Ehkki aktsiaturgude põrge läinud nädala põhjadest aitas kaotusi augustikuu lõikes leevendada, läheb nõnda tugeva korrektsiooni järel aega enne, kui suudetakse põhja leida, millest tulenevalt ei olnud üllatav näha eile taas volatiilsuse kasvu ning närvilist kasumivõttu. S&P 500 lõpetas päeva ligi 3% kaotusega ning Euroopas sulgus Stoxx 600 -2,7% madalamal.
Turuosalised otsivad püüdlikult märke sellest, mis viitaksid vähemalt globaalse SKP stabiilsele kasvule, ent peamiselt vaatab vastu risk seda ülehinnata, mida ütles eile ka IMFi juht Christine Lagarde. Hiina töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori aktiivsusnäitajad peegeldasid augustis majanduse edasist jahtumist ning samamoodi pälvis tähelepanu USA tehaste aktiivsuse langus rohkem kui kahe aasta madalaimale tasemele.
Globaalsel tasandil tähendas see väga tagasihoidliku kasvu jätkumist, kui PMI alanes augustis 51,0 punkti pealt 50,7 punkti peale, kui hoogu vähendasid USA ning mitmed arenevad riigid eesotsas Hiinaga. Kui võtta arvesse seda, et globaalse PMI keskmine tase on tänavu olnud 51,3 punkti ning mullu oli see 52,3 punkti, vajaks töötlev tööstus aasta teises pooles selget aktiivsuse paranemist, et eelmise aasta võrdlemisi tagasihoidliku tulemuseni üldse küündida.
Hiina aktsiaturg avanes öösel taas ligi 5% kukkumisega, vähendades kirjutamise hetkel kaotust -0,8%ni, mis hoidis surve all ka teisi Aasia aktsiaturge. Austraalia börs kauples marginaalse miinuse juures, trotsides valitsuse statistikat, et riigi majandus registreeris teises kvartalis oodatud 0,4% QoQ kasvu asemel 0,2% ning aastatagusega võrreldes märkis see kasvu aeglustumist 2,5% pealt 2,0% peale. Majapidamiste ja valitsuse kulutused olid toeks, samas andsid negatiivse panuse kaevandus- ja ehitusaktiivsuse langus ja ekspordi kukkumine. Kuna riigi peamiseks ekspordiartikliks on rauamaak ning suurimaks kaubanduspartneriks Hiina, tunneb ka Austraalia majandus toorainete hinnalanguse ja Hiina nõudluse vähenemise mõju, ent erinevalt teistest toorainete ekspordist sõltuvatest riikidest nagu näiteks Brasiilia ja Kanada, suudab Austraalia näidata veel kasvu.
Austraalia SKP muutus aastatagusega võrreldes (%)
Majandusuudiste keskmes on täna USA ADP tööturu küsitlus, mis annab ametliku statistika eel aimu, kui tugev või nõrk oli augustikuu uute töökohtade loomise mõttes. Naftaturul hoitakse silma peal USA toornaftavarude raportil, mis kajastas läinud nädalal ootamatut langust ning aitas musta kulla hinda toetada.
10.00 Hispaania töötute arvu muutus (august)
12.00 Eurotsooni tootjahinnaindeks (juuli)
15.00 Brasiilia tööstustoodang (juuli)
15.15 USA ADP tööturu küsitlus (august)
17.00 USA tehaste tellimused (juuli)
17.30 USA toornafta varude raport (28. augusti seisuga)
21.00 USA FEDi Beige Book
??.?? Brasiilia intressimäära otsus
Atlanta FEDi kolmanda kvartali USA SKP ootus pole viimasel ajal kuigi palju liikunud, jäädes hetkel 1,3% peale, mis on võrreldes laiema konsensusega (2,65%) jätkuvalt oluliselt madalam.

Euroopa autotootjate müük augustis USAs:
Audi: +9,9% Y/Y (18 794 sõidukit) – ühtlasi tegemist ka 56-järjestikuse müügirekordiga
Volkswagen -8,1% Y/Y (32 332 sõidukit)
BMW +2% Y/Y (27 755 sõidukit) – uus augustikuu rekord
Mercedes-Benz +3,2% Y/Y (31 250 sõidukit) – kõigi aegade parim augustikuu müük
Audi: +9,9% Y/Y (18 794 sõidukit) – ühtlasi tegemist ka 56-järjestikuse müügirekordiga
Volkswagen -8,1% Y/Y (32 332 sõidukit)
BMW +2% Y/Y (27 755 sõidukit) – uus augustikuu rekord
Mercedes-Benz +3,2% Y/Y (31 250 sõidukit) – kõigi aegade parim augustikuu müük
Panin Gartmani paar viimast kommentaari turu kohta SP500 graafikule, töötavad üsna hästi contrarian indikaatorina

Augustis kasvas töötute arv Hispaanias 21,7 tuhande võrra, mis on pisut kõrgem võrreldes viimase kahe aasta sama perioodiga

Euroopas on hommikused võidud käest antud ning indeksid ninad uuesti alla pööranud (Stoxx 600 -0,3%). Suuremad liikujad Stoxx 600 indeksis:

BofAMLi kliendid olid läinud nädalal USAs tugevalt ostupoolel. Link
It wasn't just a certain type of investor taking the leap of faith: Buying was across the board, with hedge funds, private clients, and institutional clients all net buyers. In year-to-date terms, the inflows pushed private client flows into positive territory for the year, while institutional and hedge fund clients are still cumulative net sellers.
It wasn't just a certain type of investor taking the leap of faith: Buying was across the board, with hedge funds, private clients, and institutional clients all net buyers. In year-to-date terms, the inflows pushed private client flows into positive territory for the year, while institutional and hedge fund clients are still cumulative net sellers.

Börsipaanka tõi USA valitsuse 30a tulususe alla (kollane, %) ning inimesed lõikasid sellest kasu, mis kajastus 28. augustil lõppenud nädala hüpoteeklaenude taotluste 11,3% kasvus (valge, %).

ADP küsitluse kohaselt loodi USAs augustis 190 tuhat töökohta, mis jääb ootuse lähedale
US ADP Employment Change Aug: 190k (est 200K; prev 185K)
US ADP Employment Change Aug: 190k (est 200K; prev 185K)
Brasiiliast üsna kole tööstustoodangu näit...-1,5% kukkumine võrreldes juuniga (oodati -0,1%) ning seda lisaks madalamaks revideeritud baasi pealt. YoY kiirenes langus -2,8% pealt -8,9% peale (oodati -6,3%).

Nelli puhkab? Täna jäävad sedasi Gapid täitmata :)
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: VRA +19.8%, PRGN +8.7%, HRB +7.1%, (announces bank divestiture transaction now closed; announces new a $3.5 billion share repurchase program, modified Dutch auction), GIII +4.6%, QIHU +3.9%, BOBE +0.7%
M&A news: SURG +49.2% (to be acquired by Valeant Pharmaceuticals (VRX) for $6.50 per share in cash)
Select metals/producers trading higher: CAS +10.3%, BHP +2.4%, X +2%, RIO +1.9%, FCX +1.7%, AA +1.5%
Other news: ETRM +43.4% (announces that analyses of the ReCharge Study demonstrated Excess Weight Loss of 34% and significant improvements in obesity-related risk factors for vBloc Therapy treated, moderately obese patients who had at least one comorbidity), BVXV +37.5% (announces the intention of the NIAID, to launch a Phase 2 trial of its Multimeric-001 vaccine), ASTI +28.6% (still checking; stock closed at $0.21 yday), FLXN +15.8% ( announces FDA fast track designation for its FX006 candidate), WMGI +11.3% ( announces FDA approval for its Premarket Approval Application of its Augment Bone Graft), LOXO +7.3% (granted orphan drug designation by the FDA for LOXO-101 for treatment of patients with soft tissue sarcoma), TRVN +7.2% (cont strength), PBMD +4.7% (cont strength), TSRO +3.9% (FDA approval for Varubi), SUNE +3.8% (cont strength), TASR +3.6% (USPTO has rejected 20 claims of a patent assigned to Digital Ally (DGLY)), AZN +2.2% (enters license agreement to develop FluMist in Japan), XGTI +1.9% (announces the commercial availability of its xMax NOW transportable broadband wireless system), TSLA +1.8% (rebounding with broader mkt), JCP +1.7% (cont strength), GSK +1.6% (Nikkei Asian Review discusses that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Hep C vaccine supplies may have been impacted by explosion in China), BABA +1.4% (rebounding with broader mkt), SGMO +1.3% (Sangamo BioSci and Shire plc (SHPG) revise their collaboration and license agreement to expedite the development of ZFP Therapeutics for hemophilia A and B and Huntington's disease), ALU +1.2% (still checking), CELG +1.1% (favorable commentary on Monday's Mad Money), AMGN +1% (Amgen And UCB Announce Positive Top-Line Results From Open-Label Phase 3 Study Of Romosozumab Compared With Teriparatide), GM +1% (rebounding with broader mkt)
Analyst comments: CVEO +7.5% (upgraded to Buy at Sterne Agee CRT ), WIX +7% (upgraded to Buy at Deutsche Bank ), ARMH +3.1% (upgraded to Neutral at JP Morgan), PHG +1.9% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts), WYNN +1.9% (upgraded to Buy at Credit Agricole), GIS +1.6% (upgraded to Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), TXT +1.4% (upgraded to Buy at Citigroup), T +1.4% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup), PYPL +1.2% (initiated with a Buy and $42 price target at Argus), DIS +1% (initiated with a Outperform at Credit Agricole)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: NAV -15%, AMBA -10.7%, RADA -5.9%, AVAV -5.9%, GWRE -4%
M&A news: HTWR -12% (to acquire Valtech Cardio; also downgraded to Mkt Perform at Raymond James)
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness with WTI down 1.5% today: SDRL -4.1%, RIG -2.3%, BP -1.7%, TOT -1.2%, RDS.A -1.1%
Other news: RJET -27.4% (may be nearing bankruptcy after the Teamsters union decided against overturning a local union decision blocking a pilot vote, according to reports), DGLY -13.6% (following Taser (TASR) press release indicating the USPTO has rejected 20 claims of a patent assigned to Digital Ally ), GPRO -6.3% (in sympathy with AMBA)
Analyst comments: TEF -1.2% (downgraded to Underperform at BofA/Merrill)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: VRA +19.8%, PRGN +8.7%, HRB +7.1%, (announces bank divestiture transaction now closed; announces new a $3.5 billion share repurchase program, modified Dutch auction), GIII +4.6%, QIHU +3.9%, BOBE +0.7%
M&A news: SURG +49.2% (to be acquired by Valeant Pharmaceuticals (VRX) for $6.50 per share in cash)
Select metals/producers trading higher: CAS +10.3%, BHP +2.4%, X +2%, RIO +1.9%, FCX +1.7%, AA +1.5%
Other news: ETRM +43.4% (announces that analyses of the ReCharge Study demonstrated Excess Weight Loss of 34% and significant improvements in obesity-related risk factors for vBloc Therapy treated, moderately obese patients who had at least one comorbidity), BVXV +37.5% (announces the intention of the NIAID, to launch a Phase 2 trial of its Multimeric-001 vaccine), ASTI +28.6% (still checking; stock closed at $0.21 yday), FLXN +15.8% ( announces FDA fast track designation for its FX006 candidate), WMGI +11.3% ( announces FDA approval for its Premarket Approval Application of its Augment Bone Graft), LOXO +7.3% (granted orphan drug designation by the FDA for LOXO-101 for treatment of patients with soft tissue sarcoma), TRVN +7.2% (cont strength), PBMD +4.7% (cont strength), TSRO +3.9% (FDA approval for Varubi), SUNE +3.8% (cont strength), TASR +3.6% (USPTO has rejected 20 claims of a patent assigned to Digital Ally (DGLY)), AZN +2.2% (enters license agreement to develop FluMist in Japan), XGTI +1.9% (announces the commercial availability of its xMax NOW transportable broadband wireless system), TSLA +1.8% (rebounding with broader mkt), JCP +1.7% (cont strength), GSK +1.6% (Nikkei Asian Review discusses that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Hep C vaccine supplies may have been impacted by explosion in China), BABA +1.4% (rebounding with broader mkt), SGMO +1.3% (Sangamo BioSci and Shire plc (SHPG) revise their collaboration and license agreement to expedite the development of ZFP Therapeutics for hemophilia A and B and Huntington's disease), ALU +1.2% (still checking), CELG +1.1% (favorable commentary on Monday's Mad Money), AMGN +1% (Amgen And UCB Announce Positive Top-Line Results From Open-Label Phase 3 Study Of Romosozumab Compared With Teriparatide), GM +1% (rebounding with broader mkt)
Analyst comments: CVEO +7.5% (upgraded to Buy at Sterne Agee CRT ), WIX +7% (upgraded to Buy at Deutsche Bank ), ARMH +3.1% (upgraded to Neutral at JP Morgan), PHG +1.9% (upgraded to Outperform at RBC Capital Mkts), WYNN +1.9% (upgraded to Buy at Credit Agricole), GIS +1.6% (upgraded to Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley), TXT +1.4% (upgraded to Buy at Citigroup), T +1.4% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup), PYPL +1.2% (initiated with a Buy and $42 price target at Argus), DIS +1% (initiated with a Outperform at Credit Agricole)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: NAV -15%, AMBA -10.7%, RADA -5.9%, AVAV -5.9%, GWRE -4%
M&A news: HTWR -12% (to acquire Valtech Cardio; also downgraded to Mkt Perform at Raymond James)
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness with WTI down 1.5% today: SDRL -4.1%, RIG -2.3%, BP -1.7%, TOT -1.2%, RDS.A -1.1%
Other news: RJET -27.4% (may be nearing bankruptcy after the Teamsters union decided against overturning a local union decision blocking a pilot vote, according to reports), DGLY -13.6% (following Taser (TASR) press release indicating the USPTO has rejected 20 claims of a patent assigned to Digital Ally ), GPRO -6.3% (in sympathy with AMBA)
Analyst comments: TEF -1.2% (downgraded to Underperform at BofA/Merrill)
USA tehaste tellimused kasvasid pärast tugevat juunit 0,4% MoM, mis oli nõrgem kui oodatud 0,9%. Pehmendab seda juuni MoM kasvu revideerimine 1,8% pealt 2,2% peale. Transporti arvestamata oli MoM langus -0,6% pärast 0,6% kasvu juunis.