Ülemüüdud sentiment aitas USA aktsiaturul sooritada jõulise põrke, kuigi päeva tippudest sulgus S&P 500 siiski madalamal (+1,67%). Energiaettevõtted olid ühes suurimad võitjad tänu nafta 2,4% tõusule, mida võis muuhulgas ajendada ka lühikeste positsioonide katmine enne jooksva kuu futuuride aegumist.
Skeptilisus on tõenäoliselt suur, kas tõus võiks jätkuda, sest siiani on rallisid kasutatud müügivõimalusena ning tegelikult ei toonud eilne päev uudiseid, mis oleks leevendanud turuosaliste hirmu erinevate tegurite osas, olgu selleks Hiina, energiatööstus või USA majanduslik väljavaade.
Euroopas suutis Stoxx 600 vähendada päevasisesest -3,3% kaotust -1,5% peale, kui suurema löögi võtsid vastu reisiettevõtted ning autotööstus. Viimast juhtis madalamale Renault -10,3% kukkumisega tingituna uudisest, et Prantsusmaa majandusministeerium on võtnud Volkswageni emissiooni skandaali tõttu lähema uurimise alla ka Renaulti standardid.
USA töötuabiraha taotlused kerkisid läinud nädalal seitsme tuhande võrra 284 tuhandele, kuid kuna pühade ajal palgatakse ja vallandatakse palju hooajalisi töötajad, ei pruugi number tegelikust pildist kõige paremat ülevaadet hetkel anda. Üks võimalik mõjutegur võib olla seegi, et 14 osariiki on jaanuarist kergitanud miinimumpalga taset. St. Luis FEDi president James Bullard jäi oma eilses esinemises inflatsiooni osas murelikuks, kuna nafta jätkuv langus on toonud alla inflatsiooniootust ning sellega muutnud küsitavaks stabiliseerumise ning jõudmise tagasi 2% juurde.
Aasias kauplesid aktsiaturud Hiina eestvedamisel taas madalamal, kui Shanghai Composite pühkis -3,5% langusega ära eilse tõusu. Uute laenude maht vähenes Hiinas järsult, ulatudes detsembris vaid 597,8 miljardi jüaanini (novembris 708,9 miljardit), mis jäi analüütikute 700 miljardi jüaani suurusele ootusele alla. Agregeeritud finantseerimine, mis hõlmab lisaks pangalaenudele ka aktsiate ja võlakirjade müüki ning varipangandust, hüppas aga kuuga 78% 1,815 triljoni jüaanini, ületades tublisti konsensuse 1,15 triljoni suurust prognoosi.
Hiina agregeeritud finantseerimine erinevate aastate lõikes (mld jüaani)
Peamise tähelepanu all saab täna olema USA jaemüük, mis peaks analüütikute konsensuse kohaselt näitama autosid ja kütust arvestamata 0,4% kasvu võrreldes novembriga, mil registreeriti 0,5% tõus. NY töötleva tööstuse PMI heidab valgust sektori aktiivsusele siiani jaanuaris ning Michigani ülikooli küsitlus näitab tarbijate kindlustunde taset.
09.00 Eurotsooni uute autode registreerimine (detsember)
09.00 Soome SKP indikaator (november)
09.45 Prantsusmaa valitsuse eelarve tasakaal (november)
10.00 Hispaania inflatsioon (detsembri lõplik)
11.30 Itaalia valitsuse võlakoorem (november)
15.30 USA jaemüük (detsember)
15.30 USA tootjahinnaindeks (detsember)
15.30 USA NY FEDi töötleva tööstuse küsitlus (jaanuar)
16.00 FEDi Dudley esineb kõnega
16.15 USA tööstustoodang (detsember)
17.00 USA ettevõtete varud (november)
17.00 USA Michigani ülikooli tarbijate kindlustunde indeks (jaanuar)
18.10 FEDi Williams esineb kõnega
20.00 USA Baker Hughes aktiivsete nafta puurtornide arv (15. jaanuar)
20.00 FEDi Kaplan esineb kõnega
Eurotsoonis kiirenes uute autode registreerimine detsembris 17,3%ni (Euroopa Liidus 16,6%)
• VW Group sales rise 4.4% y/y; ytd up 6.2%
• PSA Group sales rise 20.7% y/y; ytd up 6%
• Renault Group sales rise 27.8% y/y; ytd up 9.4%
• Opel Group sales rise 4.6% y/y; ytd up 2.2%
• Ford sales rise 23.9% y/y; ytd up 8.6%
• FCA Group sales rise 16.4% y/y; ytd up 13.6%
• BMW Group sales rise 19% y/y; ytd up 12.3%
• Daimler sales rise 14% y/y; ytd up 17.7%
• Toyota Group sales rise 11.7% y/y; ytd up 6.9%
• Nissan sales rise 9% y/y; ytd up 16.3%
• VW Group sales rise 4.4% y/y; ytd up 6.2%
• PSA Group sales rise 20.7% y/y; ytd up 6%
• Renault Group sales rise 27.8% y/y; ytd up 9.4%
• Opel Group sales rise 4.6% y/y; ytd up 2.2%
• Ford sales rise 23.9% y/y; ytd up 8.6%
• FCA Group sales rise 16.4% y/y; ytd up 13.6%
• BMW Group sales rise 19% y/y; ytd up 12.3%
• Daimler sales rise 14% y/y; ytd up 17.7%
• Toyota Group sales rise 11.7% y/y; ytd up 6.9%
• Nissan sales rise 9% y/y; ytd up 16.3%

Soome SKP jätkas väikest langust, kui oktoobri YoY -0,1% muutus süvenes novembris -0,5%ni

Shanghai Composite Enters Bear Market After 20% Drop From a December High

Hispaania alusinflatsioon aeglustus detsembris -0,1pp võrra 0,9% peale

Itaalia valitsuse võlakoorem püsis novembris muutumatuna 2,211 triljonil eurol

Viimase poole aasta jooksul on olnud kaks 10% korrektsiooni ning seda on juhtunud varem vaid kolmel korral. Via Businessinsider
The indices have had two 10% corrections in a rather short span. That has only happened three times in the last 100 years. Unfortunately, those occurrences were in 1929, 2000 and 2008. As you may recall, those were not particularly good years for the bulls."
The indices have had two 10% corrections in a rather short span. That has only happened three times in the last 100 years. Unfortunately, those occurrences were in 1929, 2000 and 2008. As you may recall, those were not particularly good years for the bulls."

Siit leiab hea kokkuvõtte ettevõtete selle nädala kommentaaridest, mis annavad ülevaate erinevate sektorite preagustest oludest
“We’re not forecasting a recession. We think the U.S. economy looks pretty good at this point…obviously, market turmoil we all look at it every day but I’m not sure most of the 143 million Americans look at it that much who have jobs and you have a big change in the world out there. People are getting adjusted to China slowing down…hopefully this will all settle down. It’s not the beginning of something really bad.” —JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon (Bank)
“We’re not forecasting a recession. We think the U.S. economy looks pretty good at this point…obviously, market turmoil we all look at it every day but I’m not sure most of the 143 million Americans look at it that much who have jobs and you have a big change in the world out there. People are getting adjusted to China slowing down…hopefully this will all settle down. It’s not the beginning of something really bad.” —JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon (Bank)
BLKi müügitulu ületab ootust, EPS jääb mõne sendiga alla aga nagu graafikult näha, siis latti on poole aastaga tuntavalt langetatud
BLACKROCK 4Q REV. $2.86B, EST. $2.82B
BLACKROCK 4Q REV. $2.86B, EST. $2.82B

USA ootab ees pikem nädalavahetus, sest esmaspäeval tähistatakse Martin Luther King Jr päeva ning börsid on siis samuti suletud,
Sentiment on küll negatiivne, kuid flow veel täielikule kapitulatsioonile viita
* Europe stocks see outflows of $0.1b, first outflow in 15 weeks
* Emerging market stocks see outflows of $1.6b, largest in 5 weeks, 11th straight week of outflows
* U.S. stocks see outflows of $12.5b, largest in 18 weeks
* Bonds see total of $2.3b inflows
* $3.4b to Govt/Tsy bond funds, largest inflows in nearly a year
* $3b to IG bond funds, largest in six weeks
* Money-markets see $24b of inflows
* Equity outflows not large enough to indicate true capitulation yet; largest redemptions in tech and financial sectors in 20 weeks
* BofA Global Breadth Rule still in buy territory
* 93% of global equity mkts trading below 200-DMA and 50- DMA
* BofA Bull & Bear Index down to 1.0, signalling that markets are oversold but sentiment still bearish
* Flow capitulation needed to signal possibility of a durable rally
Pullide osakaal USA investorite seas madalaim alates 2005
* Europe stocks see outflows of $0.1b, first outflow in 15 weeks
* Emerging market stocks see outflows of $1.6b, largest in 5 weeks, 11th straight week of outflows
* U.S. stocks see outflows of $12.5b, largest in 18 weeks
* Bonds see total of $2.3b inflows
* $3.4b to Govt/Tsy bond funds, largest inflows in nearly a year
* $3b to IG bond funds, largest in six weeks
* Money-markets see $24b of inflows
* Equity outflows not large enough to indicate true capitulation yet; largest redemptions in tech and financial sectors in 20 weeks
* BofA Global Breadth Rule still in buy territory
* 93% of global equity mkts trading below 200-DMA and 50- DMA
* BofA Bull & Bear Index down to 1.0, signalling that markets are oversold but sentiment still bearish
* Flow capitulation needed to signal possibility of a durable rally
Pullide osakaal USA investorite seas madalaim alates 2005

Erko Rebane
Sentiment on küll negatiivne, kuid flow veel täielikule kapitalisatsioonile ei viita
Millal see sentiment siis täies ulatuses rahaks tehakse? (vrdl: kapitalisatsioon vs kapitulatsioon)
jaheErko Rebane
Sentiment on küll negatiivne, kuid flow veel täielikule kapitalisatsioonile ei viita
Millal see sentiment siis täies ulatuses rahaks tehakse? (vrdl: kapitalisatsioon vs kapitulatsioon)
tänud :)
Wells Fargo prelim Q4 $1.03 vs $1.03 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $21.6 bln vs $21.75 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate

Citigroup prelim Q4 $1.06 vs $1.06 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $18.46 bln vs $17.93 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate

Citigroup prelim Q4 $1.06 vs $1.06 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate; revs $18.46 bln vs $17.93 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate

Morgan Stanley vahendusel mõned graafikud Euroopa ettevõtete kohta (MSCI Euroopa indeksis UK=30%):

Morgan Stanley indikaatoril oli õigus: kütust, autosid ja ehitusmaterjale arvestamata langes USA jaemüük MoM detsembris -0,3% vs oodatud 0,3% ning novembri muutus revideeriti 0,6% pealt 0,5% peale, mis toob tõenäoliselt kaasa Q4 SKP prognooside allapoole revideerimisi.

USA regionaalsetest töötleva tööstuse küsitlustest viitas NY piirkonna oma esimesena seda, et aktiivsus on jaanuaris oluliselt halvenenud ning tuleviku tellimused ei viita olukorra paranemisele lähiajal. Väga huvitav saab olema, mida FED sellise makro peale kostab.
• Jan. New York Fed Empire Index at -19.37, Est. -4
• Business activity declined more sharply than at any time since the 2007-09 recession
• General business conditions were -6.21 in the last month
• Prices paid rose to 16 vs 4.04
• New orders fell to -23.54 vs -6.18
• Number of employees rose to -13 vs -16.16
• Work hours rose to -6 vs -27.27
• Inventory rose to -6 vs -12.12
• Six-month general business conditions fell to 9.51 vs 35.65
• Jan. New York Fed Empire Index at -19.37, Est. -4
• Business activity declined more sharply than at any time since the 2007-09 recession
• General business conditions were -6.21 in the last month
• Prices paid rose to 16 vs 4.04
• New orders fell to -23.54 vs -6.18
• Number of employees rose to -13 vs -16.16
• Work hours rose to -6 vs -27.27
• Inventory rose to -6 vs -12.12
• Six-month general business conditions fell to 9.51 vs 35.65

USA neljanda kvartali SKP QoQ annualiseeritud prognoos hetkel Atlanta FEDi mudeli järgi 0,8% (sh hinnatakse varude negatiivseks panuseks -0,8pp)

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SEED +12.5%, WYNN +4.9%, SKY +2.4%, EDUC +2.2%, FAST +2%
M&A news: CDRB +16.1% (enters into a non-binding Letter of Intent to engage in a merger with Aegis Identity Software ), SYT +2.4% (Bloomberg reports that Syngenta's (SYT) Board would support a potential deal with ChemChina)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: HMY +9.4%, AU +4.7%, MTL +3.5%, MTL +3.5%, ABX +2.4%, GDX +2%, NEM +1.6%, GLD +1.1%
Other news: BSI +24% (receives additional offer to purchase its holdings in Blue Square Real Estate), DGLY +8.8% (The U.S. patent office has confirmed the validity of Co's '292 patent on body camera auto-activiation technology; Co also files lawsuit against TASER (TASR)), LVS +2.8% (in symp with WYNN), AE +2.1% (subsidiary acquired a 30% member interest in Ben Cap for $2.2 mln), BTG +1.4% (reported Q4 gold production +18% y/y to of 131,469 ounces and issues 2016 production outlook for gold production of 510-550K ounces), MGM +1.4% (in symp with WYNN), LEI +0.9% ( schedules conference call to discuss planned Mid-Continent acquisition and strategic objectives on January 21 at 11am ET)
Analyst comments: ESL +5.4% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), EA +1.2% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill), SHPG +0.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
**Briefing note: With S&P Futures down 35pts in the pre-mkt, most stocks are trading lower. The following represents reactions to more specific news items
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: INTC -5.4%, ADI -2.5%, SLP -2.2%, USB -2%, C -1.5%, WFC -1.3%, RF -1.1%, EURN -0.6%
M&A news: GE -1.4% (to divest its Appliance unit to Haier for $5.4 bln)
Select China related names showing weakness with Shanghai -3.5% overnight: CSIQ -9.7%, FCX -6.4%, JMEI -4.8%, JD -4.3%, WBAI -4%, HSBC -3.6%, BABA -3.2%, BIDU -3%
Select semi/PC related stocks trading lower following INTC earnings: STM -4.3%, SWKS -3.8%, ARMH -3.7%, ASML -3.5%, MU -3.1%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: ETE -8.6%, WMB -7.9%, PBR -7.5%, RIG -6.2%, MRO -6.1%, CHK -5.7%, STO -5.4%, RDS.A -5.4%, SSL -5.2%, BP -5.2%, APC -4.3%, PTR -4.1%, BHI -4.1%, HAL -3.9%, DVN -3.7%, SLB -3.2%
Other news: SDRL -9.5% (agrees to delay delivery of 2 ultra-deepwater drillships), BHP -7.6% (to write down ~$4.9 bln on US oil and gas assets), BIOA -5.1% (commenced public offering of its common stock), AKRX -4.4% (engaged BDO USA as the co's independent registered public accounting firm; estimates of errors resulted in an overstatement to net revenue and pretax income from continuing operations of ~$35 mln), GPRO -4% (cont weakness), NFLX -3.8% (trading lower with the futures), TASR -3.7% (The U.S. patent office has confirmed the validity of Co's '292 patent on body camera auto-activiation technology; Co also files lawsuit against TASER (TASR)), ATVI -3.2% (Vivendi (VIVHY) sells remaining stake in ATVI), EPR -3% (prices offering of 2,250,000 of its common shares; terms not disclosed), FCAU -2.5% (reports Dec sales), MRK -1.6% (resolves previously disclosed securities class action lawsuit related to Vioxx for ~$680 mln), GS -1.4% (confirms settlement with RMBS working group; will reduce earnings Q4 earnings by $1.5 bln)
Analyst comments: CNHI -5.9% (initiated with a Underperform at Credit Suisse), GRMN -5.3% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), H -4.2% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman), DIS -3.2% (downgraded to Underweight at Barclays)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: SEED +12.5%, WYNN +4.9%, SKY +2.4%, EDUC +2.2%, FAST +2%
M&A news: CDRB +16.1% (enters into a non-binding Letter of Intent to engage in a merger with Aegis Identity Software ), SYT +2.4% (Bloomberg reports that Syngenta's (SYT) Board would support a potential deal with ChemChina)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: HMY +9.4%, AU +4.7%, MTL +3.5%, MTL +3.5%, ABX +2.4%, GDX +2%, NEM +1.6%, GLD +1.1%
Other news: BSI +24% (receives additional offer to purchase its holdings in Blue Square Real Estate), DGLY +8.8% (The U.S. patent office has confirmed the validity of Co's '292 patent on body camera auto-activiation technology; Co also files lawsuit against TASER (TASR)), LVS +2.8% (in symp with WYNN), AE +2.1% (subsidiary acquired a 30% member interest in Ben Cap for $2.2 mln), BTG +1.4% (reported Q4 gold production +18% y/y to of 131,469 ounces and issues 2016 production outlook for gold production of 510-550K ounces), MGM +1.4% (in symp with WYNN), LEI +0.9% ( schedules conference call to discuss planned Mid-Continent acquisition and strategic objectives on January 21 at 11am ET)
Analyst comments: ESL +5.4% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), EA +1.2% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill), SHPG +0.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at BofA/Merrill)
**Briefing note: With S&P Futures down 35pts in the pre-mkt, most stocks are trading lower. The following represents reactions to more specific news items
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: INTC -5.4%, ADI -2.5%, SLP -2.2%, USB -2%, C -1.5%, WFC -1.3%, RF -1.1%, EURN -0.6%
M&A news: GE -1.4% (to divest its Appliance unit to Haier for $5.4 bln)
Select China related names showing weakness with Shanghai -3.5% overnight: CSIQ -9.7%, FCX -6.4%, JMEI -4.8%, JD -4.3%, WBAI -4%, HSBC -3.6%, BABA -3.2%, BIDU -3%
Select semi/PC related stocks trading lower following INTC earnings: STM -4.3%, SWKS -3.8%, ARMH -3.7%, ASML -3.5%, MU -3.1%
Select oil/gas related names showing early weakness: ETE -8.6%, WMB -7.9%, PBR -7.5%, RIG -6.2%, MRO -6.1%, CHK -5.7%, STO -5.4%, RDS.A -5.4%, SSL -5.2%, BP -5.2%, APC -4.3%, PTR -4.1%, BHI -4.1%, HAL -3.9%, DVN -3.7%, SLB -3.2%
Other news: SDRL -9.5% (agrees to delay delivery of 2 ultra-deepwater drillships), BHP -7.6% (to write down ~$4.9 bln on US oil and gas assets), BIOA -5.1% (commenced public offering of its common stock), AKRX -4.4% (engaged BDO USA as the co's independent registered public accounting firm; estimates of errors resulted in an overstatement to net revenue and pretax income from continuing operations of ~$35 mln), GPRO -4% (cont weakness), NFLX -3.8% (trading lower with the futures), TASR -3.7% (The U.S. patent office has confirmed the validity of Co's '292 patent on body camera auto-activiation technology; Co also files lawsuit against TASER (TASR)), ATVI -3.2% (Vivendi (VIVHY) sells remaining stake in ATVI), EPR -3% (prices offering of 2,250,000 of its common shares; terms not disclosed), FCAU -2.5% (reports Dec sales), MRK -1.6% (resolves previously disclosed securities class action lawsuit related to Vioxx for ~$680 mln), GS -1.4% (confirms settlement with RMBS working group; will reduce earnings Q4 earnings by $1.5 bln)
Analyst comments: CNHI -5.9% (initiated with a Underperform at Credit Suisse), GRMN -5.3% (downgraded to Underperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), H -4.2% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Goldman), DIS -3.2% (downgraded to Underweight at Barclays)
NY FEDi presidendi William Dudley sõnul pole USA majanduse seis detsembriga oluliselt muutunud
*U.S. economy should continue to grow faster than its potential this year, New York Federal Reserve Bank President William C. Dudley says.
* “In terms of the economic outlook, the situation does not appear to have changed much” since Fed’s Dec. 15-16 meeting
* Dudley comments in remarks prepared for speech in Somerset, N.J.
* He continues “to expect that the economy will expand at a pace slightly above its long-term trend in 2016,” and future rate increases would depend on incoming economic data
* While “most concerning” risk to the price outlook is possibility that “inflation expectations become unanchored
to the downside,” he says continued above-trend economic growth should push them higher
* “That said, should the economy unexpectedly weaken, then this fall in inflation expectations would become more concerning”
* U.S. bond market’s “response to lift-off has been very mild” Dudley says; “Generally so far, so good”
*U.S. economy should continue to grow faster than its potential this year, New York Federal Reserve Bank President William C. Dudley says.
* “In terms of the economic outlook, the situation does not appear to have changed much” since Fed’s Dec. 15-16 meeting
* Dudley comments in remarks prepared for speech in Somerset, N.J.
* He continues “to expect that the economy will expand at a pace slightly above its long-term trend in 2016,” and future rate increases would depend on incoming economic data
* While “most concerning” risk to the price outlook is possibility that “inflation expectations become unanchored
to the downside,” he says continued above-trend economic growth should push them higher
* “That said, should the economy unexpectedly weaken, then this fall in inflation expectations would become more concerning”
* U.S. bond market’s “response to lift-off has been very mild” Dudley says; “Generally so far, so good”