Täna on nn. triple witching day - iga kvartali viimase kuu kolmandal reedel lõppevad lisaks aktsoptsioonidele ka indeksioptsioonid ja -futuurid, mis võib lisada turgudele volatiilsust.
Red Hat (RHAT) aktsia hind on täna eelturul koguni -8,22% langenud kui eile peale börsipäeva avaldatud tulemuste kohaselt jäi ettevõte käive alla ootustele: 41,6 miljonit USD oodatud 43,1 miljoni USD vastu. Käibe kasv 53% ja konsensuse ootustele vastav EPS 0.05 USD ei aidanud lööki pehmendada.
Eile avaldas tulemused ka Adobe Systems (ADBE), aktsia on eelturul -1,37% langenud ehkki näitajad tulid varemalt korra juba tõstetud prognooside ülemisse serva: EPS 0.44 USD ja käive 410,1 miljonit USD. Ettevõtte poolt avaldatud III kvartali prognoosid olid samuti paremad ootustest.
Rev Shark:
Not being tense but ready. Not thinking but not dreaming. Not being set but flexible. Liberation from the uneasy sense of confinement. It is being wholly and quietly alive, aware and alert, ready for whatever may come."
-- Bruce Lee
The market was been particularly tedious, trying and troublesome lately. It isn't that the action is particularly bad but it certainty isn't very good or exciting. There is no momentum and little follow-through. If you don't take profits in a blink of an eye the likelihood is that they will slip away. The more aggressive you act the more likely you are to find yourself in an uncomfortable position very quickly.
So what do we do? For the most part we whine and moan and complain but our primary focus should be on preparation. We need to keep our mind clear and be ready for the day when some real fireworks commence. And they will come; the only constant in the market is change. These interminable days will morph into something else and when that change occurs our chances for profits will increase.
For now we have to make sure that this frustratingly inactive market does not take a toll on our emotions or our capital. We need to make sure we are prepared mentally to shift into action when the time comes. Most importantly we need to make sure we have unencumbered capital ready for the times when the odds shift into our favor.
Ultimately the market always rewards those who can outwait the market when it is being the most difficult. As the masses give in to disgust and frustration the sky will slowly begin to clear and the prospect of better trading days will improve.
As we wait, keep your mind clear and be aware, alert and ready. The rewards will flow to those who can make peace with the current frustrating market environment.
We have a negative open on tap as rising oil prices, continued unrest in Iraq, weakness in the Nikkei and a lack of any positive catalysts weigh on market participants. We have little economic news today but it is quadruple witching hour, which may help move things around a bit. Options expiration has generally been a sedate affair in recent months and I'm not expecting to see any wild volatility today.
I'm feeling optimistic about the base that the indices have been building. There is some decent small-cap action but weakness in the chips and a number of technology stocks is troubling. I remain focused on the Nasdaq 200-day simple moving average at 1970 and the downtrend line that connects the January and April tops. They are converging and setting us up for a breakout of the current range. Whether it is up or down is the million-dollar question. My bet at the moment is for an upside resolution but I remain open-minded.
G.B. Smith:
Futuurid: Nasdaq -0,27%, Dow Jones -0,20%, S&p500 -0,11%