Tänased majandusandmed:
Core CPI m/m +0.2 vs +0.2% konsensus
Core CPI 2.7 y/y vs 2.7% Bloomberg konsensus
CPI m/m +0.4 vs +0.3% konsensus
CPI y/y 2.4 vs 2.3% Bloomberg konsensus
Kui tarbijahinnaindeks ületas konsensusootust vaid napilt, siis selle tuumikosa vastas ootustele. Futuurid viitavad väikeses plussis avanemisele
Watch That Early Strength
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
3/16/2007 9:05 AM EDT
Click here for more stories by Rev Shark
CPI numbers are a little hot but the core CPI is inline, which is the most important aspect of the report. We had a little relief bounce when the numbers first hit as there was a lot of nervousness about the numbers. We are settling down a bit now and are fairly steady, but I'm not convinced at all that year-over-year core inflation of 2.7% is going to allow the Fed to make any rate cuts in the near future.
In addition, the subprime lenders are bouncing strongly this morning on news that they have been unable to unload some of their debt. That would seem to indicate that the market is less concerned about those problems and would also be another reason not to look for the Fed to make any cuts in the near future.
If the market is looking for the Fed to help the economy by cutting rates in the next few months the news this morning is probably not going to help. The chances that early strength will be sold are quite high so proceed with caution.
For those of you who trade index ETFs a number of them, including the SPY, are trading ex-divedend, which is why they are gapping down this morning.
Ülespoole avanevad:
Gapping up on strong earnings/guidance: DXPE +10.6%, COGO +8.7% (also upgraded to Buy at Roth), CORE +7.2%, CNTY +5.6%, PSUN +3.9% (also upgraded to Buy at Roth), ANN +2.4%... Mortgage lenders continue to squeeze higher on LEND & FMT news: LEND +27.8%, FMT +19.6%, NFI +18.1%, IMH +6.3%, FICC +6.7%, FBR +5.6%, AHM +3.3%, NDE +3.8%... M&A: OMM +15.0% (confirms it will explore strategic alternatives), UL +4.3% (up yesterday on fresh talk of private equity bid - The Independent)... Other news: ZQK +3.2% (positive story in WSJ), USNA +3.3% (files lawsuit for defamation against fraud), MITI +20.7% (co and Tracon Pharma sign worldwide license agreement to develop and commercialize D93), WVCM +5.4%, NEM +3.2% (profiled in BusinessWeek Online).
Allapoole avanevad:
Gapping down on weak earnings/guidance: TRMS -17.5% (also announces CEO & CFO to retire; multiple downgrades), ALLI -13.9%, ARAY -11.5%, PANL -4.9%, TEK -4.7%, ACTS -4.1%, SIX -3.4%, OPTV -3.3% (also downgraded to Neutral at FBW), DEIX -2.1%... Other news: IMAX -6.4% (to delay 10-K filing, citing accounting errors), JBLU -2.0% (Northeast snow storm grounds hundreds of flights - Bloomberg).
Samuti on võimalik terviklikku ideede tabelit erinevate parameetrite (risk, tootlus, sümbol, siht jne) järgi sorteerida ning ka näiteks riski kategooria peale klõpsates avaneb meiepoolne selgitus sellele.
Esilehel on kuvatud 10 investeerimis- ja kauplemisideed ning ‘Vaata varasemaid’ peale klõpsates avaneb nimekiri kogu antud sektsiooni ideede ja nende pealkirjadega. Tootluste veerus(mis on jooksvad tootlused, kui idee on avatud ning lõplik tootlus alles idee sulgemise korral) on esilehel hetkel kuvatud kõige hilisema lahtioleva idee tootlus – PFWD ja CRYP on meil juba teistkordselt investeerimissoovitustena üleval ning seetõttu eelmise korra 50% ja 31% tõusud leiab üles siis, kui vastava ettevõtte nime peale klõpsata.
Nüüdsest on võimalik ka valida, millise sektsiooni ideid/kommentaare e-maili peale nende lisamisel tahetakse saada – selleks tuleb klõpsata Pro all vasakus servas asuvale lingile ‘Ideed e-mailiga’ ning märgistada soovitud väljad.
Barrons kajastab täna positiivselt kivisöe kaevandajaid Consol Energy’t ja Peabody’t. Consol Energy(CNX) sai eile ka upgrade’i Stifel Nicolauselt ning $44 hinnasihi. Peabody Energy(BTU) on ka LHV Pro valik. Lühike inglisekeelne kokkuvõte Barronsis kirjutatust:
Barron's Online reports with some coal prices near the cost of production, shares in the biggest U.S. coal companies may finally be nearing a bottom as they get further battered by market volatility. Attractive names include CONSOL Energy (CNX), whose shares have held up the best among large U.S. coal producers during this month's selloff. And the stock, also a play on natural-gas production, is the cheapest among those producers. Shares in Peabody Energy (BTU) also deserve a look because it has reserves across U.S. mining regions. Its shares have fallen more than 5% this month. "These strategic assets are identifiable, predictable, and they are deep. And they're not being valued for that strategic potential," says Frederick Sturm, manager of the Ivy Global Natural Resources Fund. Investors may be wise to buy a group of coal stocks, says David Khani, an analyst at Friedman, Billings. His favorite picks are CONSOL, Arch (ACI) and Foundation Coal Holdings (FCL). "These are the low-cost operators, and CONSOL has the biggest reserve position in Northern Appalachia, [which is] the most profitable coal to mine," Khani says. "With the scrubber trend, we expect their prices to only go up over time."
Accredited Home Lenders Holdingi(LEND) eilne lend jätkub ja seda tänu positiivsetele uudistele seoses nende müügis olevate laenudega:
Co announces they have reached an agreement to sell substantially all of its loans held for sale that are currently funded out of its warehouse and repurchase credit facilities, asset-backed commercial paper facility, and its equity. The $2.7 bln of loans held for sale will be sold at a discount in order to alleviate recent pressures from margin calls. LEND estimates that this discounted loan sale will result in a pre-tax charge of approx $150 mln. Accredited will retain approx $120 mln of loans held for sale in its warehouse facilities, comprised mostly of loans originated since March 7, 2007. The co also will not file its Annual Report on Form 10-K by March 16, 2007 as previously announced on March 2, 2007. Accredited has determined that changes are required to the amount of goodwill established in its acquisition of Aames Investment Corp. in Q406. This goodwill charge-off will not affect Accredited's operations, tangible book equity, cash, or liquidity. In addition, the co is still evaluating whether the deferred tax assets acquired in the Aames acquisition are realizable.