Kui teisipäevane data mõjus turusentimendile soodsalt, siis kolmapäev tõi mitmeid ebameeldivaid uudiseid alates vägivaldsest protestist ja poliitilisest ebakindlusest Kreekas kuni USA nõrgenevale ärikeskkonnale viitava regionaalse küsitluseni välja. S&P 500 andis 1,7%-lise langusega ära rohkem kui eelneva päeva tõusu, nafta kolistas ligi 5% ja EUR/USD -1,8%. Euro on täna dollari suhtes veel 0,5% madalamale tulnud ning kauples Šveitsi frangi suhtes hetkeks kõigi aegade madalamal tasemel @ 1,2000 CHF.
Tänane makro koondub USA-le ning pärast eilset Empire State töötleva tööstuse küsitluse pettumust jälgitakse suure huviga olulisemat Philly Fedi töötleva tööstuse küsitlust, mis kas kinnitab või lükkab eilsed numbrid ümber (kell 17.00). Enne seda aga avalikustatakse möödunud nädala töötuabiraha taotluste arv, mis konsensuse arvates võis alaneda 427K pealt 421K peale. Kestvate taotluste suurusjärguks oodatakse aga 3690K (vs 3676K eelneval nädalal). Samal ajal ehk kell 15.30 raporteeritakse mais alustatud elamuehituste ja väljastatud ehituslubade arv.
USA indeksite futuurid on praeguseks kerge plussi ära andnud ning kauplevad 0,2% punases, Euroopa indeksite futuurid viitavad avanemisel 0,7-0,8% madalamal.
Arenevatel turgudel jätkub rahapoliitika karmistamine. Täna otsustas India keskpank tõsta repomäära:
Reserve Bank of India raises Repo Rate by 25 bps to 7.5%; also raises reverse Repo Rate by 25% to 6.50%
Üha rangemat rahapoliitikat rakendavad ka mitmed teised suuremad arenevad turud nagu Hiina ja Brasiilia. Kuna arenevatelt turgudelt tuleb suur osa praegusest nõudluse kasvust, siis omab nende majanduste jahtumine ka laiemat mõju.
Reserve Bank of India raises Repo Rate by 25 bps to 7.5%; also raises reverse Repo Rate by 25% to 6.50%
Üha rangemat rahapoliitikat rakendavad ka mitmed teised suuremad arenevad turud nagu Hiina ja Brasiilia. Kuna arenevatelt turgudelt tuleb suur osa praegusest nõudluse kasvust, siis omab nende majanduste jahtumine ka laiemat mõju.
Šveitsi keskpank jättis seevastu oma intressimäära muutmata 0,25% peale.
Euroopa riikide võlgade kindlustamise hind on jätkuvalt tõusujoonel:
Kreeka 5-aastane CDS on tõusnud 124 baaspunkti rekordilisi 1850 bp peale.
Portugali 5-aastane CDS on tõusnud 44 bp-d rekordilise 833 bp peale.
Iirimaa 5-aastane CDS on tõusnud 34 bp-d rekordilise 805 bp peale.
Kreeka 5-aastane CDS on tõusnud 124 baaspunkti rekordilisi 1850 bp peale.
Portugali 5-aastane CDS on tõusnud 44 bp-d rekordilise 833 bp peale.
Iirimaa 5-aastane CDS on tõusnud 34 bp-d rekordilise 805 bp peale.
Siin peaks küll täpsustama, et mitte lihtsalt Euroopa riikide vaid ikka Europa MUREriikide võlgade kindlustamine kallineb.
John Paulsoni fondil pole käsil just parimad ajad, sest valesid valikuid on olnud rohkem kui üks. Paulsoni fond on ainult käesoleva kuuga kukkunud juba 13% ja alates aasta algusest on fond miinuses 19,65%. Paulsonile on saatuslikuks saanud panus pankadele ning positsioon Sino Forestis, mis petuskeemi kahtluse tõttu on kaotanud 85% oma aktsia väärtusest.
Suurbritannia maikuu jaemüük valmistas pettumuse: -1,6% vs oodatud -0,6% (M/M) ja 0,0% vs oodatud 1,5% (Y/Y). Naelsterling kauplemas kolme nädala põhjas $1,6130 tasemel.
Eurotsooni tarbijahinnaindeks kasvas aastases lõikes vastavalt ootustele 2,7%. Baasinflatsioon kasvas samal perioodil oodatud 1,6% asemel 1,5%. EURUSD -0,4% ja kaupleb 1,4120 tasemel.
International Energy Agency prognoosib, et globaalne nafta nõudlus suureneb järgneva viie aasta jooksul 1,3% aastas ehk päevane tarbimine peaks aastaks 2016 kasvama 95,3 miljoni barrelini päevas, kusjuures 41% kasvust tuleneb Hiinast. Kui tarbimine kasvab järgmise viie aasta jooksul annualiseeritud baasil 1,2 miljonit barrelit, siis tootmisvõimsus peaks igal aastal suurenema 1,1 miljoni barreli võrra ning ulatuma ootuste kohaselt 2016. aastaks 100,6 miljoni barrelini päevas. IEA tõstis ka nafta hinna ootusi võrreldes eelmise aasta prognoosiga $15-$20 võrra, öeldes, et nominaalne nafta hind peaks järgneva viie aasta jooksul püsima pealpool $100 taset. (link)
Kreeka 2-aastase võlakirja tulusus tõusis üle 30% piiri.
Reuters kirjutab, et Saksamaa tahab Kreeka teist abipaketti lükata edasi kuni septembrini, mis annaks lisaaega detailidega tegelemiseks.
Reuters kirjutab, et Saksamaa tahab Kreeka teist abipaketti lükata edasi kuni septembrini, mis annaks lisaaega detailidega tegelemiseks.
One EU source told Reuters that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble favoured a delay.
"The argument goes: We don't know what to do, let's buy more time," the source said, adding that Berlin had its customary backing from the likes of the Netherlands, Finland and Slovakia.
A high level German banking source also told Reuters Berlin was targeting September as the point at which all the problems could be solved.
That could include an attempt to square ratings agencies who have said they may view even an ostensibly voluntary scheme to have private investors involved in a new Greek bailout as a selective default.
Samal ajal kui Euroopa keskpanga ja Saksamaa vahel on terav vastuseis küsimuses, kas Kreeka võla kahjumid peaksid laienema ka erainvestoritele, tegi Iirimaa rahandusminister Michael Noonan eile ettepaneku, et suuremad erainvestorid peaksid Iirimaa pankade kahjumitest oma osa kandma. Jutt eelkõige kahest Iirimaa pangast -- Anglo Irish Bank Corp ja Irish Nationwide Building Society -- kuhu valitsus on viimase kahe aasta jooksul matnud kokku 34,7 miljardit eurot. Noonan viitas konkreetselt nende kahe panga garanteerimata võlakirjadele, mille maht ulatub 3,8 miljardi euroni.
The government had previously said it wouldn’t seek to impose losses on senior bondholders unless the lenders need additional capital. The central bank said last month neither would need a further cash injection.
Ireland’s Deputy Prime Minister Eamon Gilmore said today the government can’t act unilaterally in its aim to share losses with investors and plans to discuss senior bond loss-sharing with the ECB.
Eilses börsipäeva foorumis kajastasime Pandora (P) esimest kauplemispäeva. Aasias tegi täna aga debüüdi Samsonite ehk teisisõnu maailma suurim kallihinnaliste kohvrite ja käekottide tootja (valikusse kuuluvad ka mitmed teised tooted). Ettevõte IPO hinnaks oli HK$14.50 ehk oluliselt vähem algselt prospektis välja toodud HK$13.50 - $17.50-st. Päeva lõpuks kauplesid Samsonite aktsiad $13.38 tasemel. IPO käigus paisati müüki ca 671 miljonit aktsiat, millest 82% moodustasid olemasolevad aktsiad („secondary share“) – 290 miljonit aktsiat müüs CVC ja omakorda 161 miljonit aktsiat paiskas turule RBS. Hongkongis on 2011. aastal olnud 4 üle HK$1 miljardilist IPO-t ning kõikide ettevõtete aktsiad kauplevad täna IPO hinnast madalamal.
Samsonite aktsiagraafik (Bloomberg)

Turuosaliste huvi jahtumine on oma jälje jätnud ka Prada’le, mille aktsiatega alustatakse Hongkongis kauplemist 24. juunil. Nimelt langetati ettevõtte IPO hinnavahemikku 13. juunil välja pakutud HK$36.50 - $48.00 pealt täna HK$39.50 - $42.25 peale. Lõplik IPO hind peaks selguma homme. Hongkongi investorid peavad samas aga arvestama, et kuna Itaalia ning Hongkongi valitsused ei ole sõlminud kahekordse maksustamise vältimiseks kokkulepet, siis aktsiahinna tõusu eest saadud tulude eest tuleb tasuda 12.5%line maks ja tulevikus võimalike dividendide eest 27%line maks.
Samsonite aktsiagraafik (Bloomberg)

Turuosaliste huvi jahtumine on oma jälje jätnud ka Prada’le, mille aktsiatega alustatakse Hongkongis kauplemist 24. juunil. Nimelt langetati ettevõtte IPO hinnavahemikku 13. juunil välja pakutud HK$36.50 - $48.00 pealt täna HK$39.50 - $42.25 peale. Lõplik IPO hind peaks selguma homme. Hongkongi investorid peavad samas aga arvestama, et kuna Itaalia ning Hongkongi valitsused ei ole sõlminud kahekordse maksustamise vältimiseks kokkulepet, siis aktsiahinna tõusu eest saadud tulude eest tuleb tasuda 12.5%line maks ja tulevikus võimalike dividendide eest 27%line maks.
May Housing Starts 560K vs 540K Briefing.com consensus
May Building Permits 612K vs 548K Briefing.com consensus; April revised to 563K from 551K
Initial Claims 414K vs 421K Briefing.com consensus
Continuing Claims falls to 3.675 mln from 3.696 mln
May Building Permits 612K vs 548K Briefing.com consensus; April revised to 563K from 551K
Initial Claims 414K vs 421K Briefing.com consensus
Continuing Claims falls to 3.675 mln from 3.696 mln
Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: ATU +7.3%, RBCN +1.8%, SFD +1.5% (light volume).
M&A news: PVSA +86.4% (Parkvale Fincl to be acquired by FNB Corp in an all stock transaction valued at ~$22.48 per share), MDMD +36.8% (MediaMind Tech to be acquired by DGIT for $22 in cash), WPCS +32.3% (Multiband signs letter of intent to acquire WPCS; offering $3.20 per share in cash), SUG +15.5% (Energy Transfer Equity (ETE) to Acquire Southern Union for $7.9 bln; stockholders of SUG will exchange their common shares for newly issued Series B Units of ETE with a value of $33.00 per share).
Other news: AVII +10.1% (AVI BioPharma and Naval Medical Research Center successfully complete simultaneous rapid-response exercises against bacterial and viral threats in 18 days), MPEL +4.9% (announced the signing of a share purchase agreement to Acquire a 60% equity interest and shareholder loan in the Developer of Macau Studio City), OMEX +3.9% (priced public offering of 4.8 mln shares of its common stock at $3.05 per share), DFS +0.8% (announces $1 bln share repurchase program).
Analyst comments: RENN +2.4% (initiated with Hold rating and $9 tgt at Jefferies), YOKU +7.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman; added to Conviction Buy List), AMD +1.5% (upgraded to Outperform from Mkt Perform at FBR Capital), EWBC +1% (strength attributed to tier 1 firm upgrade).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: ATU +7.3%, RBCN +1.8%, SFD +1.5% (light volume).
M&A news: PVSA +86.4% (Parkvale Fincl to be acquired by FNB Corp in an all stock transaction valued at ~$22.48 per share), MDMD +36.8% (MediaMind Tech to be acquired by DGIT for $22 in cash), WPCS +32.3% (Multiband signs letter of intent to acquire WPCS; offering $3.20 per share in cash), SUG +15.5% (Energy Transfer Equity (ETE) to Acquire Southern Union for $7.9 bln; stockholders of SUG will exchange their common shares for newly issued Series B Units of ETE with a value of $33.00 per share).
Other news: AVII +10.1% (AVI BioPharma and Naval Medical Research Center successfully complete simultaneous rapid-response exercises against bacterial and viral threats in 18 days), MPEL +4.9% (announced the signing of a share purchase agreement to Acquire a 60% equity interest and shareholder loan in the Developer of Macau Studio City), OMEX +3.9% (priced public offering of 4.8 mln shares of its common stock at $3.05 per share), DFS +0.8% (announces $1 bln share repurchase program).
Analyst comments: RENN +2.4% (initiated with Hold rating and $9 tgt at Jefferies), YOKU +7.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman; added to Conviction Buy List), AMD +1.5% (upgraded to Outperform from Mkt Perform at FBR Capital), EWBC +1% (strength attributed to tier 1 firm upgrade).
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: FNSR -17.8% (also downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse), WGO -7.1%, (light volume).
Select financial related names showing weakness: NBG -4.0%, BCS -3.1%, ING -2.1%, HBC -1.6%, CS -0.5%.
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: STO -2.2%, RDS.A -2%, BP -1.9%, TOT -1%, PBR -0.8%.
Optical related names trading lower following FNSR results/guidance: OCLR -6%, JDSU -4.7%, OPLK -3.5%, CIEN -2.5%.
A few European drug names trading modestly lower: AZN -2.7%, SNY -1.5%.
Other news: CHU -4.5% (still checking), P -4.1% (new IPO continuing to slide lower; cautious mention in financial newspaper), NOK -2.9% (conintued weakness), CCL -2.3% (still checking for anything specific), FVE -2% (Five Star Quality Care prices 10 mln common shares at $5.00 per share).
Analyst comments: ODP -5.9% (ticking lower, initiated with a Sell at UBS), SLRC -2.2% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Citigroup), GIS -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman), VMED -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Macquarie), KFY -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Robert W. Baird), INTC -0.4% (downgraded to Mkt Perform from Outperform at FBR Capital).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: FNSR -17.8% (also downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse), WGO -7.1%, (light volume).
Select financial related names showing weakness: NBG -4.0%, BCS -3.1%, ING -2.1%, HBC -1.6%, CS -0.5%.
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: STO -2.2%, RDS.A -2%, BP -1.9%, TOT -1%, PBR -0.8%.
Optical related names trading lower following FNSR results/guidance: OCLR -6%, JDSU -4.7%, OPLK -3.5%, CIEN -2.5%.
A few European drug names trading modestly lower: AZN -2.7%, SNY -1.5%.
Other news: CHU -4.5% (still checking), P -4.1% (new IPO continuing to slide lower; cautious mention in financial newspaper), NOK -2.9% (conintued weakness), CCL -2.3% (still checking for anything specific), FVE -2% (Five Star Quality Care prices 10 mln common shares at $5.00 per share).
Analyst comments: ODP -5.9% (ticking lower, initiated with a Sell at UBS), SLRC -2.2% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Citigroup), GIS -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Goldman), VMED -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Macquarie), KFY -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Robert W. Baird), INTC -0.4% (downgraded to Mkt Perform from Outperform at FBR Capital).
More Pain on the Way
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
6/16/2011 9:01 AM EDT
"If things go wrong, don't go with them."
--Roger Babson
Another poor open is on the way as the market grapples with a host of big-picture negatives. There's no clue as to when we might sufficiently price in all the worries and concerns. The market has been sinking for seven weeks and the selling pressure is accelerating. There are market players who think the market has fallen enough and a bottom is near, but the market is showing no signs of bottoming yet. In fact, the very quick and complete failure of Tuesday's bounce suggests that the mood is getting worse.
There's no big mystery about what is causing the pressure. The Greek debt problem is the main headline as concerns grow that if Greece goes down then Ireland, Portugal and Spain will be next. There is chatter that this line of dominos is awfully similar to what happened when Bear Stearns fell, then Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch. I'm not sure it's a valid comparison, but many market players are dwelling on it and it's causing real worries.
In addition to Europe worries, economic data in the U.S. have taken a decidedly negative turn recently. Housing, employment, manufacturing, consumer sentiment and inflation have all been disappointing lately, and the folks who were scoffing at the notion of a double-dip recession are now taking it very seriously.
Even China, which helped boost the market over the past couple years, is suddenly struggling with slowing growth and inflationary fears. China's central bank raised bank reserve requirements again last night and that put additional pressure on Asian stocks.
Identifying what the problems are is always a big help in dealing with them, but this market is under tremendous pressure as it tries to price in all the worries and concerns out there. We just don't know how much worse Europe's debt situation will get, and we also don't have a handle on how much the U.S. economy is slowing.
The end result is that we are stuck in a nasty downtrend. We have the usual folks running around trying to call a bottom, but they are being hammered as this market shows no signs of putting together a meaningful bottom. We have had five failed bounces in the last seven weeks and there is no reason to believe that the next one is going to be the one that sticks.
My approach to a downtrend market is to just stay out of the way and let it play out. I'll let the serial bottom-callers do what they always do and I'll try to pick off some trades here and there. But overall, I have no interest in trying to predict a market turn. I want to see better price action before I put my valuable capital at risk.
The positive is that this action will eventually lead to great opportunities. Just don't get chewed up while in the meantime. Too many market players become impatient and jump in too soon, which makes the downtrend worse. Ultimately, this wrings out some excesses and provides great opportunities as the market overshoots to the downside.
Stay defensive, keep time frames very short if you are trading and ignore the bottom callers. The key is to protect capital and to be ready when the character of the market eventually improves.
At the time of publication, Rev Shark had no holdings in the stocks mentioned.
By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
6/16/2011 9:01 AM EDT
"If things go wrong, don't go with them."
--Roger Babson
Another poor open is on the way as the market grapples with a host of big-picture negatives. There's no clue as to when we might sufficiently price in all the worries and concerns. The market has been sinking for seven weeks and the selling pressure is accelerating. There are market players who think the market has fallen enough and a bottom is near, but the market is showing no signs of bottoming yet. In fact, the very quick and complete failure of Tuesday's bounce suggests that the mood is getting worse.
There's no big mystery about what is causing the pressure. The Greek debt problem is the main headline as concerns grow that if Greece goes down then Ireland, Portugal and Spain will be next. There is chatter that this line of dominos is awfully similar to what happened when Bear Stearns fell, then Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch. I'm not sure it's a valid comparison, but many market players are dwelling on it and it's causing real worries.
In addition to Europe worries, economic data in the U.S. have taken a decidedly negative turn recently. Housing, employment, manufacturing, consumer sentiment and inflation have all been disappointing lately, and the folks who were scoffing at the notion of a double-dip recession are now taking it very seriously.
Even China, which helped boost the market over the past couple years, is suddenly struggling with slowing growth and inflationary fears. China's central bank raised bank reserve requirements again last night and that put additional pressure on Asian stocks.
Identifying what the problems are is always a big help in dealing with them, but this market is under tremendous pressure as it tries to price in all the worries and concerns out there. We just don't know how much worse Europe's debt situation will get, and we also don't have a handle on how much the U.S. economy is slowing.
The end result is that we are stuck in a nasty downtrend. We have the usual folks running around trying to call a bottom, but they are being hammered as this market shows no signs of putting together a meaningful bottom. We have had five failed bounces in the last seven weeks and there is no reason to believe that the next one is going to be the one that sticks.
My approach to a downtrend market is to just stay out of the way and let it play out. I'll let the serial bottom-callers do what they always do and I'll try to pick off some trades here and there. But overall, I have no interest in trying to predict a market turn. I want to see better price action before I put my valuable capital at risk.
The positive is that this action will eventually lead to great opportunities. Just don't get chewed up while in the meantime. Too many market players become impatient and jump in too soon, which makes the downtrend worse. Ultimately, this wrings out some excesses and provides great opportunities as the market overshoots to the downside.
Stay defensive, keep time frames very short if you are trading and ignore the bottom callers. The key is to protect capital and to be ready when the character of the market eventually improves.
At the time of publication, Rev Shark had no holdings in the stocks mentioned.
Research In Motion on olnud viimaste nädalate jooksul väga tugeva müügisurve all ning tundub, et investorid on ettevõttele lõplikult käega löönud. Kas analüütikud on aktsia suhtes lootuse kaotanud ning RIMM on saanud ridamisi negatiivseid reitingumuutusi. Täna õhtul peale turgu avaldab RIMM oma kvartalitulemused.
Täna on aktsiale andnud postiivse reitingumuutuse Avian Research öeldes nii:
Washed Out – Sentiment is overdone on the downside with capitulation running high with most bulls downgrading the stock in recent weeks despite absurd valuation. We are likely to see more upgrades, short-covering, and value buying in the near-term than we are likely to see fresh downgrades and shorting/selling. We view risk-reward as asymmetrically to the upside near term.
Koos antud upgrade`ga ja sisuliselt olematute ootustega minnakse täna tulemuste teatamisele vastu ehk teisisõnu võib olukord täna üsna huvitavaks kujuneda.
Täna on aktsiale andnud postiivse reitingumuutuse Avian Research öeldes nii:
Washed Out – Sentiment is overdone on the downside with capitulation running high with most bulls downgrading the stock in recent weeks despite absurd valuation. We are likely to see more upgrades, short-covering, and value buying in the near-term than we are likely to see fresh downgrades and shorting/selling. We view risk-reward as asymmetrically to the upside near term.
Koos antud upgrade`ga ja sisuliselt olematute ootustega minnakse täna tulemuste teatamisele vastu ehk teisisõnu võib olukord täna üsna huvitavaks kujuneda.
Fordi (F) aktsia kaupleb ca 0,6% miinuses. Ettevõtte asepresident Robert Shanks ütles eile toimunud pressikonverentsil, et Fordi teise kvartali maksueelne kasum on samal tasemel või natuke madalam kui esimese kvartali kasum. Ettevõte eelmise kvartali maksueelne kasum oli $0.62 aktsia kohta ning analüütikute käesoleva kvartali maksueelse aktsiapõhise kasumi prognoos on $0.64. Oodatust madalama kasumi põhjuseks toodi kõrged toorainehinnad, Fordi hinnangul kulutatakse käesoleval aastal toorainetele $2 miljardit rohkem kui eelmisel aastal.(link)
Kui veel Prada-st rääkida, siis teisipäeval teatas Phillip Securities, et ettevõtte IPO hind on ca 41% ülehinnatud ning investoritel soovitati pakkumisel mitte osaleda. Analüüsimaja järgmise 12 kuu hinnasiht on Pradale HK$28.5. Philips Securities kirjutab, et Prada hakkab kauplema 26 - 34x oodatavat 2011. aasta kasumit vs sektori keskmine 20.4x (LVMH , Hermes ja Cie Financiere Richemont). Kingston Securities analüütik kirjutab, et antud valuatsiooni juures ei maksa esimesel päeval suurt hinnalisa oodata.
Briefing.com vahendusel:
June Philadelphia Fed -7.7 vs 7.0 Briefing.com consensus
June Philadelphia Fed -7.7 vs 7.0 Briefing.com consensus