Börsipäev 16. mai

Tänahommikused USA majandusstatistika numbrid:

08:30 Core PPI +0.1% vs +0.2% consensus
08:30 Building Permits 1984K vs 2040K consensus
08:30 Housing Starts 1849K vs 1950K consensus
08:30 PPI +0.9% vs +0.8% consensus

Be Careful Catching a Falling Market

By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
5/16/2006 8:42 AM EDT

"Turbulence is life force. It is opportunity. Let's love turbulence and use it for change."

-- Ramsay Clark

The market has become increasingly turbulent in recent days. The Nasdaq, which has underperforming for some time, dropped through its 50-day simple moving average and the uptend line that has been in place since the beginning of the year. That quickly spilled over to the S&P 500 and the Russell 2000 and the rout was on.

For a couple days it looked like momentum investors could find some refuge in the oils, metals and commodity sectors, which have been on a tear, but on Friday those groups began to falter and yesterday they sold off hard.

Traders are confused and emotionally fragile after this severe beating and many aren't sure what to do at this point. Some are looking for the oils and metals stocks to rebound quickly but the more prudent are concerned that the breakdown of the past couple days has not ended. They are cautious about rushing in especially after seeing how downside momentum picked up in the Nasdaq once it broke support.

Although this chaotic action is quite painful in the short term, it holds the seeds for change that can sprout into some very profitable opportunities. Out of turbulence and volatility arise opportunity. The key is to stay patient and vigilant while watching how the market develops.

Keep an open mind and don't dismiss any possibility. Perhaps oils and metals will come roaring back and move to new highs or maybe they continue to tumble and other sectors, such as banking or biotechnology or even technology, come to life.

You need not make any determination right now about how things will eventually shake out. In fact, it may even be better to not have any strong opinions at this stage but to simply consider the action as it unfolds before embracing a course of action.

Given the technical damage that has been done to the market in recent days, it is very important that you stay defensive and not be in a hurry to deploy your precious capital. The market turbulence will come to an end but anticipating when and how is a very risky proposition.

Make your moves incrementally, keep your mind open and stay vigilant. Before you know it, some exceptional opportunities will arise but the key is to have the capital and the emotional and mental readiness to take advantage as things develop.

If you have taken some hits to your portfolio in recent days, you are not alone. The most important thing is that you not let it affect you too much mentally. If you feel depressed or stressed or worried it is going to be even more difficult for you to make the right moves as a new set of opportunities emerges. Sell down positions that are bothering you even if you believe they might turn back up right away. You can always rebuy, and it is amazing the sense of freedom you can feel when you have removed a thorn in your side.

We have another skittish start today as we await economic data. PPI, housing starts and industry production numbers are due out shortly and may give us a jiggle or two. Overseas markets are weak especially in Asia where commodity-related stocks continue to sell off aggressively.

Carnival Corporation'i(CCL) hommikune teade, et 2006. aasta kasumiprognoose oluliselt vähendati, on aktsia toonud juba pea -10% allapoole. Peapõhjusteks juba varem õhus rippunud nafta hinna tõus ja nõudluse vähenemine Kariibi mere reiside järele(mis tuleneb inimeste hirmust uute võimlaike suurte orkaanide ees..).

Uueks kasumiprognoosiks on $2.65 kuni $2.75, vana vahemik oli $2.90 kuni $3. Analüütikud olid seni oodanud keskmiselt $2.93 aktsia kohta kasumit terve aasta peale.

Uuudise peale on tugevasti miinuses ka Carnivali konkurent Royal Caribbean(RCL), kes samuti Kariibi mere kruiisidega tegeleb. RCL miinuses -6.67%
Õhtul väga korralike tulemustega välja tulnud Applied Materials(AMAT) müüdi peale turgu 3% alla. Miks?