Börsipäev 16. märts - RIMM plussis, GM miinuses

Chart of the Day

Over the past century, stocks have been where the money's at. This is especially true when compared to T-bonds, T-bills, and just plain sticking the money under the mattress. In constant 1900 dollars, a one-dollar stock market investment made in 1900 would be worth $709 today. Compare that to corporate bonds and T-bills, which would be only worth a little over $5 and $2 respectively. Then there are those fearful souls who placed the greenback under the mattress and watched its purchasing power slowly dwindle to less than a nickel!

General motors (GM) andis kasumihoiatuse, müük Põhja-Ameerikas oodatust kesisem ja hinnakonkurents karmim. GM -10%, konkrurent Ford (F) -4.33%. Nende kahe graafikud näevad päris koledad välja.

RIMM eelturul 20% plussis, ettevõte teatas, et NTP-ga kohtuvaidluses on saavutatud kokkulepe.
USA jooksevkonto kerkis 13% 187,9 miljardile dollarile 2004. aasta neljandas kvartalis, see on 6,3% USA kogutoodangust. Oodati numbrit 182 miljardit. Dollarile tähendas see taas lööki ning euro kaupleb juba tasemel 1,34 eur/usd.

Rev Shark:

New Obstacles Keep Emerging
3/16/05 8:35 AM ET

"The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved."

-- Samuel Smiles

The bulls are faced with a steep uphill battle as new obstacles emerge, and technical conditions continue to deteriorate. In recent weeks the bulls have done a nice job of stepping up exactly when they need to, but they are looking increasingly less energized as the struggle drags on.

The reasons for the problems are no great mystery. Oil prices are levitating, interest rates and inflation are creeping up, the dollar is weak, the economic picture mediocre, reports of anthrax at the Pentagon are in the news, and the market has no leadership or positive trends in place.

The litany of problems is long but the level of bullishness remains high, which means there is not a lot of buying power sitting on the sidelines waiting to put cash to work as bargains pop up. The market struggles of late have not been great enough to really shake the bulls and that is yet another problem for this market to deal with.

The irony of the market this year is that although it has been extremely difficult and frustrating for many, the major indices are barely off their recent highs. The S&P 500 is only 2.6% off the multi-year highs it hit just a week ago. That is hardly the sort of steep dive that scares investors and makes them bearish.

The Nasdaq is a different story. It has struggled all year and has not even come close to challenging the highs it hit late last year. The lack of leadership from the Nasdaq has left traders focusing on commodity and cyclical stocks, which have began to falter in recent weeks. As they fall and no other group emerges the clear leader, the market mood has become increasingly sour.

The major indices still have technical support and the bulls have shown a strong aptitude for buying just when they need to. They will have to do that again today or there will be some major negative technical developments.

In the early going the indices are attempting to hold steady. Oil is down a little and Research in Motion (RIMM:Nasdaq) is bolstering tech, but the dollar is weak and buyers are looking very cautious after yesterday's poor action.

Many investors badly want to be charging bulls, but until the market proves it has some upside potential they will have to rein in their enthusiasm. This is a time for caution and capital preservation.

No positions in stocks mentioned

Gary B. Smith:

RIMMi suure plussi taga üks põhjus oli see, et oodati sellest NTP vaidlusest litsentsitasusid $20-$30 mln. kvartalis. Nüüd saadi aga selline kokkulepe, kus tuli vaid ühekordne makse $450 mln. ja see oli ka suures osas tagantjärgi.

Igatahes on täna RIMMi turukapitalisatsioon $2.5 mlrd. kõrgemal, see võrdub umbes 25.a. jagu neid kvartaalseid litsentsitasusid ... Aga RIMM väga emotsionaalne aktsia, alati pole numbrite mängutoomisest kasu.
Gapping Up

RIMM +18% (co and NTP agree to resolve litigation; RBC upgrade), OPNT +21% (announces sistribution agreement with Cisco), KERX +20% (finalizes special protocol assessment agreement with FDA), SIGM +13% (reports JanQ; Needham upgrade), VISG +11% (resumed with a Mkt Perform and $6 tgt at Piper), IOTN +7.6% (entends yesterday's 11% move following Q4 report), NGAS +7.6% (reports DecQ), SHOP +4.2% (Piper upgrade), ELX +3.9% (JP Morgan upgrade), TOY +3.4% (Two suitors bid for all of Toys 'R' Us - WSJ), CPB +3% (upgrades from CSFB and Deutsche), FRO +2.9%, SONS +2.3% (positive Goldman comments).... Under $3: ANLT +15%, PRCS +10% (Medicare to cover prostate cancer drug - Reuters).

Gapping Down

GM -11% (guides lower; F -3.9% and DCX -2% down in sympathy), MSTR -13% (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Wedbush; tgt cut to $60; First Albany also downgrades), ABTLE -12.3% (asks for filing extension; in danger of delisting), TPC -12% (reports Q4), TIVO -6% (profit taking after 75% move yesterday), CMGI -5% (profit taking after 25% move yesterday), TELK -3.7% (Lehman downgrade), CPHD -3.7% (profit taking after 9% move yesterday on anthrax scare), IFOX -3.3% (reports Q4), AVCT -3.2% (profit taking after 14% move yesterday), UCL -3% (profit taking after 17% move in 2 weeks), BOOM -2.8% (profit taking after 50% move in 8 sessions), VECO -2.7% (misses by $0.04, guides Q1 EPS below consensus), SYMC -2% (EU approves VRTS acquisition), GOOG -1.1%.
Mõned head aastad tagasi teenis GM 12 dollarit aktsia kohta kasumit (EPS), nüüd langetati 2005 prognoos 1-2 dollari vahele. Väga karmid ajad ettevõtte jaoks. Vaatamata suurele kukkumisele hoiaks ma ostmisest kindlasti eemale.
Keegi tugeva ennustusvõimega inimene ostis eile 0.10 eest 4000 lepingut GM 32.5 putte. Täna maksavad need 2.90. Kasum 13 miljonit krooni.

Kuid ilmselt ka kutse kohvikusse SECi poolt ootamas.
pure luck
lisaks veel kohvi seci poolt
siseinfo kasutamist on ikka väga raske vist tõendada kui just kõnesid pealt pole kuulatud või keegi üles ei tunnista vms
Luck see nüüd küll polnud, varasemalt oli paarsada lepingut keskmine päevakäive, lihtsalt niisama päev enne uudist (ja veel ülehomme lõppevaid optsioone) ei osta keegi äkki 4000.

Ja võtab SEC ikka üsna ilusasti selliseid asju vahele.
GM kukub, ZAPZ tõuseb...

To SideKick

Tõde tõuseb, vale vajub?
alternatiivne energia jälle hoos pärast nafta rallit (ESLR ja QTWW)
Nafta uute tippude peale ($56) suundub turg allapoole, Dow juba pea 100 punkti miinuses, kuid tasub märkida, et 34 punkti sellest miinusest on põhjustanud GM.
Kõik need Suburbanid, Yukonid ja Excursionid vahetatakse fourtwo-de vastu. Varsti tuleb kastiga Smart kõigile f150 sõpradele ja truckeritele tulevad kärudega Smardid ja maailm saab palju ilusam ja õhk saab puhtam, muru rohelisem ja kõik juba väljasurnud loomad tulevad vihmametsadesse tagasi. ja maailm on päästetud.
AloV. Lihtsalt arutluse mõttes tahaks ühe momendi vaidlustada. See jooksevkonto number polnud midagi "erilist" dollari jaoks. USD nõrgenes selle peale mõnikümmend punkti. Erilist oleks dollari jaoks olnud samavõrra parem number, kuigi ka see oleks ootustest ainult nõksa erinev olnud. Eile oleks ilmselt dollar jätkanud oma langemist (oli pealpool 1,3400-t), kui poleks vahele tulnud väga hea net capital inflows jaanuari data, millega ületati ootusi vaat, et pea 50% jagu (cons. 65B, actual 92B). Umbes 57B jagu on tarvis sellest kaubandusbilansi katmiseks, mis teeb "ülejäägiks" jaanuaris umbes 35B. Negatiivsem nüanss oletatavalt, et positiivne raha juurdevool on tulnud aasialaste arvelt, kes kollektsioneerivad USi võlakirju odava dollari tõttu.

Net capital inflows mõjutas dollarit sedavõrd positiivselt eile, et isegi täna varahommikuni suudeti taset hoida. Üldiselt on seni olnud dollari seis turuliikumiste järgi väga negatiivne. Sentiment on USD suhtes nigel, aga on tekkinud mõned üksikud dollari tugevnemise momendid (huvitav, kes siis ostab, neil hetkedel?). Pakuks, et keskmine nägemus on umbes selline - 1,35 kandi ehk +/- paar taset sellest, murdmine on raske, aga kui tuleb, siis on edasine langus kiire. Languse mingiks piduriks võiksid olla intressid, aga nende mõju alguseni on ilmselt aega FOMCi konservatiivsete kohtumiste taustal.
Viimastel päevadel on väikesed biotechid saanud ridamisi positiivseid kommentaare analüütikutelt...lisaks on palju olulisi uudiseid tulemas. Tundub, et põhi on lähedal...IMHO

Nafta uued tipud olid siis ühtlasi uued kõigi aegade tipud.

Samas on oluline faktor see, et kui inflatsiooniga korrigeerida, siis ei ole me nii rekordilistel tasemetel midagi, pigem keskmiste tasemete juures.

Ma usun, et ZAPZ teatab varsti partnershipist Harley Davidsoniga (HDI). Smart autost saaks kihvti külgkorvi mõnele HD mudelile, ma usun.

Ford (F) kinnitas oma 2005 prognoose ning ka sellega andis märku, et seis parem kui GMil. Aktsia kiirelt põrkas paar protsenti, kui eilse sulgemisega võrreldes veel miinuses.