Nii Euroopa kui ka USA aktsiaturud veetsid suurema osa päevast punases kaubeldes. Sessiooni lõpus võis täheldada ostuhuvi kasvu, mis kergitas Stoxx 600 ja S&P 500 indeksi lõpuks 0,2% võiduni, kuid üldiselt jäid liikumised järgmise võimaliku katalüsaatori otsingul väga vaoshoituks.
Janet Yellen ennetas juba oma eilses kõnes küsimusi intressimäära edasise tõstmise kohta, öeldes et ei saa seda öelda, kuna rahapoliitika normaliseerimine sõltub majanduse tegelikust arengust. Küll aga kinnitas ta enda teiste FOMC liikmete ootust, et käesoleval aastal võidakse intressimäära tõsta kolmel korral ning selle tase võiks jõuda 2019.a lõpuks 3%ni, mis peaks tol hetkel kujunema neutraalseks tasemeks, st keskpank ei vajuta gaasipedaalile majandusele hoo lisamiseks ega mõju ka pidurdavalt. Intressimäära praeguse madala tasemega pakutakse majandusele jätkuvalt tuge, kuna inflatsioon on alla 2%, palgakasv hakkas alles hiljuti kiirenema ning jääb endiselt suhteliselt aeglaseks ning ootamatud šokid võivad seni saavutatut veel kergesti ohtu seada.
USA presidendivalimiste järgselt üle 11a kõrgeimale tasemele kerkinud majade ehitajate kindlustunde indeks andis jaanuaris mõnevõrra järele, alanedes kahe punkti võrra 67 punktile (oodati 69), mida mõjutas mure kinnisvaralaenude intresside, arenduseks sobiva maa ja tööjõu puuduse pärast. Üle 50 punkti jääv tase näitab, et ülekaalus on siiski ehitajad, kes hindavad müügitingimusi heaks.
Uus päev toob endaga kaasa Euroopa Keskpanga nõukogu istungi ja Mario Draghi pressikonverentsi, mis ei tohiks siiski ainest suurteks pealkirjadeks pakkuda arvestades alles detsembrisse jäänud otsust pikendada võlakirjade ostuprogrammi kuni käesoleva aasta lõpuni. Majandusuudistest võiksid huvi pakkuda USA kinnisvaraturu detsembri esmased näitajad väljastatud ehituslubade ja alustatud elamuehituste näol. Samuti selguvad möödunud nädala esmased töötu abiraha taotlused ning Philadelphia FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus. Ettevõtetest avaldavad täna oma tulemused teiste seas BNY Mellon, Union Pacific, American Express ja IBM
14.45 Euroopa Keskpanga istung
15.30 Mario Draghi pressikonverents
15.30 USA alustatud elamuehitused (detsember)
15.30 USA väljastatud ehitusload (detsember)
15.30 USA esmased töötu abiraha taotlused
15.30 USA Philadelphia FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (jaanuar)
18.00 USA toornafta varude raport (13. jaanuar)
EKP jättis intressimäärad ootuspäraselt samale tasemele, vähendab aprillist igakusit QEd -20mld euro võrra 60 miljardile nagu detsembris otsustati.
ECB Key Rates Unchanged, As Expected:
- Refinancing Rate At 0.00%
- Deposit Facility Rate At -0.40%
- Marginal Lending Rate At 0.25%
Regarding non-standard monetary policy measures, the Governing Council confirms that it will continue to make purchases under the asset purchase programme (APP) at the current monthly pace of €80 billion until the end of March 2017 and that, from April 2017, the net asset purchases are intended to continue at a monthly pace of €60 billion until the end of December 2017, or beyond, if necessary, and in any case until the Governing Council sees a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation consistent with its inflation aim.
ECB Key Rates Unchanged, As Expected:
- Refinancing Rate At 0.00%
- Deposit Facility Rate At -0.40%
- Marginal Lending Rate At 0.25%
Regarding non-standard monetary policy measures, the Governing Council confirms that it will continue to make purchases under the asset purchase programme (APP) at the current monthly pace of €80 billion until the end of March 2017 and that, from April 2017, the net asset purchases are intended to continue at a monthly pace of €60 billion until the end of December 2017, or beyond, if necessary, and in any case until the Governing Council sees a sustained adjustment in the path of inflation consistent with its inflation aim.
USA makro üldiselt oodatust tugevam
US Housing starts for December 1226K vs 1188K estimate
US Building permits for December come in at 1210K vs 1225K estimate.
US Initial Jobless Claims for Jan 13 234.0K vs 254.0K consensus estimate.
US Philly Fed Manufacturing Index Jan: 23.6 (est 15.3; prev 19.7)
US Housing starts for December 1226K vs 1188K estimate
US Building permits for December come in at 1210K vs 1225K estimate.
US Initial Jobless Claims for Jan 13 234.0K vs 254.0K consensus estimate.
US Philly Fed Manufacturing Index Jan: 23.6 (est 15.3; prev 19.7)

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
OCLR +8.6%, NFLX +6.5%, CHKP +4.3%, MTG +3.7%, UNP +2.9%, TAL +2.8%, WTFC +2.7%, BK +2.6%, PTC +2.4%, KEY +0.7%, BBT +0.6%
M&A news:
CYTX +14.5% (to acquire certain assets from Azaya Therapeutics; Cytori to issue $2 mln in common stock up front)
PIP +4.4% (PharmAthene and privately-held Altimmune announce merger in an all-stock transaction)
NTNX +2.4% (M&A speculation (Cisco for Nutanix) from the afte
HPE bought hyperconverged peer SimpliVity)
LQ +1.7% (La Quinta Holdings says pursuing the separation of its businesses into two stand-alone publicly traded companies, which could involve spinning off our owned real estate assets as a separate company)
Select Rail names showing strength after Hunter Harrison steps down as Canadian Pacific CEO to 'pursue opportunities involving other Class 1 Railroads':
CSX +16.8%, NSC +3.6%, UNP +2.9%, KSU +2.4%
Other news:
SSH +15.3% (continued strength), ABEO +13.7% (EMA has granted Orphan Drug Designation for its gene therapy program ABO-101 for children impacted by Sanfilippo syndrome type B), NVCR +10.1% (announces physicians at 500 cancer treatment centers in the U.S. have been certified to prescribe its Optune to newly diagnosed and recurrent glioblastoma patientsg), SYN +8.5% (confirms plans to initiate a Phase 2b/3 adaptive pivotal trial for SYN-010; anticipates initiating this trial by the end of 1Q17), GALT +6.9% (Richard E. Uihlein discloses 7.89% active stake), MNK +4.2% (modestly rebounding; confirms details regarding FTC / Questcor matter; says no impact on Mallinckrodt net sales and will host call tomorrow at 7:30am ET), TDOC +2.4% (prices 8.25 mln share common stock offering (6.65 mln by Teladoc and 1.6 mln by stockholders) at $16.75/share), PSO +2% (modestly rebounding following yesterday's sell off), BHP +1% (preliminary agreement with federal prosecutors on behalf of Samarco Mineracao SA)
Analyst comments:
TSLA +4% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Morgan Stanley)
MBLY +4% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman)
HPQ +1.5% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS)
PNRA +1.3% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman)
SWN +1.3% (upgraded at UBS)
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
RCII -15.6%, (Rent-A-Center sees Q4 EPS loss of ($0.30)-($0.20) vs $0.10 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate)
PLXS -2.3%, EGBN -1.4%, CP -1.2%, (also Canadian Pacific announces that Keith Creel will become President and CEO of the company effective January 31, 2017 following E. Hunter Harrison's decision to retire)
FUL -0.9%, SBNY -0.9%, SLM -0.8%
Other news:
AMDA -28.9% ( to offer and sell common stock and warrants in an underwritten public offering; size not disclosed)
ZYNE -13.8% (commences common stock offering)
VNOM -6.5% (Viper Energy Partners commences public offering of 7,000,000 common units representing limited partner interests; reports prelim Q4 operational results/acquisition update )
AAN -5% (RCII sympathy)
HTGC -3% (commences $150 mln offering of its Convertible Senior Notes due 2022)
HRTX -1.6% (commenced underwritten public offering of $150 million of shares of its common stock)
AA -1% (files for 36,311,767 share common stock offering by selling stockholders)
Analyst comments:
GNC -4.8% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman)
SFM -3.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
AKS -2.8% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Citigroup)
RCL -1.9% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman)
KATE -1.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill)
X -1.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup)
ASML -1.2% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
OCLR +8.6%, NFLX +6.5%, CHKP +4.3%, MTG +3.7%, UNP +2.9%, TAL +2.8%, WTFC +2.7%, BK +2.6%, PTC +2.4%, KEY +0.7%, BBT +0.6%
M&A news:
CYTX +14.5% (to acquire certain assets from Azaya Therapeutics; Cytori to issue $2 mln in common stock up front)
PIP +4.4% (PharmAthene and privately-held Altimmune announce merger in an all-stock transaction)
NTNX +2.4% (M&A speculation (Cisco for Nutanix) from the afte
HPE bought hyperconverged peer SimpliVity)
LQ +1.7% (La Quinta Holdings says pursuing the separation of its businesses into two stand-alone publicly traded companies, which could involve spinning off our owned real estate assets as a separate company)
Select Rail names showing strength after Hunter Harrison steps down as Canadian Pacific CEO to 'pursue opportunities involving other Class 1 Railroads':
CSX +16.8%, NSC +3.6%, UNP +2.9%, KSU +2.4%
Other news:
SSH +15.3% (continued strength), ABEO +13.7% (EMA has granted Orphan Drug Designation for its gene therapy program ABO-101 for children impacted by Sanfilippo syndrome type B), NVCR +10.1% (announces physicians at 500 cancer treatment centers in the U.S. have been certified to prescribe its Optune to newly diagnosed and recurrent glioblastoma patientsg), SYN +8.5% (confirms plans to initiate a Phase 2b/3 adaptive pivotal trial for SYN-010; anticipates initiating this trial by the end of 1Q17), GALT +6.9% (Richard E. Uihlein discloses 7.89% active stake), MNK +4.2% (modestly rebounding; confirms details regarding FTC / Questcor matter; says no impact on Mallinckrodt net sales and will host call tomorrow at 7:30am ET), TDOC +2.4% (prices 8.25 mln share common stock offering (6.65 mln by Teladoc and 1.6 mln by stockholders) at $16.75/share), PSO +2% (modestly rebounding following yesterday's sell off), BHP +1% (preliminary agreement with federal prosecutors on behalf of Samarco Mineracao SA)
Analyst comments:
TSLA +4% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal Weight at Morgan Stanley)
MBLY +4% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman)
HPQ +1.5% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at UBS)
PNRA +1.3% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman)
SWN +1.3% (upgraded at UBS)
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
RCII -15.6%, (Rent-A-Center sees Q4 EPS loss of ($0.30)-($0.20) vs $0.10 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate)
PLXS -2.3%, EGBN -1.4%, CP -1.2%, (also Canadian Pacific announces that Keith Creel will become President and CEO of the company effective January 31, 2017 following E. Hunter Harrison's decision to retire)
FUL -0.9%, SBNY -0.9%, SLM -0.8%
Other news:
AMDA -28.9% ( to offer and sell common stock and warrants in an underwritten public offering; size not disclosed)
ZYNE -13.8% (commences common stock offering)
VNOM -6.5% (Viper Energy Partners commences public offering of 7,000,000 common units representing limited partner interests; reports prelim Q4 operational results/acquisition update )
AAN -5% (RCII sympathy)
HTGC -3% (commences $150 mln offering of its Convertible Senior Notes due 2022)
HRTX -1.6% (commenced underwritten public offering of $150 million of shares of its common stock)
AA -1% (files for 36,311,767 share common stock offering by selling stockholders)
Analyst comments:
GNC -4.8% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman)
SFM -3.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman)
AKS -2.8% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Citigroup)
RCL -1.9% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman)
KATE -1.6% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at BofA/Merrill)
X -1.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup)
ASML -1.2% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup)