Börsipäev 19. oktoober

Kuigi Citigroupi kolmanda kvartali käive jäi ootustele alla, siis suurem kasum ning vähenenud laenu provisjonid aitasid eile turgu eesotsas pangandussektoriga kõrgemale vedada, kui S&P 500 lõpetas sessiooni 0,7% plussis.

Sentiment Aasias on mõnevõrra ettevaatlikum tugevnenud dollari ning Apple’i ja IBM aktsiate nõrkuse tõttu järelturul, mis on tehnoloogiasektori madalamale tirinud. USA futuurid on hetkel kauplemas samuti punases: S&P500 -0,5%, Dow -0,2%, Nasdaq -1,1%.

Olulisemateks makronäitajateks kujunevad täna Saksamaa oktoobrikuu ZEW majandussentimenti indeksid (kell 12.00) ja kell 15.30 USA poole pealt septembris alustatud eluasemete ehituste number ja ehituslubade näit. Ühtlasi on täna mitmed keskpankurid pidamas kõnesid (Trichet, Weber, Bernanke, Dudley, Evans, Fisher, Lockhart, Kocherlakota), ent suure tõenäosusega turud ilmselt midagi uut sealt teada ei saa.

Oma kolmanda kvartali tulemused raporteerivad enne turgu muuhulgas Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Coca-Cola, Johnson&Johnson. Pärast turgu aga Boston Scientific, Tupperware, Western Digital, Yahoo!.

Üllatav, et Apple järelturul nii vaikne oli, tulemused ei olnud ju sugugi halvad.
päeva nali on see ju et AAPL järelturul vaikne oli
Saksamaa DAX indeks on täna teinud uue 2 aasta tipu. Viimati kauples see indeks 6535 punkti peal 2008. aasta septembris.
Eurotsooni jooksevkonto puudujääk oli augustis €10,5 miljardit; juuli ülejääk korrigeeriti alla 3,4 miljardi peale.
Saksamaa ZEW sentimendi indeks -7,2 vs oodatud -7,0. Hetkeolukorra indeks 72,6 vs oodatud 64,0.
Eurotsooni ZEW sentimendi indeks 1,8 vs oodatud -2,0.
Eurotsooni ehitusmahud vähenesid augustis 0,4% (MoM) ja 8,5% (YoY).
EUR/USD on tulemuste najal tõusmas; hetkel kaupleb 0,1% kõrgemal 1,3948 juures.

Jaapani valitsus alandas esimest korda alates 2009. aasta veebruarist riigi majanduse väljavaadet. Üks ametnikest hoiatas isegi uue majanduslanguse eest. Peamise süüdlasena nähakse tugevat jeeni, mis on endiselt lähedal 15-aasta tipule dollari suhtes ning selle mõju ekspordile ja tööstustoodangule. (link)

Vao, mis nüüd juhtus?
BAC lõi tulemustega põhja alt? :)
Goldman Sachs prelim $2.98 vs $2.28 Thomson Reuters consensus; revs $8.9 bln vs $7.92 bln Thomson Reuters consensus
Fed's Lockhart, on CNBC, says he has leaning in favor of support for quantitative easing part two
Futuurid tiksuvad kergelt ülespoole.
FuelCell Energy (FCEL) awarded ~$2.8 mln from DoE to demonstrate the hydrogen production capacity of a Direct FuelCell power plant for an industrial user of hydrogen
Eile õhtul avaldas Weatherford (WFT) kolmanda kvartali tulemused. Tegu on energiaettevõtetele teenuseid ja tehnoloogiat pakkuva ettevõttega, mida oleme pikemalt Pro all tutvustanud. Esmapilgul tunduvad tulemused korralikud. Müügituludega jäädi konsensuse ootusteke siiski natuke alla ja kuna aktsia on teinud viimaste kuudega võimsa ralli, kaupleb aktsia eelturul madalamal. Prognooside osas on aga ettevõte optimistlik (FY11 aktsiapõhiseks kasumiks oodatakse $1.3 vs konsensuse poolt prognoositud $1.18). Täpsema kommentaari Weatherfordi 3Q tulemustele avaldame Pro all.
Alustatud eluasemete ehituste number oodatust pisut parem, ehituslubade arv aga kehvem
September Building Permits 539K vs 565K Briefing.com consensus, M/M -5.6%
September Housing Starts 610K vs 579K Briefing.com consensus, M/M +0.3%

Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: CWTR -31.0% (also downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray), INFN -29.9% (also downgraded to Hold from Buy at Soleil, downgraded to Hold from Buy at Stifel Nicolaus following the qtr), SVU -7.3%, EXAC -5.9% (thinly traded), VMW -4.6%, WFT -3.9%, AAPL -3.8%, IBM -3.2%, STT -2.7%, LMT -2.2%, STLD -1.0% (light volume), HOG -0.9% (light volume), BK -0.8%.

Select financial related names showing weakness: ING -3.1%, BCS -1.8%, AIG -1.2%, IRE -1.2%, HBC -1.1%, IBN -1.1%, C -1.0%.

Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: HL -3.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS), RIO -3.4%, FCX -3.2%, EGO -3.0%, NG -2.8%, ABX -2.8%, AEM -2.7%, GRS -2.6%, PAL -2.6%, SLW -2.5%, GG -2.5%, BHP -2.4%, NGD -2.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS), TC -2.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS), BBL -2.2%, GOLD -2.1%, GLD -1.0%, GDX -0.9%, .

Select oil/gas related names showing weakness: STO -2.8%, BP -2.4%, RDS.A -2.1%, REP -1.8%, E -1.6%, HAL -1.4%, SLB -1.4%.

Select VMW peers and "cloud" related computing stocks under pressure following VMW earnings/guidance: CRM -3.2%, FFIV -2.3%, RVBD -2.2%, CTXS -2.2%, RDWR -2.1%, RHT -1.6%, NTAP -1.0%.

Select CWTR peers under pressure: TLB -3.0%, CHS -3.5%, ANN -1.3%.

Other news: OGXI -18.7% (commencing a public offering of its common stock and warrants to purchase shares of its common stock), KCI -10.8% (Court held that the patent claims licensed by KCI from Wake Forest University and asserted in this litigation are invalid), HT -7.2% (announced the commencement of a public offering of 21,000,000 common shares of beneficial interest), CBST -6.9% (files for shelf offering of $250 mln Convertible Senior Notes due 2017), BKCC -6.8% (plans to make a public offering of 6 million shares of its common stock; proceeds of offering to make investments in portfolio cos, repay debt owed under credit facility, and for general corporate purposes), KRO -6.6% (announced that it plans to publicly offer 7.8 million shares of its common stock), ARMH -3.2% (down in sympathy with AAPL), MSFT -2.5% (says Ray Ozzie to step down as Chief Software Architect - CNBC), ACI -2.2% (discloses it received imminent danger orders), RIMM -2.0% (iPhone sales of 14.1 million were up 91 percent year-over-year, handily beating the 12.1 million phones RIMM sold in their most recent quarter), DELL -1.6% (trading in sympathy with IBM), SNN -1.5% (court issued a decision in the patent litigation between Kinetic Concepts, Wake Forest University and Smith & Nephew).

Analyst comments: RNOW -2.8% (downgraded to Mkt Perform at FBR Capital), VMC -2.1% (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Citigroup). DGX -2.0% (downgraded to Market Perform from Outperform at William Blair), CODI -1.4% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Janney Montgomery), FLR -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman).

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: PH +7.8%, ICUI +4.8%, COF +4.1%, UNH +3.2%, PII +2.7%, KO +0.7%.

M&A news: CSCX +9.0% (light volume; Cardiac Science Corp to be acquired by Opto Circuit for $2.30 per share).

Other news: MEE +10.3% (strength attributed to article out overnight suggesting the co is seeking strategic alternatives), ELGX +2.0% (announces publication of clinical trial results supporting anatomical fixation with a suprarenal aortic extension; trial demonstrated 100% procedural technical success), ACLS +2.9% (announced that it has received a significant, multiple system order).

Saks: Diego Della Valle discloses 11.12% stake in amended 13D filing
Tipud tehakse päris tihti ikkagi gap up avanemisega. Tänane avanemine oli protsendi-pooleteist jagu miinusest. QE vol2 rallil veel jalgu?
Monsanto CEO bought 18K shares at $56.25-56.50 on 10/18
Hiina keskpank tõstis interssimäärasid esimest korda alates 2007. aastast. Deposiidimäära suurendati 0.25 protsendipunkti võrra ehk 2.5% peale ning laenamise intressimäära samuti 0.25 portsendipunkti võrra ehk 5.56% peale.
Goldman Sachs on Conference Call; GS breaks to HoD
Hakkab päris veriseks minema. ES futuuris lükati 5 minuti tulbas 125k lepingut turgu.