Segadus Saudi Araabia veebruarikuu nafta tootmismahtude ümber loksutas nafta turuhinda enne sessiooni lõpu taastumist ligi -3% langusesse ning muutis energiasektori suurimaks kaotajaks (-1,1%). Päev kujunes punaseks Ühendriikide aktsiaturul laiemalt, kuigi viimaste tundide ostuhuvi aitas S&P 500 indeksi miinust vähendada -0,3%le.
Üsna laiapõhjaline oli ettevaatlik meelolu ka Euroopas, kus Stoxx 600 andis sessiooni lõpuks ära -0,3% oma eelneva päeva sulgumistasemest. Suurimateks tõusjateks olid indeksis RWE +6.5%, Innogy +4.3%, ams +4.1%, Prudential +3.0%, Uniper +2.7%. Suurima löögi all olid Amec Foster Wheeler -6.4%, Tullow Oil -6.2%, John Wood Group -6.0%, Galenica -5.1%, Fingerprint Cards -5.1%.
Kuigi täna laekub mitmeid olulisi majandusuudiseid, muuhulgas USA veebruari jaemüük ning inflatsioon, siis esikohal saavad olema FOMC istung ning Hollandi parlamendivalimised. Föderaalreserv peaks jätkama rahapoliitika normaliseerimist ning kergitama intressimäära 25 baaspunkti võrra 0,75-1,0%le, kuid konsensus ei usu, et FED kavatseb saata signaali kiiremast tõstmisest ülejäänud aasta jooksul.
Hollandi valimiskastid suletakse kohaliku aja järgi kell üheksa õhtul ning lävepakuküsitlused peaksid andma esimesi vihjeid võimaliku tulemuse kohta. Viimaste küsitluste kohaselt on Geert Wildersi juhitud populistliku programmiga Vabaduspartei kaotanud poolehoidu, kui I&O Research'i kohaselt ennustatakse tema saagiks alamkojas 16 kohta 150st, mis on nelja võrra vähem kui näitas küsitlus päev varem. Peaminister Mark Rutte partei peaks sama küsitluse kohaselt võitma 27 kohta, kasvades päevaga kolme võrra.
11.00 Itaalia jaemüük (jaanuar)
11.30 Suurbritannia tööturu statistika (jaanuar/veebruar)
14.30 USA NY FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (märts)
14.30 USA inflatsioon (veebruar)
14.30 USA jaemüük (veebruar)
16.00 USA majade ehitajate kindlustunde indeks (märts)
16.30 USA toornafta varude raport (10. märts)
20.00 USA FOMC intressimäära otsus
20.30 Janet Yelleni pressikonverents
Töötu abiraha taotluste arv kahanes Suurbritannias veebruaris -11,3 tuhande võrra ning kolme kuu keskmine töötuse määr alanes jaanuari seisuga -0,1pp võrra 4,7%le (oodati 4,8%). Madalast tööpuudusest hoolimata aga aeglustus keskmise nädalapalga aastane kasv 2,6% pealt 2,3%le (oodati 2,5%), mis kiirenenud inflatsiooni arvestades (joonisel tähistatud oranžiga) vähendab tarbijate reaalset ostujõudu.

USA alusinflatsioon aeglustus veebruaris ootuspäraselt -0,1pp võrra 2,2%le

USA jaemüük kasvas autosid ja kütust arvestamata veebruaris MoM ootuspärased 0,2% aga seda tugevama baasi pealt (jaanuari kasv revideeriti 0,7% pealt 1,1%le)

NY töötleva tööstuse aktiivsus andis pärast veebruari hüpet veidi järele aga vähem kui kardeti (16,4 punkti vs oodatud 15,0 punkti)

USA jaemüük kasvas autosid ja kütust arvestamata veebruaris MoM ootuspärased 0,2% aga seda tugevama baasi pealt (jaanuari kasv revideeriti 0,7% pealt 1,1%le)

NY töötleva tööstuse aktiivsus andis pärast veebruari hüpet veidi järele aga vähem kui kardeti (16,4 punkti vs oodatud 15,0 punkti)

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
PIP +28.8%, ARNA +23.2%, RST +12.2%, AXAS +11.5%, GTXI +10.2%, EVRI +8.3%, SLD +6.6%
PWE +6.3%, FOGO +5.7%, ARCO +4.7%, CLDX +3.3%, DBVT +2.1%, QURE +1.3%, FAC +0.8%, FRAC +0.5%
M&A news:
MSCI +11.6% (report that S&P Global might be considering a GBP 9 bln takeover of the company)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher:
DRD +3.3%, RIO +3.1%, CLF +3%, MT +2%, NEM +1.9%, BBL +1.8%, SBGL +1.7%, FCX +1.7%
BHP +1.6%, GOLD +1.3%, AA +1.3%, AU +1.2%, GDX +1%, GG +1%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength:
SDRL +3.9%, WFT +3.3%, WLL +2.1%, CHK +1.9%, MRO +1.8%, PBR +1.8%, RIG +1.7%, BP +0.9%, RDS.A +0.9%
Other news:
TCON +11.1% (Announced that it entered into a Common Stock Purchase Agreement of up to $21 mln with Aspire Capital)
CPRX +10.3% (positive results in a seven-patient trial evaluating Firdapse as a treatment for myasthenia gravis patients with anti-MuSK antibodies)
CALL +9.5% (names Don Carlos Bell III as Chief Executive Officer, announces dual track approach to maximize shareholder value through strategic alternatives process and the execution of new business strategy )
KITE +2.9% (Highlighted the publication of results in the Journal of Clinical Oncology from a National Cancer Institute study of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in patients with relapsed/refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma)
AI +2.1% (Affirmed an unchanged quarterly dividend of $0.625/share)
TWO +1.1% (Increased its quarterly dividend to $0.25/share from $0.24/share)
Analyst comments:
GOGL +9.3% (upgraded to Buy at Pareto Securities)
SWN +5% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup)
OXY +1.6% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
REVG +1.5% (initiated with a Outperform at BMO Capital Markets)
FNSR +1.4% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Jefferies)
AMFW +1.3% (upgraded to Outperform from Mkt Perform at Raymond James)
NFLX +0.8% (upgraded to Hold from Underperform at Jefferies)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
RUBI -23.7%, CXRX -15.1%, NPTN -11.9%, IMUC -8.1%, OHAI -7.8%, FTD -7.7%, CNXR -5.8%
INFI -5.1%, AKAO -5%, CBK -4.2%, TWI -4.2%, CELP -3%, CEL -1.9%, KURA -1.6%
Other news:
DRWI -13.2% (announces it is raising approx. $1.79 mln in gross proceeds in an at-the-market registered direct offering and a concurrent private placement to institutional investors in the United States)
NMM -11.2% (Agreed to sell approximately 47.6 mln common units in a registered direct offering at $2.10/unit)
IMUC -8.1% (Confirmed that its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016 contained an audit opinion from its independent registered public accounting firm that included a going concern emphasis of matter paragraph)
ENDP -1.9% (Continued weakness following late day selloff on negative Advisory Committee vote)
MU -1.7% (still checking)
TWTR -1% (Early investor and long-time advocate Chris Sacca in series of tweets says no longer a shareholder, 'love the service, hate the stock')
Analyst comments:
TTOO -3.6% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)
SNAP -2.3% (initiated with a Underweight at Cantor Fitzgerald)
ESRX -2.2% (downgraded to Underperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo)
INTC -0.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance:
PIP +28.8%, ARNA +23.2%, RST +12.2%, AXAS +11.5%, GTXI +10.2%, EVRI +8.3%, SLD +6.6%
PWE +6.3%, FOGO +5.7%, ARCO +4.7%, CLDX +3.3%, DBVT +2.1%, QURE +1.3%, FAC +0.8%, FRAC +0.5%
M&A news:
MSCI +11.6% (report that S&P Global might be considering a GBP 9 bln takeover of the company)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher:
DRD +3.3%, RIO +3.1%, CLF +3%, MT +2%, NEM +1.9%, BBL +1.8%, SBGL +1.7%, FCX +1.7%
BHP +1.6%, GOLD +1.3%, AA +1.3%, AU +1.2%, GDX +1%, GG +1%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength:
SDRL +3.9%, WFT +3.3%, WLL +2.1%, CHK +1.9%, MRO +1.8%, PBR +1.8%, RIG +1.7%, BP +0.9%, RDS.A +0.9%
Other news:
TCON +11.1% (Announced that it entered into a Common Stock Purchase Agreement of up to $21 mln with Aspire Capital)
CPRX +10.3% (positive results in a seven-patient trial evaluating Firdapse as a treatment for myasthenia gravis patients with anti-MuSK antibodies)
CALL +9.5% (names Don Carlos Bell III as Chief Executive Officer, announces dual track approach to maximize shareholder value through strategic alternatives process and the execution of new business strategy )
KITE +2.9% (Highlighted the publication of results in the Journal of Clinical Oncology from a National Cancer Institute study of anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in patients with relapsed/refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma)
AI +2.1% (Affirmed an unchanged quarterly dividend of $0.625/share)
TWO +1.1% (Increased its quarterly dividend to $0.25/share from $0.24/share)
Analyst comments:
GOGL +9.3% (upgraded to Buy at Pareto Securities)
SWN +5% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Citigroup)
OXY +1.6% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
REVG +1.5% (initiated with a Outperform at BMO Capital Markets)
FNSR +1.4% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Jefferies)
AMFW +1.3% (upgraded to Outperform from Mkt Perform at Raymond James)
NFLX +0.8% (upgraded to Hold from Underperform at Jefferies)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance:
RUBI -23.7%, CXRX -15.1%, NPTN -11.9%, IMUC -8.1%, OHAI -7.8%, FTD -7.7%, CNXR -5.8%
INFI -5.1%, AKAO -5%, CBK -4.2%, TWI -4.2%, CELP -3%, CEL -1.9%, KURA -1.6%
Other news:
DRWI -13.2% (announces it is raising approx. $1.79 mln in gross proceeds in an at-the-market registered direct offering and a concurrent private placement to institutional investors in the United States)
NMM -11.2% (Agreed to sell approximately 47.6 mln common units in a registered direct offering at $2.10/unit)
IMUC -8.1% (Confirmed that its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2016 contained an audit opinion from its independent registered public accounting firm that included a going concern emphasis of matter paragraph)
ENDP -1.9% (Continued weakness following late day selloff on negative Advisory Committee vote)
MU -1.7% (still checking)
TWTR -1% (Early investor and long-time advocate Chris Sacca in series of tweets says no longer a shareholder, 'love the service, hate the stock')
Analyst comments:
TTOO -3.6% (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)
SNAP -2.3% (initiated with a Underweight at Cantor Fitzgerald)
ESRX -2.2% (downgraded to Underperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo)
INTC -0.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Outperform at Credit Suisse)
esmapilgul üsna ootuspärane
Fed Hikes Benchmark Rate To 0.75%-1%; Kashkari Dissents
Median Fed Official Forecasts Two More Rate Hikes In 2017
FED: Median Fed funds estimated at 3% at end-2019 versus 2.9% in December
FED: Officials seeing 3 or more hikes in 2017 rises to 14 from 11 in December; 14 officials see end-2018 rate at 2.1% versus 10 in December..
Fed Hikes Benchmark Rate To 0.75%-1%; Kashkari Dissents
Median Fed Official Forecasts Two More Rate Hikes In 2017
FED: Median Fed funds estimated at 3% at end-2019 versus 2.9% in December
FED: Officials seeing 3 or more hikes in 2017 rises to 14 from 11 in December; 14 officials see end-2018 rate at 2.1% versus 10 in December..
majandusprognoosides marginaalsed muutused võrreldes detsembriga

Dutch Election 2017 - Live Coverage
Lävepakuküsitluste järgi on Hollandi peaministri erakonnal läinud paremini, kui küsitlused enne valimisi viitasid
Exit Polls for Dutch Elections show PM Rutte party has 31 seats while Wilder party draws 19.
Exit Polls for Dutch Elections show PM Rutte party has 31 seats while Wilder party draws 19.
Dutch Election 2017 - Live Coverage
Tausta uurides tundub, et seda Red Ice TV on tehtud Rootsi väidetava paremäärmuslase poolt.