Vaatamata Apple’i prognoositust nõrgematele neljanda kvartali tulemustele ning Hispaania reitingu kärpimisele suutsid USA turud eile suurema osa päevast nulli lähedal külgsuunas liikuda, kui teisalt säilis optimism Euroopa päästepaketi väljakuulutamise osas ning ettevõtete poolel aitas majandustulemustega lippu kõrgemal hoida Intel. Päeva teises pooles rikkusid aga sentimenti turul levinud jutud, et EFSFi võimendamiseks peetavad läbirääkimised ei ole sugugi nõnda edukalt kulgemas nagu viitas üleeilne Guardiani artikkel. Erilist optimismi ei aidanud süstida ka Fedi Beige Book, mis ühest küljest viitas küll kasvanud majandusaktiivsusele võrreldes septembri raportiga, kuid muutust kirjeldati kui mõõdukat ning tagasihoidlikku. Närvilisus Euroopa pärast püsis ka Aasia sessioonil, kus indeksid kauplevad kõik miinuspoolel (Nikkei -0,9%, Hang Seng -2,7%, Shanghai Composite -2,3%).
Tänasest makrost võiks suuremat huvi pakkuda Suurbritannia septembri jaemüük (kell 11.30), USA möödunud nädala esmaste töötuabiraha taotluste muutus (kell 15.30), oktoobri tarbija kindlustunde indeks, juhtivate indikaatorite indeks, Philadelphia Fedi küsitlus ja olemasolevate majade septembrikuu müük (kell 17.00). Kreeka peaminister võitis eile uute kärpemeetmete rakendamiseks esimese hääletusvooru, mis annab head šansid tänaseks lõplikuks hääletuseks.
Majandustulemustega tulevad enne turgu muuhulgas AT&T, Eli lilly, Nokia, Ericsson, Philip Morris International, Union Pacific. Pärast turgu raporteerivad teiste seas Microsoft ja SanDisk.
USA indeksite futuurid kauplevad hetkel -0,4% punases, Euroopa on aga avanemas üle protsendi jagu madalamal.
Eile ilmunud uudise kohaselt on täna oodata Brüsselist uusi piiranguid toorainete kauplejatele:
The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive – better known as Mifid – does not have the snappiest of names but it does have bite. In the next 24 hours, Brussels is expected to use the directive to curb the appetite of commodity speculators and restrict the "high frequency trading" that was blamed for the 2010 "flash crash" on Wall Street.
City minister Mark Hoban has already made clear that the UK will not tolerate protectionist measures from Brussels. Elements of Mifid, though, could be welcomed in some quarters. For instance, the directive may adopt a proposal – popular in France – to limit the size of positions that traders can take when buying and selling futures contracts on commodities in an attempt to restrict the impact on prices of items as diverse as wheat, coffee or gold.
Mifid, which was first implemented four years ago to open up financial markets across the EU to competition, may also attempt to push the trading of derivatives products that currently takes place "over the counter" onto regulated exchanges or through clearing houses in an effort to reduce risk.
In its first four years, Mifid has led to several new stock exchanges being set up across Europe, such as Chi-X Europe. But in its next phase, Mifid II could have broader consequences for the stocks, bonds and commodities are traded and cleared across Europe – and could have a major impact on the City.
But it will take time.
Once the draft is published, the horse-trading will begin – and could last another four years, with Mifid II finally being implemented in 2015.
Zero Hedgilt paar graafikut USA võlataseme kohta. Esiteks vahendati Bloombergi eilset päevagraafikut, millelt on näha, et IMFi hinnangul ületab USA võlatase per capita SKT per capita sel aastal:
Ja siis tegi ZH ise mõned arvutused ja leidis, et USA võlg ületab selle aasta Halloweeniks ka SKT taseme.
Ja siis tegi ZH ise mõned arvutused ja leidis, et USA võlg ületab selle aasta Halloweeniks ka SKT taseme.
As of today, total US Debt, is $14.942 trillion, obviously an all time high. Q2 GDP as was reported by the BEA three weeks ago, was $15.012 trillion in current dollars. In other words, the spread between total GDP and total debt has now collapsed to an all time low $70 billion. Incidentally, this number was $1.8 trillion at the beginning of 2010. Then we decided to take a quick look at the upcoming bond issuance and find that tomorrow the Treasury will announce approximately $99 billion in 2, 5 and 7 Year bonds to be auctioned off October 25 through 27... With a very appropriate settlement date: October 31, elsewhere known as Halloween. Yes, ladies and gentlemen: All Hallows E'en will be doubly scary this year: for the first time since World War II, US debt will officially surpass GDP on Halloween 2011.
Aga kõik see ju investoreid ei morjenda - endiselt tormatakse hullunult USA võlakirjadesse.
Samal ajal kui Kreekas on toimumas "kõigi streikide ema" nagu Postimees seda nimetab ning sunnib valitsust saamata jääva tulu tõttu tõenäoliselt juba järgmitele kärpemeetmetele mõtlema, peaks troika kokku panema järjekordse raporti oma külastusest Kreekasse. Väidetavalt on seda edasi lükatud eelkõige lahkarvamuste tõttu riigi võla jätkusuutlikkuse osas, kuid samade allikate kohaselt peaks Kreeka järgmise laenueraldise siiski saama.
UK septembri jaemüük ilma auto ja kütuseta kasvas aastataguse perioodiga võrreldes 0,4% vs oodatud 0,6%. Augusti number aga revideeriti -0,1% pealt -1,0% peale.

EUR ja teised "riskivarad" said just korraliku tõuke. EUR rallis päeva tippu $1,3836 tasemele. Põhjuseks võib pidada uudist:
According to guidelines document, EFSF will be able to buy bonds on secondary market if Euro-zone country has sustainable debt, respects deficit reduction commitments, has sustainable C/A position.
EFSF will be able to buy bonds on secondary market if Eurozone country has no bank solvency problems, has track record of reasonable borrowing costs.
Ja Saksamaalt kohe otsa tasakaalustavamaid arvamusi:
German deputy finance minister says no payment to Greece without Troika report.
German finance minister says debate needed on EFSF bond purchases in primary and secondary markets.
German finance minister says still no agreement on whether and how to leverage EFSF; seeking more effective EFSF rather than leverage.
they have no clue? :)
they have no clue? :)
EFSF võtab korraliku võimenduse peale ja ostab kogu papi eest võlakirju mida keegi teine sellise tootluse juures ei taha. Kuidagi tuttav tunne on- kohe nagu oleks midagi sellist varem näinud ja mitte ammu :-)
Informeerige mind ka palun ajalooga.
Troika report: Greek deficit/GDP ratio 8.9% in 2011, 7% in 2012, 5.3% in 2013
Ehk 2011 defitsiit kõrgem kui mõned päevad tagasi Kreeka enda poolt tõdetud fakt, et eesmärke ei suudeta täita ning 2011 defitsiit tuleb pigem sinna 8,5% kanti. Aga õnneks hakkab sealt edasi puudujääk vähenema ning 2014 peaks olema juba alla Maastrichti nõutava kriteeriumi
Ehk 2011 defitsiit kõrgem kui mõned päevad tagasi Kreeka enda poolt tõdetud fakt, et eesmärke ei suudeta täita ning 2011 defitsiit tuleb pigem sinna 8,5% kanti. Aga õnneks hakkab sealt edasi puudujääk vähenema ning 2014 peaks olema juba alla Maastrichti nõutava kriteeriumi
Vastuolulistel teadetel ei ole otsa ega äärt:
EU says need to leverage EFSF to increase its fire-power.
German finance minister says German contribution to EFSF will not be higher than EUR 211bln, guarantees will not be extended. Says EFSF leverage by ECB is ruled out according to EU treaties.
EL-il on plaanis tõmmata linad ette seal, kus remonttööd käivad.....idee peaks esitamisele minema novembris.
EU Financial Services wants EU Securities Market Authority to have power to prohibit agencies from publishing ratings about ailing countries
EU Financial Services wants EU Securities Market Authority to have power to prohibit agencies from publishing ratings about ailing countries
Gaddafi kutupiilu
AP vahendusel Kreeka kohta veel uudis. See paneb edaspidi Kreeka valitsuse veelgi rohkem pingutama:
Greece will get its next batch of international bailout loans but its second rescue package may not be enough to save it from bankruptcy, according to a draft of a debt inspectors' report obtained Thursday by The Associated Press.
Although the inspectors said Greece has missed its deficit-cutting targets and that the pace of its reforms is insufficient, they said Athens will get €8 billion ($11 billion) of bailout loans so the country can avoid bankruptcy next month.
Greece's overall "debt sustainability has effectively deteriorated, given delays in the recovery, in fiscal consolidation and in the privatization plan, as well as the perspective of bank recapitalizations."
Initial Claims 403K vs 403K consensus; Prior revised to 409K from 404K
Continuing Claims rises to 3.719 mln from 3.694 mln
Continuing Claims rises to 3.719 mln from 3.694 mln
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SCSS +11.7%, RVBD +11.7%, NOK +10.8%, ERIC +9.2%, CBST +8.4%, DTLK +7%, ESI +5.7%, WCC +4.5%, BWLD +4.2%, FNFG +4%, BSX +3.7%, PM +3.5%, ETFC +1.3%.
M&A news: YHOO +2.3% (Alibaba reaffirmed their intention to buy).
Select European financial related names showing strength: UBS +2.2%, CS +2.1%, BCS +1.9%, ING +1.6%, RBS +1.4%.
Other news: BCSI +7.6% (ticked higher in after-hours in sympathy with RVBD), CMC +5.9% (Carl Icahn discloses intent to nominate members to the board in letter to mgmt - amended 13D filing), ALU +5.8% (still checking), ASML +2.4% (still checking), ARMH +1.8% (introduced new microchip for smartphones), FFIV +1.6% (ticking higher in sympathy with RVBD).
Analyst comments: YOKU +4.5% (added to Conviction Buy List at Goldman)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SCSS +11.7%, RVBD +11.7%, NOK +10.8%, ERIC +9.2%, CBST +8.4%, DTLK +7%, ESI +5.7%, WCC +4.5%, BWLD +4.2%, FNFG +4%, BSX +3.7%, PM +3.5%, ETFC +1.3%.
M&A news: YHOO +2.3% (Alibaba reaffirmed their intention to buy).
Select European financial related names showing strength: UBS +2.2%, CS +2.1%, BCS +1.9%, ING +1.6%, RBS +1.4%.
Other news: BCSI +7.6% (ticked higher in after-hours in sympathy with RVBD), CMC +5.9% (Carl Icahn discloses intent to nominate members to the board in letter to mgmt - amended 13D filing), ALU +5.8% (still checking), ASML +2.4% (still checking), ARMH +1.8% (introduced new microchip for smartphones), FFIV +1.6% (ticking higher in sympathy with RVBD).
Analyst comments: YOKU +4.5% (added to Conviction Buy List at Goldman)
Goldman Sachs muudab täna mitme Hiina internetifirma reitinguid:
Baidu (BIDU) reiting alandatakse Osta peale Hoia peale ja hinnasiht $ 175 pealt $ 165 peale
Changyou (CYOU) reiting tõstetakse Hoia pealt osta peale ja hinnasiht langetatakse $ 55 pealt $ 49 peale
Youku (YOKU) läheb Conviction Buy nimekirja ja hinnasiht langetatakse $ 50 pealt $ 44 peale.
Macro risks dominate Internet and Education sector sentiment
We believe fears over a China hard landing and global recession have led to a broad de-rating of the Internet and Education sectors over the past month. Although the sector has already bounced off the early October lows, with our coverage universe up 19% over the past two weeks but still down 12% over the past one month, we believe that volatility and uneasy sentiment over the sustainability of the current rally is likely to persist.
The recent volatility has created opportunities to gain significant upside over a 6-12 month period, in our view. We upgrade Changyou to Buy (new TP $49) and Youku to Conviction-Buy (new TP $44). We downgrade Baidu to Neutral while we remain fundamentally positive on the quality of both businesses and the attractive revenue opportunity, we believe relative price return is more limited, valuation multiples could be capped and near- term catalysts are lacking into the upcoming results.
Hirm Hiina majanduse järsu jahanemise ja globaalse majanduslanguse ees on muutunud turud äärmiselt volatiilseks. Analüütikud usuvad, et kuigi turu sentimet on loonud pikemat perspektiivi silmas pidades ka häid ostukohti, siis lühiajalisi katalüsaatoreid napib.
History lesson from 2008/09: Different operating circumstances
We draw some comparisons with the sector sell-off in 2008, which began in September and troughed in November (by when the sector had declined by 63% over a six-month period. The then-smaller stock universe and distinctly different industry and company dynamics mean circumstances are not directly comparable, but nevertheless we believe investors are likely to reference trough valuations to determine risk reward
Analüütikud on toonud võrdluseks 2008. sügise müügisurve, mis algas septembris ja jätkus läbi novembri, mis hetkeks oli sektor kuue kuuga kukkunud 63%. Kuigi sellest ajast on palju muutunud ja kaks olukorda pole ka enam otseselt võrreldavad, siis usuvad analüütikud, et investorid lähtuvad oma investeeringute riskijuhtimises ka sellest infost.
2012 fundamental outlook is key, but visibility is limited
Given concerns over China’s economic slowdown next year, investors’ focus has naturally transitioned to the 2012 outlook from near-term fundamentals, with the upcoming 3Q results season unlikely to be sufficient to sustain rallies in the stocks, in our view. While we believe a managed, soft landing is more likely than a hard landing, nevertheless the lack of visibility into 2012 will likely limit share price performance.
Kuna investorid on keskendunud juba 2012. aastale, siis kolmanda kvartali tulemused tõenäoliselt ralli jätkumiseks piisavalt toitu ei anna. Kuigi Goldman prognoosib Hiina majanduse osas siiski leebemat stsenaariumi , siis ebakindluse tõttu on paraku ka aktsiahindade tõus limiteeritud.
Antud calli puhul tuleb arvestada sellega, et Goldman on siiani olnud kogu Hiina internetisektori ja eriti BIDU osas väga positiivne. Seetõttu on BIDU negatiivne reitingumuutus vägagi märkimisväärne meelemuutus, mis turuosalistele kindlasti täna märkamata ei jää. YOKU tõstmine Conviction Buy nimekirja teeb kogu calli küll natuke vastuoluliseks. Eelturul kaupleb YOKU juba 8% plussis, aga kas see on ka jätkusuutlik?
BIDU kaupleb eelturul $ 122,8 kandis, 2,5% miinuspoolel.

Baidu (BIDU) reiting alandatakse Osta peale Hoia peale ja hinnasiht $ 175 pealt $ 165 peale
Changyou (CYOU) reiting tõstetakse Hoia pealt osta peale ja hinnasiht langetatakse $ 55 pealt $ 49 peale
Youku (YOKU) läheb Conviction Buy nimekirja ja hinnasiht langetatakse $ 50 pealt $ 44 peale.
Macro risks dominate Internet and Education sector sentiment
We believe fears over a China hard landing and global recession have led to a broad de-rating of the Internet and Education sectors over the past month. Although the sector has already bounced off the early October lows, with our coverage universe up 19% over the past two weeks but still down 12% over the past one month, we believe that volatility and uneasy sentiment over the sustainability of the current rally is likely to persist.
The recent volatility has created opportunities to gain significant upside over a 6-12 month period, in our view. We upgrade Changyou to Buy (new TP $49) and Youku to Conviction-Buy (new TP $44). We downgrade Baidu to Neutral while we remain fundamentally positive on the quality of both businesses and the attractive revenue opportunity, we believe relative price return is more limited, valuation multiples could be capped and near- term catalysts are lacking into the upcoming results.
Hirm Hiina majanduse järsu jahanemise ja globaalse majanduslanguse ees on muutunud turud äärmiselt volatiilseks. Analüütikud usuvad, et kuigi turu sentimet on loonud pikemat perspektiivi silmas pidades ka häid ostukohti, siis lühiajalisi katalüsaatoreid napib.
History lesson from 2008/09: Different operating circumstances
We draw some comparisons with the sector sell-off in 2008, which began in September and troughed in November (by when the sector had declined by 63% over a six-month period. The then-smaller stock universe and distinctly different industry and company dynamics mean circumstances are not directly comparable, but nevertheless we believe investors are likely to reference trough valuations to determine risk reward
Analüütikud on toonud võrdluseks 2008. sügise müügisurve, mis algas septembris ja jätkus läbi novembri, mis hetkeks oli sektor kuue kuuga kukkunud 63%. Kuigi sellest ajast on palju muutunud ja kaks olukorda pole ka enam otseselt võrreldavad, siis usuvad analüütikud, et investorid lähtuvad oma investeeringute riskijuhtimises ka sellest infost.
2012 fundamental outlook is key, but visibility is limited
Given concerns over China’s economic slowdown next year, investors’ focus has naturally transitioned to the 2012 outlook from near-term fundamentals, with the upcoming 3Q results season unlikely to be sufficient to sustain rallies in the stocks, in our view. While we believe a managed, soft landing is more likely than a hard landing, nevertheless the lack of visibility into 2012 will likely limit share price performance.
Kuna investorid on keskendunud juba 2012. aastale, siis kolmanda kvartali tulemused tõenäoliselt ralli jätkumiseks piisavalt toitu ei anna. Kuigi Goldman prognoosib Hiina majanduse osas siiski leebemat stsenaariumi , siis ebakindluse tõttu on paraku ka aktsiahindade tõus limiteeritud.
Antud calli puhul tuleb arvestada sellega, et Goldman on siiani olnud kogu Hiina internetisektori ja eriti BIDU osas väga positiivne. Seetõttu on BIDU negatiivne reitingumuutus vägagi märkimisväärne meelemuutus, mis turuosalistele kindlasti täna märkamata ei jää. YOKU tõstmine Conviction Buy nimekirja teeb kogu calli küll natuke vastuoluliseks. Eelturul kaupleb YOKU juba 8% plussis, aga kas see on ka jätkusuutlik?
BIDU kaupleb eelturul $ 122,8 kandis, 2,5% miinuspoolel.

MCP kohta veel uudiseid:
Molycorp teatas, et Mountain Pass projekt viiakse lõpule oodatust varem ja Dahlman Rose on seda uudist kommenteerimas järgnevalt:
We had previously anticipated that construction would be complete by the end of June 2012, but now management anticipates that this project will be completed three months ahead of schedule. The company anticipates that the Mountain Pass mine will be able to produce 8,000 - 10,000 metric tons of rare earth oxides in 2012 and
achieve full capacity in 2013. Molycorp will commence mining rare earth ore next week in an effort to be prepared for this accelerated timetable.
** We are impressed with management's ability to execute and control variables which are under its purview. We anticipate that the market for rare earth metals will be volatile over the near to medium term, possibly creating volatility in the equity. Despite this possible volatility in the equity, we remain impressed with management's ability to execute upon its plan to deliver this project to the market ahead of schedule.
** We continue to view Molycorp as our top-rated pick in the rare earth sector.
Analüütikud eeldasid, et projekt viikase lõpule alles järgmise aasta suveks ning on peavad juhtkonna tegutsemist väga muljetavaldavaks. Vaatamata sellele, et haruldaste muldmetallide turg jääb analüütikute arvates lähiajal volatiilseks on MCP nende Top Pick antud sektoris.
Aktsia kaupleb eelturul 3,2% plusspoolel, $ 39 tasemel.
Molycorp teatas, et Mountain Pass projekt viiakse lõpule oodatust varem ja Dahlman Rose on seda uudist kommenteerimas järgnevalt:
We had previously anticipated that construction would be complete by the end of June 2012, but now management anticipates that this project will be completed three months ahead of schedule. The company anticipates that the Mountain Pass mine will be able to produce 8,000 - 10,000 metric tons of rare earth oxides in 2012 and
achieve full capacity in 2013. Molycorp will commence mining rare earth ore next week in an effort to be prepared for this accelerated timetable.
** We are impressed with management's ability to execute and control variables which are under its purview. We anticipate that the market for rare earth metals will be volatile over the near to medium term, possibly creating volatility in the equity. Despite this possible volatility in the equity, we remain impressed with management's ability to execute upon its plan to deliver this project to the market ahead of schedule.
** We continue to view Molycorp as our top-rated pick in the rare earth sector.
Analüütikud eeldasid, et projekt viikase lõpule alles järgmise aasta suveks ning on peavad juhtkonna tegutsemist väga muljetavaldavaks. Vaatamata sellele, et haruldaste muldmetallide turg jääb analüütikute arvates lähiajal volatiilseks on MCP nende Top Pick antud sektoris.
Aktsia kaupleb eelturul 3,2% plusspoolel, $ 39 tasemel.