Börsipäev 20. detsember

Juba eile võis USA aktsiaturgudel täheldada käibe drastilist kukkumist ligi 11 miljardilt aktsialt reedel 6,2 miljardile esmaspäeval, jättes ka indeksite liikumise üsna loiuks (S&P 500 +0,2%). Viimastel tundidel anti siiski osas tõusust ära, mida võisid ajendada Vene suursaadiku tapmine Ankaras ning terrorirünnak Berliini jõuluturul. Euroopas andis Stoxx 600 pärast kahenädalast rallit tagasi -0,1% ning ka siin oli käive eile kolmandiku võrra madalam võrreldes viimase 30 päeva keskmisega.

Ligikaudu 7000 Saksamaa ettevõtte sõnul on riigi majanduse kasv jätkanud aasta lõpus kiirenemist, saavutades jooksva ärikliima indeksi näol parima taseme alates 2012.a veebruarist. Ka väljavaade 2017.a esimeseks pooleks muutus veidi helgemaks, kerkides ootuste indeksi baasil 0,1 punkti võrra 105,6 punktile, mis on ligikaudu viie punkti võrra kõrgem 10a keskmisest näitajast.

Markiti küsitluse järgi jahenes USA teenindussektori aktiivsus detsembris PMI indeksi näol 54,6 punktilt 53,4 punktile ja kuigi ka uute tellimuste kasv aeglustus mõnevõrra, jäi see üheks kiireimaks viimase 12 kuu jooksul, mis suurendas täitmata tellimusi ning julgustas ettevõtteid töötajaid aktiivsemalt juurde palkama.

Aasia aktsiaturud kauplesid öösel erisuunaliselt. Positiivsem oli sessioon Jaapanis tänu jeeni edasisele nõrgenemisele, kui keskpank otsustas jätkata majanduse stimuleerimist ootuspäraselt -0,1% intressimäära ning rahabaasi suurendamisega aastas 80 triljoni jeeni võrra, üritades seejuures hoida valitsuse 10a võlakirja tulusust 0% lähedal.

Tänane börsipäev saab majandusuudiste osas olema üsna vaikne.

Aktsiaturgude võimas tõus muudab heade ostuvõimaluste leidmise raskemaks

A $55 Billion Manager Who Bought at Market Low Returns to Cash
* AMD (AMD) raised to buy at Mizuho
* American Axle (AXL) raised to outperform at RBC, PT $23
* American Water (AWK) raised to buy at Janney
* Dana Inc (DAN) raised to outperform at RBC, PT $24
* Eversource (ES) raised to buy at Deutsche Bank
* HD Supply (HDS) raised to overweight at Morgan Stanley
* Hubbell (HUBB) raised to overweight at Morgan Stanley
* Huntington Banc (HBAN) raised to outperform at BMO, PT $16
* Kosmos Energy (KOS) raised to buy at Citi
* PSE&G (PEG) raised to buy at Deutsche Bank
* Versartis (VSAR) raised to outperform at Credit Suisse, PT $20
* Western Digital (WDC) raised to neutral at Goldman, PT $68

* Acuity Brands (AYI) cut to neutral at Baird, PT $265
* American Axle (AXL) cut to sector perform at RBC, PT $23
* CBOE (CBOE) cut to sell at Deutsche Bank
* Cypress Energy Partners (CELP) cut to neutral at Janney, PT$11
* Dynegy (DYN) cut to hold at Deutsche Bank
* Extra Space (EXR) cut to hold at Jefferies, PT $80
* FirstEnergy (FE) cut to hold at Deutsche Bank
* Franco-Nevada (FNV CN) cut to hold at Deutsche Bank
* Lennox (LII) cut to underweight at Morgan Stanley
* Mitel Networks (MITL) cut to sector perform at RBC, PT $7.50
* Oaktree Capital (OAK) cut to hold at Deutsche Bank
* Watsco (WSO) cut to underweight at Morgan Stanley

* ADP (ADP) rated new overweight at Barclays, PT $115
* Adamis Pharma (ADMP) rated new buy at B Riley, PT $5
* Ally Financial Resumed Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley
* Amplify Snack (BETR) rated new neutral at Wedbush, PT $9
* Astec Industries (ASTE) rated new buy at Dougherty, PT $85
* Atmos (ATO) rated new buy at UBS, PT $82
* Baidu (BIDU) rated new hold at Evercore ISI, PT $200
* CenterPoint Energy (CNP) rated new neutral at UBS, PT $25
* Chesapeake Energy (CHK) rated new neutral at Mizuho, PT $8
* Ciena (CIEN) rated new overweight at Piper Jaffray, PT $30
* Echo Global (ECHO) rated new neutral at Susquehanna, PT $30
* Etsy (ETSY) rated new hold at Stifel, PT $14
* First Data (FDC) rated new buy at Guggenheim, PT $17
* Global Payments (GPN) rated new buy at Guggenheim, PT $82
* Hub Group (HUBG) rated new positive at Susquehanna, PT $53
* JD.com (JD) rated new buy at Evercore ISI, PT $33
* Landstar (LSTR) rated new neutral at Susquehanna, PT $81
* MDU Resources (MDU) rated new neutral at UBS, PT $29
* Northwest Natural Gas (NWN) rated new sell at UBS, PT $49
* OFS Capital (OFS) rated new outperform at Baird, PT $15
* OncoMed (OMED) rated new buy at SunTrust, PT $16
* One Gas (OGS) rated new neutral at UBS, PT $64
* Paychex (PAYX) rated new equal-weight at Barclays, PT $63
* PennantPark Floating (PFLT) rated new neutral at Janney, PT$14
* PennantPark Investment (PNNT) rated new neutral at Janney,PT $9
* Regeneron (REGN) rated new market perform at BMO, PT $419
* Salesforce (CRM) rated new buy at Drexel Hamilton, PT $100
* Santander Consumer USA Resumed Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley
* Sarepta (SRPT) rated new neutral at Goldman
* Southwest Gas (SWX) rated new neutral at UBS, PT $76
* Spark Therapeutics (ONCE) rated new outperform at BMO, PT$69
* Square (SQ) rated new buy at Guggenheim, PT $16
* Square (SQ) rated new buy at Nomura, PT $18
* Tree Island Steel (TSL CN) rated new buy at Canaccord, PT C$6
* UGI (UGI) rated new neutral at UBS, PT $47
* WGL (WGL) rated new sell at UBS, PT $62
* XPO Logistics (XPO) rated new positive at Susquehanna, PT $60
* Zoetis (ZTS) rated new buy at Deutsche Bank
Gapping Up
BBRY +3.1%

M&A: LYG +2.3% (to acquire MBNA Ltd from Bank of America (BAC))

Select small cap oil & gas names seeing early bid: BCEI +7.5%, WTI +5.3%, RICE +3.7%, SDRL +2.7%, FRO +2.3%, APC +1.7%

Other news:
CNAT +147.5% (Enters into exclusive option, collaboration and license agreement for the global development and commercialization of its first-in-class, orally active pan-caspase inhibitor emricasan with Novartis (NVS)),
AKBA +37.7% (co & Otsuka Pharma (OTSKY) enter a collaboration and license agreement in the U.S. for vadadustat; co will receive $265 mln in committed funds plus development & commercial milestones),
ACAD +22.7% ( announces positive top-line results from its Phase II exploratory study of pimavanserin in patients with Alzheimer's disease psychosis),
ABIO +17.2% (still checking, possibly a newsletter mention),
RAD +6.5% (Fred's Pharmacy to acquire 865 RAD stores); WBA +1.5%
GGB +3.6% (still checking),
GSAT +3.7% (light volume follow-through from yesterday's breakout),
ITUB +3.6% (Brazilian bank, still checking),
BBD +3.6% (Brazilian bank, still checking),
PSTI +3.3% (co and and Corporate Venture Capital sign a binding term sheet for the establishment of a new Japanese corporation for the clinical development/commercialization of its PLX-PAD cell therapy product in Japan),
TASR +2.5% (San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department Deploys 1525 TASER X2 Smart Weapons),
SRPT +1.7% (Announces that the EMA validated the previously submitted MAA for eteplirsen to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy amenable to exon 51 skipping),
MS +1.7% (still checking),
VRX +1.5% (still checking),
IONS +1.4% (co and AstraZeneca (AZN) advance lead drug candidate IONIS-AZ4-2.5-LRx into preclinical development).
Analyst actions:
NVDA +2.7% (added to Conviction Buy List at Goldman; $129 tgt),
SQ +2.4% (initiated with a Buy ratings at Guggenheim and Nomura),
AMD +2.4% (upgraded to Buy at Mizuho),

Gapping Down:
: NPTN -21.5% (also announces deal to sell its low speed transceiver business to APAT Optoelectronics), NAV -12.1%, WOR -5.3%, GIS -3.7%, DRI -1.4%.

Gold & Silver names lower on 1% decline in gold, 2.5% decline in silver, amid stronger dollar: SBGL -6.4%, IAG -3.3%, AG -2.6%, AUY -2.4%, CDE -2.3%, SLW -2.1%, KGC -2.0%, SSRI -1.8%, HMY -1.5%, NEM -1.5%, SLV -1.5%, ABX -1.3%, GOLD -1.3%, GDX -1.3%, GG -1.3%, SAND -1.2%, PAAS -1.1%.

Other news:
XGTI -28.5% (stock is halted)
NURO -22.6% (prices $26.5 mln common stock offering at $0.70/share)
SCMP -6.0% (co repeated FY16, FY17 guidance in updated presentation slides yesterday afternoon)
REN -5.7% (prices 3.8 mln common stock offering at $38.00/share)
ERIC -2.5% (Bloomberg reports co will eliminate 1000 Italian jobs following contract loss)
Analyst actions:
CEMP -5.6% (downgraded to Sell at SunTrust)
BBBY -2.3% (initiated with a Sell at Loop Capital; tgt $35)
NAT -1.3% (initiated with a Sell at Maxim Group; tgt $7)
