Kuigi lihavõttepühade tõttu kujuneb käesolev töönädal päeva võrra lühemaks jagub nelja päeva peale siiski olulist makrot mida jälgida (tõsi, tänane kalender jääb siiski veel üsna tühjaks). Teisi- ja kolmapäeval avalikustatakse USA kinnisvarastatistikat, Philadelphia Fedi töötleva tööstuse indeks ja töötuabiraha taotluste number saabuvad aga neljapäeval. Euroopas oodatakse teisipäeval PMI indekseid, neljapäeval ärisentimendi indekseid (IFO ja BNB). Lisaks avaldab nädala viimasel tööpäeval Inglise keskpank oma möödunud kohtumise protokolli.
Makro kõrval saab aga möödunud nädalaga võrreldes juba oluliselt suuremat tähelepanu esimese kvartali tulemustehooaeg, kui sel nädalal raporteerib 355 USA börsidel noteeritud ettevõtet (111 S&P 500 ettevõtet). Tänase päeva jooksul paneme finantsportaali üles ka tavapärase tulemustehooaja ülevaate, milles kajastame jooksvalt olulisemate firmade majandusnäitajaid. Tänastest raporteerijatest võiks välja tuua Citigroupi, Eli Lilly'i, Halliburtoni (enne turgu) ja Texas Instrumentsi (pärast turgu).
Euroopa on alustanud sessiooni negatiivsel territooriumil, USA indeksite futuurid on hetkel kauplemas päeva põhjade juures ehk -0,5-0,6% punases.
Euroopa aktsiaturud on Kreeka võla võimaliku restruktureerimise tõttu müügisurve alla sattunud:
In Europe, markets are trading lower as reports came out that from the IMF that Greece asked for debt restructuring, which caused a knee jerk reaction in the indexes and euro to the downside. Greece then came out and denied this, so the markets rebounded slightly, before drifting back down. (allikas: Briefing)
Kreeka majanduse olukorrast aasta pärast bailouti saab lugeda siit.
In Europe, markets are trading lower as reports came out that from the IMF that Greece asked for debt restructuring, which caused a knee jerk reaction in the indexes and euro to the downside. Greece then came out and denied this, so the markets rebounded slightly, before drifting back down. (allikas: Briefing)
Kreeka majanduse olukorrast aasta pärast bailouti saab lugeda siit.
PIGS riikidest veel siiani ainsana ELi ja IMFi abi vältida suutnud Hispaania tänase võlakirjaoksjoni tulemus oli märgatavalt kehvem võrreldes eelmise kuuga:
Madrid paid between 64 and 93 basis points more than last month, selling 3.5 billion euros of 12-month bills at an average yield of 2.77 percent compared to 2.128 percent at the last auction in March and at a bid-to-cover of 1.6, down from 2.4.
It sold 1.1 billion euros of the 18-month bills with an average yield of 3.364 percent, up from 2.436 percent at the last auction, and a bid-to-cover ratio of 2 after being 3.5 times subscribed in March. (link)
Madrid paid between 64 and 93 basis points more than last month, selling 3.5 billion euros of 12-month bills at an average yield of 2.77 percent compared to 2.128 percent at the last auction in March and at a bid-to-cover of 1.6, down from 2.4.
It sold 1.1 billion euros of the 18-month bills with an average yield of 3.364 percent, up from 2.436 percent at the last auction, and a bid-to-cover ratio of 2 after being 3.5 times subscribed in March. (link)
Üldise negatiivse turumeeleolu taustal on USA dollar täna eelmise nädala langusest korralikult taastumas:
AUDUSD -0,42% (1,0520); EURUSD -1,04% (1,4279); GBPUSD -0,33% (1,6268); NZDUSD -1,37% (0,7884); USDCAD +0,56% (0,9644); USDCHF +0,65% (0,8978); USDJPY -0,3% (82,84).
AUDUSD -0,42% (1,0520); EURUSD -1,04% (1,4279); GBPUSD -0,33% (1,6268); NZDUSD -1,37% (0,7884); USDCAD +0,56% (0,9644); USDCHF +0,65% (0,8978); USDJPY -0,3% (82,84).
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: CEU +12.7%, TITN +11.7%, AMTD +1.8%, LLY +1.6%, GWW +1.5%, KEY +0.9% (light volume).
Other news: AMRN +71% (AMR101 Phase 3 ANCHOR trial meets all primary and secondary endpoints with statistically significant reductions in triglycerides, decrease in LDL-C), INVE +12.9% (higher on news that SCM Microsystems unit won Orders for 10,000 German eHealth Terminals), BPAX +3.4% (announces pancreatic and prostate cancer vaccine license; announces Aduro BioTech licenses GVAX Pancreas from co to develop a therapeutic vaccine in conjunction with CRS-207 for pancreatic cancer), CYTK +2.7% (announces presentation of data from a phase IIa clinical trial of CK-2017357; recent analyses showed that dose-related increases in the change from the Day 1 baseline in percent predicted muscle strength achieved nominal statistical significance for elbow flexion, shoulder flexion, and knee extension), MCP +1.5% (acquires rare earth metal and alloy manufacturer Santoku America for all cash deal for $17.5 mln).
Analyst comments: THOR +9% (upgraded to Buy at Lazard), AONE +6.7% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: CEU +12.7%, TITN +11.7%, AMTD +1.8%, LLY +1.6%, GWW +1.5%, KEY +0.9% (light volume).
Other news: AMRN +71% (AMR101 Phase 3 ANCHOR trial meets all primary and secondary endpoints with statistically significant reductions in triglycerides, decrease in LDL-C), INVE +12.9% (higher on news that SCM Microsystems unit won Orders for 10,000 German eHealth Terminals), BPAX +3.4% (announces pancreatic and prostate cancer vaccine license; announces Aduro BioTech licenses GVAX Pancreas from co to develop a therapeutic vaccine in conjunction with CRS-207 for pancreatic cancer), CYTK +2.7% (announces presentation of data from a phase IIa clinical trial of CK-2017357; recent analyses showed that dose-related increases in the change from the Day 1 baseline in percent predicted muscle strength achieved nominal statistical significance for elbow flexion, shoulder flexion, and knee extension), MCP +1.5% (acquires rare earth metal and alloy manufacturer Santoku America for all cash deal for $17.5 mln).
Analyst comments: THOR +9% (upgraded to Buy at Lazard), AONE +6.7% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman).
Täna on Goldman Sachs väljas positiivse reitingumuutusega A123 Systems (AONE) kohta.
Goldman Sachs tõstab AONE reitingu Hoia pealt Osta peale koos $ 9 hinnasihiga.
We think the market is now discounting just the current chapter of the story, although specific catalysts that improve revenue visibility lie two-to-six months on the horizon. These proof points support the near-term stock opportunity back towards $9/share, with margin visibility needed to go higher. Also, a stronger balance sheet helps to de-risk the capacity expansion, improves A123’s competitive position, and thus, lends credibility to what we now view as a more realistic revenue ramp.
Analüütikud usuvad, et vaatamata sellele, järgneva 2-6 kuu perspektiivis on tulemas positiivseid katalüsaatoreid, pole turg ikka veel AONE puhul arvestanud tuleviku potentsiaaliga. Analüütikute sõnul on reaalne, et lähitulevikus jõuab aktsia tagasi $ 9 juurde. Ühtlasi aitab tugevam bilansileht leevendada tootmise laiendamisega seotud riski ning parandab AONE konkurentsivõimet.
We see four key near-term catalysts inspiring increased confidence in the revenue ramp and driving the shares: (1) initial Fisker sales, (2) announcement of the major OEM partner for battery systems on a global auto platform, (3) a new CFO bringing increased transparency, and (4) announcement of a Department of Energy ATVM loan commitment.
Analüütikud juhivad tähelepanu neljale olulisele sündmusele, mis nende arvates peaks aktsiale andma kütust ülespoole liikumiseks: 1) Fiskeri müük ( Sport sedaan müügihind ca $ 90 000) 2) Teatatakse suuremahulisest koostöölepingust (globaalsel tasandil) 3) Uus finantsjuht toob rohkem läbipaistvust ning selgust 4) Laenugarantii saamine USA energiaametilt Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing (ATVM) programmi tarbeks.
AONE aktsia on olnud tugeva müügisurve all peale seda, kui firma teatas kapitalitõstmisest. Ebakindlust on lisanud ka selgusetus tuleviku suhtes, kuna turuosalised pelgavad, et firma vajab lisakapitali ka järgmisel aastal. Aktsiasse on kogunenud ka arvestatav hulk lühikeseks müüjaid (16%) ning võib eeldada, et Goldmani positiivne reitingumuutus tekitab täna ostuhuvi. Aktsia on eelturul juba 7% plussis, kuid on üsna reaalne, et peale avanemist näeb ka natuke soodsamaid tasemeid.
Goldman Sachs tõstab AONE reitingu Hoia pealt Osta peale koos $ 9 hinnasihiga.
We think the market is now discounting just the current chapter of the story, although specific catalysts that improve revenue visibility lie two-to-six months on the horizon. These proof points support the near-term stock opportunity back towards $9/share, with margin visibility needed to go higher. Also, a stronger balance sheet helps to de-risk the capacity expansion, improves A123’s competitive position, and thus, lends credibility to what we now view as a more realistic revenue ramp.
Analüütikud usuvad, et vaatamata sellele, järgneva 2-6 kuu perspektiivis on tulemas positiivseid katalüsaatoreid, pole turg ikka veel AONE puhul arvestanud tuleviku potentsiaaliga. Analüütikute sõnul on reaalne, et lähitulevikus jõuab aktsia tagasi $ 9 juurde. Ühtlasi aitab tugevam bilansileht leevendada tootmise laiendamisega seotud riski ning parandab AONE konkurentsivõimet.
We see four key near-term catalysts inspiring increased confidence in the revenue ramp and driving the shares: (1) initial Fisker sales, (2) announcement of the major OEM partner for battery systems on a global auto platform, (3) a new CFO bringing increased transparency, and (4) announcement of a Department of Energy ATVM loan commitment.
Analüütikud juhivad tähelepanu neljale olulisele sündmusele, mis nende arvates peaks aktsiale andma kütust ülespoole liikumiseks: 1) Fiskeri müük ( Sport sedaan müügihind ca $ 90 000) 2) Teatatakse suuremahulisest koostöölepingust (globaalsel tasandil) 3) Uus finantsjuht toob rohkem läbipaistvust ning selgust 4) Laenugarantii saamine USA energiaametilt Advanced Technology Vehicle Manufacturing (ATVM) programmi tarbeks.
AONE aktsia on olnud tugeva müügisurve all peale seda, kui firma teatas kapitalitõstmisest. Ebakindlust on lisanud ka selgusetus tuleviku suhtes, kuna turuosalised pelgavad, et firma vajab lisakapitali ka järgmisel aastal. Aktsiasse on kogunenud ka arvestatav hulk lühikeseks müüjaid (16%) ning võib eeldada, et Goldmani positiivne reitingumuutus tekitab täna ostuhuvi. Aktsia on eelturul juba 7% plussis, kuid on üsna reaalne, et peale avanemist näeb ka natuke soodsamaid tasemeid.

Reede õhtul teatas Renren soovist müüa USAs 672 miljoni dollari väärtuses aktsiaid. Tegu on Hiina suurima sotsiaalvõrgustikuga, mis asutati aasta pärast Facebooki. Siit saab lugeda pikemalt plaanitavast IPOst, mille järgi oleks renreni turuväärtus umbes 4.3 miljardit dollarit. Renreni kodulehel on 117 miljonit kasutajat, kuid hetkel töötab ettevõte jätkuvalt kahjumis.
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: PHG -1.1% (light volume).
M&A news: THC -2.1% (Board of Directors to review $6 all cash revised unsolicited proposal from Community Health Systems), TYC -1.1% (was under modest pressure in late trade following CNBC.com story related to doubtful Schneider deal).
Select financial related names showing weakness: ING -4.3%, BBVA -3.9%, NBG -3.0%, RBS -2.4%, STD -2.3%, CS -2.3%.
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: HL -5.7%, RIO -1.3%, BBL -1%, MT -1%, BHP -0.9%.
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: SDRL -3.9%, STO -3.2%, TOT -3.3% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), RDS.A -1.2%.
Other news: CYH -13.8% (disclosed Friday night that it received a document subpoena from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General, in connection with an investigation of possible improper claims submitted to Medicare and Medicaid; confirms it is now offering $6.00/share in cash to acquire outstanding shares of Tenet Healthcare; previous offer $5.00/share in cash and $1.00 per share in CYH common stock), ALTI -11.3% (received notification from Inversiones Energeticas that it was exercising its right to terminate the contract signed in February 2011 for the 10 Megawatt ALTI-ESS advanced battery system), CYTK -4.7% (announces presentation of data from a phase IIa clinical trial of CK-2017357; also enters agreement to sell 5.3 mln shares of common stock at 1.50 per share and 8,070 shares of its Series A Convertible Preferred Stock at a price of $1,500.00 per share to Deerfield Management), GKK -4% (announces two-week extension of maturity dates of Gramercy Realty Loans), SNN -3.8% (trading lower following weakness overseas; attributed to news that JNJ is in talks with peer Synthes), KFT -1.1% (trading lower; weakness attributed to tier 1 firm downgrade).
Analyst comments: GPS -4.1% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman, also Hearing another tier 1 firm downgrade), GNK -2.9% (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Citigroup), MRVL -1.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Positive at Susquehanna), BBY -1.2% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at KeyBanc).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: PHG -1.1% (light volume).
M&A news: THC -2.1% (Board of Directors to review $6 all cash revised unsolicited proposal from Community Health Systems), TYC -1.1% (was under modest pressure in late trade following CNBC.com story related to doubtful Schneider deal).
Select financial related names showing weakness: ING -4.3%, BBVA -3.9%, NBG -3.0%, RBS -2.4%, STD -2.3%, CS -2.3%.
Select metals/mining stocks trading lower: HL -5.7%, RIO -1.3%, BBL -1%, MT -1%, BHP -0.9%.
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: SDRL -3.9%, STO -3.2%, TOT -3.3% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), RDS.A -1.2%.
Other news: CYH -13.8% (disclosed Friday night that it received a document subpoena from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Inspector General, in connection with an investigation of possible improper claims submitted to Medicare and Medicaid; confirms it is now offering $6.00/share in cash to acquire outstanding shares of Tenet Healthcare; previous offer $5.00/share in cash and $1.00 per share in CYH common stock), ALTI -11.3% (received notification from Inversiones Energeticas that it was exercising its right to terminate the contract signed in February 2011 for the 10 Megawatt ALTI-ESS advanced battery system), CYTK -4.7% (announces presentation of data from a phase IIa clinical trial of CK-2017357; also enters agreement to sell 5.3 mln shares of common stock at 1.50 per share and 8,070 shares of its Series A Convertible Preferred Stock at a price of $1,500.00 per share to Deerfield Management), GKK -4% (announces two-week extension of maturity dates of Gramercy Realty Loans), SNN -3.8% (trading lower following weakness overseas; attributed to news that JNJ is in talks with peer Synthes), KFT -1.1% (trading lower; weakness attributed to tier 1 firm downgrade).
Analyst comments: GPS -4.1% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman, also Hearing another tier 1 firm downgrade), GNK -2.9% (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Citigroup), MRVL -1.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Positive at Susquehanna), BBY -1.2% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at KeyBanc).
S&P affirms ratings on US; outlook revised to negative
Futuurid liikusid -1,2% peale
Futuurid liikusid -1,2% peale
Kuld on selle peale teinud korraliku hüppe, kaubeldes mõni dollar alla 1500.

Oi oi, nüüd läks õige põrgu lahti!
S&P'le on lõpuks hakanud muret tegeme USA fiskaalpilt:
Despite these exceptional strengths, we note the U.S.’s fiscal profile has deteriorated steadily during the past decade and, in our view, has worsened further as a result of the recent financial crisis and ensuing recession. Moreover, more than two years after the beginning of the recent crisis, U.S. policymakers have still not agreed on a strategy to reverse recent fiscal deterioration or address longer-term fiscal pressures. (pikemalt saab lugeda FT Alphaville'st)
Despite these exceptional strengths, we note the U.S.’s fiscal profile has deteriorated steadily during the past decade and, in our view, has worsened further as a result of the recent financial crisis and ensuing recession. Moreover, more than two years after the beginning of the recent crisis, U.S. policymakers have still not agreed on a strategy to reverse recent fiscal deterioration or address longer-term fiscal pressures. (pikemalt saab lugeda FT Alphaville'st)
Kreeka 2-aastase võlakirja tulusus tõusis esmakordselt 20% peale.
Goldman Sachsilt hea graafik, mis näitab, kuidas viimastel aastatel on USA valitsuse max võlakoormust pidevalt tõstetud:

Kuidas saab hinnata riigi võimekust AAA peale, kui riik suudab riigi aastaeelarvet tuludega katta 57% ulatuses, ülejäänud 43% laenatakse. Ja nii mitu aastat järjest!
Olgem ausad, reitinguagentuurid on arad ja mõjutatavad! S&P on esimene julge. Suutis väheke oma mainet parandada.
Olgem ausad, reitinguagentuurid on arad ja mõjutatavad! S&P on esimene julge. Suutis väheke oma mainet parandada.
Euro on jätkamas langust: hetkel -1,5% ja kaupleb $1,4210 tasemel.
Systemax (SYX) reported that it has notified Gilbert Fiorentino, Chief Executive, Technology Products Group and Director of the Company, that it intends to terminate his employment
Kreeka ja Saksamaa 10-aastaste võlakirjade tulususte erinevus teeb uusi tippe:

The Fed purchased $2.00 bln of 2028-2041 maturities through Permanent Open Market Operations as dealers looked to put back $6.81 bln
AONE on täna vaatamata turu negatiivsusele üllatavalt hästi vastu pidanud. Aktsia avanes $ 5,85 (+6%) pealt ning tuli korraks alla $ 5,80 kanti, et siis sealt uuesti üles liikuda. Aktsia pole terve päeva jooksul olulisel määral turu langusega kaasa läinud ning hetkel kaupleb oma päeva tippude lähedal ehk $ 6,10 kandis, 10,7% plusspoolel.