Börsipäev 22. august

Ülespoole avanevad:

XMSR +9.0% (Bear Stearns upgrade as firm believes negative news is on the cusp of reversing itself), CHINA +5.3% (acquires Chinese license for No. 1 online game in Korea cafes), SCT +4.8% (responds to credit rating reductions), OLAB +3.2% (momentum from yesterday’s +100% move), SIRI +3.9% (in sympathy with XMSR), HPOL +3.8% (reports JunQ), BOOM +3.1% (light vol 2K shares), TOL +3% (reports JulQ, beats by $0.12), STJ +2.8% (FDA approves new heart device feature), AMD +2.6% (Bear Stearns upgrade), GT +2.4% (JP Morgan upgrade), PEIX +1.6%, DG +1.2% (Deutsche upgrade)… Under $3: HDY +5.8%, GTW +3.9%.

Allapoole avanevad:

CLZR -24% (reports JunQ, misses by $0.13; also Cowen downgrade; also Needham lowers tgt to $17 from $26, but defends the stock), AU -2.6% (profit taking after 4.3% move yesterday), AXA -2.5%, SLV -2.4% (profit taking after 3% move yesterday), S -1.8% (C.O.O. departs), AZN -1%… Under $3: CNR -8.5% (profit taking after huge move the past 3 weeks), EZM -2.3% (on Mad Money, Cramer says to take profits).

Täna on oodata Iraani vastust tuumaküsimustes. Kui Iraan on jätkuvalt resoluutne ja nõuab oma õigust jätkata tuumaprogrammiga, on oodata laiaulatuslike sanktsioonide kehtestamist riigi vastu, mis omakorda annaks poliitilistele jagelustele ja naftale hoogu…

Ja lõpetuseks veel teadmiseks, et 22. augustil hääletatakse Alaskas uute maksude kohta. See tähendaks kruiisilaevadele lisakulu $50 dollarit inimese kohta sadamamaksu ning 33% hasartmängumaksu, kui laevad on Alaska vetes. See tähendaks, et vastavalt UBSi arvutustele, kahe suurima Põhja-Ameerika kruiisilaeva ettevõtte CCL-i ja RCL-i kasumid väheneksid 2007. aastal vastavalt $0.09 ja $0.10 aktsia kohta.

WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--An Estonian man will return more than $550,000 of
trading profits and pay a $15,000 penalty to settle electronic theft
charges, the Securities and Exchange Commission announced Tuesday.
Kristjan Lepik, of Tallinn, settled without admitting or denying allegations
that he traded on corporate information obtained through sneak peeks at
information distributed by Business Wire, a leading commercial distributor
of business news.
Lepik's employer, an Estonian investment bank, had a Business Wire account,
and the SEC said Lepik and co-worker Oliver Peek secretly used a "spider"
software program that gave them an advance look at when press releases would
be issued by Business Wire customers. The SEC claims the pair used similar
tactics with other news distributors, which it did not name.
In all, the SEC said Lepik and Peek made at least $7.8 million of profits
trading on hundreds of press releases issued by more than 200 U.S. companies
in 2005. The agency said Lepik's penalty reflected his "cooperation" with
U.S. securities regulators who are probing the trading.
The SEC's charges were filed last November in federal court in Manhattan.
Judge Robert Sweet approved Lepik's settlement last Thursday.
Amy Greer, district trial counsel for the SEC's Philadelphia office, which
is handing the matter, said the SEC's investigation is continuing.
Attorneys for Lepik, Peek and Lohmus Haavel & Viisemann weren't immediately
available to comment. The Tallinn-based bank also has offices in Latvia and
ma chatis
Täna õhtul avaldab INTU tulemused, kes mäletab, siis sai seda "Straddle enne" mängus mängitud. Possu ei võta, aga kipun karuseks.
Nagu abesiki viidatud uudises kirjas, kohtuvälise kokkuleppega on uurimine minu suhtes lõppenud. Minu süülisust see kokkulepe ei tähenda, samuti ei sea piiranguid edasisele tegevusele.

Edu kõigile turgudel ja peatse kuulmiseni,
Lahe! Palju õnne igal juhul!
Et siis järjekordne J.O.K.K case. Masendav.