Börsipäev 18. november

Australia ASX 100 -92.20 -3.07% 2,894.50 11/18 4:41pm
Australia ASX All Ords -126.40 -3.47% 3,513.10 11/18 4:41pm
Australia ASX Mid-cap 50 -110.40 -3.21% 3,332.90 11/18 4:41pm
Hong Kong Hang Seng -398.30 -2.94% 13,131.23 11/18 1:41pm
Hong Kong HSCC Red Chip -63.94 -2.19% 2,855.72 11/18 1:41pm
Japan Nikkei 225 -181.55 -2.13% 8,341.03 11/18 12:45pm

Yahoo' l veel lootust Microsoftiga pärast Yangi lahkumist? Bloombergi artikkel siin.

USA aktsiaturud tõotavad päeva taaskord üpriski tumedates toonides alustada ning eelturu 2%line miinus viib indeksi uuesti viimaste kuude põhjade juurde.
Kui S&P 850e juures feilab, siis on 2002se aasta põhjad ebameeldivalt lähedal...
Suurbritannias langes täna tarbijahinnaindeksi muut 5.2% pealt 4.5% peale. Tegu siis esimese näidu langusega viimase 15 kuu jooksul. USAs hakkas inflatsioon langema juba suve lõpus, mil töötusmäära tõus ja energia hindade kiire langus tõid kaasa odavamad hinnasildid müügilettidele. Vägagi tõenäoliselt näeme inflatsioonimäärade jätkuvat alanemist veel nii USAs, Euroopas kui ka Baltikumis ka 2009. aasta käimaminemisel.
Hewlett-Packardi prognoosid oodatust paremad:

HPQ Hewlett-Packard sees Q1 $0.93-0.95 vs $0.93 First Call consensus; sees revs $32.0-32.5 bln vs $33.72 bln First Call consensus
HPQ Hewlett-Packard sees Q4 EPS of $1.03 vs $1.00 First Call consensus; revs $33.6 mln vs $33.09 bln First Call consensus
Ameerika Futuurid protsendijagu tõusnud, jäänud poole protsendisesse punasesse
osaliselt selle uudise peale

08:30 ECONX October PPI y/y +5.2% vs +6.2% consensus, prior +8.7%
08:30 ECONX October Core PPI y/y +4.4% vs +4.0% consensus, prior +4.0%
08:30 ECONX October Core PPI m/m +0.4% vs +0.1% consensus, prior +0.4%
08:30 ECONX October PPI m/m -2.8% vs -1.9% consensus, prior -0.4%

xtlb karm, 5ga sees ja kohe 9ga out ja 5 sees taas 100k, äki ei kuku nulli
mida iisi raha
Karum6mm, kuidas mõjutab 2002.a. põhjade lähenemine praegust turgu, s.h. S&P500 performance't kõige enam?
Kas siis ikkagi kauplemine tehniliste näitajate põhjal ei ole surnud?
Kui olen õigesti aru saanud, siis siin foormumis esinevad väiksed kalad on kauplemisele tehniliste indikaatorite põhjal selja pööranud :)
Ouna Ants, ei ole mitte midagi moodsamalt kui olla puusa pealt tulistades kriitiline tehnilise analüüsi suhtes. Täielik trendikaup!
Ants, eks sellise volatiilsusega ole raske tõesti, kuid kui pikki graafikuid vaadata ning nende kallal veidi tehnilist teostada, siis kohati meigib jätkuvalt vägagi senssi. Eelmise nädala lõpus toimunud show taseme 850 ümber tõestas minu meelest seda, et midagi need tasemed siiski tähendavad.
kristjan, mina arvasin, et hoopis fundamentaalanalüüs ei ole enam popp - kahese P/E-ga stuffi pool maailma täis :-D
Ootoot, Karum6mm, profid küsisid veel suvel minult pisikese negatiivse alatooniga, kas ma TAst vaimustatud olen. Ju siis ikka on popp. Ei ole vaimustatud, aga ei põlga kuidagi. Aga FA põhjal analüüse loeks praegu küll huviga.

FA - aktsia Peejee on 4. Kuna pole enam vahet, siis võib peejee olla ka 2. Usume, et aktsia võib siit 50% veel kukkuda.
Karum6mm, eks need Eesti trendid ole muust maailmast omajagu nihkes ..
Ma mõtlen, et sootuks leib on uus ,, fundamentaal,, ja see juba maitse asi, et kes mis nurga all lõikab või mis otsast imeb-hammustab :)

Saksamaa DAX -0.59%

Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -0.60%

Inglismaa FTSE 100 -0.53%

Hispaania IBEX 35 -1.23%

Venemaa MICEX -2.45%

Poola WIG -2.18%

Aasia turud:

Jaapani Nikkei 225 -2.28%

Hong Kongi Hang Seng -4.54%

Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) -6.30%

Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) -7.64%

Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -3.09%

Tai Set 50 -3.89%

India Sensex 30 -3.81%

Keep the Faith
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
11/18/2008 7:47 AM EST

I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will.
-- Antonio Gramsci

The market is as gloomy and negative as I've ever seen it, but I can't help but believe that if I stay patient and protect my capital, great opportunities will present themselves. The nature of the market is that it goes through alternating periods of gloom and euphoria. We will see some better action at some point. It is just a matter of when.

The most difficult thing about this market right now isn't that it is acting so poorly, but that it has been acting so poorly for so long. Even if you are sitting with high levels of cash, it is depressing to watch this market continue to slide steadily lower with no signs that a turn is coming.

I've often written that bad markets tend to wear you out, not scare you out, and that certainly seems to be the case with this one. Many traders are wondering if they will ever see a normal environment once again.

Unfortunately this isn't a normal bear market. The economic situation is far worse than anything we have seen in a generation, and who knows how long it will take to play out. In addition, the high level of volatility has made even very short-term trading exceedingly difficult.

I can go on and on about how terrible this market is, but what we have to recognize and embrace is the fact that it will eventually change. We just have to steel ourselves to the fact that we are in this downtrend and will have to wait for the market to really prove that it is capable of some sustained upside. Until we find some support levels and until charts start to improve, we simply can't do any buying.

This certainly isn't much fun, but don't let it wear you down. Keep on watching and waiting and stay optimistic that your patience and defensive trading will pay off. I know that it will, and I'm going to keep on repeating this message for as long as it takes.

We have another soft open on the way as overseas markets traded down on more concerns about the slowing economy and banking woes.
Ülespoole avanevad:

In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: NM +10.4%, HPQ +9.9%, HD +2.5%... M&A news: CLF +5.9% (Cliffs Natural Resources and Alpha Natural Resources announce litigation settlement and termination of definitive merger agreement), TMTA +1.3% (Transmeta agrees to be acquired by Novafora; stockholders are expected to receive $18.70-19.00 for each outstanding share of Transmeta's common stock)... Select computer hardware related names trading higher following HPQ results: DELL +4.5%, MSFT +2.5%, AAPL +2.3%, IBM +1.7%... Other news: IDMI +57.4% (receives recommendation for approval of Mifamurtide for the treatment of patients with non-metastatic, resectable osteosarcoma in Europe), GCI +16.8% (Metromix, the joint venture between Gannett and Tribune announced it has doubled its revenue and web traffic since its October 2007 launch), YHOO +10.6% (conducting search for new CEO), SRCL +2.6% (will replace Anheuser-Busch in the S&P 500), NOK +2.3% (still checking for anything specific), BIO +1.2% (will replace IVGN in the S&P MidCap 400)... Analyst comments: FCSX +9.0% (upgraded to Strong Buy from Outperform at Raymond James).

Allapoole avanevad:

In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: SOL -22.6%, XFML -18.9%, DIVX -11.4%, CTRP -9.3%, SIGM -8.0%, GLW -5.6%, MDT -4.5%... M&A news: ATML -12.3% (ON Semiconductor withdraws from proposal to acquire Atmel), ANR -7.6% (Cliffs Natural Resources and Alpha Natural Resources announce litigation settlement and termination of definitive merger agreement)... Select financials trading lower: LYG -7.8%, AEG -7.0%, PRU -6.7%, UBS -6.0%, BCS -5.7% (Barclays amends capital increase plan to appease shareholders - WSJ), ING -5.7%, ABB -4.7%, BBT -4.1%, LNC -4.0%, HBC -3.0%, DB -2.9%, MS -2.9%... Select solar names trading lower following SOL results: LDK -3.5%, STP -3.4%... Other news: CV -5.8% (announces 1.125 mln share public offering), TRP -5.5% (to issue $1.0 bln of common shares at a purchase price of $33/share, to be issued in both Canada and the U.S.), IBN -1.5% (cuts loan growth target in half to 15%, says slowing economy denting demand - Bloomberg), DNA -1.1% (issues letter to inform dermatologists and neurologists of a second case of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy)... Analyst comments: PCU -5.8% (downgraded to Underweight at Morgan Stanley), DT -3.1% (downgraded to Neutral at Goldman - DJ and downgraded to Hold at Deutsche), K -2.1% (downgraded to Neutral at UBS), KO -1.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS), PEP -1.0% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at UBS).