Kolmapäevase tugeva tõusu järel polnud ostjatel eile Ühendriikide aktsiaturul väga motivatsiooni minna jahtima kõrgemaid tasemeid ning järgmiste katalüsaatorite ootuses võeti rahulikumalt, mis päädis S&P 500 indeksi jaoks -0,2% taandumisega. Nafta barrel on pärast läinud nädala kukkumist stabiliseerunud 49 dollari lähedal, leides tuge USA toornafta varude langusest ning Saudi Araabia valmisolekust pikendada vajadusel OPECi 25. mai kohtumisel tootmismahtude kärpeid.
Euroopas aitasid Wall Streeti eelneva päeva tõus ning Hollandi valimistulemused Stoxx 600 indeksil tõusta 0,7%. Enim parandasid indeksis taset Anglo American +8.6%, Deutsche Lufthansa +5.2%, Glencore +5.0%, BPER Banca +5%, Antofagasta +4.6%. Sügavamal miinuses lõpetasid Hikma Pharmaceuticals -4.7%, Balfour Beatty -4.3%, Direct Line Insurance Group -3.6%, Renault -3.3%, QIAGEN -3.0%.
Nii NY FEDi kui ka eile avaldatud Philadelphia FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus viitasid märtsis kõrge aktiivsuse jätkumisele. Viimase puhul alanes ärikliima indeks 43,3 punktilt 32,8 punktile, mis oli üsna oodatav pärast 33 aasta kõrgeimale tasemele hüppamist, kuid prognoositud 30,0 punktist osutus näitaja siiski paremaks. Tuleviku aktiivsusele viitav uute tellimuste indeks kerkis 0,6 punkti võrra 38,6 punktile (kõrgeim alates 1987.a) ning samuti paranesid töötajate arvu indeks (11,1 punktilt 17,5 punktile) ning töötundide indeks (13,6 punktilt 18,5 punktile).
Tavapärasest soojem ilm võis aidata Ühendriikides kaasa ehitustegevusele, kui alustatud elamuehituste arv kerkis veebruaris annualiseeritult 1,288 miljonile (oodati 1,264 miljonit), märkides aastatagusega võrreldes 6,2% kasvu ning jõudes tagasi tsükli tipu lähedale, mis saavutati mullu oktoobris (1,32mln). Majade ehituseks väljastatud lubade annualiseeritud arv langes pärast jaanuari 5,3% kasvu veebruaris -6,2% 1,213 miljonile, osutudes konsensuse prognoositud 1,268 miljonist tagasihoidlikumaks. Languse taga oli mitmepereelamute ehituslubade 11,2% langus võrreldes mullusega, samal ajal on turg aktiivsemaks muutunud ühepereelamute ehitamisel (YoY 13,5%).
Majandusuudiste valikus on täna Ühendriikide veebruari tööstustoodangu muutus ning Michigani ülikooli koostatud tarbijate märtsi kindlustunde indeks.
15.15 USA tööstustoodang (veebruar)
16.00 USA Michigani ülikooli tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (märts)
16.00 USA juhtivate indikaatorite indeks (veebruar)
19.00 USA Baker Hughes aktiivsete nafta puurtornide arv (17. märts)
Bernstein starts NFLX with Outpeform rating:
"If Jesus were a stock, he'd be Netflix. You either believe or you don't."
"If Jesus were a stock, he'd be Netflix. You either believe or you don't."
After an artist has finished his painting and paint is drying, it is ready for sale.

Vol igatahes kaob kusagile muti auku, ja see ei tohiks olla hea märk. (kuigi kogu see turg on selline, et vanad asjad enam ei kehti). Upgrade tehakse ikka tipus, kui vaja viimased pennid turule tuua.

Vol igatahes kaob kusagile muti auku, ja see ei tohiks olla hea märk. (kuigi kogu see turg on selline, et vanad asjad enam ei kehti). Upgrade tehakse ikka tipus, kui vaja viimased pennid turule tuua.
Austria keskpanga juhi Ewald Nowotny eilne kommentaar Handelsblattile kinnitab EKP istungi järel meediasse jõudnud infot, et intressimäära tõstmine enne QE lõppu ei ole sugugi välistatud
European Central Bank might be move away from loose monetary policy in a different way than Federal Reserve, Ewald Nowotny, Austrian ECB council member, tells Handelsblatt in interview.
* U.S. model was to finish bond purchases first, but this model might not transfer well to Europe
* All interest rates wouldn’t have to be increased simultaneously nor to same extent
European Central Bank might be move away from loose monetary policy in a different way than Federal Reserve, Ewald Nowotny, Austrian ECB council member, tells Handelsblatt in interview.
* U.S. model was to finish bond purchases first, but this model might not transfer well to Europe
* All interest rates wouldn’t have to be increased simultaneously nor to same extent
SPY kaupleb tän ex dividend (1,03 USD)

Hollandi valimised ei näi küsitluste järgi mõju olevat avaldanud, kui Le Pen on protsendipunkti võrra Macronile teises ringis järele võtnud
France: Presidential election (run-off), Opinion Way poll:
Macron (EM-*): 59% (-1)
Le Pen (FN-ENF): 41% (+1)
France: Presidential election (run-off), Opinion Way poll:
Fillon: 55% (-1)
Le Pen: 45% (+1)
France: Presidential election (run-off), Opinion Way poll:
Macron (EM-*): 59% (-1)
Le Pen (FN-ENF): 41% (+1)
France: Presidential election (run-off), Opinion Way poll:
Fillon: 55% (-1)
Le Pen: 45% (+1)
* Adobe (ADBE) raised to buy at Wunderlich, PT $145
* Aqua America (WTR) raised to overweight at Barclays, PT $36
* B&G Foods (BGS) raised to outperform at Credit Suisse, PT $47
* Dean Foods (DF) raised to overweight at JPMorgan, PT $22
* Five9 (FIVN) raised to overweight at Pacific Crest, PT $22
* Gigamon (GIMO) raised to market outperform at JMP, PT $45
* L Brands (LB) raised to outperform at FBR, PT $60
* Vertex (VRTX) raised to market outperform at JMP, PT $115
* AXT (AXTI) cut to neutral at B Riley, PT $7
* Blue Buffalo (BUFF) cut to equal-weight at Morgan Stanley,PT $26
* Cervus Equipment (CERV CN) cut to market perform at Raymond James
* Cervus Equipment (CERV CN) cut to sector perform at RBC, PT C$14
* Exa (EXA) cut to hold at Canaccord, PT $15
* Franklin Resources (BEN) cut to underweight at Morgan Stanley
* Innocoll (INNL) cut to hold at Stifel, PT $2
* Macerich (MAC) cut to sell at Goldman, PT $64
* Patheon NV (PTHN) cut to neutral at Baird, PT $28
* SeaWorld (SEAS) cut to sell at Citi
* Simon Property (SPG) cut to neutral at Goldman, PT $185
* T. Rowe (TROW) cut to underweight at Morgan Stanley
* A-Mark Precious Metals (AMRK) resumed neutral at B Riley
* Adaptimmune (ADAP) rated new market perform at Wells Fargo
* Cantel Medical (CMD) rated new market perform at Raymond James
* Lion Biotech (LBIO) rated new outperform at Wells Fargo
* Netflix (NFLX) rated new outperform at Bernstein, PT $178
* Regeneron (REGN) rated new market perform at Oppenheimer
* Snap (SNAP) rated new neutral at Mizuho, PT $20
* Teladoc (TDOC) rated new outperform at Baird, PT $27
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
AVXS +11.3%, FATE +7.8%, VSLR +7.3%, OMER +6%, ADBE +5.2%, FF +4.9%, CATB +4.1%, TIF +3.5%
AGRO +3.3%, MNKD +2.9%, STLD +2.7%, STNG +2.3%, CALA +1.1%, ONCS +0.8%, WLB +0.5%
M&A news:
CLBS +47.5% (sells stake in PCT to Hitachi Chemical for $75 mln; also reported earnings)
THLD +39.4% (will merge with Molecular Templates in an all-stock transaction)
NSAT +14.9% (announces Privet Fund Management provided a non-binding letter of interest to acquire NSAT for $10.25/share - shares halted)
Select shipping related names showing strength:
ESEA +9.1%, TOPS +7.7%, DCIX +4.3%, DRYS +2.7%, STNG +2.3%
Other news:
GALE +21.1% (presents final analysis from the GALE-301 (E39) investigator-sponsored Phase 1/2a clinical trial)
ABUS +8.8% (Licenses to Alexion Pharmaceuticals (ALXN) its proprietary lipid nanoparticle technology for exclusive use in one of Alexion's rare disease programs)
FNJN +8.1% (Positive patent ruling)
VRX +4.4% (ValueAct adds 3 mln shares, now holds 5.2% stake)
GOOS +4% (Positive Jim Cramer mention)
AUPH +2.3% (To present 48-week results from its AURION open-label study of voclosporin for the treatment of lupus nephritis at the International Congress on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus on March 27)
AGRX +1.9% (Announces a poster presentation of data from the SECURE Phase 3 clinical trial for its lead product candidate, Twirla; plans to resubmit its new drug application in the first half of 2017)
NVDA +1% (continued strength)
TSLA +1% (prices upsized 1.34 mln common stock offering at $262/share)
Analyst comments:
FIVN +2.8% (upgraded to Overweight from Sector Weight at Pacific Crest)
RBS +2.5% (upgraded to Buy from Reduce at Natixis)
DF +2.3% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan)
HIMX +1.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at ROTH Capital)
BCS +1.1% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)
PUK +1.1% (upgraded to Neutral from Underweight at JP Morgan)
BHP +1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Investec)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
STML -21.2%, CMLS -19.8%, EXA -11.6%, CAL -8.6%, CSBR -7.9%, GSVC -7.5%
XONE -6.3%, VUZI -5.6%, BREW -5.5%, AFSI -5.1%, INNL -4.7%, BIOA -4.5%
QBAK -3.2%, VRAY -3%, BDSI -2.5%, KINS -0.7%, LPLA -0.7%
M&A news:
RYN -3.5% (To acquire approx. 95,100 acres of high-quality industrial timberlands located in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $217 mln; commences 5 mln share common stock offering), .
Other news:
VRTV -8.2% (prices offering by selling shareholders of 1.8 mln shares of common stock at $54.85 per share)
EDIT -7.8% (prices offering of 4 mln shares of common stock at $22.50 per share)
NYMT -5.4% (Reduces quarterly dividend to $0.20/share from $0.24/share)
AFSI -5.1% (To delay 10-K filing, plans to restate 2014 and 2015 results)
Analyst comments:
SEAS -2.4% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Citigroup)
BUFF -1.2% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley)
NFLX -1.1% (attributed to cautious comments from analyst at M Science regarding subscriber metrics, also - initiated with a Outperform at Bernstein)
GOLD -0.7% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
AVXS +11.3%, FATE +7.8%, VSLR +7.3%, OMER +6%, ADBE +5.2%, FF +4.9%, CATB +4.1%, TIF +3.5%
AGRO +3.3%, MNKD +2.9%, STLD +2.7%, STNG +2.3%, CALA +1.1%, ONCS +0.8%, WLB +0.5%
M&A news:
CLBS +47.5% (sells stake in PCT to Hitachi Chemical for $75 mln; also reported earnings)
THLD +39.4% (will merge with Molecular Templates in an all-stock transaction)
NSAT +14.9% (announces Privet Fund Management provided a non-binding letter of interest to acquire NSAT for $10.25/share - shares halted)
Select shipping related names showing strength:
ESEA +9.1%, TOPS +7.7%, DCIX +4.3%, DRYS +2.7%, STNG +2.3%
Other news:
GALE +21.1% (presents final analysis from the GALE-301 (E39) investigator-sponsored Phase 1/2a clinical trial)
ABUS +8.8% (Licenses to Alexion Pharmaceuticals (ALXN) its proprietary lipid nanoparticle technology for exclusive use in one of Alexion's rare disease programs)
FNJN +8.1% (Positive patent ruling)
VRX +4.4% (ValueAct adds 3 mln shares, now holds 5.2% stake)
GOOS +4% (Positive Jim Cramer mention)
AUPH +2.3% (To present 48-week results from its AURION open-label study of voclosporin for the treatment of lupus nephritis at the International Congress on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus on March 27)
AGRX +1.9% (Announces a poster presentation of data from the SECURE Phase 3 clinical trial for its lead product candidate, Twirla; plans to resubmit its new drug application in the first half of 2017)
NVDA +1% (continued strength)
TSLA +1% (prices upsized 1.34 mln common stock offering at $262/share)
Analyst comments:
FIVN +2.8% (upgraded to Overweight from Sector Weight at Pacific Crest)
RBS +2.5% (upgraded to Buy from Reduce at Natixis)
DF +2.3% (upgraded to Overweight from Neutral at JP Morgan)
HIMX +1.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at ROTH Capital)
BCS +1.1% (upgraded to Overweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)
PUK +1.1% (upgraded to Neutral from Underweight at JP Morgan)
BHP +1% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Investec)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
STML -21.2%, CMLS -19.8%, EXA -11.6%, CAL -8.6%, CSBR -7.9%, GSVC -7.5%
XONE -6.3%, VUZI -5.6%, BREW -5.5%, AFSI -5.1%, INNL -4.7%, BIOA -4.5%
QBAK -3.2%, VRAY -3%, BDSI -2.5%, KINS -0.7%, LPLA -0.7%
M&A news:
RYN -3.5% (To acquire approx. 95,100 acres of high-quality industrial timberlands located in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina for an aggregate purchase price of approximately $217 mln; commences 5 mln share common stock offering), .
Other news:
VRTV -8.2% (prices offering by selling shareholders of 1.8 mln shares of common stock at $54.85 per share)
EDIT -7.8% (prices offering of 4 mln shares of common stock at $22.50 per share)
NYMT -5.4% (Reduces quarterly dividend to $0.20/share from $0.24/share)
AFSI -5.1% (To delay 10-K filing, plans to restate 2014 and 2015 results)
Analyst comments:
SEAS -2.4% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Citigroup)
BUFF -1.2% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley)
NFLX -1.1% (attributed to cautious comments from analyst at M Science regarding subscriber metrics, also - initiated with a Outperform at Bernstein)
GOLD -0.7% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank)
USA tööstustoodang püsis veebruaris MoM muutumatuna (oodati 0,2%), kuid jaanuari langus revideeriti pehmemaks (-0,3% asemel -0,1%). Kui vaadata aga konkreetsemalt töötlevat tööstust, siis selle toodang kasvas veebruaris ootuspärased 0,5% aga märksa tugevama jaanuari baasi pealt (0,2% kuise kasvu asemel 0,5%).

Michigani ülikooli tarbijate kindlustunde indeks kerkis märtsis 1,3 punkti võrra 97,6 punktile (oodati 97,0), mis on kõrgeim alates jaanuarist (98,5). Huvitav on seejuures asjaolu, et erinevalt NY FEDi küsitlusest, kus inflatsiooniootused on mõned kuud põhjadest tõusnud, siis Michigani küsitluses kukkusid tarbijate inflatsiooniootused 5-10a perspektiivis uuele madalpunktile (2,2% vs 2,5% veebruaris). Kui FED ainult sellest teadmisest lähtuks, siis poleks intressimäära tõstmisega kuhugi kiiret.

Michigani ülikooli tarbijate kindlustunde indeks kerkis märtsis 1,3 punkti võrra 97,6 punktile (oodati 97,0), mis on kõrgeim alates jaanuarist (98,5). Huvitav on seejuures asjaolu, et erinevalt NY FEDi küsitlusest, kus inflatsiooniootused on mõned kuud põhjadest tõusnud, siis Michigani küsitluses kukkusid tarbijate inflatsiooniootused 5-10a perspektiivis uuele madalpunktile (2,2% vs 2,5% veebruaris). Kui FED ainult sellest teadmisest lähtuks, siis poleks intressimäära tõstmisega kuhugi kiiret.

Kui tänaseni on turu võimendust vaadatud läbi väärtpaberite tagatisel võetud laenude mahu, siis võib-olla on selle teatepulga üle nüüd võtnud ETFid - lihne vahend, kuhu tõusuvee peale hüpata aga kui laine murdub, siis võib see lühiajaline kapital sama kiiresti ka põgeneda, võimendades allapoole liikumist.
Investors across the world ploughed $131bn into these index-tracking funds in the first two months of 2017, according to ETFGI, a London-based consultancy. This follows a record-breaking year in 2016, when ETF managers gathered more than $390bn in new cash.
Record-breaking 2017 for ETFs fuels fears of stock market bubble
Investors across the world ploughed $131bn into these index-tracking funds in the first two months of 2017, according to ETFGI, a London-based consultancy. This follows a record-breaking year in 2016, when ETF managers gathered more than $390bn in new cash.
Record-breaking 2017 for ETFs fuels fears of stock market bubble