Börsipäev 15. aprill


Kõik õige. Aga otsi veel üks sarnane tegija, kes alles pange pani...

JNJ prelim $1.26 vs $1.20 First Call consensus; revs $16.19 bln vs $15.83 bln First Call consensus
kuna olulised hirmud on seotud finantssektoriga, siis neid uudiseid vaadatakse teraselt

Govt Investment Corp. of Singapore on tõenäoliselt osalemas UBS kapitali kaasamises, et mitte oma 9% osalust lahjeneda lasta ning regionaalsed pangad STT ja USB tulid oodatust paremate tulemustega
March Core PPI m/m +0.2% vs +0.2% consensus
March PPI m/m +1.1% vs +0.6% consensus
NY Empire State +0.6 vs -17.0 consensus
Applied Biosystems (ABI) alandas jaanuari lõpus oma FY2008 väljavaadet ja tegi paraja kukkumise turul. See ei juhtunud küll väga hiljuti, aga ABI peaks oma 7900HT TaqMan platvormiga olema samas grupis, kus AFFX ja ILMN.
Net Foreign Purchases 72,5B vs consensus 60B USD

Saksamaa DAX +0.59%

Prantsusmaa CAC 40 +0.92%

Inglismaa FTSE 100 +1.64%

Hispaania IBEX +1.56%

Venemaa MICEX +1.20%

Poola WIG +0.34%

Aasia turud:

Jaapani Nikkei 225 +0.57%

Hong Kongi Hang Seng +0.38%

Hiina Shanghai A (kodumaine) +1.57%

Hiina Shanghai B (välismaine) +1.48%

Lõuna-Korea Kosdaq +0.13%

Tai Set N/A (börs suletud)

India Sensex N/A +2.19%

A Tale of Two Markets

By Rev Shark
RealMoney.com Contributor
4/15/2008 8:54 AM EDT

For purposes of action, nothing is more useful than narrowness of thought combined with energy of will.
-- Henri Frederic Ameil

The dominant characteristic of the market right now is that there is a small group of stocks that are acting very well while the great bulk of the market is flopping around and doing little. Oil, energy, fertilizers, solar energy and some select commodities and industries are attracting momentum money, while key sectors like technology and financials are doing nothing.

In any market environment, there is some aggressive money looking for action, but in a bad market, the narrowness of the action tends to become more pronounced as the focus stays on the few things that continue to work. For aggressive traders, this can be a very good environment if you are in the stocks that are capturing attention; however, it can also be dangerous, as the stocks that tend to go up on momentum almost always eventually go down with equal vigor.

If you haven't been in the small, select group of momentum favorites, the market action is dead. Volume hit the lowest levels of the year yesterday, and there seems to be little interest in bottom-fishing even though expectations for earnings are low and so much bad news has already been digested.

The technical pattern of the major indices is offering nothing of great interest right now. They are mired in the muck below key resistance levels and are in danger of slowly slipping back to test the lows of the year. There is no energy here, and it's going to take some work to move back up and retest recent highs.

So that leaves us with the choice of either playing the short-term momentum game in a few key sectors or doing very little while we wait for a better technical pattern to develop for the overall market. With the light volume and the start of earnings season, it is going to be choppy trading no matter what, so make sure you keep that in mind as you consider time frames and stop levels.

Ülespoole avanevad:

In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: CPWR +18.0%, HSR +9.7%, ADTN +7.6%, PII +7.2%, EXPO +6.8%, RF +5.9%, CTBK +5.2%, INFY +4.8%, IMOS +4.2%, NG +3.9%, JBHT +2.5%, USB +2.3%, STT +2.1%, JNJ +1.0%... M&A news: NWA +10.1% and DAL +5.0% (Delta, Northwest agree to merge)... Solar names showing strength following select co specific news: ASTI +5.1% (Ascent Solar and Icopal SAS sign cooperation agreement), SOL +5.0% (signs six-year wafer supply agreements with Ningbo Solar and Eoplly New Energy), SOLF +4.2%, LDK +4.2%, CSIQ +2.8%, FSLR +2.5% (Signs 20 yr utility scale PPA with Southern California Edison; tgt raised to $315 - Broadpoint), ESLR +2.4%, SPWR +2.3%, JASO +2.2%... Other news: PPHM +19.1% (says preclinical study shows its anti-ps immunocytokines can generate protective immune responses in a highly aggressive breast cancer model), SUPG +11.6% (announced its DNA methyltransferase inhibitor, improves in vivo efficacy of decitabine; also announces its clinical-stage multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor and Rad51 suppressor, is bioavailable and safe in humans ), AZN +5.8% (reaches Ranbaxy settlement - Financial Times), UAUA +5.5% and CAL +5.1% (Continental and United ready if others merge, according to sources - Reuters.com), DNDN +2.5% (immune booster fights breast cancer in clinical trial - Bloomberg.com; also Capital Ventures International discloses 8.6% stake in 13G filing), MRK +2.2% (up in sympathy with JNJ)... Analyst upgrades: MEE +2.8% (upgraded to Overweight at JPMorgan), FCX +1.5% (Hearing FCX upped at HSBC to Overweight), MT +1.3% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Citigroup).
Mis SIGM-ga juhtunud?
Sigma Designs: Broadcom to ramp at Motorola in 2009, expect IPTV share loss at SIGM - Baird (19.42 -1.66) : Baird said their checks indicate BRCM has won MOT's second-generation high-end IPTV set-top boxes (Microsoft's Mediaroom platform), for launch in 2009. They also believe SIGM will lose market share at Samsung for Blu-ray players this 2H, due to pricing. Firm cuts their ests and their tgt to $26 from $30.

Pro foorumis vähe pikemalt.
Tänud. Koht müümiseks või ostuks:)?
1Hope, äkki see:

Sigma Designs "neutral," target price reduced
2:47a.m. - Robert W. Baird

NEW YORK, April 15 (newratings.com) - Analysts at Robert W Baird maintain their "neutral" rating on Sigma Designs Inc (SIGM), while reducing their estimates for the company. The target price has been reduced from $30 to $26.

In a research note published this morning, the analysts mention that Broadcom has won Motorola's second-generation high-end IPTV set-top boxes, scheduled to be launched in 2009. This is likely to result in Sigma Designs losing its share in the IPTV segment at companies, such as British Telecom, KDDI and AT&T, beginning next year, the analysts say. On account of pricing, the company is likely to lose its market share for Blu-ray players at Samsung in 2H, Robert W Baird adds. The EPS estimate for 2009 has been reduced from $2.50 to $2.40.
Praeguse seisu järgi ei maksa näppida.
Finantssektor on kosuma hakanud ning tirib kogu turgu ülespoole, indeksid jõudnud juba kergesse tõusus.
Intel (INTC) suudab positiivselt üllatada ja aktsia tõusnud järelturu kauplemises 7%:

Reports Q1 (Mar) earnings of $0.29 per share, excluding $0.04 of restructuring and asset impairment charges, $0.04 better than the First Call consensus of $0.25; revenues rose 9.3% year/year to $9.67 bln vs the $9.63 bln consensus. Co issues in-line guidance for Q2, sees Q2 revs of $9-9.6 bln vs. $9.23 bln consensus. Co sees Q2 gross margins 56% +/- couple points vs 54.9% Street expectation. Co reiterates FY08 CapEx of $5.0-5.4 bln. Co reiterates FY08 gross margins 57% +/- few points vs 56.0% Street expectation.
Inteli kui ühe suurima tehnoloogiasektori ettevõtte tulemused on ka indekseid järelturu kauplemises kergitanud, nt QQQQ on tõusnud 1.1% võrra ja SPY 0.6% võrra.
ILMN puhul õiged vastused:

1) AFFX - hoiatas

2) SQNM - hoiatas., süüdistades turu üldist nõrkust.

Huvitaval kombel lisas Deutsche Bank täna ILMN oma Buy-listi.