Aktsiaturgude liikumised ei olnud eelmisel nädalal mõeldud nõrganärvilistele ning vähemalt USA puhul oleks võinud investorid eelistada monitoride taga istumisele nädalat rannas. Esmaspäev juhatati sisse tugeva tõusuga, mille aga jüaani devalveerimisest tingitud hirm järgneva kahe päeva jooksul likvideeris selleks, et nädala teises pooles uuesti üles liikuda. Kokkuvõttes lõpetas S&P 500 0,7% tõusuga, samas kui Euroopa aktsiaturgudel jättis jüaani nõrgenemise mõju ja eurotsooni oodatust pisut pehmem teise kvartali SKP Stoxx 600 indeksi -2,7% punasesse.
Pöörates pilgud alanud nädala kalendrisse, siis Ühendriikides võiks peamise fookuse all olla juulikuu inflatsioon, mis konsensuse ootuse kohaselt püsis 1,8% peal (kütust ja toitu arvestamata). Ühes või teises suunas üllatav näit võib mõjutada ka PCE järgi mõõdetava inflatsiooni ootust, mida FED jälgib rohkem ja on klassikalisest tarbijahinnaindeksist madalam (juunis 0,5 protsendipunkti võrra). Kuna rahapoliitika on hetkel kõige kuumemaks teemaks, ei jää tähelepanuta FOMC juuli istungi protokoll ning vihjeid otsitakse ka San Francisco FEDi presidendi John Williamsi ja Minneapolis FEDi presidendi Narayana Kocherlakota kõnedest.
Euroopas selguvad nädala lõpus eurotsooni töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori augustikuu esmased aktiivsusindeksid, Suurbritannia juulikuu inflatsioon ning jaemüük. Kreeka kolmas päästepakett kinnitati reedel euroala rahandusministrite poolt heaks, kuid eeldab veel riikide parlamentides heakskiitu, mis jätab väga vähe ruumi viivitamiseks arvestades Kreeka valitsuse kohustust tasuda Euroopa Keskpangale 20. augustil 3,2 miljardi euro suurune laen.
Esmaspäev, 17. august
• USA NY piirkonna töötleva tööstuse aktiivsusindeks (august): paranemine 3,86 punkti pealt 4,5 punktile (kõrgeim alates märtsist)
• USA majade ehitajate kindlustunde indeks (august): ühepunktine tõus 61 punkti peale (kõrgeim alates 2005.a sügisest)
Teisipäev, 18. august
• Hiina kinnisvarahinnaindeks (juuli)
• Suurbritannia inflatsioon (juuli): püsib 0,0% peal, kütust ja toitu arvestamata 0,1punktine tõus 0,9% peale
• USA alustatud elamuehituste arv (juuli): 1,0% paranemine võrreldes juuniga (toona oli kasv 9,8%)
• USA väljastatud ehituslubade arv (juuli): -8,0% MoM langus pärast 7,0% kasvu juunis
Kolmapäev, 19. august
• USA inflatsioon (juuli): toitu ja kütust arvestamata püsib 1,8% peal
• USA Föderaalreservi 29. juuli istungi protokoll
Neljapäev, 20. august
• Suurbritannia jaemüük (juuli): kütust ja autosid arvestamata 0,4% kasv võrreldes juuniga (YoY 4,3%)
• USA möödunud nädala esmased töötu abiraha taotlused: 272 tuhat vs 274 tuhat nädal varem
• USA olemasolevate majade müük (juuli): -1,2% kuine langus pärast 3,2% kasvu juunis
• USA Philadelphia FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (august): 1,3punktine tõus 7,0 punkti peale (kõrgeim alates juunist)
• Kreeka peab tasuma Euroopa Keskpangale 3,2 miljardi euro suuruse võlakohustuse
• FEDi John Williams esineb kõnega
Reede, 21. august
• Saksamaa tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (september): püsib 10,1 punkti peal (ajaloolise tipu lähedal)
• Eurotsooni tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (august): paranemine -7,1 pealt -6,9 peale (esimene tõus nelja kuu jooksul)
• Eurotsooni töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori PMI (augusti esialgne näit)
• USA töötleva tööstuse PMI (augusti esialgne hinnang): püsib 53,8 punkti peal
• FEDi Narayana Kocherlakota esineb kõnega
Eeldades, et varsti müüvad autotootjad vaid autosid, mis on võimelised iseseisvalt sõitma ja kogu transpordisüsteem muutub läbi jagamise majanduse efektiivsemaks, siis Teslal pole Morgan Stanley arvates selles suunas liikudes võrdväärset konkurenti. Seetõttu kergitatakse aktsia hinnasiht 280 dollarilt 465 dollarile.
Why now? Tesla is introducing a suite of sensor and software capabilities in the Model X (due next month), which we believe could set a new industry standard for driver-replacement technologies that could eventually find their way into high-utilization shared mobility models. As the market contemplates the capabilities of this product, more attention should turn to the introduction of the Model 3 (expected to unveil in 1Q16, launch in 2017). While the Model 3 is slated to launch as a traditional “I own it, I drive it” vehicle, we expect a new application could follow within a year.
Why now? Tesla is introducing a suite of sensor and software capabilities in the Model X (due next month), which we believe could set a new industry standard for driver-replacement technologies that could eventually find their way into high-utilization shared mobility models. As the market contemplates the capabilities of this product, more attention should turn to the introduction of the Model 3 (expected to unveil in 1Q16, launch in 2017). While the Model 3 is slated to launch as a traditional “I own it, I drive it” vehicle, we expect a new application could follow within a year.
New York FEDi küsitlus näitas, et sealse piirkonna töötleva tööstuse ettevõtete aktiivsus on augustis ootamatult tugevalt jahtunud, kui seda kajastav indeks kukkus 3,86 punkti pealt -14,92 punktile (oodati 4,5), mis on madalaim tase alates kriisist.
• Prices paid fell to 7.27 vs 7.45
• New orders fell to -15.7 vs -3.50
• Number of employees fell to 1.82 vs 3.19
• Work hours fell to -1.82 vs 4.26
• Prices paid fell to 7.27 vs 7.45
• New orders fell to -15.7 vs -3.50
• Number of employees fell to 1.82 vs 3.19
• Work hours fell to -1.82 vs 4.26

In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: AU +8.6%
M&A news: MARA +6.2% (Marathon Patent Group and Uniloc Luxembourg SA to combine in an all-stock merger of equals, new company will be called Marathon Group SA )
Select Israel related names showing strength: CEL +10.3%, PTNR +7%, ALLT +2%, TSEM +1.5%, CAMT +1.4%
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: DRD +7.1%, GFI +3.8%, HMY +1.9%, GG +1.8%, ABX +1.2%, GDX +0.8%
Other news: AVEO +118.8% (AVEO Oncology and Novartis (NVS) announce an exclusive, worldwide license agreement to develop and commercialize Aveo's GDF15 and AV-380 ), OHRP +17% (disclosure of purchase of 12.1k shares in 13F filing by Soros Fund), BLRX +4.6% (initiation of Phase 2b Trial for novel AML consolidation treatment), OMER +4.2% (announces plan to file a patent infringement lawsuit against Par Pharmaceutical), CRNT +3.6% (cont volatility in pre-mkt), MNKD +2.7% (cont volatility in pre-mkt), MBLY +2.3% (Jana Partners increases position in co according to 13F filing), PSTI +1.8% (receives patent for production methods and use of placental cell therapy), SUNE +1.7% (Greenlight Capital increased pos size according to 13F), CHMA +1.6% (FDA has accepted for filing the Company's New Drug Application for the marketing and sale of octreotide capsules)
Analyst comments: TSLA +5.3% (target raised to $465 from $280 at Morgan Stanley), JCP +2.6% (initiated with a Buy at B. Riley & Co), ZUMZ +2.2% (upgraded to Positive from Neutral at Susquehanna), BXLT +1.5% (initiated with an Outperform at William Blair), OAS +1.4% (upgraded to Outperform at BMO Capital), JPM +0.7% (upgraded to Outperform from Mkt Perform at Keefe Bruyette)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: NTIP -8.8%, EL -3%, CEA -1.4%
Other news: AXPW -5.6% (discloses entry into a securities purchase agreement to sell $600k principal amount of Senior Convertible Notes and warrants to purchase 510k shares of common stock; also files to delay form 10-Q), LL -4.4% (following a rebroadcast of the 60 Minutes special on Sunday on the name which reiterated its stance that the co's laminate flooring is unsafe), PBMD -3.5% (modest pull back after Friday's advance), KKR -3% (KKR's Samson Resources confirms restructuring support agreement with key creditors), AKRX -1.7% (receives a notice from Nasdaq for non-compliance, with regard to failing to file its Form 10-Q for the June-ending quarter), SNN -1.1% (still checking)
Analyst comments: CSCO -1.4% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley), CYT -0.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman).
M&A news: MARA +6.2% (Marathon Patent Group and Uniloc Luxembourg SA to combine in an all-stock merger of equals, new company will be called Marathon Group SA )
Select Israel related names showing strength: CEL +10.3%, PTNR +7%, ALLT +2%, TSEM +1.5%, CAMT +1.4%
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: DRD +7.1%, GFI +3.8%, HMY +1.9%, GG +1.8%, ABX +1.2%, GDX +0.8%
Other news: AVEO +118.8% (AVEO Oncology and Novartis (NVS) announce an exclusive, worldwide license agreement to develop and commercialize Aveo's GDF15 and AV-380 ), OHRP +17% (disclosure of purchase of 12.1k shares in 13F filing by Soros Fund), BLRX +4.6% (initiation of Phase 2b Trial for novel AML consolidation treatment), OMER +4.2% (announces plan to file a patent infringement lawsuit against Par Pharmaceutical), CRNT +3.6% (cont volatility in pre-mkt), MNKD +2.7% (cont volatility in pre-mkt), MBLY +2.3% (Jana Partners increases position in co according to 13F filing), PSTI +1.8% (receives patent for production methods and use of placental cell therapy), SUNE +1.7% (Greenlight Capital increased pos size according to 13F), CHMA +1.6% (FDA has accepted for filing the Company's New Drug Application for the marketing and sale of octreotide capsules)
Analyst comments: TSLA +5.3% (target raised to $465 from $280 at Morgan Stanley), JCP +2.6% (initiated with a Buy at B. Riley & Co), ZUMZ +2.2% (upgraded to Positive from Neutral at Susquehanna), BXLT +1.5% (initiated with an Outperform at William Blair), OAS +1.4% (upgraded to Outperform at BMO Capital), JPM +0.7% (upgraded to Outperform from Mkt Perform at Keefe Bruyette)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: NTIP -8.8%, EL -3%, CEA -1.4%
Other news: AXPW -5.6% (discloses entry into a securities purchase agreement to sell $600k principal amount of Senior Convertible Notes and warrants to purchase 510k shares of common stock; also files to delay form 10-Q), LL -4.4% (following a rebroadcast of the 60 Minutes special on Sunday on the name which reiterated its stance that the co's laminate flooring is unsafe), PBMD -3.5% (modest pull back after Friday's advance), KKR -3% (KKR's Samson Resources confirms restructuring support agreement with key creditors), AKRX -1.7% (receives a notice from Nasdaq for non-compliance, with regard to failing to file its Form 10-Q for the June-ending quarter), SNN -1.1% (still checking)
Analyst comments: CSCO -1.4% (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley), CYT -0.5% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman).