Moody’s on täna astunud sammu, mille võimalikkusega on turgudel arvestatud juba mõned päevad. Nimelt langetati SocGeni ja Credit Agricole’i krediidireitingut ühe pügala võrra seoses avatusega Kreeka võlaprobleemile. Mõlema puhul jäeti väljavaade negatiivseks. Ehkki USA sessioon suudeti lõpetada taas positiivse noodiga, siis see on enam kui tasa tehtud futuuride langusega, mis hetkel kauplevad ca 1,3% miinuses. Aasia on samuti jäänud miinuspoolele ning Euroopa on avanemas -0,6-0,8% punases.
Tänasest makrokalendrist võiks välja tuua Suurbritannia töötuabiraha taotluste augustikuu statistika (kell 11.30), eurotsooni juuli tööstustoodangu muutuse (kell 12.00) ja USA augusti jaemüügi (kell 15.30).
Euroopa turud on hetkel tuge saamas Barroso kommentaaridest, mille kohaselt tutvustab EL peatselt võimalusi eurovõlakirjade loomiseks.
Eurotsooni tööstustoodang näitas juulis aastataguse perioodiga jätkuvalt üsna korralikku kasvu (+4,2%), kuid nagu allolevalt jooniselt näha siis trend on allapoole ning ootustele jäädi siiski alla (+4,6%). Kuu baasil kasvas tööstustoodang 1,0%, kuid seda osalt tänu juuni 0,8%lise kukkumisele. Lisaks sellele andis oma panuse Saksa tööstus, mille toodang kasvas juulis tänu ajutistele teguritele. Seega, ehkki kvartal on sisse juhatatud korraliku kasvuga, siis ajutiste tegurite mõju ja praeguseks teada nö pehme data annavad alust jääda lähiaja väljavaate suhtes pigem kartlikuks.

ei kujuta hästi ette, mis garantiisid Ateenast käesoleval hetkel tulla saab, Soome juba tahtis garantiid saada, aga pahandust kui palju
Papandreou annab sõna või isikliku käenduse? :)
Euroopa turud ja EUR on küll mühinal kosumas juba mõnda aega
PARIS, Sept 14 (Reuters) - The French government will make no statement after its conference call on Wednesday with Athens and Berlin to discuss Greece and the euro zone debt crisis, government spokeswoman Valerie Pecresse said.
Pecresse said Greece's progress on deficit-cutting steps would be discussed in the 1600 GMT conference call and she said President Nicolas Sarkozy stressed during a cabinet meeting that he is determined to do everything required to save Greece.
She said guarantees would be demanded of Greece during the conference call that it will do what it has pledged under a July 21 euro zone deal on extending a bailout. "We have to be firm on these commitments and on putting them into action," she said
Papandreou annab sõna või isikliku käenduse? :)
Euroopa turud ja EUR on küll mühinal kosumas juba mõnda aega
PARIS, Sept 14 (Reuters) - The French government will make no statement after its conference call on Wednesday with Athens and Berlin to discuss Greece and the euro zone debt crisis, government spokeswoman Valerie Pecresse said.
Pecresse said Greece's progress on deficit-cutting steps would be discussed in the 1600 GMT conference call and she said President Nicolas Sarkozy stressed during a cabinet meeting that he is determined to do everything required to save Greece.
She said guarantees would be demanded of Greece during the conference call that it will do what it has pledged under a July 21 euro zone deal on extending a bailout. "We have to be firm on these commitments and on putting them into action," she said
Selle tööstustoodangu munbri ja kommentaari kohta saab küll öelda, et pole tähtsust, missugune on tulemus-sentiment nagunii selle tõlgenduse paika paneb .Optimistlikul pulliturul ka väga vilets data vaikselt alla neeatakse, pessimistlikul hea data kohta ikka mingi tõrvatilk olemas on. Kuniks meeleolu muutub.
Philip Morris International on otsustanud tõsta oma kvartaalset dividendi 20% 0,77 dollarini aktsia kohta, mis annualiseeritult teeb dividendimääraks 4,7%. Kolme aastaga on dividendi tõstetud ligi 70%, lisaks sellele tegeletud aktiivselt aktsiate tagasiostuga (kolme aasta peale on sellele kulutatud ligi 20 miljardit dollarit) ning suudetud eduka hinnastamisvõimega lüüa sigarettide turu üldist langustrendi - peamised tegurid, mis tõstavad kaitsvamast sektorist pärit ettevõtete seas PMI jätkuvalt esile.
Suurbritannia töötururaport tuli oodatust veidi parem: töötuabiraha taotlejaid lisandus augustis oodatud 35 000 asemel 20 300 ja Claimant töötusmäär jäi püsima 4,9% peale, kuigi oodati tõusu 5,0% peale. GBPUSD ka oma üheksa kuu põhjadest kosumas ja kaupleb hetkel 0,15% kõrgemal 1,5800 tasemel.
Kui nüüd ikka Balti riike ka Euroopa osaks pidada, võiks ju meilgi natuke tõusule pöörata hinnatasemed. Ülimalt ettevaatlikult, lausa letargiliselt, liigutatakse meie börsidel. Aga ega see imestama ei pane. Peksa saadud on ju juba mehe eest.
Gapping up
M&A news: JAKK +25% Oaktree Capital Management Funds propose to acquire co for $20.00/share), CSR +2.3% (China Security and surveillance stockholders vote to approve merger), MJN +0.7% (ticking higher; attributed to NSRGY for MJN rumor).
Select financial related names showing strength: HIG +3.2% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), STD +2.5%, BCS +1.7%, BAC +1.7%, WFC +1.7%, CS +1.3%, DB +-1.4%, .
Other news: GLCH +32.1% (commences self tender offer to purchase up to 10 mln shares), GGP +11% (ticking higher, refinances Staten Island Mall and Boise Towne Square for $413 million), BP +4.3% (agreed to acquire an additional 3 per cent share of Brazilian sugar and ethanol producer Companhia Nacional de Acucar e Alcool), YHOO +2.5% (scheduled to meet and consider options related to new exec today, according to reports), DELL +2.3% (authorizes additional $5 bln for stock repurchase; an addition to the $2.16 bln remaining from prior authorizations), SD +2.3% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), HTS +2% (declares Q3 2011 dividend of $1.00/share), NVDA +1.7% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), SVM +1.6% (after dropped nearly 20% yesterday on cautious newsletter), AA +1.3% (Alcoa and China Power Investment announce letter of intent to develop joint venture producing high end aluminum products), F +1% (Chairman discloses buying 25K shares at $9.95 at 9/12, worth ~$249K).
Analyst comments: HBC +0.5% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Exane BNP Paribas).
M&A news: JAKK +25% Oaktree Capital Management Funds propose to acquire co for $20.00/share), CSR +2.3% (China Security and surveillance stockholders vote to approve merger), MJN +0.7% (ticking higher; attributed to NSRGY for MJN rumor).
Select financial related names showing strength: HIG +3.2% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Credit Suisse), STD +2.5%, BCS +1.7%, BAC +1.7%, WFC +1.7%, CS +1.3%, DB +-1.4%, .
Other news: GLCH +32.1% (commences self tender offer to purchase up to 10 mln shares), GGP +11% (ticking higher, refinances Staten Island Mall and Boise Towne Square for $413 million), BP +4.3% (agreed to acquire an additional 3 per cent share of Brazilian sugar and ethanol producer Companhia Nacional de Acucar e Alcool), YHOO +2.5% (scheduled to meet and consider options related to new exec today, according to reports), DELL +2.3% (authorizes additional $5 bln for stock repurchase; an addition to the $2.16 bln remaining from prior authorizations), SD +2.3% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), HTS +2% (declares Q3 2011 dividend of $1.00/share), NVDA +1.7% (Cramer makes positive comments on MadMoney), SVM +1.6% (after dropped nearly 20% yesterday on cautious newsletter), AA +1.3% (Alcoa and China Power Investment announce letter of intent to develop joint venture producing high end aluminum products), F +1% (Chairman discloses buying 25K shares at $9.95 at 9/12, worth ~$249K).
Analyst comments: HBC +0.5% (upgraded to Outperform from Neutral at Exane BNP Paribas).
30.08. avaldatud augusti consumer confidence oli 44,5 juuli 59,2 vastu
aga augusti retail sales tuli muutuseta Briefingu -0,5% ootuse vastu
nutavad, aga tarbivad :)
aga augusti retail sales tuli muutuseta Briefingu -0,5% ootuse vastu
nutavad, aga tarbivad :)
Merkel-Sarkozy-Papandreou konverentskõne stsenogramm
Paris - Guten Tag, Angela
Berlin - Bonjour, Nicolas
Athens - This number is not in use. Thank you for calling
disclaimer :)
Paris - Guten Tag, Angela
Berlin - Bonjour, Nicolas
Athens - This number is not in use. Thank you for calling
disclaimer :)
Eile õhtul teatas DELL, et ostab tagasi täiendavalt $ 5 miljardi eest aktsiaid.
Ticonderoga analüüsimaja soovitab tugevust ära kasutada aktsiate müügiks, kuna nende arvates on firma sunnitud raskustega silmitsi seisma terve järgmise aasta. Lisaks sellele ei plaani firma ilmselt niipea maksta dividende,mis peletab eemale väärtusinvestorid.
Dell: Any rally in Dell from $5 billion stock buyback provides selling opportunity - Ticonderoga (14.38 )
Ticonderoga would use any strength in Dell from this new repurchase program announcement as an opportunity to sell the stock as it believes the combination of the co's high public exposure and healthy dose of consumer-related business will challenge the co over the next yr. Although Dell remains committed to healthy stock repurchase program, firm does not expect the co to pay out a a cash dividend anytime soon and this remains a turn off for certain value investors.
Ticonderoga analüüsimaja soovitab tugevust ära kasutada aktsiate müügiks, kuna nende arvates on firma sunnitud raskustega silmitsi seisma terve järgmise aasta. Lisaks sellele ei plaani firma ilmselt niipea maksta dividende,mis peletab eemale väärtusinvestorid.
Dell: Any rally in Dell from $5 billion stock buyback provides selling opportunity - Ticonderoga (14.38 )
Ticonderoga would use any strength in Dell from this new repurchase program announcement as an opportunity to sell the stock as it believes the combination of the co's high public exposure and healthy dose of consumer-related business will challenge the co over the next yr. Although Dell remains committed to healthy stock repurchase program, firm does not expect the co to pay out a a cash dividend anytime soon and this remains a turn off for certain value investors.
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: SEED -18.2%, SOA -4%.
M&A news: RAH -9.8% (ConAgra Foods today reiterated its $94 per share proposal to acquire RAH; CAG says will withdraw its proposal is no constructive dialogue by Sept 19).
Select metals stocks trading modestly lower: GFI -1.2%, AUY -0.9%, GOLD -0.8%, GLD -0.6%.
Other news: CQP -6.1% (announces offering of 3 mln common units), MVIS -4.8% (secures $35 mln committed equity financing facility), .
Analyst comments: EE -1.6% (downgraded to Underperform from Hold at Jefferies), CEDC -1.1% (downgraded to Underperform from Buy at Jefferies).
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: SEED -18.2%, SOA -4%.
M&A news: RAH -9.8% (ConAgra Foods today reiterated its $94 per share proposal to acquire RAH; CAG says will withdraw its proposal is no constructive dialogue by Sept 19).
Select metals stocks trading modestly lower: GFI -1.2%, AUY -0.9%, GOLD -0.8%, GLD -0.6%.
Other news: CQP -6.1% (announces offering of 3 mln common units), MVIS -4.8% (secures $35 mln committed equity financing facility), .
Analyst comments: EE -1.6% (downgraded to Underperform from Hold at Jefferies), CEDC -1.1% (downgraded to Underperform from Buy at Jefferies).
Henno Viires
Merkel-Sarkozy-Papandreou konverentskõne stsenogramm
Paris - Guten Tag, Angela
Berlin - Bonjour, Nicolas
Athens - This number is not in use. Thank you for calling
disclaimer :)
Mul selle kreeklaste motiveerimisega meenub üks päriselt aset leidnud lugu, kus näitlikult näidatakse motiveerimise ja motivaatorite koostoimet.
Lippab elevust täis Nodsu mööda metsa, endal kärss must ja silm sinine.
Saab teepeal kokku Puhhiga. Puhh Pärima.
- Nodsu, mille üle sa rõõmustad?
- Ma sõin sitta! (äärmise rahuloluga)
- A miks silm sinine?
- Algul ei tahtnud süüa! (äärmise rahuloluga).
Kreeka Drahmi-järgne, €-aegne elutarkus:
Kutsub indiaaniPeaLik rahva kokku ja teatab, et tal 2 uudist, üks hea ja teine halb.
Kumbast alustan?
Halvast, nõuab talpaa.
PeaLik: meil ei ole midagi muud süüa, kui piisoni sõnnikut.
Aga hea uudis?
PeaLik: piisonisõnnikut on palju...
Kutsub indiaaniPeaLik rahva kokku ja teatab, et tal 2 uudist, üks hea ja teine halb.
Kumbast alustan?
Halvast, nõuab talpaa.
PeaLik: meil ei ole midagi muud süüa, kui piisoni sõnnikut.
Aga hea uudis?
PeaLik: piisonisõnnikut on palju...