Börsipäev 17. detsember

Hetkel indikeerivad futuurid USA aktsiaturu ca –0.6%list avanemist. Sellise avanemise korral oleks kole tehniline pilt muutumas veelgi nõrgemaks ning ei aitaks sugugi kaasa momentumraha poolt aastalõpu tugevusele tehtavatele panustamissoovile. Kuid just viimasel paaril kuul on turg eriti rohkeid üllatusi pakkunud ning tihtipeale liikunud vastassuunas arvatule just siis, kui seda kõige vähem oodatakse. Seetõttu tasub kindlasti olla ettevaatlik. Seda enam, et selle aasta lõpu tugevuse stsenaariumit varjutab tugevalt plekk, et mitmetest fondidest tahetakse enne aastalõppu oma rahasid tagasi, mis lisab müügisurvet.

Nädala edenedes võiks reeglina oodata juba mahtude vähenemist ning õhema kauplemise puhul oleks treideritel ilmselt kergem ka aktsiaid ülespoole liigutada, kuid kindlasti tuleb seekord arvestada sellega, et sel reedel on optsioonide lõppemise tähtaeg (tegelikult üldse ‘quadruple witching day’…). Kui nüüd õieti kokku sai loetud, siis 2007. aasta lõpuni on jäänud veel 10 kauplemispäeva – neist 1 päev (24. detsember) niigi poolik, mil turud sulguvad kell 20.00 Eesti aja järgi. seega kui aastalõpu rallit oodata, siis väga kaua sellega enam venitada ei saagi.

Lisaks pühade meeleolu saabumisele on oodata ka mõningate ettevõtete tulemusi – näiteks ehitusfirma Hovnanian (HOV) 18. detsembri järelturul või tehnoloogiaettevõte Research in Motion (RIMM) 20. detsembri järelturul.

Citigroup on väljas analüüsiga, kus võetakse kokku seosed hüpoteeklaenude ja krediitkaartide vahel. Kuna kodu ostmiseks võetud laene proovitakse tagasi maksta iga hinna eest, siis on krediitkaartide probleemid tekkinud tavaliselt enne kinnisvaralaenude hapuks minemist. Kuna seekord juhtus vastupidi ning oodatud hoiatust ei ilmnenud, siis tuli kujunenud olukord paljude turuosaliste jaoks üllatusena.

Ebatavaline tsükli algus tekkis mitme asjaolu koosmõjul. Hüpoteeklaenude madalamad standardid ja viimase kahe aasta ülikiire laenude kättesaadavuse tõus tähendas ühtlasi laenuportfellide madalamat kvaliteeti. Krediitkaartide puhul oli olukord vastupidine: regulatsioonide karmistumine, tööstuse konsolideerumine ning keskendumine tugeva krediiditaustaga klientidele hoidis kõrgemal ka kvaliteeti.

Kuid loodusseaduste vastu ei saa ning kui vahepeal oli tekkinud kummaline olukord, kus inimesed pidasid krediitkaarte hüpoteeklaenudest prioriteetsemaks, siis praegu on taastumas tavapärane käitumine ning krediidi arvelt tasutakse pigem kodulaene. Järelikult tõuseb sektoris halbade laenude osakaal, vähenevad kasumid ja sellega koos ka ettevõtete hinnasihid:

Citi prognoosid

Barrons on nädalavahetusel päris huvitava looga hakkama saanud, kus on põhimõtteliselt maha tehtud väärtusinvestori Warren Buffeti investorfirma Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A) aktsiate hinda – nimelt leiab Barrons, et tänane $143 000-ne hind on aktsiate eest liiga kõrge ning õiglane väärtus jääks sinna kuskile $130 000 juurde.

Üldiselt on vaatluse alla võetud BRK.A ajaloolised näitajad, millega kõrvutades praegust hinda liiga kõrgeks peetaksegi. 30. septembri seisuga oli BRK.A raamatupidamisväärtuseks $77 800 ning viimase 5 aasta keskmisena on kaubeldud 1.6x näitajal. Täna on P/BV 1.8-kordne. Samuti toob Barrons välja, et nii kuidas Buffett vananeb, peaks ka vähenema BRK.A preemia teiste konkureerivate investeerimisalternatiivide osas ning kui Buffett peaks kunagi CEO kohast loobuma, võiks see aktsiale negatiivset mõju avaldada.

Kel A-aktsia hinnale hammas peale ei hakka, siis tasub teada, et ka B-aktsia on turul olemas. B-aktsia on 30-korda odavam (makstes $4 754) ning annab 1/200 hääletusõigusest.
CIBC on väljas agressiivsete kommentaaridega UBSi osas:

Downgrading to Sector Underperformer Due to Low
Earnings Visibility

 As of 12/17, we are downgrading shares of UBS from Sector Performer to
Sector Underperformer as we believe the shares are expensive at current
levels vis a vis unrealistic consensus earnings estimates and given that we
have little actual confidence in our 19% below consensus estimates.

 UBS has only a "marked to market/model" and has not actually sold any
assets thus it is beholden to a game of "catch up" on ever declining
underlying values of such assets. By this we refer to its recently announced
CDO markdown, which we believe overstates even current market bids.

 Underlying fundamentals are ever deteriorating, thus we think until UBS
actually disposes any of these assets, any true earnings base will be difficult
to find. Further, we believe further marks to such assets will only malign its
recently rejuvenated capital base, further pressuring forward earnings.

 Our $3.80 2008 EPS estimate is generous in our opinion and 19% below
consensus estimates, thereby placing it at over 12X forward earnings.
Global banks in general trade well below 9-10X earnings, therefore we
believe downside risk to UBS shares is in the low to mid $30s.
Kas MasterCard-i kohta ei ole sellist tabelit nagu tema konkurentide kohta üles riputasid?
UK:KKB Kazkommertsbank langusest üle saamas.Dollari kurs pöördumas. Kes tahab suuremat riski taluda võib proovida!
UK:BGEO Bank Of Georgia 30 lähedal.Ei oska kujutleda kas veel langeb enne viiendat kuid jälle hind kergelt alla tulnud ja kui vähegi positiivne president peaks valitama siis peaks ka aktsia kerkima!
stocker, MasterCard saab oma tuludest ca poole USAst ja needki on peamiselt tulud kaardimaksetelt. Seega otsest paralleeli krediidiandjatega tõmmata ei saa. Eelmise kvartali tulemused olid üle ootuste ja hindu on suudetud tarbijale edasi anda, mis on positiivne. Või mida sa täpsemalt teada tahtsid?
stocker, kui võrrelda AXP, COF, DFS ja MA ärimudeleid, siis MA otseselt laenuandmise riski ei kanna, mistõttu selline rida nagu "provisions for losses" puudub. Küll võib äritegevus aeglustuda, kuid siiani on credit card payment rate tõus selle kompenseerinud. Tegemist on pigem maksetevahendajaga.
Madis, Oliver
Tänud valgustamast. Arvasin, et MA-ga samas segmendis, kuid paistab, et siiski erinevad.
Apple (AAPL) sai UBS käest uue hinnasihi $220lt » $235le

stocker, eemalt vaadates võib tõesti sama asi tunduda.

Krediitkaartide väljastajatest on üle 10% suuruse turuosaga American Express, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America ja Citigroup, ca 5% turuosaga on Capital One ja Discover Financial.

Viimased on juba kõvasti peksa saanud... ja nagu Oliver ühe minuti pärast kirjutab, saab COF ka edasi. :)

Kui reitingutest juba juttu tuli, siis citigroup on langetamas MTG, CFC, BAC, FHN, JPM, PNC, WB, WFC soovitused varasema "buy" pealt "hold" peale ning COF, RDN, CMA, MTB ja USB reitingud langetatakse "müü" peale varasemalt "hoia" tasemelt.
Apple ja Joosti kujundus on kahtlaselt sarnane! Uudised pole vist kaugel.
Baird langetab Black&Deckeri (BDK) hinnasihi $86 tasemele varasemalt $95 tasemelt. Põhjuseks kehv nõudlus Põhja Ameerikas "tänu" tarbijanõrkusele ning probleemidele kinnisvaraturul. Edaspidi tasub pilk peale hoida ka sellistel firmadel nagu SNA ja SWK, mis peaksid samadel põhjustel pihta saama. Lootused jõulumüügi osas on samuti ilmselt ülepaisutatud - tööriistad jõuludeks? Kui eelmisel paaril viimasel aastal või see isegi popp olla, siis praegusel ajal nii optimistlik olla ei maksaks.

Robert Baird cuts their tgt on BDK to $86 from $95. Softer-than-expected demand in N. American end markets not surprising given pressure on consumer/housing. Resolution of tax issues on reasonably favorable terms an incremental positive. Although co continues to focus on cost controls and shrinking its capital base during the downturn, firm believes the shares' risk/reward profile will remain balanced until evidence of demand stabilization becomes evident.
Bloombergis huvitav lugu M&A aktiivsuse kohta järgmisel aastal. Tegemist on käibeosaga, mis on pakkunud investeerimispankadele päris head kasvu:

Bloomberg reports even Goldman Sachs, the world's leading takeover adviser since 2001, is prepared for a decline in mergers and acquisitions income next year when a slowing economy reduces the market for leveraged buyouts. The value of transactions may fall 20% from a record $3.9 trillion this year, executives at JPMorgan, Lehman Brothers and Bank of America estimate. That may reduce fees on Wall Street and contribute to Goldman's first profit drop since 2002, the last year M&A decreased, according to analysts ests. LBO cos, responsible for half of this year's 10 biggest purchases, now face financing costs that have more than doubled since June to the highest in four years. The pace of takeovers fell 33% since the end of the second quarter.
How to Play This Market's Dark Clouds
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
12/17/2007 8:30 AM EST

"The force of the blow depends on the resistance. It is sometimes better not to struggle against temptation. Either fly or yield at once."

-- Francis H. Bradley

As we kick off a new week it is a sea of red out there with all major indices around the world trading down. The cause of the problems is quite clear: Inflationary pressures are building while economic growth is slowing.

The problem isn't just occurring in the U.S., and the idea that the rest of the world will bail us out is questionable. This morning the German Central Bank's December bulletin stated that German economic growth is likely to slow significantly in 2008, while inflationary pressures should stay high because of rising energy and food prices.

As the market has struggled to come to grips with the problems that are out there, we have had no shortage of pundits offering advice on how the government should intervene and fix the problems. The thinking is if we just do what these armchair experts advise then the problems will go away quickly.

Although these self-proclaimed economic experts are almost comical in their hubris, they are not nearly as dangerous as the Goldilocks crowd, which wants us to believe that there really aren't any problems out there. We are constantly advised by these experts that we should rush to make sure we are heavily invested so we don't miss out.

I really have no idea who is right but I do know, without a doubt, that the market is acting very poorly lately. I could try to resist that fact by giving economic advice to Ben Bernanke or by diminishing the things that the market is obviously worried about, but I'm unlikely to make much money doing that.

This market is likely to give us a strong relief bounce at some point this week but the bigger picture is as gloomy as I've ever seen it and trying to anticipate when that will lead to a meaningful market bottom is futile. When things are going down there is no edge in fighting that fact. Simply respect the fact that the market is acting poorly and be patient.

If you are inclined to play the short-term game then look for counter-trend rallies but avoid the temptation to conclude that just because we bounce that the worst is behind us.

The good news for the market is that seasonality favors some upside in the next few weeks. In addition the Fed is still out there looking for ways to shore up sentiment and they may still have an impact if they persist.

The best way to avoid being hurt by this market is to simply accept the fact that the action is poor. Giving advice to government and/or being optimistic that things will quickly change are not likely to make you money.
Ülespoole avanevad:

In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: KONG +11.6%, EMKR +6.3%, HUM +2.0% (reaffirms Y07 estimates)... M&A news: GRP +18.0% (to be acquired by NOV for $58/share), TT +19.6% (IR to acquire TT for approx $47.81/share)... Other news: CYTX +11.3% (reported positive results in potential new approach in reconstructive surgery), LDK +11.3% (announces conclusion of investigation for reporting Q307 results), FRPT +7.3% (long-term needs lessen, but vehicles still sought - USA Today), NVAX +5.0% (announces favorable results from preclinical studies of influenza virus-like particle vaccine), TWB +4.7% (SAC Capital discloses 5.3% stake in SC 13D), MPG +4.1% (Maguire Properties' Chairman plans to bid for company - WSJ), GHDX +3.8% (announces positive results from Oncotype DX study), IRBT +3.5% (cancels Robotic FX contract - Boston Globe), RMBS +3.5% (licenses XDR memory architecture for HDTV chipset), KOSN +3.4% (shows 55% clinical benefit in patients with trastuzumab-refractory metastatic breast cancer ), ULBI +2.8% (awarded $62 mln order), TSL +2.4% (still checking), NILE +2.3% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), HST +2.0% (announces quarterly and special dividend on common stock). Analyst upgrades: ABK +22.8% (upgraded to Outperform at Friedman Billings), DK +4.2% (upgraded to Buy at Citigroup), GSIC +2.7% (upgraded to Buy at Needham).

Allapoole avanevad:

In reaction to weak earnings/guidance: IR -6.8% (also plans to acquire TT for approx $47.81/share), KBR -4.9%, ITW -4.3%, SIMO -1.9%... Other news: PPHM -45.7% (Defense threat reduction agency halts contract negotiations with the co as it suffers $100 mln cut), HSOA -19.0% (notes in 8-K that previously issued financial statements for first two quarters of 2007 should not be relied upon), ESLT -5.5% (announces that Skylark II was selected by Korean military), OUTD -4.8% (CFO resigns), ERIC -3.3% (still checking), RTP -3.7% (to invest in Australian coal mine possibly to fight off an unwanted approach from rival BHP Billiton - Reuters), NOV -3.1% (acquiring GRP, expected to be accretive to earnings and cash flow in Y08), ADY -2.9% (shares could fall even further in the coming months - Barron's), ALU -2.7% (still checking), BHP -2.2% (RTP invests in Austrailian coal mine to fight off an unwanted approach from BHP), MT -2.1% (announces it has terminated its agreement with E2 Acquisition for the sale of ArcelorMittal USA's Sparrows Point). Analyst downgrades: PCLN -3.1% (downgraded to Hold at Citigroup), COF -2.5% (downgraded to Sell at Citigroup), CAT -2.3% (downgraded to Underweight at Morgan Stanley), UBS -2.0% (downgraded to Sector Perform at CIBC), CFC -1.5% (downgraded to Hold at Citigroup).

Aasia turgude jaoks oli tänane päev igaljuhul küll parajalt punane. USA turud on avanemas -0.3% kuni -0.4% madalamalt.

Saksamaa DAX -1.48%

Prantsusmaa CAC 40 -1.52%

Inglismaa FTSE 100 -1.59%

Hispaania IBEX -1.45%

Venemaa MICEX -0.25%

Poola WIG -2.51%

Aasia turud:

Jaapani Nikkei 225 -1.71%

Hong Kongi Hang Seng -3.51%

Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) -2.62%

Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) -1.69%

Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq -3.18%

Tai Set -2.55%

India Sensex -3.84%

Aastalõpu ralli soovijad - sedapuhku võib isegi õnneks minna. Vähemasti tänane langus loob eeldused rallikatseks, omaette küsimus on see, kui kauaks see püsima võiks jääda. Tehnoloogiasektor, mis seni on nii põikpäiselt üleval püsinud, on omajagu allapoole tulnud ning nii RIMM, AAPL, GOOG kui ka BIDU teevad sellist 'tervislikku' kukkumist. Finantssektor, mis on armutult peksa saanud, on täna ka tugevust demonstreerimas, olles turu üldise nõrkuse taustal hetkel nullis. Hea märk iseenesest.
Omaaegne Pro idee BW on kenasti vahepealsetelt tippudelt tulnud mõistlikule tasemele. Kas LHV vana tees on jõus? Ma ei ole vahepeal näinud mingeid uudiseid, mis võiksid loogiliselt tingida languse USD 56 - USD 39

ausalt öeldes sai täna hommikul sel teemal just Oliveriga arutatud. Kui hind peaks pisut veel madalamale tulema, oleme ilmselt olukorda kriitilise pilguga uuesti üle vaatamas. Praeguses turusituatsioonis ei tasu otsustega rutata, seda enam, et BW tulemused peaksid veebruari teise kümnesse jääma. Kuid omavõrd huvitavaks on viimase aja langus olukorra küll teinud, et aktsiatega seonduvat uuesti üle vaadata.