USA aktsiaturud kosusid FEDi kolmapäevase otsuse järgsest langusest, võites finantssektori eestvedamisel maad tagasi 0,4%. Dollar rallis kõrgemate intressimäärade ootuses teiste olulisemate valuutades suhtes 1,2%, kallinedes euro suhtes päeva sees korraks alla 1,04 dollari taseme. Euroopas toetasid pangad ning eksportijad Stoxx 600 indeksi 0,9% tõusu, saavutades sellega kõrgeima taseme alates jaanuarist.
Investorite rõõmuks pakub konjunktuur mitmel pool maailmas jätkuvalt positiivseid uudiseid. Eurotsooni töötleva tööstuse ja teenindussektori ühine PMI püsis detsembris 53,9 punktil, mis annab kogu kvartali keskmiseks 53,7 ehk 0,8 punkti enam kui teises kvartalis registreeritud 52,9 punkti, mis võiks viidata SKP 0,4% kvartaalsele kasvule (kolmandas kvartalis 0,3%).
Suurbritannias ei näi Euroopa Liidust väljumise perspektiiv tarbimist jahutavat, kui novembrikuu jaemüük kasvas tänu 11a madalaimale tööpuudusele ja Black Friday pakkumistele aastatagusega võrreldes 6,6%, ületades konsensuse 6,0% ootust. Inglise keskpank, kes otsustas jätta eile intressimäära 0,25% peale ning võlakirjade ostuprogrammi mahu 445 miljardile naelale, ootab tuleval aastal siiski majanduskasvu aeglustumist tulenevalt Brexiti läbirääkimistest tingitud määramatusest ning imporditud inflatsioonist, mis võib süüa reaalset palgakasvu ning inimeste ostujõudu.
Ühendriikides alanesid esmased töötu abiraha taotlused läinud nädalal nelja tuhande võrra 254 tuhandele, jäädes mitmekümne aasta madalaima taseme lähedale. Majade ehitajad jäid detsembris optimistlikuks vaatamata laenumäärade hiljutisele tõusule, kui vastav kindlustunde indeks hüppas 7 punkti võrra 70 punktile, ületades konsensuse prognoositud 63punktist taset. Samuti osutusid oodatust paremaks detsembri esimesed regionaalsed töötleva tööstuse küsitluste tulemused. NY piirkonna aktiivsusindeks kerkis 7,5 punkti 9,0 punktile (prognoositi 4,0), kuigi uute tellimuste indeksi 8,3punktise tõusu kõrval vajus tööhõive indeks sügavamale miinusesse (-12,2 vs -10,9 punkti novembris).
Philadelphia töötleva tööstuse aktiivsusindeks paranes detsembris ligi 14 punkti 21,5 punktile (oodati 9,1), kui seejuures paranes uute tellimuste indeks -2,1 punktilt 13,9 punktile ning töötajate arvu peegeldav indeks -2,6 punktilt 6,4 punktile.
Tänasest majandusuudiste valikust leiab muuhulgas Prantsusmaa ettevõtete detsembrikuu kindlustunde indeksi ning USAs novembris alustatud elamuehituste ja väljastatud ehituslubade muutused.
09.45 Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks (detsember)
12.00 Eurotsooni inflatsioon (novembri lõplik)
12.30 Venemaa keskpanga intressimäära otsus
15.30 USA alustatud elamuehitused (november)
15.30 USA väljastatud ehitusload (november)
20.00 USA Baker Hughes aktiivsete naftapuurtornide arv (16. detsember)
19.30 FEDi Lacker esineb
Jefferies on Euroopa aktsiate väljavaate suhtes poliitilisest riskist hoolimata optimistlik
*Europe’s election cycle in 2017 raises question marks over viability of euro system; however, a lot of the bad news is already in European share prices, with many stocks trading below 1.25x book value, Jefferies global equity strategists including Sean Darby and Kenneth Chan write in note.
* Investor positioning is bearish given “huge” outflows over the past year
* “Europe is cheap, the corporate sector in most cases is running free cashflow while investor sentiment is bearish”: Jefferies
* Change in inflation could be first catalyst to reignite investor appetite
* The fact that the euro is now cheap vs British pound is also helping, and monetary policy is set to remain accommodative
* Jefferies is bullish on Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain; modestly bearish U.K., Switzerland, Norway
*Europe’s election cycle in 2017 raises question marks over viability of euro system; however, a lot of the bad news is already in European share prices, with many stocks trading below 1.25x book value, Jefferies global equity strategists including Sean Darby and Kenneth Chan write in note.
* Investor positioning is bearish given “huge” outflows over the past year
* “Europe is cheap, the corporate sector in most cases is running free cashflow while investor sentiment is bearish”: Jefferies
* Change in inflation could be first catalyst to reignite investor appetite
* The fact that the euro is now cheap vs British pound is also helping, and monetary policy is set to remain accommodative
* Jefferies is bullish on Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain; modestly bearish U.K., Switzerland, Norway
Prantsusmaa töötleva tööstuse ettevõtete kindlustunde indeks paranes detsembris nelja punkti võrra 106 punktile, ületades konsensuse 103punktist ootust. Mäletatavasti peegeldas tänu välis- ja sisenõudluse suurenemisele sektori aktiivsuse olulist tõusu eile ka PMI indeks

Raha jätkab voolamist peamiselt USA aktsiaturule
* Equity funds worldwide had $21b of inflows in week to Dec. 14, the 9th-largest weekly figure on record, as the great rotation out of bonds and into stocks accelerates, BofAML strategists write in note, citing EPFR Global data.
* Equity inflows total $63b since U.S. election vs $151b outflows Jan.-Oct.
* Risk rally is broadening to laggards, including European equities, emerging markets, high yield bonds
* Bonds globally see $4.4b outflows, marking 7th straight week of outflows, the longest streak in 3 years
* U.S. equity funds see $18.5b inflows
* European equity funds see $0.7b in inflows, only 8th week of inflows YTD
* Emerging markets equity funds see $1b inflows, largest in 7 weeks
* By sector globally: 12 straight week of financials inflows, 6 straight week of REITs outflows
* In fixed income: largest outflows from investment-grade bond funds in 21 weeks ($4.7b); largest inflows to high-yield bond funds in 9 months ($4.7b); 6 straight weeks of outflows from emerging market debt funds ($1.2b)
* Equity funds worldwide had $21b of inflows in week to Dec. 14, the 9th-largest weekly figure on record, as the great rotation out of bonds and into stocks accelerates, BofAML strategists write in note, citing EPFR Global data.
* Equity inflows total $63b since U.S. election vs $151b outflows Jan.-Oct.
* Risk rally is broadening to laggards, including European equities, emerging markets, high yield bonds
* Bonds globally see $4.4b outflows, marking 7th straight week of outflows, the longest streak in 3 years
* U.S. equity funds see $18.5b inflows
* European equity funds see $0.7b in inflows, only 8th week of inflows YTD
* Emerging markets equity funds see $1b inflows, largest in 7 weeks
* By sector globally: 12 straight week of financials inflows, 6 straight week of REITs outflows
* In fixed income: largest outflows from investment-grade bond funds in 21 weeks ($4.7b); largest inflows to high-yield bond funds in 9 months ($4.7b); 6 straight weeks of outflows from emerging market debt funds ($1.2b)
Eurotsooni novembri alusinflatsioon kinnitati 0,8% peal (valge), turu pikaajaline inflatsiooniootus on liikumas ülespoole (oranž)

USA alustatud elamuehitused kahanesid novembris annualiseeritult -18,7% 1,09mln peale vs oodatud 1,23mln ning 1,34mln oktoobris. Väljastatud ehitusload, mis pole nõnda volatiilne näitaja, valmistas väiksema pettumuse (1,201mln vs prog 1,24mln ning 1,26 mln oktoobris)

Gapping up
Earnings/guidance: JBL +10.3%, ADBE +1.3%.
M&A: TSL +5.2% (shareholders approve 'going-private' transaction).
Drybulk/shipping stocks seeing momentum: TOPS +25.0%, CANF +19.2%, ESEA +17.6%, DCIX +13.4%, EGLE +13.0% (light volume; Oaktree Capital Management & Goldentree Asset Management filed amended 13D's), GSL +7.1%, DRYS +6.9%.
Gold/silver names higher as weaker dollar boosts precious metals: SA +2.4%, IAG +2.8%, AG +2.5%, AUY +2.3%, EGO +2.2%, GDX +1.6%, Select Russian stocks higher: MTL +4.6%, QIWI +3.2%, YNDX +2.1%, ABX +1.6%.
Other news: EVOK +38% (receives positive NDA submission guidance from us FDA for Gimoti), IONS +4.7% (earns $28 million from AstraZeneca (AZN) following AstraZeneca's completion of IND-supporting studies and license of IONIS-KRAS-2.5Rx), NOK +4.0% (still checking), MPEL +2.3% (issues update in relation to major initiatives to enhance shareholder value) SHPG +2.2% (still checking), QGEN +2.1% (still checking), CLLS +2.1% (announces recombinant DNA Advisory Committee's unanimous approval of UCART123 Phase 1 study protocols in AML and BPDCN; will host a conference call in the next coming days), MYL +1.6% (launches authorized generic for EpiPen).
Analyst actions: TXMD +9.2% (initiated with Overweight ratings at Cantor Fitzgerald), MGM +2.7% ( initiated with a Buy at Goldman), SQ +1.2% (initiated with a Buy at Needham; tgt $17), ERIC +1.7% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill).
Gapping down
Earnings/guidance: HON -6.2%, ORCL -2.4%.
Other news: VCEL -10.0% (intends to offer and sell shares of common stock in underwritten public offering pursuant to shelf registration statement), FNSR -7.1% (prices $500 mln private placement of its 0.50% Convertible Senior Notes due 2036), JWN -3.1% (still checking), UBSI -3.0% (prices 4.33 mln common stock offering, but did not disclose gross proceeds of offering), MET -2.2% (following business update call), GILD -1.5% (negative hepatitis royalties ruling vs. Merck (MRK)), SNY -1.1% (Bloomberg confirms Actelion in advanced talks to be acquired by Sanofi (SNY)).
Analyst actions: WTW -3.6% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley).
Earnings/guidance: JBL +10.3%, ADBE +1.3%.
M&A: TSL +5.2% (shareholders approve 'going-private' transaction).
Drybulk/shipping stocks seeing momentum: TOPS +25.0%, CANF +19.2%, ESEA +17.6%, DCIX +13.4%, EGLE +13.0% (light volume; Oaktree Capital Management & Goldentree Asset Management filed amended 13D's), GSL +7.1%, DRYS +6.9%.
Gold/silver names higher as weaker dollar boosts precious metals: SA +2.4%, IAG +2.8%, AG +2.5%, AUY +2.3%, EGO +2.2%, GDX +1.6%, Select Russian stocks higher: MTL +4.6%, QIWI +3.2%, YNDX +2.1%, ABX +1.6%.
Other news: EVOK +38% (receives positive NDA submission guidance from us FDA for Gimoti), IONS +4.7% (earns $28 million from AstraZeneca (AZN) following AstraZeneca's completion of IND-supporting studies and license of IONIS-KRAS-2.5Rx), NOK +4.0% (still checking), MPEL +2.3% (issues update in relation to major initiatives to enhance shareholder value) SHPG +2.2% (still checking), QGEN +2.1% (still checking), CLLS +2.1% (announces recombinant DNA Advisory Committee's unanimous approval of UCART123 Phase 1 study protocols in AML and BPDCN; will host a conference call in the next coming days), MYL +1.6% (launches authorized generic for EpiPen).
Analyst actions: TXMD +9.2% (initiated with Overweight ratings at Cantor Fitzgerald), MGM +2.7% ( initiated with a Buy at Goldman), SQ +1.2% (initiated with a Buy at Needham; tgt $17), ERIC +1.7% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill).
Gapping down
Earnings/guidance: HON -6.2%, ORCL -2.4%.
Other news: VCEL -10.0% (intends to offer and sell shares of common stock in underwritten public offering pursuant to shelf registration statement), FNSR -7.1% (prices $500 mln private placement of its 0.50% Convertible Senior Notes due 2036), JWN -3.1% (still checking), UBSI -3.0% (prices 4.33 mln common stock offering, but did not disclose gross proceeds of offering), MET -2.2% (following business update call), GILD -1.5% (negative hepatitis royalties ruling vs. Merck (MRK)), SNY -1.1% (Bloomberg confirms Actelion in advanced talks to be acquired by Sanofi (SNY)).
Analyst actions: WTW -3.6% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley).