FED pakkus investoritele seda, mida taheti kuulda ja tegelikult enamgi, mille tulemusel dollari vahetuskurss nõrgenes ning aktsiaturul naasis rahapoliitiline taganttuul taas ostjate selja taha (S&P 500 sulgus 0,6% kõrgemal). Euroopas lõpetas Stoxx 600 FOMC otsuse ootuses ilma muutuseta.
Föderaalreservi rahapoliitikat koordineeriv komitee otsustas jätta intressimäära ootuspäraselt 0,25-0,5% peale, kuid võrreldes detsembri istungiga nähakse intressimäära kerkimas nii tänavu kui ka järgnevatel aastatel varasemast aeglasemalt.
Suurimat kõneainet pakkus muutus FEDi hinnangus, et 2016.a võidakse intressimäära varasema 100 baaspunkti asemel kergitada 50 baaspunkti võrra. Kuigi sellega liiguti turuootusele palju lähemale, tekitas küsimusi seik, et nõnda suure kärpe juures korrigeeriti 2016.a SKP kasvuprognoosi kõigest 0,2pp võrra allapoole 2,2% peale ning alusinflatsiooni ootus jäi püsima 1,6% peale, olgugi et viimane oli jaanuaris juba 1,7% ning eile avaldatud teise inflatsioonimõõdiku järgi kiirenes veebruaris toitu ja kütust arvestamata 2,3%ni.
Pressikonverentsil tunnistas Janet Yellen, et hinnatõus on viimastel kuudel tõepoolest hoogustunud, kuid ei uskunud, et see saab olema jätkusuutlik trend, tuues ühtlasi välja madalale tasemele ankurdatud pikaajalised inflatsiooniootused. Samuti lükkas Yellen ümber spekulatsiooni, et keskpank on valmis kindlama majanduskasvu saavutamise nimel tolereerima lühiajaliselt 2% kõrgemat inflatsiooni.
Arvestades seda, kui detailselt Janet Yellen pööras tähelepanu globaalsetele arengutele, alates Jaapani neljanda kvartali majanduslangusest ning lõpetades naftahinna odavnemisest tingitud negatiivse mõjuga USA naaberriikidele, jääb tahtmatult mulje, et Föderaalreserv näeb ennast mõnes mõttes üleilmse keskpanga rollis ning ajal kui teised rahapoliitikat lõdvendavad, tuleb efektiivsema kollektiivse eesmärgi nimel neilgi jalga veidi piduri pealt kergitada.
Kuna terve viimase aasta on turuosaliste kindlustunnet õõnestanud Föderaalreservi võrdlemisi jäik seisukoht intressimäära trajektoorist, näitab eilne istung ja muutused prognoosides, et keskpank on vajadusel valmis järele andma ja see peaks investorite meelt rahustama. Iseküsimus on see, mis juhtub keskpanga usaldusväärsusega siis, kui inflatsiooni kiirenemine peaks jätkuma, sest siiani on taotud trummi, et vältimaks vajadust tõsta tulevikus järsult intressimäärasid, tuleks seda järkjärguliselt teha praegu.
Keskpangad jäävad tänagi turu fookusesse, kui sõna saavad inglise ja Norra keskpank. Esimese puhul olulisi uudiseid ei oodata, küll aga peaks Norra keskpank hindama vajalikuks turgutada majandust 25baaspunktilise intressimäära kärpimisega 0,5% peale. Majandusuudistest on tähtsamal kohal USA möödunud nädala töötu abiraha taotlused ning Philadelphia FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitluse puhul jälgitakse seda, kas NY piirkonna aktiivsuse paranemine märtsis oli erandiks või mitte.
11.00 Norra keskpanga intressimäära otsus
12.00 Eurotsooni inflatsioon (veebruari lõplik)
14.00 Inglise keskpanga intressimäära otsus
14.30 USA Philadelphia FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (märts)
14.30 USA esmased töötu abiraha taotlused
16.00 USA JOLTS tööturu küsitlus
16.00 USA juhtivate indikaatorite indeks (veebruar)
Eilse FOMC istungi järel on tekkinud karvane tunne, et vanad ajad on tagasi Buy The Dip
Norra keskpank kärpis intressimäära ootuspäraselt 25bp võrra 0,5% peale, võib tänavu veel langetada
Should the Norwegian economy be exposed to new major shocks, the Executive Board will, however, not exclude the possibility that the key policy rate may turn negative.
Should the Norwegian economy be exposed to new major shocks, the Executive Board will, however, not exclude the possibility that the key policy rate may turn negative.
Inglise keskpank jättis intressimäära ootuspäraselt 0,5% peale
* BOE Keeps Rate at 0.5%; Vote 9-0
* Bank of England says more likely than not that rates will rise in next 3 yrs; “Brexit” uncertainty may delay spending, depress demand growth.
* Says increased uncertainty surrounds U.K. referendum on EU membership
* Increased “Brexit” uncertainty has driven sterling lower
* Risks to global growth outlook lie to downside
* U.K.consumption remains robust, strength to continue
* Range of views on monetary policy committee about inflation outlook
* BOE Keeps Rate at 0.5%; Vote 9-0
* Bank of England says more likely than not that rates will rise in next 3 yrs; “Brexit” uncertainty may delay spending, depress demand growth.
* Says increased uncertainty surrounds U.K. referendum on EU membership
* Increased “Brexit” uncertainty has driven sterling lower
* Risks to global growth outlook lie to downside
* U.K.consumption remains robust, strength to continue
* Range of views on monetary policy committee about inflation outlook
Gapping up/down: FDX +5% after guidance, RSTI +35% after M&A news, metals and energy names see early strength; GES -11%, CTRP -8%, QUNR -7.%, JBL -6.%, WSM -6% and CAT -3% after earnings/guidance
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: NEOS +12.9%, MIK +6.9%, FDX +5.6%, IGT +2.9%, SYNC +2.7%, MLHR +2.5%, (light volume), EURN +1.6%, MNK +1.4%, SLW +1.1%, .
M&A news: RSTI +35.3% (Rofin-Sinar Technologies to be acquired by Coherent (COHR) for $32.50/share), COHR +1%
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: MTL +6.7%, VALE +5%, BBL +4.7%, BHP +3.5%, RIO +3.3%, AU +2.2%, GOLD +1.8%, GDX +1.4%, FCX +1.3%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: LNCO +21.7%, PBR +8.2%, LINE +4.6%, CHK +3.6%, WLL +2.1%, STO +1.8%, SDRL +1.6%, TOT +1.5%, BP +1.3%, RDS.A +1.2%
Other news: VTAE +93.4% (announces positive top-line results from its Phase 2a proof-of-concept clinical trial of VTP-43742 in psoriatic patients), LITB +9.8% (announces that Zall Cross-border E-commerce has agreed to acquire a 30% equity interest at $3.60 per ADS), AQXP +6.5% (Baker Bros adds ~1 mln shares to active position, now hold 45% ), IMNP +6.4% (will present new data with Ceplene at AACR conference), IMMU +5.4% (will present 2 abstracts in a Clinical Trials Minisymposium session), OSIR +5.1% ( announces that the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association has provided a positive review on Grafix usage for individuals with diabetic lower-extremity ulcers), SHPG +2.3% (still checking), VSTM +2.2% ( to present data supporting FAK/PYK2 Inhibition at AACR Annual Meeting), UPS +1.7% (following FDX earnings)
Analyst comments: N/A
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: GES -10.9%, CTRP -8%, QUNR -7.2%, JBL -6.5%, WSM -5.9%, (also announces $500 mln stock repurchase; increases dividend 6%), CAT -3.3%, (provided downside Q1 guidance and reaffirmed 2016 at conference) GSOL -1.1%
Select EU financial related names showing weakness: DB -3.7%, CS -2.9%, ING -2.5%, BCS -1.7%, HSBC -1.6%, SAN -1.3%
Other news: SXE -57.9% (files to delay Form 10-K), SALT -19.6% ( commences 21 mln common stock offering ), ORPN -15.4% (pricing of $6.7 mln registered direct offering for $3.10/share), MDLZ -2.4% (Pershing Square sells 20 mln shares, says has no current plans to sell any other investments), SUNE -1.9% (cont vol pre-mkt), CNHI -1.7% (in symp with CAT), FLEX -1.3% (following JBL results), DE -1.3% (in symp with CAT), AMZN -0.9% (following late move lower after CRN article stating that Apple (AAPL) will start using Google's Cloud Platform, trimming its use of Amazon Web Services), NUAN -0.6% (Carl Icahn affirms reduced 9.88% stake (Prior 11.32%), SNY -0.6% (follow through after the REGN/AMGN patent case result)
Analyst comments: CMG -1.3% (downgraded to Underperform from Hold at Jefferies), IHG -1.1% (downgraded to Equal Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley ), DEO -0.5% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank)
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: NEOS +12.9%, MIK +6.9%, FDX +5.6%, IGT +2.9%, SYNC +2.7%, MLHR +2.5%, (light volume), EURN +1.6%, MNK +1.4%, SLW +1.1%, .
M&A news: RSTI +35.3% (Rofin-Sinar Technologies to be acquired by Coherent (COHR) for $32.50/share), COHR +1%
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: MTL +6.7%, VALE +5%, BBL +4.7%, BHP +3.5%, RIO +3.3%, AU +2.2%, GOLD +1.8%, GDX +1.4%, FCX +1.3%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: LNCO +21.7%, PBR +8.2%, LINE +4.6%, CHK +3.6%, WLL +2.1%, STO +1.8%, SDRL +1.6%, TOT +1.5%, BP +1.3%, RDS.A +1.2%
Other news: VTAE +93.4% (announces positive top-line results from its Phase 2a proof-of-concept clinical trial of VTP-43742 in psoriatic patients), LITB +9.8% (announces that Zall Cross-border E-commerce has agreed to acquire a 30% equity interest at $3.60 per ADS), AQXP +6.5% (Baker Bros adds ~1 mln shares to active position, now hold 45% ), IMNP +6.4% (will present new data with Ceplene at AACR conference), IMMU +5.4% (will present 2 abstracts in a Clinical Trials Minisymposium session), OSIR +5.1% ( announces that the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association has provided a positive review on Grafix usage for individuals with diabetic lower-extremity ulcers), SHPG +2.3% (still checking), VSTM +2.2% ( to present data supporting FAK/PYK2 Inhibition at AACR Annual Meeting), UPS +1.7% (following FDX earnings)
Analyst comments: N/A
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: GES -10.9%, CTRP -8%, QUNR -7.2%, JBL -6.5%, WSM -5.9%, (also announces $500 mln stock repurchase; increases dividend 6%), CAT -3.3%, (provided downside Q1 guidance and reaffirmed 2016 at conference) GSOL -1.1%
Select EU financial related names showing weakness: DB -3.7%, CS -2.9%, ING -2.5%, BCS -1.7%, HSBC -1.6%, SAN -1.3%
Other news: SXE -57.9% (files to delay Form 10-K), SALT -19.6% ( commences 21 mln common stock offering ), ORPN -15.4% (pricing of $6.7 mln registered direct offering for $3.10/share), MDLZ -2.4% (Pershing Square sells 20 mln shares, says has no current plans to sell any other investments), SUNE -1.9% (cont vol pre-mkt), CNHI -1.7% (in symp with CAT), FLEX -1.3% (following JBL results), DE -1.3% (in symp with CAT), AMZN -0.9% (following late move lower after CRN article stating that Apple (AAPL) will start using Google's Cloud Platform, trimming its use of Amazon Web Services), NUAN -0.6% (Carl Icahn affirms reduced 9.88% stake (Prior 11.32%), SNY -0.6% (follow through after the REGN/AMGN patent case result)
Analyst comments: CMG -1.3% (downgraded to Underperform from Hold at Jefferies), IHG -1.1% (downgraded to Equal Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley ), DEO -0.5% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank)
Ka Philly FEDi küsitlus peegeldab töötleva tööstuse positiivseid arenguid märtsis
US Initial Jobless Claims: Actual: 265k vs Expected: 268k , Previous revised down to 258k
US: Philly Fed Business Survey beats estimates, 12.4 vs. (1.5) expected

US Initial Jobless Claims: Actual: 265k vs Expected: 268k , Previous revised down to 258k
US: Philly Fed Business Survey beats estimates, 12.4 vs. (1.5) expected