Börsipäev 15. august

Cody Willard:

Year-End Rally Calls for Near-Term Selloff
8/15/2005 8:23 AM EDT

Depending on your perspective, the broader markets are either clearly back into a downtrend channel or we're essentially at multiyear highs in all of the major indices. Or both -- as is actually the case.

Recall that many folks were looking for what I was calling "STN" -- as in a "sell the news" reaction to earnings. Unsurprisingly (at least in retrospect, right?), the market did pretty much exactly the opposite of STN, as it rallied throughout earnings season, with the recent multiyear highs that the market reached a couple weeks ago coinciding almost exactly with the end of earnings. Again in hindsight, it appears that there were too many traders who sold down longs and set up shorts in anticipation of STN, such that the opposite occurred.

The sentiment polls from AAII and II have been all over the map this summer, partly because they have to force fit their data into "bull" and "bear" and what not. But it's not quite that black and white.

For example, how many folks out there right now are moderately bearish for the very near term but excited about the end of the year? So are those people bullish or bearish? And further to the point, how are they positioned?

As Rev Shark has so often cited, it can be futile to try to gauge sentiment, because the bigger question isn't one of sentiment, but of positioning. That's partly why I'd like to see more of a selloff in the near term here, because so many traders and investors seem to be positioned for a year-end rally.

It's looking like a moderately lower open. Oil's still in the upper $60s, corporate bonds are still on fire, there's lots of M&A activity this morning, and Wal-Mart reaffirms same-store sales growth of 3% to 5%. In other words, what's new?

Gary B. Smith:

LHV Pro all ootaks kommentaari Dendreoni kohta.
Dendreon files for $109 mln stock shelf - Reuters

Lühemas perspektiivis aktsiahinna langus? Kui suur tükk see nüüd olekski? Eelturul igatahes 5% miinuses.
DNDN tundub mulle ka keeruline. Mille jaoks neil neid aktsiaid=raha potentsiaalselt vaja on? Kas võib sellest välja lugeda lisauuringu vajalikkust, mille kulud vaja katta või on lõpuks oodata strateegilist kokkulepet kellegagi, kellele aktsiaid vaja müüa?
Hind hetkel tasemel tagasi ehk turg annab hääle strateegilisele kokkuleppele.
DNDN Shares outstanding 59,23M. 109 MUSD jagatud reedese close 5,57-ga annab 19,64 M aktsiat. Kes soovib 1/3 DNDN-st?! Panin siin kuskil puusse või ongi selline tulemus?
To m2idu: Loodetavasti on Su arvutus õige. Yahoo-s arvas üks, et müüki tuleb 109 milj.akstiat. See oleks juba väga kõva laks.
Ikkagi võiks invetsoritele Pro all valgust anda.
REUTERS Brokers, day trader accused in U.S. fraud scheme

WASHINGTON, Aug 15 (Reuters) - The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday charged four brokers and a day trader for scheming to trade ahead of large orders and profiting from the subsequent price movements. The day trader, John Amore, was accused of having paid brokers who had worked at three Wall Street firms to gain live audio access to the firms' so called "squawk boxes" that broadcast institutional orders to buy or sell large blocks of securities. Traders at Amore's firm listened to the squawk boxes and traded ahead of the large orders to make a profit from the price movements, the SEC said.

DNDN'i kohta ka algseid mõtteid Pro all.

raha DNDN-l hetkel vaja pole, seega on üsna tõenäoline, et müüakse suurele partnerile osalus firmas, kes Provenget selle eest tugevalt müüa aitab. Aga eks aeg näitab, ise usun pigem seda varianti.
DNDN'i juhtkond on korduvalt m6ista andnud, et diili suure partneriga ei tule. Provenge tuuakse ise turule ning müüakse ise.

tore oleks, siis on vähemalt üsna hea võimalus, et sellest tuleb siiski uus DNA
Oskab keegi öelda, miks DJ veel 10% üleval on?