Börsipäev 18. august

USA turge on mõjutamas kaks asjaolu - nafta hind on kerkinud üle 47 dollari ning Google alandas pma IPO hinnavahemikku. Mõlemad uudised on turule negatiivseteks mõjuriteks.

Google (GOOG) aktsia keskhinda alandati 90 dollarile aktsia kohta ning samuti vähendati turule paisatavate aktsiate kogust. Varasem aktsiate hinnavahemik oli 108 kuni 135 dollarit. Aktsiaga peaks kauplemine algama neljapäeval.

Bank of America (BAC) teatas, et vallandab 1500 kevadel ostetud panga FleetBoston töötajatest.

Rev Shark:

The key to this market at this juncture is whether the bulls are willing and able to expend the effort needed to overcome substantial overhead resistance. The recent downtrend has left recent buyers buried in a sea of red. Many will be happy to sell if they can cut the gut-wrenching loses that have left them sleepless this past weekend.

When a market has fallen as hard as this one did during July, it isn't easy for buyers to shrug off their worries and concerns and act with great vigor. Their confidence has been sapped and many simply want to escape the pain of their losses. When your best efforts have failed to bear fruit for many weeks, there are very few bulls left who can dig deep enough right away to put forth the sustained effort needed to drive this market higher.

That, my friends, is what technicians are talking about when they use the term "overhead resistance." It takes substantial effort and real buying vigor to overcome the natural reticence that market participants have about putting money into a market that has already cost them dearly. That is way V-shaped recoveries are generally a poor bet. Market participants simply can't shift their emotional gears that quickly. They need time to make mental adjustments and to gain the confidence that leads to real buying effort.

However, the fact that the market has managed a low-volume bounce over the last two days is slightly positive. It certainly is not a sign of complete recovery, but it is an indication that maybe the bulls are ready to make a stand. The biggest mistake you can make at this point is to assume that we will be able to march steadily higher without some pullbacks. If this truly is a turning point, we will see a recovery in fits and starts, but underlying the action will be stubborn effort by the bulls.

We need to monitor this market to see if the bulls are ready to deploy the effort needed to combat the tough overhead resistance they have to deal with. This two-day bounce is a very minor start. The real test won't begin until downtrend lines and areas of significant overhead resistance are confronted.

Early indications are for a negative start to the day as crude oil tops the $47 a barrel mark overnight. OPEC is forecasting increased demand for crude and that is causing the price pressure. The Google IPO was delayed again and the price range is going to be cut. That is probably a negative as well and even worse we have to continue to hear about the darn thing even longer. There is no economic news on the agenda today, so it looks like oil will continue to be the main focus once again.

Be careful out there.

Gary B. Smith:

Gapping Up/Down

Gapping Up: IMOS +16% (sharp yr/yr increase in EPS and revs), GENR +9% (receives milestone payment), NTAP +6.7% (earnings report, favorable guidance), MAGS +5.5% (announces $500,000 order), SBSA +5.2% (Stifel very positive after divestiture of LA stations), TASR +5% (announes $741,000 in orders)... Gapping Down: SYNO -22% (misses qtr, withdraws guidance), IMPC -22% (downgraded after auditor resigns), SMSC -10% (reduces guidance), GMTN -7% (misses qtr), GNTX -7% (reduces auto-dimming mirror unit shipment growth forecast), YHOO -2.4% (falls in sympathy with Google reduced IPO pricing).

10:43 Crude Oil turns lower on Sadr news... $46.90 +0.15... quickly gives up 1%

Turg sai sellest väikese boosti üles aga jälgiksin QQQ-d, kuna viimane on oma ralliga jõudnud just vastupanu alla.


LHV Pro all ka uus idee
Nanotehnoloogia rallib jälle, kas võib tekkida samasuur tõus nagu eelmise aasta lõpus oli?