Börsipäev 16.juuni

LHV pro klientidel on täna hea päev:

MICU Pfizer to acquire Vicuron Pharma for $29.10 per share in cash, about $1.9 bln (15.80 )

Deal is a 74% premium over MICU’s 90-day avg close price, and a 21% premium over its highest-ever closing price of $24.10 on Jan. 16, 2004. Pfizer says MICU acquisition will help extend PFE’s research in anti-infectives; Vicuron products Anidulafungin for fungal infections and Dalbavancin for gram-positive infections are under FDA review; MICU recently announced positive Phase III results for Anidulafungin; co also recently announced it has received a 3-month extension to priority review for its Dalbavancin new drug app; FDA review is expected to be completed on or before Sept. 21.

Hetkel kaupleb MICU $27,80 juures. Viib mõtted tahtmatult ostule.

Ülevõtmine suletakse kolmandas kvartalis. Ostes MICUt 27,8 pealt, saab hiljemalt kolme kuu pärast 29,1$, ehk 1,3$ aktsia kohta. 1,3$ teeb kolme kuu tootluseks 4,676%, ehk aasta baasil 18,7%.

Suurim risk on tehingu ärajäämine. Tõenäosus selleks on väike, sest Pfizer on oma ostud alati põhjalikult läbi kaalunud ja kodutöö tehtud (regulatory approval etc.). Teine võimalus on osta put optsioone, 20 või 25 strikega putid peaks olema väga odavad. Kui tehing peaks ära jääma, siis kukub aktsia alla 20.

just my 2c!
st. pute saab osta alles pärast 16:30, kuid ilmselt ei tühistata ülevõtmist järgmise tunni jooksul. :)
Vaatasime ka seda MICU diili ja tundub üsna jumekas. Sõltub ka muidugi sellest veidi, mis putid maksavad.
625 shares @ 12.45 :) :) :) :)
Mäletatavasti leidis terve biotehnoloogiasektor ostuhuvi pärast uudist, et Glaxo tahab osta Corixa. Paistab, et suurte farmade jaoks on biotehnoloogia muutunud samuti odavaks ning kaks suurt on oma esimesed suuremad tehingud teinud.
reioinvest, nice job:)
new Investors Intelligence Bull/Bear Poll out yesterday --- 52.7% Bulls...20.4% Bears

Rev Shark:

Shakeout Leaves Us Ready for Another Move Up

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

-- Friedrich Nietzsche

The major indices have been doing little since hitting highs at the beginning of the month. Weakness in technology stocks, a resurgence in crude oil prices and a poor reaction to positive economic news looked like they were going to combine and finally kill this rally.

But when things looked particularly bleak, key support levels held, the market turned up, and we galloped into the close on increased volume and strong breadth. Intraday reversals like that serve to make the market stronger. They purge us of nervous and weak holders and shake out the short-term traders. The buyers who bought the weakness are generally more confident and less likely to sell because of volatility.

For much of the rally during May, I was moaning and groaning about how we need some consolidation. We were going straight up, and it seemed like we would never rest. That situation has been remedied over the last two weeks. The market has been consolidating very nicely, and that allows those who want to exit to do so with some good profits and be replaced with more optimistic buyers.

This is exactly the type of action we want to see after a big move like we had in May. The stage is set, and all we need now is some sort of catalyst to light the fuse. It won't take much to explode this market higher. In fact, a few ticks higher to resistance levels in some of the indices may be all that is needed to trigger buy stops and short-covering.

The technical conditions are very bullish, but there are still are a number of things that could slow down the bulls. Crude oil remains a concern. The reversal yesterday came as oil prices softened, so the market is obviously watching the gyrations carefully. Technology stocks, semiconductors in particular, need to take a leadership role. They were looking precarious but have held where they needed to. The benign inflationary news also needs to continue. We need to keep the FOMC and its stable of yakkers quiet for a while and feed the notion that the committee may be close to finished with its course of rate hikes.

We have positive action in the early going. European markets are acting well, gold is up strongly this morning, and oil is inching back up as well.

G. B. Smith:

Reioinvest, sellise tootluse puhul pead ilmselt siiski paar naerunägu rohkem tegema :)
Gapping Up

MICU +76% (to be acquired by Pfizer), SHLD +3.4% (started with Outperform at Bear Stearns; tgt $169), ICST +12% (to be acquired by IDTI), VICL +11% (announces $12.1 mln in production orders), PRGS +4.6% (reports MayQ; beats by $0.04), WGO +4.5% (reports MayQ; announces buyback, dividend increase), SWKS +4.2% (settles patent litigation with QCOM), NCRX +4.2% (receives raised offer from OCR), DSTI +4% (mentioned on CNBC after hours), IIJI +3.7% (recent momentum), CBST +3.5%, CRXL +3.3%, MCHP +3.2% (BofA upgrade), IMCL +3% (positive Barron's Online article), ELN +3% (positive report on its Parkinsons vaccine), BBBY +2.6% (Lehman upgrade), KSS +1.8%... Under $3: IVAN +23% (discovers natural gas at CA site), XCYT +20%, WSTM +19% (HPQ reports stake in co), INSM +13% (CE Unterberg upgrade), IMMU +7% (patent news).

Gapping Down

AVNC -59% (poor clinical data), ROYL -7.4% (profit taking after huge move this month), BFCF -7.2% (prices offering), IDTI -6.4% (to acquire ICST), OS -4.3% (guides lower), VMSI -3.5% (Bear Stearns downgrade), FRO -3.1% (extends recent weakness), OIS -2.6% (announces convertible offering), TLAB -2.3%, ALTR -1.9%, GM -1.9% (Goldman says positive sentiment will give only temporary support), NYT -1.6% (guides).
Ma arvan et siia ei mahu nii palju naerunägusid kui tahaks panna.
Peab vist tänaseks päeva lõppenuks lugema ja kusagil mõned õlled võtma!

NB! Suured tänud Pro tiimile, kes selle idee ette söötsid!
IVAN Ivanhoe Energy Inc - uus ring?
Perlos teatas täna, et teine kvartal tuleb oodatust nõrgem ja kahjumlik. Aktsia -9%. See on juba neljas kasumihoiatus Perloselt vähem, kui 6 kuu jooksul. Investorite usaldus firma vastu on kiirelt kadumas.

Vicuron (MICU) on hea näide sellest kuivõrd kaheteraline on ravimiarenduse mõõk. Ühel pool MICU (minu portfellis tootlus 150% kandis) ning teisel pool PARS (-60-70%).

Võtsin MICU kasumi täna hommikul välja ning suunan selle Pier 1 (PIR) aktsiatesse, mis viimasel ajal mõnevõrra kukkunud on.


aga kuhu portfellist DNDN jäänud on?
Dendreon (DNDN) on käimasolev idee. PARS ja MICU on out.
