of grain rose 4.7% in November. But the forecast isn't all bad for ethanol cos. Here are three reasons to be optimistic about ethanol: 1) The Canadian govt Wednesday called for 5% of its gasoline to be replaced with "renewable content," such as ethanol, by 2010. That amounts to a requirement of about 2.1 bln liters of ethanol a year, according to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; 2) In the wake of a few disappointing ethanol IPOs, U.S. BioEnergy (USBE) did better than some industry watchers expected; 3) Two more announcements this week indicate strides in cellulosic ethanol, ethanol from materials such as corn stover, wood chips, and switchgrass. In the first announcement, New York Governor George Pataki announced Wednesday the state was handing out awards to Mascoma and Catalyst Renewables to advance cellulosic ethanol. In the second announcement, SunOpta (STKL) and GreenField Ethanol on Thursday announced they signed a joint venture agreement to develop "commercial-scale processes" to made cellulosic ethanol from wood chips... Cos also mentioned: ADM, VSE, PEIX.
Kui eile näitas Nasdaq accumulation/distriribution 20 päeva libiseva keskmisega ristumist, siis täna on napilt seda ka DJIA tegemas. Ka tänane varajane allamüük on viinud indeksi SARi järgi stoptasemele. Mitmed crossoverid korraga on tehnikutele ja swingijatele tihtipeale mokkamööda. DJIA ei ole veel allapoole bollingeri eraldavat libisevat keskmist tulnud, kuid arvatavasti läbitakse seegi. Indeksi volatiilsus on tõusnud. Turuosaliste "hirmuindeks" VIX on tõusnud 11 punkti alla, kuid on allpool 50 päeva libisevat keskmist.